West Virginia Constitution |
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Preamble |
Articles |
I • II • III • IV • V • VI • VII • VIII • IX • X • XI • XII • XIII • XIV |
There are 18 amendments added to the end of the West Virginia Constitution:
Amendment 1. The Judicial Amendment
The supreme court of appeals shall consist of five judges. Those judges in office when this amendment takes effect shall continue in office until their terms shall expire and the Legislature shall provide for the election of an additional judge of said court at the next general election, whose term shall begin on the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and five, and the governor shall, as for a vacancy, appoint a judge of said court to hold office until the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and five. The judges of the supreme court of appeals and of the circuit courts shall receive such salaries as shall be fixed by law, for those now in or those hereafter to come into office. |
Amendment 2. The Irreducible School Fund Amendment
The accumulation of the school fund provided for in section four of article twelve, of the constitution of this state, shall cease upon the adoption of this amendment, and all money to the credit of said fund over one million dollars, together with the interest on said fund, shall be used for the support of free schools of this state. All money and taxes heretofore payable into the treasury under the provisions of said section four, to the credit of the school fund, shall be hereafter paid into the treasury to the credit of the general school fund for the support of the free schools of the state. |
Amendment 3. The Good Roads Amendment of 1920
The Legislature shall make provision by law for a system of state roads and highways connecting at least the various county seats of the state, and to be under the control and supervision of such state officers and agencies as may be prescribed by law. The Legislature shall also provide a state revenue to build, construct, and maintain, or assist in building, constructing and maintaining the same and for that purpose shall have power to authorize the issuing and selling of state bonds, the aggregate outstanding amount of which, at any one time, shall not exceed fifty million dollars. When a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall at the same time provide for the collection of an annual state tax sufficient to pay annually the interest on such debt, and the principal thereof within and not exceeding thirty years. |
==Amendment 4. The Good Roads Amendment of 1928
Amendment 4. The Good Roads Amendment of 1928
The Legislature shall have power to authorize the issuing and selling of state bonds not exceeding in the aggregate thirty-five million dollars in addition to the state bonds which were authorized to be issued and sold by the amendment to the constitution proposed by Senate Joint Resolution No. 15, adopted February 15, 1919, and afterwards ratified by a vote of the people. The proceeds of said additional bonds hereby authorized to be issued and sold shall be used and appropriated solely for the building and constructing, or for the assisting in building and constructing the system of state roads and highways provided for by the amendment to the constitution above mentioned. When a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall at the same time provide for the collection of an annual state tax sufficient to pay annually the interest on such debt and to pay the principal thereof within and not exceeding thirty years. |
Amendment 5. Fifty Million Dollar Bond Issue For Roads Amendment
The Legislature shall have power to authorize the issuing and selling of state bonds not exceeding in the aggregate fifty million dollars in addition to the state bonds which were authorized to be issued and sold by the amendment to the constitution proposed by Senate Joint Resolution No. 15, adopted February fifteenth, one thousand nine hundred nineteen, and afterwards ratified by a vote of the people, and Senate Joint Resolution No. 17, adopted by the Legislature at the regular session, one thousand nine hundred twenty-seven, and afterwards ratified by a vote of the people. The proceeds of said additional bonds hereby authorized to be issued and sold shall be used and appropriated solely for the building and construction, or for assisting in building and constructing a system of state secondary roads and highways. When a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall at the same time provide for the collection of an annual state tax sufficient to pay annually the interest on such debt and to pay the principal thereof within and not exceeding thirty years. |
Amendment 6. Veterans Bonus Amendment
The Legislature shall by law provide for the issuance and sale of state bonds, not to exceed in the aggregate ninety million dollars, which shall be in addition to all other state bonds heretofore authorized. The proceeds of such additional bonds, or so many thereof as may be necessary for the purpose, shall be used and appropriated solely for the purpose of paying a cash bonus to veterans of World War I and World War II. Such bonus shall be paid to all persons who rendered active service in the armed forces of the United States in World War I between the sixth day of April, one thousand nine hundred seventeen, and the eleventh day of November, one thousand nine hundred eighteen, both dates inclusive, or in World War II between the seventh day of December, one thousand nine hundred forty-one, and the second day of September, one thousand nine hundred forty-five, both dates inclusive, or in both such wars, who were bona fide residents of the state of West Virginia at the time of their entry into such service and for a period of at least six months prior thereto, who were not dishonorably discharged from