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Factoring: Factoring is a financial transaction and a type of debtor finance in which a business sells its accounts receivable (i.e., invoices) to a third party (called a factor) at a discount. A business will sometimes factor its receivable assets ... (Finance) [100%] 2023-09-12 [Corporate finance] [Fundamental analysis]...
Factoring: When a business sells its accounts receivables (in the form of invoices) to another business, the process is called factoring. Factoring usually includes three parties: The factor pays the time value of money (minus a factor's fee) to the ... [100%] 2023-02-16 [Economics]
Factoring (finance): Factoring is a financial transaction and a type of debtor finance in which a business sells its accounts receivable (i.e., invoices) to a third party (called a factor) at a discount. A business will sometimes factor its receivable assets ... (Finance) [100%] 2023-11-18 [Corporate finance] [Fundamental analysis]...
Country-by-Country Reporting: Country-by-Country Reporting (or CbCR, sometimes referred to as Country-by-Country Report or CbC report) is an international initiative pioneered by the OECD. It seeks to establish a reporting standard for multinational enterprises (MNEs) containing key tax related ... (Finance) [91%] 2023-11-04 [International taxation] [Corporate tax avoidance]...
Hydraulic fracturing: Fracking is a technique for exploiting natural gas and shale oil. These reserves were not practicably exploited by traditional petroleum extraction methods. [90%] 2023-07-24
Pneumatic fracturing: Pneumatic fracturing is a method that has become very popular in the last ten years used to remediate contaminated sites. The method consists of injecting gas into a contaminated subsurface at a pressure higher than that of the gases that ... (Chemistry) [90%] 2023-11-20 [Soil contamination]
Pneumatic fracturing: Pneumatic fracturing is a method that has become very popular in the last ten years used to remediate contaminated sites. The method consists of injecting gas into a contaminated subsurface at a pressure higher than that of the gases that ... [90%] 2023-09-23 [Pollution] [Soil contamination]...
Hydraulic fracturing: Hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking" for short, is a method of extracting natural gas and oil where fluid is shot through a borehole in a rock formation in order to fracture it allowing for an easier mining process. The process has ... [90%] 2023-12-21 [Energy] [Environmentalism]...
Islam by country: Adherents of Islam constitute the world's second largest religious group. A projection by the PEW suggests that Muslims numbered approximately 1.9 billion followers in 2020. (None) [88%] 2024-01-20 [Islam by country]
Hijab by country: In modern usage, ḥijāb (hijab) generally refers to the various headcoverings frequently worn by Muslim women. Wearing hijab is mandatory in some Muslim countries, and optional or restricted in other majority Muslim and majority non-Muslim countries. (Religion) [88%] 2023-11-03 [Islamism] [Religious fundamentalism]...
Literature by country: This is a list of literature pages categorized by country, language, or cultural group. Sometimes these literatures will be called national literatures because they help define a national identity or provide a common reference point for that country's culture. (None) [88%] 2023-12-29 [Literature by country] [Literature lists]...
Creationism by country: This article presents an overview of creationism by country. In 2006 the Pentecostal church, led by Bishop Boniface Adoyo, launched a campaign to give less prominence to fossilised human bones displayed in the National Museum. (Overview of creationism by country) [88%] 2023-11-03 [Creationism]
Deindustrialisation by country: Deindustrialisation refers to the process of social and economic change caused by the removal or reduction of industrial activity and employment in a country or region, especially heavy industry or manufacturing industry. Deindustrialisation is common to all mature Western economies ... [88%] 2023-12-29 [Economic problems] [Deindustrialization]...
Surnames by country: Surname conventions and laws vary around the world. This article gives an overview of surnames around the world. (Social) [88%] 2023-09-25 [Family]
Caregiving by country: Caregiving by country is the regional variation of caregiving practices as distinguished among countries. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2001 paper on the health and well-being of Carers, Carers save the Australian Federal Government over $30 billion ... [88%] 2024-01-04 [Caregiving] [Health by country]...
Surnames by country: Surname conventions and laws vary around the world. This article gives an overview of surnames around the world. (Laws and customs) [88%] 2024-01-12 [Family] [Surname]...
Judo by country: This is a list of articles on the state of Judo in various countries around the world. [88%] 2023-12-27 [Judo by country]
Hinduism by country: Hinduism has approximately 1.2 billion adherents worldwide (15% of the world's population). Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world behind Christianity (31.5%) and Islam (23.3%). (Hindu citizens in various countries) [88%] 2024-01-19 [Hinduism by country]
Creationism by country: This article presents an overview of creationism by country. In 2006 the Pentecostal church, led by Bishop Boniface Adoyo, launched a campaign to give less prominence to fossilised human bones displayed in the National Museum. (Overview of creationism by country) [88%] 2024-01-02 [Creationism]