Ambassadors appointed by Joe Biden

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Biden Administration
Joe Biden • Kamala Harris

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Transition: White House senior staffAgency review teamsCertification of electoral votes2020 presidential election
2024 election: Presidential electionPresidential candidatesKamala Harris presidential campaignJoe Biden presidential campaign

Ambassadors serve as the highest-ranking representatives to other countries or international organizations. The duties of an ambassador can include speaking on U.S. policy, advising the U.S. government on foreign policy, and coordinating American personnel within their jurisdiction.[1][2]

The presidential authority to make these appointments arises from Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, which states in the part that "he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for."[3]

This page provides an overview of U.S. ambassadors appointed by President Joe Biden (D).

As of August 2, 2024, Biden had appointed 217 ambassadors, according to the American Foreign Service Association.[4][5]

List of ambassadorial appointments by country or mission[edit]

The following table provides a list of ambassadorial appointments in alphabetical order by country, according to the American Foreign Service Association. It also provides the type of appointment. Political appointments are not active career diplomats, while career appointments come from the United States Foreign Service. This section was last updated on August 2, 2024.[4]

U.S. ambassadors appointed by President Joe Biden (D)
Country Ambassador Appointment type
African Union Stephanie Sanders Sullivan Career
Albania David J. Kostelancik Career
Algeria Elizabeth Aubin Career
Algeria Joshua M. Harris Career
Angola and São Tomé & Principe Tulinabo Mushingi Career
Angola and São Tomé & Principe Abigail L. Dressel Career
APEC Matthew D. Murray Career
Argentina Marc Stanley Other (Political)
Armenia Kristina A. Kvien Career
ASEAN Yohannes Abraham Other (Political)
Australia Caroline Kennedy Other (Political)
Austria Victoria Reggie Kennedy Other (Political)
Azerbaijan Mark W. Libby Career
Bahamas Calvin Smyre Other (Political)
Bahrain Steven Bondy Career
Bangladesh Peter D. Haas Career
Bangladesh David Slayton Meale Career
Barbados (Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines) Roger Nyhus Other (Political)
Belgium Michael Adler Other (Political)
Belize Michelle Kwan Other (Political)
Benin Brian Wesley Shukan Career
Benin Kali C. Jones Career
Bosnia and Herzegovina Michael J. Murphy Career
Bosnia and Herzegovina Douglas D. Jones Career
Botswana Howard A. Van Vranken Career
Brazil Elizabeth Frawley Bagley Other (Political)
Brunei Darussalam Caryn McClelland Career
Brunei Darussalam Angela Kerwin Career
Bulgaria Kenneth Merten Career
Burkina Faso Joann M. Lockard Career
Burundi Lisa Peterson Career
Cabo Verde Jennifer M. Adams Career
Cambodia Robert W. Forden Career
Cameroon Christopher Lamora Career
Canada David Cohen Other (Political)
Central African Republic Patricia Mahoney Career
Central African Republic Christopher J. Lamora Career
Chad Alexander Mark Laskaris Career
Chile Bernadette Meehan Other (Former FS)
China R. Nicholas Burns Other (Retired FS)
Colombia None [6] N/A
Congo (DR) Lucy Tamlyn Career
Congo (Republic of) Eugene S. Young Career
Costa Rica Cynthia Ann Telles Other (Political)
Côte d'Ivoire Jessica Davis Ba Career
Croatia Nathalie Reyes Other
Cyprus Julie D. Fisher Career