such forces, and who within the periods specified above actively served in such armed forces for a period of at least ninety days. Such a bonus shall also be paid to any disabled veteran, otherwise qualified, who was discharged within ninety days after entering the services because of a service-connected disability. The amount of such bonus shall be calculated on the basis of ten dollars for each month, or major fraction thereof, served within the territorial limits of the forty-eight states and the District of Columbia, and fifteen dollars for each month, or major fraction thereof, served outside such limits, but such amount shall in no case exceed three hundred dollars for those who served only within the territorial limits specified above, and four hundred dollars for those who served outside such limits. The bonus to which any deceased veteran would be entitled, if living, shall be paid only to the following surviving relatives of such veteran, if such relatives are residents of this state when application for payment is made: Any unremarried widow, or if none, any child or children under the age of sixteen, or if none, any dependent parent or parents. Whenever the Legislature shall provide for the issuance of any bonds under the authority of this amendment, it shall at the same time provide for the levy and collection of an additional cigarette tax, or an additional tax on nonintoxicating beer, or an additional charge on the sale of each bottle of wine and liquor, or an additional general consumers sales tax, or a graduated income tax, or any two or more thereof, in such amount as may be required to pay annually the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding thirty years. |
Amendment 7. Korean Veterans Bonus Amendment
The Legislature shall by law provide for the issuance and sale of state bonds which shall be in addition to all other state bonds heretofore issued, for the following purposes: (1) The paying of a cash bonus to veterans of the armed forces of the United States who served during the Korean conflict. Such bonus shall be paid to all persons who rendered active service in the armed forces of the United States between the twenty-seventh day of June, one thousand nine hundred fifty, and the twenty-seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred fifty-three, both dates inclusive, who were bona fide residents of the state of West Virginia at the time of their entry into such service and for a period of at least six months prior thereto, who were not dishonorably discharged from such service, and who within the period specified above actively served in such armed forces for a period of at least ninety days. Such a bonus shall also be paid to any disabled veteran, otherwise qualified, who was discharged within ninety days after entering the services because of a service-connected disability. The amount of such bonus shall be calculated on the basis of ten dollars for each month, or major fraction thereof, served within the territorial limits of the forty-eight states and the District of Columbia, and fifteen dollars for each month, or major fraction thereof, served outside such limits, but such amount shall in no case exceed three hundred dollars for those who served only within the territorial limits specified above, and four hundred dollars for those who served outside such limits. The bonus to which any deceased veteran would be entitled, if living, shall be paid only to the following surviving relatives of such veteran, if such relatives are residents of this state when application for payment is made: Any unmarried widow, or if none, any child or children under the age of sixteen, or if none, any dependent parent or parents. The principal amount of bonds to be issued for the purpose provided in paragraph (1) above shall not exceed the principal amount of the ninety million dollars bonds authorized by the veterans bonus amendment submitted by chapter nineteen of the acts of the Legislature of West Virginia of one thousand nine hundred forty-nine, regular session, and ratified by the people of West Virginia at the general election held on the seventh day of November, one thousand nine hundred fifty (hereinafter referred to as "Veterans Bonus Amendment of One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty"), which shall not have been issued on the date of the ratification of this amendment by the people of West Virginia: Provided, however, That such bonds issued under the provisions of paragraph (1) above may be funded or refunded at any time in the manner provided in paragraph (2) below. (2) The funding or refunding of all or any part of the bonds heretofore issued pursuant to said veterans bonus amendment of one thousand nine hundred fifty. Said bonds issued pursuant to said veterans bonus amendment of one thousand nine hundred fifty may be so funded or refunded either on the maturity dates of said bonds or on any date on which said bonds are callable prior to maturity, and if any of said bonds have not matured or are not then callable prior to maturity, the Legislature may nevertheless provide at any time for the issuance of refunding bonds to fund or refund such bonds on the dates when said bonds mature or on any date on which said bonds are callable prior to maturity, and for the investment or reinvestment of the proceeds of such refunding bonds in direct obligations of the United States of America until the date or dates upon which such bonds issued pursuant to said veterans bonus amendment of one thousand nine hundred fifty mature or are callable prior to maturity. The principal amount of bonds issued under the provisions of paragraph (2) above shall not exceed the principal amount of the bonds to be funded or refunded thereby. Such bonds for the purposes authorized in paragraphs (1) and (2) above may be issued from time to time as