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Lake (land type)

From Conservapedia - Reading time: 2 min

A Lake is - according to the USDA terminology - "a natural inland body of water, fresh or salt, extending over 40 acres or more and occupying a basin or hollow on the earth’s surface, which may or may not have a current or single direction of flow."[1]


  1. List of USDA terminology

United States Department of Agriculture Terms

Aerial photograph; Artificial and modified surfaces; Barren; Barren land; Beach; Census water; Climatic factor; Close-grown crops; Conservation practice; Conservation Reserve Program; Conservation Reserve Program land; Cover and management factor; Cowardin system; Cropland; Cropping history; Deepwater habitat; Developed land; Erodibility index; Erosion (USDA); Estuarine Wetland; Farmsteads and ranch headquarters; Field; Forest land; General cover; Growing season; Habitat composition; Habitat configuration; Habitat patch; Hayland; Herbaceous; Horticultural cropland; Irrigated land; Lacustrine System; Lake (land type); Land capability classification; Land cover/use; Large streams; Large urban and built-up areas; Large water bodies; Marine System; Marshland; Mines, quarries, and pits; Minor land cover/uses; Mud flat; Open canopy short woody plants; Open canopy tall woody plants; Other aquatic habitats; Other rural land; Ownership; Palustrine Wetland; Pastureland; Perennial stream; Personal Digital Assistant ; Photographic interpretation; Practice factor; Primary sample unit; Prime farmland; Railroads; Rainfall and runoff; Rangeland; Remote sensing; Reservoir (land type); Ridge roughness; Riverine System; Riverwash; Row crops; Rural transportation land; Saline deposits; Salt flats; Sample point; Sand dunes; Sheet and rill erosion; Short woody plants; Silviculture; Slope (land type); Slope length; Slope-length factor; Slope-steepness factor ; Small built-up areas; Small streams; Small water bodies; Soil erodibility factor; Soil erodibility index; Soil loss tolerance factor ; Soil survey; Stream (land type); Tall woody plants; Universal soil loss equation; Unsheltered distance; Uplands (land type); Urban and built-up areas; Vegetative cover; Water (land type); Water areas; Water body; Water spreading; Wetlands (land type); Wetland losses; Wind erodibility group; Wind erosion; Wind erosion equation;

Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 | Source: https://www.conservapedia.com/Lake_(land_type)
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