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List of superlative trees in Sweden

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Sweden's superlative trees have been ranked by various factors. Records have been kept for trees with superlative height, wood volume, age, and stoutness. This last one means trunk diameter or girth.

List of superlative trees in Sweden is located in Sweden
Oldest clonal tree
Oldest clonal tree
Oldest pine
Oldest pine
Stoutest larch
Stoutest larch
Tallest spruce
Tallest spruce
Tallest pine
Tallest pine
Most massive deciduous tree
Most massive deciduous tree
S. and o. juniper
S. and o. juniper
S. ash
S. ash
T. tree
T. tree
T. juniper
T. juniper
S. elm
S. elm
S. oak and o. tree
S. oak and o. tree
S. beech
S. beech
S. pine
S. pine
S. spruce
S. spruce
Tallest beech
Tallest beech
Superlative trees of Sweden. S= stoutest, T=Tallest, O= Oldest.
List of superlative trees in Sweden is located in Southern Sweden
Stoutest larch
Stoutest larch
Tallest spruce
Tallest spruce
Tallest pine
Tallest pine
Most massive deciduous tree
Most massive deciduous tree
Stoutest and oldest juniper
Stoutest and oldest juniper
Tallest tree (silver fir)
Tallest tree (silver fir)
Stoutest ash
Stoutest ash
Tallest juniper
Tallest juniper
S. elm
S. elm
S. oak and o. non-clonal tree
S. oak and o. non-clonal tree
Stoutest beech
Stoutest beech
Stoutest pine
Stoutest pine
Stoutest spruce
Stoutest spruce
Tallest beech
Tallest beech
Superlative trees in Southern Sweden. S= stoutest, O= oldest.
List of superlative trees in Sweden
Species Record Tree name Location Picture References
Norway spruce Oldest clonal tree in Sweden, 9500 years Old Tjikko Fulufjället, Älvdalen, Dalarna County Old-Tjikko-2011-07-19-001.jpg [1]
Scots pine Oldest non-clonal pine, at least 747 years old. Formerly it was thought a pine in Muddus National Park was the oldest. n/a Hornslandet, Hudiksvall, Gävleborg County [2][3]
European larch Stoutest larch, 5.19 m. n/a Gävle, Gävleborg County [4]
Scots pine Tallest pine in Sweden, 37.8 m n/a Gräsmark, Sunne, Värmland County [2]
Norway spruce Tallest tree in Sweden, 49.3 m n/a Mölnbacka, Forshaga, Värmland County [5]
Common oak Largest deciduous tree in Sweden by volume Ekeby oak Ekerö, Stockholm County Ekebyhovseken maj 2012.jpg [6]
Common juniper Stoutest and oldest juniper in Sweden, 2.8 m and about 600 years old. n/a , Askersund, Örebro County [3]
Silver fir Tallest tree in Sweden, 49.5 m. Rival spruces exists in Skåne (44 m) and Värmland (49.3 m). The tree is still growing and has a diameter of 3,3 m. n/a Omberg, Ödeshög, Östergötland County [7][5][8]
Common ash Stoutest ash in Sweden, 9.97 m n/a Djursö, Söderköping, Östergötland County [9]
Common juniper Tallest juniper in Sweden, 18.5 m. A 17.17 m high rival exists in Ryd, Vaggeryd.[10] n/a Hannäs, Åtvidaberg, Östergötland County [11][12]
Wych elm Stoutest wych elm in Sweden, circumference of 7.8 m n/a Svensbo, Torpön, Ydre, Östergötland County [13][14]
Hybrid, likely between Nordmann fir and silver fir Stoutest hybrid fir in Sweden, 5.3 m n/a Asby, Ydre, Östergötland County Asbygranunder.jpg [13][15]
Common oak Oldest non-clonal tree in Sweden. Stoutest oak in Sweden, more than 1000 years old Rumskulla oak / Kvill oak Vimmerby, Kalmar County Kvillek.jpg [16][3]
Common beech Stoutest beech, 8.1 m n/a Nääs Castle, Lerum, Västra Götaland County [17]
Scots pine Stoutest pine, 4.5 m n/a Strängsered, Ulricehamn, Västra Götaland County [3]
Norway spruce Stoutest pine, 5.83 m n/a Lindhult, Falkenberg, Halland County [15]
Common beech Tallest beech, 41 m. n/a Maltesholm, Kristianstad, Skåne County [3]


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