separate issues for such purposes or as combined issues for such purposes. Whenever the Legislature shall provide for the issuance of any bonds under the authority of this amendment, it shall at the same time provide for the levy and collection of an additional cigarette tax, or an additional tax on nonintoxicating beer, or an additional charge on the sale of each bottle of wine and liquor, or an additional general consumers sales tax, or a graduated income tax, or any two or more thereof, in such amount as may be required to pay annually the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding thirty years, and all such taxes or charges so levied shall be irrevocably dedicated for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds until such principal of and interest on such bonds is finally paid and discharged, and any of the covenants, agreements or provisions in the acts of the Legislature levying such taxes or charges shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction by any of the holders of said bonds. The additional taxes on cigarettes and nonintoxicating beer and additional charges on the sale of each bottle of alcoholic liquor provided for in chapters six, one hundred eighty-four and one hundred eighty-seven of the acts of the Legislature of West Virginia, regular session, one thousand nine hundred fifty-one, shall continue to be pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds issued pursuant to said veterans bonus amendment of one thousand nine hundred fifty, or bonds issued pursuant to this amendment to fund or refund such bonds issued pursuant to said veterans bonus amendment of one thousand nine hundred fifty: Provided, however, That upon the funding or refunding of all outstanding bonds issued pursuant to said veterans bonus amendment of one thousand nine hundred fifty, or the deposit in trust of sufficient funds to pay all the principal of and interest on such outstanding bonds issued pursuant to said veterans bonus amendment of one thousand nine hundred fifty to their respective dates of maturity or to the first date upon which said bonds are callable prior to maturity, the taxes and charges provided for in said chapters six, one hundred eighty- four and one hundred eighty-seven of the acts of the Legislature of West Virginia, regular session, one thousand nine hundred fifty-one, may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on any bonds issued under any of the provisions of this amendment. |
Amendment 8. Better Roads Amendment
The Legislature shall have power to authorize the issuing and selling of state bonds not exceeding in the aggregate two hundred million dollars. The proceeds of said bonds hereby authorized to be issued and sold shall be used and appropriated solely for the building and construction of state roads and highways provided for by this constitution and the laws enacted thereunder. Such bonds may be issued and sold in amounts not to exceed twenty million dollars in any fiscal year. When a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall, at the same time provide for the collection of an annual state tax sufficient to pay as it may accrue the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding twenty-five years. Such tax shall be levied in any year only to the extent that the moneys in the state road fund irrevocably set aside and appropriated for and applied to the payment of the interest on and principal of said bonds becoming due and payable in such year are insufficient therefor. The authority to issue and sell and have outstanding additional bonds granted by the amendment to the constitution proposed by Senate Joint Resolution No. 15, adopted February 15, 1919, and afterwards ratified by a vote of the people, is hereby revoked as of January 1, 1965, but said amendment shall in all other respects remain in full force and effect. |
Amendment 9. Roads Development Amendment
The Legislature shall have power to authorize the issuing and selling of state bonds not exceeding in the aggregate three hundred fifty million dollars. The proceeds of said bonds hereby authorized to be issued and sold shall be used and appropriated solely for the building and construction of free state roads and highways provided for by this constitution and the laws enacted thereunder. When a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall, at the same time provide for the collection of an annual state tax sufficient to pay as it may accrue the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding twenty-five years. Such tax shall be levied in any year only to the extent that the moneys in the state road fund irrevocably set aside and appropriated for and applied to the payment of the interest on and principal of said bonds becoming due and payable in such year are insufficient therefor. |
Amendment 10. Better School Buildings Amendment
The Legislature shall have power to authorize the issuing and selling of state bonds, not exceeding in the aggregate two hundred million dollars, which shall be in addition to all other state bonds heretofore authorized. The proceeds of the bonds hereby authorized to be issued and sold shall, notwithstanding the provisions of section six, article ten of this constitution or any other provision of this constitution to the contrary, be distributed to such county boards of education as qualify therefor by meeting such conditions, qualifications and requirements as shall be prescribed by general law and used and appropriated by such county boards of education solely for the construction, renovation or remodeling of elementary or secondary public school buildings or facilities, the equipping of the same in connection with any such construction, renovation or remodeling and the acquisition and preparation of sites for elementary or secondary public school buildings or facilities. Such bonds may be issued and sold at such time or times and in such amount or amounts as the Legislature shall authorize. When a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall at the same time provide for the collection of an annual state tax sufficient to pay as it may accrue the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding thirty-four years, and all such taxes so levied shall be irrevocably dedicated for the payment of principal of and interest on such bonds until such principal of and interest on such bonds are finally paid and discharged, and any of the covenants, agreements or provisions in the acts of the legislature levying such taxes shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction by any of the holders of the bonds. |