Czech Republic Bijan Sabet Other (Political)
Denmark Alan Leventhal Other (Political)
Djibouti Cynthia Kierscht Career
Dominican Republic Juan Iturregui Other (Political)
Ecuador Arthur W. Brown Career
Egypt Herro Mustafa Garg Career
El Salvador William H. Duncan Career
Equatorial Guinea David R. Gilmour Career
Equatorial Guinea Amanda S. Jacobsen Career
Estonia George P. Kent Career
Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) John W. McIntyre Career
Ethiopia Ervin Joseph Massinga Career
European Union Mark Gitenstein Other (Political)
Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga, & Tuvalu Marie C. Damour Career
Finland Douglas T. Hickey Other (Political)
France & Monaco Denise Bauer Other (Political)
Gabon Vernelle Trim FitzPatrick Career
The Gambia Sharon Cromer Career
The Gambia Stephanie M. Miley Career
Georgia Robin Dunnigan Career
Germany Amy Gutmann Other (Political)
Ghana Virginia Palmer Career
Greece George Tsunis Other (Political)
Guatemala Tobin John Bradley Career
Guinea Troy Fitrell Career
Guinea Melanie Anne Zimmerman Career
Guyana Nicole D. Theriot Career
Haiti Dennis B. Hankins Career
Holy See Joe Donnelly Other (Political)
Honduras Laura Farnsworth Dogu Career
Hungary David Pressman Other (Political)
ICAO C.B. "Sully" Sullenberger Other (Political)
ICAO Charlie Crist Other (Political)
Iceland Carrin F. Patman Other (Political)
India Eric Garcetti Other (Political)
Indonesia Kamala Shirin Lakhdhir Career
Iraq Alina Romanowski Other (Civil Service)
Iraq Tracey Ann Jacobson Career
Ireland Claire Cronin Other (Political)
Israel Thomas Nides Other (Political)
Israel Jacob J. Lew Other (Political)
Italy & San Marino Jack Markell Other
Jamaica N. Nickolas Perry Other (Political)
Japan Rahm Emanuel Other (Political)
Jordan Yael Lempert Career
Kazakhstan Daniel Rosenblum Other (Civil Service)
Kenya Meg Whitman Other (Political)
Kosovo Jeffrey Hovenier Career
Kuwait Karen Sasahara Career
Kyrgyz Republic Lesslie Viguerie Career
Laos Heather Roach Variava Career
Latvia Christopher T. Robinson Career
Lebanon Lisa A. Johnson Career
Lesotho Maria Brewer Career
Lesotho Jeremey Neitzke Career
Liberia Mark Toner Career
Libya Jennifer D. Gavito Career
Lithuania Kara C. McDonald Career
Luxembourg Thomas Barrett Other (Political)
Madagascar & Comoros Claire Pierangelo Career
Malawi David John Young Career
Malawi Michael G. Heath Career
Malaysia Edgard D. Kagan Career
Maldives Hugo Yue-Ho Yon Career
Mali Rachna Sachdeva Korhonen Career
Malta Constance Milstein Other (Political)
Marshall Islands Laura Stone Career
Mauritania Christophe Andre Tocco Career
Mauritius & Seychelles Henry Jardine Career
Mexico Kenneth Salazar Other (Political)
Micronesia Jennifer L. Johnson Career
Moldova Kent Doyle Logsdon Career
Moldova Kelly Adams-Smith Career
Mongolia Richard Lee Buangan Career
Montenegro B. Bix Aliu Career
Morocco Puneet Talwar Other (Political)
Mozambique Peter Hendrick Vrooman Career
Mozambique James Story Career
Namibia Randy W. Berry Career
NATO Julianne Smith Other (Political)
Nepal Dean R. Thompson Career
Netherlands Shefali Razdan Duggal Other (Political)
New Zealand & Samoa Tom Udall Other (Political)
Nicaragua Hugo F. Rodriguez, Jr. Career
Niger Kathleen FitzGibbon Career
Nigeria Richard Mills, Jr. Career
North Macedonia Angela Price Aggeler Career
Norway Marc Nathanson Other (Political)
OAS Francisco O. Mora Other (Political)
OECD Jack Markell Other (Political)
OECD Sean Patrick Maloney Other (Political)
Oman Ana Escrogima Career
OPCW Nicole Shampaine Career
OSCE Michael Carpenter Other (Former FS)
