Ballot measure campaign finance, 2020

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This page summarizes the campaign finance data for statewide ballot measures certified to go before voters in 2020.


Including pre-November, November 3, and December election dates, a total of 129 statewide ballot measures were certified for the 2020 ballot in 34 states. Ninety-three (93) of the measures were approved, and 36 were defeated.

  • Three measures were on the ballot on March 3.
  • One measure was on the ballot on April 7.
  • One measure was on the ballot for the Oklahoma election on June 30.
  • Two measures were on the ballot for the Maine election on July 14.
  • One measure was on the ballot for the Missouri election on August 4.
  • One hundred and twenty (120) measures were on the ballot on November 3.
  • One measure was on the ballot for the Louisiana election on December 5.

Voters in 32 states decided 120 statewide ballot measures on November 3, 2020. Of the 120 statewide measures, 88 were approved and 32 were defeated.

Click here to see 2020 statewide ballot measure election results.

Committees registered to support or oppose these statewide measures reported a combined total of $1.24 billion in contributions and $1.22 billion in expenditures.

Contributions by state[edit]

The following five states had the most ballot measure campaign contributions:

Top 10 most expensive measures[edit]

The 10 measures in 2020 with the most contributions to supporting and opposing committees represent 72% of all contributions for the year's 129 statewide measures.

The most expensive measure of the year—California Proposition 22, the App-Based Drivers as Contractors and Labor Policies Initiative—was the most expensive measure for which there is data in California's Cal-Access records covering from 1999 to the present.

Seven of this year's ten most expensive measures were put on the ballot through citizen signature petition drives. State legislatures referred the other three measures to the ballot. Seven of the measures were in California, one was in Arizona, one was in Illinois, and one was in Massachusetts.

All of the top 10 most expensive measures were measures on the November ballot rather than any measures voted on earlier in the year.

Measure Type Support Opposition Total Outcome
California Proposition 22, App-Based Drivers as Contractors and Labor Policies Initiative (2020) Citizen initiative $205,369,249.180 $18,883,768.39 $224,253,017.57
California Proposition 15, Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative (2020) Citizen initiative $69,208,909.46 $74,797,172.16 $144,006,081.62
California Proposition 21, Local Rent Control Initiative (2020) Citizen initiative $40,852,356.62 $83,571,656.96 $124,424,013.58
Illinois Allow for Graduated Income Tax Amendment (2020) Legislative referral $62,273,502.14 $61,307,716.16 $123,581,218.30
California Proposition 23, Dialysis Clinic Requirements Initiative (2020) Citizen initiative $8,985,224.07 $105,243,533.85 $114,228,757.92
Massachusetts Question 1, "Right to Repair Law" Vehicle Data Access Requirement Initiative (2020) Citizen initiative $24,902,079.14 $26,555,884.09 $51,457,963.23
California Proposition 19, Property Tax Transfers, Exemptions, and Revenue for Wildfire Agencies and Counties Amendment (2020) Legislative referral $47,568,642.14 $238,521.02 $47,807,163.16
Arizona Proposition 208, Tax on Incomes Exceeding $250,000 for Teacher Salaries and Schools Initiative (2020) Citizen initiative $22,908,982.59 $8,349,339.38 $31,258,321.97
California Proposition 16, Repeal Proposition 209 Affirmative Action Amendment (2020) Legislative referral $25,134,604.07 $1,764,011.20 $26,898,615.27
California Proposition 25, Replace Cash Bail with Risk Assessments Referendum (2020) Veto referendum $15,301,459.78 $11,263,271.66 $26,564,731.44

Contributions by measure type[edit]

Of the total contributions supporting or opposing the 129 statewide measures, the 43 citizen-initiated measures accounted for about 78% of contributions.

In 2018, the 68 citizen-initiated measures accounted for 83% of the $1.19 billion in campaign contributions for the 167 statewide measures.

2020 ballot measure contributions[edit]

The charts below list all of the measures certified to appear on the ballot in 2020, along with the supporting and opposing contributions for each measure, the outcome of each measure, and the date on which the campaign finance information was last updated. Blanks in the charts below indicate that campaign finance information is unavailable or not yet compiled.