Amendment 11. Better Highways Amendment
The Legislature shall have power to authorize the issuing and selling of state bonds not exceeding in the aggregate five hundred million dollars. The proceeds of said bonds hereby authorized to be issued and sold shall be used and appropriated solely for the following purposes and in the following amounts: (1) One hundred twenty million dollars for bridge replacement and improvement program; (2) One hundred thirty million dollars for completion of the Appalachian highway system; (3) Fifty million dollars for upgrading sections of trunkline and feeder systems; (4) Fifty million dollars for upgrading West Virginia State Route 2; (5) One hundred million dollars for upgrading state and local service roads; (6) Fifty million dollars for construction, reconstruction, improving and upgrading of U.S. Route 52 between Huntington and Bluefield, West Virginia. When a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall at the same time provide for the collection of an annual state tax sufficient to pay as it may accrue the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding twenty-five years. Such tax shall be levied in any year only to the extent that the moneys in the state road fund irrevocably set aside and appropriated for and applied to the payment of the interest on and the principal of said bonds becoming due and payable in such year are insufficient therefor. |
Amendment 12. Vietnam Veterans Bonus Amendment
The Legislature shall provide by law, either for the appropriation from the general revenues of the state, or for the issuance and sale of state bonds, which shall be in addition to all other state bonds heretofore issued, or a combination of both as the Legislature may determine, for the purpose of paying a cash bonus to veterans of the armed forces of the United States who were in active service during the periods hereinafter described. Such bonus shall be paid to all persons who rendered active service in the armed forces of the United States between the first day of August, one thousand nine hundred sixty-four, and the date determined by the president or Congress of the United States as the end of involvement of United States armed forces in the Vietnam conflict, both dates inclusive, who were bona fide residents of the state of West Virginia at the time of their entry into such active service and for a period of at least six months immediately prior thereto, who have not been separated from such service under conditions other than honorable, and who, within the period specified above, actively served in such armed forces for a period of at least ninety days. Such bonus shall also be paid to any person, otherwise eligible under the preceding sentence, who rendered active service in the armed forces of the United States prior to the first day of August, one thousand nine hundred sixty-four, and who received the Vietnam armed forces expeditionary medal. Such bonus shall also be paid to any veteran, otherwise qualified under either of the two sentences next preceding, who was discharged within ninety days after entering the armed forces because of a service-connected disability. The amount of such bonus shall be calculated on the basis of twenty dollars per month for each month of active service, or major fraction thereof, for veterans who received the Vietnam armed forces expeditionary medal or the Vietnam service medal, up to four hundred dollars, and ten dollars per month for each month of active service, or major fraction thereof, for veterans who have not received the Vietnam armed forces expeditionary medal or the Vietnam service medal, up to three hundred dollars. Not more than one bonus shall be paid to or on behalf of the service of any one veteran. The bonus to which any deceased veteran would have been entitled, if living, shall be paid to the following surviving relatives of such veteran, if such relatives are residents of the state when such application is made and if such relatives are living at the time payment is made: Any unremarried widow or widower, or, if none, all children, stepchildren and adopted children under the age of eighteen, or, if none, any parent, stepparent, adoptive parent or person standing in loco parentis. The categories of persons listed shall be treated as separate categories listed in order of entitlement and where there be more than one member of a class, the bonus shall be paid to each member according to his proportional share. Where a deceased veteran's death was connected with such service and resulted from such service during the time period specified, however, the surviving relatives shall be paid, in accordance with the same order of entitlement, the sum of five hundred dollars in lieu of any bonus to which the deceased might have been entitled if living. The principal amount of any bonds issued for the purpose of paying the bonuses provided for in this amendment shall not exceed the principal amount of forty million dollars, but may be funded or refunded either on the maturity dates of said bonds or on any date on which said bonds are callable prior to