OSCE Curtis Raymond Ried Career
Pakistan Donald Armin Blome Career
Palau Joel Ehrendreich Career
Panama Mari Carmen Aponte Other (Political)
Papua New Guinea & Vanuatu Ann Marie Yastishock Career
Paraguay Marc Ostfield Other (Civil Service)
Peru Stephanie Syptak-Ramnath Career
Philippines MaryKay Loss Carlson Career
Poland Mark Brzezinski Other (Political)
Portugal Randi Charno Levine Other (Political)
Qatar Timmy T. Davis Career
Romania Kathleen Ann Kavalec Career
Russia Lynne Tracy Career
Rwanda Eric W. Kneedler Career
Samoa James Holtsnider Career
Saudi Arabia Michael A. Ratney Career
Senegal & Guinea-Bissau Michael Raynor Career
Senegal & Guinea-Bissau Peter W. Lord Career
Serbia Christopher R. Hill Other (Retired FS)
Seychelles Troy Fitrell Career
Sierra Leone Bryan David Hunt Career
Singapore Jonathan Eric Kaplan Other (Political)
Slovakia Gautam Rana Career
Slovenia Jamie L. Harpootlian Other (Political)
Solomon Islands Keith D. Hanigan Career
Somalia Larry Andre Career
Somalia Richard H. Riley, IV Career
South Africa Reuben E. Brigety, II Other (Political)
South Korea Philip S. Goldberg Career
South Sudan Michael Adler Career
Spain & Andorra Julissa Reynoso Pantaleon Other (Political)
Sri Lanka Julie Chung Career
Sri Lanka Elizabeth K. Horst Career
Sudan John Godfrey Career
Suriname Robert Faucher Career
Sweden Erik Ramanathan Other (Political)
Switzerland & Liechtenstein Scott Miller Other (Political)
Tajikistan Manuel P. Micaller, Jr. Career
Tanzania Michael Battle Other (Political)
Thailand Robert Godec Career
Timor-Leste Donna Ann Welton Career
Togo Elizabeth Anne Noseworthy Fitzsimmons Career
Togo Mary E. Daschbach Career
Trinidad and Tobago Candace A. Bond Other (Political)
Tunisia Joey R. Hood Career
Turkey Jeff Flake Other (Political)
Turkmenistan Elizabeth Rood Career
Uganda William W. Popp Career
Ukraine Bridget A. Brink Career
United Arab Emirates Martina Strong Career
United Kingdom Jane Hartley Other (Political)
United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfied Other (Recalled FS)
United Nations / Conf. on Disarmament Bruce I. Turner Career
United Nations / Deputy Representative Dorothy C. Shea Career
United Nations / Economic & Social Council Lisa A. Carty Other (Retired FS)
United Nations / Geneva Bathsheba Nell Crocker Other (Political)
United Nations / Human Rights Council Michèle Taylor Other (Political)
United Nations / Management & Reform Christopher Lu Other (Political)
United Nations / Political Affairs Robert A. Wood Career
United Nations / Rome Cindy Hensley McCain Other (Political)
United Nations / Rome Jeffrey Prescott Other (Political)
United Nations / Vienna (IAEA) Laura S.H. Holgate Other (Political)
UNESCO Courtney Diesel O'Donnell Other (Political)
Uruguay Heide B. Fulton Career
Uzbekistan Jonathan Henick Career
Vietnam Marc Knapper Career
Vietnam Kin Moy Career
Yemen Steven H. Fagin Career
Zambia Michael C. Gonzales Career
Zimbabwe Pamela Tremont Career

Historical comparison of ambassadorial appointments by type[edit]

The following chart compares the percentage of political and career appointments in presidential administrations from 1974 to 2021. Political appointments are not active career diplomats, while career appointments come from the United States Foreign Service.

During this time period, President Donald Trump (R) had more political appointments than previous administrations at 43.5%. President Jimmy Carter (D) had the lowest percentage at 26.2%.

See also[edit]


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