Click on the arrows at the top of each column to sort the data according to that column. Measures put on the ballot through citizen petitions generally attract more spending than measures put before voters by the legislature. The ballot measures listed below are divided into one chart for citizen initiatives and veto referendums and another chart for legislative referrals and automatic ballot referrals.

Initiatives and veto referendums[edit]

The measures listed in this section were put on the ballot through citizen signature petition campaigns to propose a new law through initiatives or to seek the repeal of a law passed by the legislature through a veto referendum.

Ballot Measure Support Contributions Oppose Contributions Outcome
Alaska Ballot Measure 1, North Slope Oil Production Tax Increase Initiative (2020) $1,659,139.00 $20,935,670.86 Defeated
Alaska Ballot Measure 2, Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting and Campaign Finance Laws Initiative (2020) $6,844,544.33 $579,426.18 Approved
Arizona Proposition 207, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2020) $5,986,533.55 $1,058,173.00 Approved
Arizona Proposition 208, Tax on Incomes Exceeding $250,000 for Teacher Salaries and Schools Initiative (2020) $22,908,982.59 $8,349,339.38
California Proposition 14, Stem Cell Research Institute Bond Initiative (2020) $19,725,745.47 $1,350.00 Approved
California Proposition 15, Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative (2020) $69,208,909.46 $74,797,172.16 Defeated
California Proposition 20, Criminal Sentencing, Parole, and DNA Collection Initiative (2020) $5,962,060.40 $8,631,713.38 Defeated
California Proposition 21, Local Rent Control Initiative (2020) $40,852,356.62 $83,571,656.96 Defeated
California Proposition 22, App-Based Drivers as Contractors and Labor Policies Initiative (2020) $205,369,249.18 $18,883,768.39 Approved
California Proposition 23, Dialysis Clinic Requirements Initiative (2020) $8,985,224.07 $105,243,533.85 Defeated
California Proposition 24, Consumer Personal Information Law and Agency Initiative (2020) $6,552,132.03 $34,440.24 Approved
California Proposition 25, Replace Cash Bail with Risk Assessments Referendum (2020) $15,301,459.78 $11,263,271.66 Defeated
Colorado Amendment 76, Citizenship Requirement for Voting Initiative (2020) $1,446,689.09 $59,825.18 Approved
Colorado Proposition 113, National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Referendum (2020) $5,453,011.14 $1,784,350.10 Approved
Colorado Proposition 114, Gray Wolf Reintroduction Initiative (2020) $2,403,079.01 $1,060,184.14 Approved
Colorado Proposition 115, 22-Week Abortion Ban Initiative (2020) $785,819.66 $9,794,256.44 Defeated
Colorado Proposition 116, Decrease Income Tax Rate from 4.63% to 4.55% Initiative (2020) $1,556,208.33 $3,193,676.40 Approved
Colorado Proposition 117, Require Voter Approval of Certain New Enterprises Exempt from TABOR Initiative (2020) $2,175,026.19 $3,258,177.40 Approved
Colorado Proposition 118, Paid Medical and Family Leave Initiative (2020) $9,039,577.89 $799,926.02 Approved
Florida Amendment 1, Citizen Requirement for Voting Initiative (2020) $8,298,943.55 $1,918,102.04 Approved
Florida Amendment 2, $15 Minimum Wage Initiative (2020) $6,270,488.78 $698,165.88 Approved
Florida Amendment 3, Top-Two Open Primaries for State Offices Initiative (2020) $7,777,825.00 $1,918,102.04 Defeated
Florida Amendment 4, Require Constitutional Amendments to be Passed Twice Initiative (2020) $9,010,146.76 $1,918,102.04 Defeated
Maine Question 1, Religious and Philosophical Vaccination Exemptions Referendum (March 2020) $671,085.04 $872,619.14 Defeated
Massachusetts Question 1, "Right to Repair Law" Vehicle Data Access Requirement Initiative (2020) $24,902,079.14 $26,555,884.09 Approved
Massachusetts Question 2, Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2020) $10,179,108.24 $8,475.74 Defeated
Mississippi Ballot Measure 1, Initiative 65 and Alternative 65A, Medical Marijuana Amendment (2020) $7,586,740.59 $314,811.00 Approved
Missouri Amendment 2, Medicaid Expansion Initiative (August 2020) $10,758,968.76 $463,344.04
Montana CI-118, Allow for a Legal Age for Marijuana Amendment (2020) $7,476,501.07 $323,170.00 Approved
Montana I-190, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2020) $7,476,501.07 $323,170.00 Approved
Nebraska Initiative 428, Payday Lender Interest Rate Cap Initiative (2020) $3,617,804.20 $0.00 Approved
Nebraska Initiative 429, Authorize Laws for Gambling at Racetracks Amendment (2020) $7,328,586.81 $2,180,418.00 Approved
Nebraska Initiative 430, Authorizing Gambling at Racetracks Initiative (2020) $7,328,586.81 $2,180,418.00 Approved
Nebraska Initiative 431, Tax on Gambling at Racetracks Initiative (2020) $7,328,586.81 $2,180,418.00 Approved
Nevada Question 6, Renewable Energy Standards Initiative (2020) $3,000.19 $0.00 Approved
Oklahoma State Question 802, Medicaid Expansion Initiative (June 2020) $5,834,480.94 $311,183.79 Approved
Oklahoma State Question 805, Criminal History in Sentencing and Sentence Modification Initiative (2020) $9,753,619.12 $302,687.00 Defeated
Oregon Measure 109, Psilocybin Mushroom Services Program Initiative (2020) $5,341,126.51 $0.00 Approved
Oregon Measure 110, Drug Decriminalization and Addiction Treatment Initiative (2020) $6,029,290.67 $167,740.00 Approved
South Dakota Constitutional Amendment A, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2020) $2,353,264.16 $259,035.00
South Dakota Initiated Measure 26, Medical Marijuana Initiative (2020) $2,353,264.16 $0.00 Approved
Washington Referendum 90, Sex Education in Public Schools Measure (2020) $1,843,710.33 $469,524.15 Approved