maturity, and if any of said bonds have not matured or are not then callable prior to maturity, the Legislature may nevertheless provide at any time for the issuance of refunding bonds to fund or refund such bonds on the dates when said bonds mature or on any date on which said bonds are callable prior to maturity and for the investment or reinvestment of the proceeds of such refunding bonds in direct obligations of the United States of America until the date or dates upon which such bonds mature or are callable prior to maturity. The principal amount of any refunding bonds issued under the provisions of this paragraph shall not exceed the principal amount of the bonds to be funded or refunded thereby. The bonds may be issued from time to time for the purposes authorized by this amendment as separate issues or as combined issues. Whenever the Legislature shall provide for the issuance of any bonds under the authority of this amendment, it shall at the same time provide for the levy and collection of an additional cigarette tax, or a tax on any other tobacco products, or an additional tax on nonintoxicating beer, or an additional charge on the sale of each bottle of wine and liquor, or an additional general consumers sales tax, or a graduated income tax, or any combination of one or more thereof, or such other dedicated tax as the Legislature may determine, in such amount as may be required to pay annually the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding thirty years, and all such taxes or charges so levied shall be irrevocably dedicated for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds until such principal of and interest on such bonds are finally paid and discharged and any of the covenants, agreements or provisions in the acts of the Legislature levying such taxes or charges shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction by any of the holders of said bonds. The Legislature shall have the power to enact legislation necessary and proper to implement the provisions of this amendment. |
Amendment 13. Qualified Veterans Housing Bonds Amendment
I. The Legislature shall have the power to authorize the issuing and selling of general obligation bonds of the State which shall be in addition to all other state bonds heretofore authorized. The aggregate annual amount payable on all such bonds, including both principal and interest, shall be limited such that the debt service accruing on such bonds in any fiscal year shall not exceed $35,000,000, exclusive of any amounts payable on such bonds for which moneys or securities have been irrevocably set aside and dedicated solely for the purpose of such payment. The proceeds of the bonds hereby authorized to be issued and sold shall be used and appropriated to provide financing for owner-occupied residences for persons determined by the Legislature to be qualified veterans, except that: (i) Part of the proceeds from each separate issuance of bonds may be set aside as a reserve for the purposes of the Veterans' Mortgage Fund herein authorized; and (ii) proceeds may be dedicated for the payment of principal, redemption price or interest on any such bonds to be refunded. Such bonds may be issued and sold at such time or times and in such amount or amounts as the Legislature shall authorize. All proceeds of such bonds, and all revenues derived from the use and investment of such proceeds, shall be deposited in a separate fund of the State, designated as the Veterans' Mortgage Fund. Amounts in such fund shall be used solely for the purposes of making loans for qualified veterans, providing for the payment or redemption of such bonds and the interest thereon, and providing for the payment of necessary expenses in connection therewith. When a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall at the same time provide for the collection of an annual state tax sufficient to pay as it may accrue the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding forty years, and all such taxes so levied shall be irrevocably dedicated for the payment of principal of and interest on such bonds until the obligation of the State with respect to the payment of such principal and interest has been discharged, and any of the covenants, agreements or provisions in the Acts of the Legislature levying such taxes shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction by any of the holders of such bonds. Such tax shall be levied in any year only to the extent that the moneys on deposit in the Veteran's Mortgage Fund are insufficient to pay all amounts accruing on such bonds in such year. II. The Legislature shall have the power to enact legislation to implement the provisions of this amendment. |
Amendment 14. Veterans Bonus Amendment (Persian Gulf, Lebanon, Grenada and Panama)
The Legislature shall provide by law, either for the appropriation from the general revenues of the State, or for the issuance and sale of state bonds, which shall be in addition to all other state bonds heretofore issued, or a combination of both as the Legislature may determine, for the purpose of paying a cash bonus to veterans of the armed forces of the United States who (1) served on active duty, or who were members of reserve components called to active duty by the President of the United States under Title 10, United States Code section 782(D), 783, or 783(B), during the Persian Gulf conflict, Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, between the first day of August, one thousand nine hundred ninety and the date determined by the president or congress of the United States as the end of the involvement of the United States armed forces in the Persian Gulf conflict, both dates inclusive; or (2) veterans, active service members, or members of reserve components, of the armed forces of the United States, who served on active duty in one of the military