Legislative and automatic referrals[edit]

The measures listed below were put on the ballot by the state legislature or automatically required by a state law or the state constitution. These types of measures usually generate less campaign spending than initiatives and veto referendums.

Ballot Measure Support Contributions Oppose Contributions Outcome
Alabama Amendment 1, Appointed Education Board Amendment (March 2020) $476,500.00 $0.00 Defeated
Alabama Amendment 1, Citizenship Requirement for Voting Measure (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Alabama Amendment 2, Judicial System Restructuring Measure (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
Alabama Amendment 3, Judicial Vacancies Measure (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Alabama Amendment 4, Authorize Legislature to Recompile the State Constitution Measure (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Alabama Amendment 5, "Stand Your Ground" Rights in Franklin County Churches Measure (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Alabama Amendment 6, "Stand Your Ground" Rights in Lauderdale County Churches Measure (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Arkansas Issue 1, Transportation Sales Tax Continuation Amendment (2020) $2,304,092.10 $0.00 Approved
Arkansas Issue 2, Change State Legislative Term Limits Amendment (2020) $0.00 $26,300.00 Approved
Arkansas Issue 3, Initiative Process and Legislative Referral Requirements Amendment (2020) $486,549.27 $112,794.13 Defeated
California Proposition 13, School and College Facilities Bond (March 2020) $13,055,369.32 $0.00 Defeated
California Proposition 16, Repeal Proposition 209 Affirmative Action Amendment (2020) $25,134,604.07 $1,764,011.20 Defeated
California Proposition 17, Voting Rights Restoration for Persons on Parole Amendment (2020) $1,393,052.52 $0.00 Approved
California Proposition 18, Primary Voting for 17-Year-Olds Amendment (2020) $1,273,311.08 $0.00 Defeated
California Proposition 19, Property Tax Transfers, Exemptions, and Revenue for Wildfire Agencies and Counties Amendment (2020) $47,568,642.14 $238,521.02 Approved
Colorado Amendment B, Gallagher Amendment Repeal and Property Tax Assessment Rates Measure (2020) $7,848,712.10 $722,140.10 Approved
Colorado Amendment C, Charitable Bingo and Raffles Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
Colorado Proposition EE, Tobacco and E-Cigarette Tax Increase for Health and Education Programs Measure (2020) $4,722,266.09 $4,545,670.20 Approved
Florida Amendment 5, Extend "Save Our Homes" Portability Period Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Florida Amendment 6, Homestead Property Tax Discount for Spouses of Deceased Veterans Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Georgia Amendment 1, Dedicating Tax and Fee Revenue Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Georgia Amendment 2, Allow Residents to Seek Declaratory Relief from Certain Laws Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Georgia Referendum A, Property Tax Exemption for Certain Charities Measure (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Idaho Constitutional Amendment HJR4, Require 35 Legislative Districts Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Illinois Allow for Graduated Income Tax Amendment (2020) $62,273,502.14 $61,307,716.16 Defeated
Iowa Constitutional Convention Question (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
Kentucky Constitutional Amendment 1, Marsy's Law Crime Victims Rights Amendment (2020) $2,348,852.11 $0.00 Approved
Kentucky Constitutional Amendment 2, Terms of Judicial Offices Amendment (2020) $15,000.00 $0.00 Defeated
Louisiana Amendment 1, Allow for Out-of-State Members to the University Board of Supervisors Amendment (December 2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
Louisiana Amendment 1, No Right to Abortion in Constitution Amendment (2020) $681,191.75 $428,824.22 Approved
Louisiana Amendment 2, Include Oil and Gas Value in Tax Assessment of Wells Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Louisiana Amendment 3, Use of Budget Stabilization Fund for Declared Disasters Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Louisiana Amendment 4, Expenditures Limit Growth Formula Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
Louisiana Amendment 5, Payments in Lieu of Property Taxes Option Amendment (2020) $0.00 $922,803.35 Defeated
Louisiana Amendment 6, Homestead Exemption Special Assessment Income Limit Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Louisiana Amendment 7, Unclaimed Property Permanent Trust Fund Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Maine Question 1, High-Speed Internet Infrastructure Bond Issue (July 2020) $112,226.62 $0.00 Approved
Maine Question 2, Transportation Infrastructure Bond Issue (July 2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Maryland Question 1, Legislative Authority over State Budget Amendment (2020) $325,000.00 $0.00 Approved
Maryland Question 2, Sports Betting Measure (2020) $5,462,649.34 $0.00 Approved
Michigan Proposal 1, Use of State and Local Park Funds Amendment (2020) $891,963.20 $0.00 Approved