operations for which he or she received a campaign badge or expeditionary medal during the periods hereinafter described. For purposes of this amendment, periods of active duty in a campaign or expedition are designated as: The conflict in Panama, between the twentieth day of December, one thousand nine hundred eighty-nine, through the thirty-first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety, both dates inclusive; the conflict in Grenada, between the twenty-third day of October, one thousand nine hundred eighty-three, and the twenty-first day of November, one thousand nine hundred eighty-three, both dates inclusive; and the conflict in Lebanon, between the twenty-fifth day of August, one thousand nine hundred eighty-two, and the twenty-sixth day of February, one thousand nine hundred eighty-four, both dates inclusive. For purposes of this amendment not more than one bonus shall be paid to or on behalf of the service of any one veteran. In order to be eligible to receive a bonus, such persons must have been bona fide residents of the State of West Virginia at the time of their entry into such active service and for a period of at least six months immediately prior thereto, who have not been separated from such service under conditions other than honorable. Such bonus shall also be paid to any veteran, otherwise qualified under the two sentences next preceding, who was discharged within ninety days after entering the armed forces because of a service-connected disability. The amount of such bonus shall be five hundred dollars per eligible person who was in active service, inside the combat zone designated by the President or Congress of the United States at anytime during the dates specified hereinabove. In the case of the Persian Gulf conflict, the amount of bonus shall be three hundred dollars per eligible person who was in active service outside of the combat zone designated by the President or Congress of the United States during the dates specified hereinabove. The bonus to which any deceased veteran would have been entitled, if living, shall be paid to the following surviving relatives of such veterans, if such relatives are residents of the State when such application is made and if such relatives are living at the time payment is made: Any unremarried widow or widower, or, if none, all children, stepchildren and adopted children under the age of eighteen, or, if none, any parent, stepparent, adoptive parent or person standing in loco parentis. The categories of persons listed shall be treated as separate categories listed in order of entitlement and where there be more than one member of a class, the bonus shall be paid to each member according to his proportional share. Where a deceased veteran's death was connected with such service and resulted from such service during the time period specified, however, the surviving relatives shall be paid, in accordance with the same order of entitlement, the sum of one thousand dollars in lieu of any bonus to which the deceased might have been entitled if living. The principal amount of any bonds issued for the purpose of paying the bonuses provided for in this amendment shall not exceed the principal amount of four million dollars, but may be funded or refunded either on the maturity dates of said bonds or on any date on which said bonds are callable prior to maturity, and if any of said bonds have not matured or are not then callable prior to maturity, the Legislature may nevertheless provide at any time for the issuance of refunding bonds to fund or refund such bonds on the dates when said bonds mature or on any date on which said bonds are callable prior to maturity and for the investment or reinvestment of the proceeds of such refunding bonds in direct obligations of the United States of America until the date or dates upon which such bonds mature or are callable prior to maturity. The principal amount of any refunding bonds issued under the provisions of this paragraph shall not exceed the principal amount of the bonds to be funded or refunded thereby. The bonds may be issued from time to time for the purposes authorized by this amendment as separate issues or as combined issues. Whenever the Legislature shall provide for the issuance of any bonds under the authority of this amendment, it shall at the same time provide for the levy, collection and dedication of an additional tax, or enhancement to such other tax as the Legislature may determine, in such amount as may be required to pay annually the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding fifteen years, and all such taxes or charges so levied shall be irrevocably dedicated for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds until such principal of and interest on such bonds are finally paid and discharged and any of the covenants, agreements or provisions in the acts of the Legislature levying such taxes or charges shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction by any of the holders of said bonds. Any revenue generated in excess of that which is required to pay the bonuses provided herein and to pay any administrative cost associated with such payment shall be used to pay the principal and interest on any bonds issued as soon as is economically practicable. The Legislature shall have the power to enact legislation necessary and proper to implement the provisions of this amendment. |
Amendment 15. Infrastructure Improvement Amendment
I. The Legislature shall have power to authorize the issuing and selling of state bonds not exceeding in the aggregate three hundred million dollars, which shall be in addition to all other bonds heretofore authorized. The proceeds of said bonds hereby authorized to be issued and sold shall be used and appropriated solely for the construction, extension, expansion, rehabilitation, repair and improvement of water supply and sewage treatment systems and for the acquisition, preparation, construction and improvement of sites for economic development in this state in a manner and subject to such conditions, qualifications and requirements as shall be prescribed by general law. Such bonds may be issued and sold at such time or times and in such amount or amounts as the Legislature shall authorize. When a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall, at the same time, provide for the irrevocable dedication, prior to the application of such tax proceeds for any other purpose, of an annual portion of any gross receipts tax which is then currently imposed on businesses that sever, extract and, or produce natural resources within this state which will be sufficient to pay, as it may accrue, the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof, within and not exceeding thirty years and all such taxes so levied and the additional tax hereinafter described shall be irrevocably dedicated to such purpose until such principal and interest on such bonds are finally paid and discharged: Provided, That when a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall at the same time provide for the collection of an additional annual state tax sufficient to pay as it may accrue the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding thirty years: Provided, however, That such additional tax shall be levied in any year only to the extent that the moneys from the tax previously dedicated herein are insufficient therefor. Any of the covenants, agreements or provisions in the acts of the Legislature levying and dedicating such taxes shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction by any of the holders of the bonds. II. The Legislature shall have power to enact legislation to implement the provisions of this amendment. |
Amendment 16. Safe Roads Amendment of 1996
(a) The Legislature shall have power to authorize the issuing and selling of state bonds not exceeding in the aggregate five hundred fifty million dollars. The proceeds of said bonds hereby authorized to be issued and sold over a five-year period in the following amounts: (1) The first day of July, one thousand nine hundred ninety-seven, one hundred ten million dollars; (2) The first day of July, one thousand nine hundred ninety-eight, one hundred ten million dollars; (3) The first day of July, one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine, one hundred ten million dollars; (4) The first day of July, two thousand, one hundred ten million dollars; (5) The first day of July, two thousand one, one hundred ten million dollars. Any bonds not issued under the provisions of subdivisions (1) through (4) of this subsection may be carried forward and issued in any subsequent year. (b) The proceeds of the bonds shall be used and appropriated for the following purposes: (1) Matching available federal funds for highway construction in this state; and (2) General highway construction or improvements in each of the fifty-five counties. (c) When a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall at the same time provide for the collection of an annual state tax sufficient to pay as it may accrue the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding twenty-five years. Such tax shall be levied in any year only to the extent that the moneys in the state road fund irrevocably set aside and appropriated for and applied to the payment of the interest on and the principal of said bonds becoming due and payable in such year are insufficient therefor. Any interest that accrues on the issued bonds prior to payment shall only be used for the purposes of the bonds. |
Amendment 17. Veterans Bonus Amendment (Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq)
The Legislature shall provide by law, either for the appropriation from the general revenues of the State, or for the issuance and sale of state bonds, which shall be in addition to all other state bonds heretofore issued, or a combination of both as the Legislature may determine, for the purpose of paying a cash bonus to: (1) Veterans of the armed forces of the United States who served on active duty in areas of conflict in Iraq, or were members of reserve components called to active duty by the President of the United States under Title 10, United States Code section 12301, 12302, 12303 or 12304 during the Iraqi War, between the nineteenth day of March, two thousand three and the date determined by the President or Congress of the United States as the end of the involvement of the United States armed forces in Iraq, both dates inclusive; or (2) veterans, active service members, or members of reserve components of the armed forces of the United States, who served on active duty in one of the military operations for which he or she received a campaign badge or expeditionary medal during the periods hereinafter described. For purposes of this amendment, periods of active duty in a campaign or expedition are designated as: The conflict in Kosovo between the twentieth day of November, one thousand nine hundred ninety-five and the thirty-first day of December, two thousand, both dates inclusive; and the conflict in Afghanistan, between the seventh day of October, two thousand one and the date determined by the President or Congress of the United States as the end of the involvement of the United States armed forces in Afghanistan, both dates inclusive. For purposes of this amendment not more than one bonus shall be paid to or on behalf of the service of a veteran. In order to be eligible to receive a bonus, a veteran must have been a bona fide resident of the State of West Virginia at the time of his or her entry into active service and for a period of at least six months immediately prior thereto, and has not been separated from service under conditions other than