Michigan Proposal 2, Search Warrant for Electronic Data Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Mississippi Ballot Measure 2, Remove Electoral Vote Requirement and Establish Runoffs for Gubernatorial and State Office Elections Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Mississippi Ballot Measure 3, State Flag Referendum (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Missouri Amendment 1, State Executive Term Limits Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
Missouri Amendment 3, Redistricting Process and Criteria, Lobbying, and Campaign Finance Amendment (2020) $308,815.00 $7,581,393.00 Approved
Montana C-46, Initiated Amendment Distribution Requirements Measure (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Montana C-47, Initiated Statute and Referendum Distribution Requirements Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Montana LR-130, Limit Local Government Authority to Regulate Firearms Measure (2020) $52,632.37 $1,632,132.27 Approved
Nebraska Amendment 1, Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Nebraska Amendment 2, Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Repayment Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Nevada Question 1, Remove Constitutional Status of Board of Regents Amendment (2020) $1,357,000.00 $0.00 Defeated
Nevada Question 2, Marriage Regardless of Gender Amendment (2020) $237,655.83 $0.00 Approved
Nevada Question 3, State Board of Pardons Commissioners Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Nevada Question 4, State Constitutional Rights of Voters Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
New Jersey Public Question 1, Marijuana Legalization Amendment (2020) $1,081,544.92 $8,875.00 Approved
New Jersey Public Question 2, Peacetime Veterans Eligible for Property Tax Deduction Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
New Jersey Public Question 3, Delayed State Legislative Redistricting Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
New Mexico Bond Question A, Senior Citizens Facilities Bond Issue (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
New Mexico Bond Question B, Public Libraries Bond Issue (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
New Mexico Bond Question C, Public Education Bond Issue (2020) $275,350.00 $0.00 Approved
New Mexico Constitutional Amendment 1, Appointed Public Regulation Commission Amendment (2020) $745,000.00 $0.00 Approved
New Mexico Constitutional Amendment 2, Elections and Terms of Non-Statewide Officeholders Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
North Dakota Constitutional Measure 1, Board of Higher Education Membership Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
North Dakota Constitutional Measure 2, Require Initiated Constitutional Amendments to be Approved by the Legislature or Passed Twice Amendment (2020) $0.00 $5,241.23 Defeated
Oklahoma State Question 814, Decrease Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund Deposits and Fund Medicaid Program Amendment (2020) $0.00 $60,050.00 Defeated
Oregon Measure 107, Campaign Finance Limits Amendment (2020) $179,249.09 $0.00 Approved
Oregon Measure 108, Tobacco and E-Cigarette Tax Increase for Health Programs Measure (2020) $13,729,066.45 $8,000.00 Approved
Puerto Rico Statehood Referendum (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Rhode Island Question 1, Name Change Amendment (2020) $111,288.56 $0.00 Approved
South Dakota Constitutional Amendment B, Deadwood Sports Betting Legalization Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Utah Constitutional Amendment A, Gender-Neutral Constitutional Language Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Utah Constitutional Amendment B, Legislator Qualifications Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Utah Constitutional Amendment C, Remove Slavery as Punishment for a Crime from Constitution Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Utah Constitutional Amendment D, Municipal Water Resources Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Utah Constitutional Amendment E, Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Utah Constitutional Amendment F, Legislative Session Start Date Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Utah Constitutional Amendment G, Use Income and Property Tax Revenue to Support Children and Individuals with Disabilities Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Virginia Question 1, Redistricting Commission Amendment (2020) $2,563,660.31 $132,791.66 Approved
Virginia Question 2, Motor Vehicle Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans Amendment (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Approved
Washington Advisory Vote 32, Nonbinding Question on Carryout Bag Tax (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
Washington Advisory Vote 33, Nonbinding Question on Heavy Equipment Rental Tax (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
Washington Advisory Vote 34, Nonbinding Question on Business and Occupation Tax Rate Increase and Surcharge Decrease (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
Washington Advisory Vote 35, Nonbinding Question on Business and Occupation Tax Rate Increase on Commercial Airplane Manufacturers (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated
Washington Senate Joint Resolution 8212, Authorize Fund Investment of Long-Term Services and Supports Trust Account Amendment (2020) $590,398.75 $0.00 Defeated
Wisconsin Marsy's Law Crime Victims Rights Amendment (April 2020) $4,428,884.05 $0.00 Approved
Wyoming Constitutional Amendment A, Municipal Debt for Sewage Systems Measure (2020) $0.00 $0.00 Defeated