honorable. The bonus shall also be paid to any veteran otherwise qualified pursuant to this amendment, who was discharged within ninety days after entering the armed forces because of a service-connected disability. The amount of the bonus shall be six hundred dollars per eligible veteran who was in active service, inside the combat zone in Kosovo, Afghanistan or Iraq as designated by the President or Congress of the United States at anytime during the dates specified hereinabove. In the case of the Iraqi War and the conflict in Afghanistan, the amount of bonus shall be four hundred dollars per eligible veteran who was in active service outside the combat zone designated by the President or Congress of the United States during the dates specified hereinabove. The bonus to which any deceased veteran would have been entitled, if living, shall be paid to the following surviving relatives of the veteran, if the relatives are residents of the State when the application is made and if the relatives are living at the time payment is made: Any unremarried widow or widower, or, if none, all children, stepchildren and adopted children under the age of eighteen, or, if none, any parent, stepparent, adoptive parent or person standing in loco parentis. The categories of persons listed shall be treated as separate categories listed in order of entitlement and where there is more than one member of a class, the bonus shall be paid to each member according to his or her proportional share. Where a deceased veteran?s death was connected with the service and resulted from the service during the time period specified, however, the surviving relatives shall be paid, in accordance with the same order of entitlement, the sum of two thousand dollars in lieu of any bonus to which the deceased might have been entitled if living. The person receiving the bonus shall not be required to include the bonus as income for state income tax purposes. The principal amount of any bonds issued for the purpose of paying the bonuses provided for in this amendment shall not exceed the principal amount of eight million dollars, but may be funded or refunded either on the maturity dates of the bonds or on any date on which the bonds are callable prior to maturity, and if any of the bonds have not matured or are not then callable prior to maturity, the Legislature may nevertheless provide at any time for the issuance of refunding bonds to fund or refund the bonds on the dates when the bonds mature or on any date on which the bonds are callable prior to maturity and for the investment or reinvestment of the proceeds of the refunding bonds in direct obligations of the United States of America until the date or dates upon which the bonds mature or are callable prior to maturity. The principal amount of any refunding bonds issued under the provisions of this paragraph shall not exceed the principal amount of the bonds to be funded or refunded thereby. The bonds may be issued from time to time for the purposes authorized by this amendment as separate issues or as combined issues. Whenever the Legislature shall provide for the issuance of any bonds under the authority of this amendment, it shall at the same time provide for the levy, collection and dedication of an additional tax, or enhancement to another tax as the Legislature may determine, in an amount as may be required to pay annually the interest on the bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding fifteen years, and all taxes or charges so levied shall be irrevocably dedicated for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds until the principal of and interest on the bonds are finally paid and discharged and any of the covenants, agreements or provisions in the acts of the Legislature levying the taxes or charges shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction by any of the holders of said bonds. Any revenue generated in excess of that which is required to pay the bonuses herein and to pay any administrative cost associated with the payment shall be used to pay the principal and interest on any bonds issued as soon as is economically practicable. The Legislature shall have the power to enact legislation necessary and proper to implement the provisions of this amendment: Provided, That no bonus may be issued until the Governor certifies a list of veterans and relatives of deceased veterans eligible to receive such bonus to the Legislature at any regular or special session of the Legislature as the Legislature will provide by general law. |
Amendment 18. Roads to Prosperity Amendment of 2017
(a) The Legislature shall have power to authorize the issuing and selling of state bonds not exceeding in the aggregate $1.6 billion. The proceeds of said bonds are hereby authorized to be issued and sold over a four-year period in the following amounts:
Any bonds not issued under the provisions of subdivisions (1) through (3), inclusive, of this subsection may be carried forward and issued in any subsequent year before July 1, 2021. (b) The proceeds of the bonds shall be used and appropriated for the following purposes:
(c) When a bond issue as aforesaid is authorized, the Legislature shall at the same time provide for the collection of an annual state tax which shall be in a sufficient amount to pay the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof as such may accrue within and not exceeding twenty-five years. Such taxes shall be levied in any year only to the extent that the moneys in the state road fund irrevocably set aside and appropriated for and applied to the payment of the interest on and the principal of said bonds becoming due and payable in such year are insufficient therefor. Any interest that accrues on the issued bonds prior to payment shall only be used for the purposes of the bonds. |
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