Comparison to prior years[edit]

In 2018, there was a total of $1.19 billion in contributions to campaigns in support of and opposition to statewide ballot measures. The total was $1.31 billion before subtracting for campaigns working on multiple ballot measures, as illustrated in the table below. There were 167 measures on the ballot in 2018, including 68 citizen-initiated ballot measures. The average for each citizen-initiated measure was $16.07 million. The average for legislative and automatic referrals was $2.16 million.

The table below provides the data for the charts above covering the total and average contributions to ballot measure campaigns from 2015 through 2021:

Contributions and average contributions by year[1]
Year Initiatives Referrals Total
2015 Total $21,514,284.70 $10,581,912.61 $32,096,197.31
Average per measure $4,302,856.94 $460,083.16 $1,146,292.76
2016 Total $936,000,000.00 $76,000,000.00 $1,012,000,000.00
Average per measure $12,318,977.91 $881,907.49 $6,246,913.58
2017 Total $101,243,242.47 $7,520,734.80 $108,763,977.27
Average per measure $25,310,810.62 $326,988.47 $4,028,295.45
2018 Total $984,133,527.91 $201,569,517.77 $1,185,703,045.68
Average per measure $14,472,551.88 $2,036,055.74 $7,100,018.24
2019 Total $9,317,974.94 $18,722,299.14 $28,040,274.08
Average per measure $4,658,987.47 $550,655.86 $778,896.50
2020 Total $988,404,738.19 $281,531,292.72 $1,269,936,030.91
Average per measure $23,533,446.15 $3,235,991.87 $9,844,465.36
2021 Total $105,470,164.28 $1,626,754.58 $107,004,044.04
Average per measure $26,367,541.07 $46,478.70 $2,743,693.44

See also[edit]

  1. The totals below could contain duplications from campaigns working on multiple ballot measure efforts.

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