Ballot measure signature costs, 2020

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This Ballotpedia report is an in-depth look at the total signature gathering costs and the cost-per-required-signature (CPRS) for measures that qualified for 2020 state ballots through a citizen signature petition drive.

Of the 26 states with a process for statewide citizen-initiated measures, 16 states had a ballot initiative, veto referendum, or both on the ballot. A total of 43 citizen-initiated measures were certified for 2020 ballots, including three pre-November measures and 40 on the November 3 ballot. A total of $87.23 million was spent to collect the 11,178,353 valid signatures required to qualify the 42 measures with signature cost data available for the ballot.[1]

On this page you will find the following:

  • Three of the 43 total citizen-initiated measures were put on the ballot through volunteer signature drives. The remaining 40 used paid signature gatherers.
  • The average total petition cost for 2020 measures of $2.1 million was nearly double the average in 2018 ($1.2 million) and more than twice the average from 2010 through 2018 ($871,468).
  • The average CPRS for 2020 measures of $8.09 was 24% higher than the average in 2018 ($6.52) and nearly double the average from 2010 through 2018 ($4.7).
  • The total cost of successful paid signature petition drives ranged from $108,358 for a pre-November veto referendum in Maine to $8.8 million for Florida Amendment 4.
  • The CPRS for successful paid signature petition drives ranged from $1.30 for Missouri Amendment 2, a pre-November Medicaid expansion initiative, to $24.20 for Montana CI-118, a marijuana initiative.
  • Measuring the cost[edit]

    See also: Analysis of signature costs in past years

    This report uses two ways to measure the cost of an initiative or veto referendum petition drive.

    1. According to the total cost of gathering the required signatures to put the initiative or veto referendum on the ballot
    2. According to the total cost divided by the number of signatures required to qualify the measure for the ballot or Cost Per Required Signature (CPRS)

    Total cost:

    The total cost depends on all of the factors that can make a petition effort more or less expensive, including the population of the state and the state's signature requirements. This measurement does not necessarily indicate how difficult it is to run a signature petition campaign in a state relative to other states or how hard and expensive it is to collect a given valid signature. It takes into consideration the population and signature requirements for a state. For example, the average total cost of a successful initiative petition drive in California in 2016 was just over $2.9 million, while in Oklahoma the average total cost was about $870,000. Initiatives in California, however, require over four times as many signatures and affect 10 times as many people.

    Cost Per Required Signature (CPRS):

    The cost per required signature cuts out the variable of a state's signature requirements and shows the cost for each signature needed to qualify the measure for the ballot. This second measurement is a better indication of how difficult it is to run a signature petition campaign in a given state relative to other states. For example, the average CPRS in California in 2016 was $6.20 while the average CPRS in Oklahoma was $9.59, but the average total petition cost was $2.9 million in California and about $870,000 in Oklahoma.

    From the perspective of a national organization or proponents of a national agenda, this means that a lower CPRS generally means that a campaign could potentially affect more people and achieve more political influence per dollar spent, while the total petition cost might dictate in which states the campaign could actually afford to launch a successful petition drive.

    The cost of a petition campaign[edit]

    There are many factors that determine how much it costs to gather signatures for a ballot initiative or veto referendum petition.

    Rules and regulations[edit]

    See also: Laws governing the initiative process
    Cost Per Required Signature

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    The cost of getting an initiative before voters varies widely by state and by initiative proposal. The requirements and restrictions imposed by state law form a major factor in the expense of an initiative signature petition effort.

    Higher signature requirements are a straightforward example of a reason an initiative petition campaign might be more expensive in one state than in another. Other restrictions that can make a difference in the cost of a petition campaign include:

    • Distribution requirements - It is easier and less expensive to collect a lot of signatures in one very populous area than a small number of signatures from lots of smaller, less-populated areas.
    • Pay-per-signature bans - Paying signature gatherers by signature is one of the most cost-efficient ways to fund signature gathering efforts.
    • Restrictions on circulators - Restricting who can collect signatures limits competition between petition companies and professional signature gatherers.
    • Initiative petition circulation periods - If proponents have less time to collect signatures, the process can be more expensive.

    Petition companies[edit]

    The number of professional signature petition companies in the state and the way those companies operate can also make a difference in the CPRS. If more petition companies are active in a state, there will be more competition. Likewise, if more petitions are being circulated, demand could be higher in some years than in others.

    Issue topic[edit]

    Another factor is the topic of the proposed initiative or referendum. Some laws are more compelling to voters and easier to collect signatures for than others.

    Analysis, averages, and highlights[edit]

    • A total of 43 citizen-initiated ballot measures were certified to appear on the 2020 ballot in 16 states.
    • $85.82 million was spent in total on signature gathering for the 41 measures with signature cost data available.[1]
    • Of the 43 measures, three— (Colorado Propositions 113 and 115 and Washington Referendum 90)— were qualified for the ballot using volunteer signature gatherers, resulting in a cost per required signature of $0.
    • The average total cost for gathering signatures to qualify a citizen-initiated measure for the ballot in 2020 was $2.1 million[2][1]
      • The average total cost for qualifying a citizen-initiated measure for the ballot in 2018 was between $1.1 million and $1.2 million.[3]
    • The average CPRS for the 41 citizen-initiated measures on the ballot in 2020 that had signature cost data available, including the three volunteer campaigns, was $8.29.[1]
    • The average CPRS for the 38 measures on the ballot in 2020 that used paid signature gatherers was $8.95.
      • The average CPRS across all the initiatives that were on the ballot in 2018 was between $6.19 and $6.85. In 2016, the average total cost was $1.03 million, and the average CPRS was $5.60.
      • From 2010 through 2018, the average total signature gathering cost per initiative in even-numbered years was $871,468, and the average CPRS was $4.7. Citizen-initiated measures were on the ballot in between 14 and 21 states from 2010 through 2018.

    Highest and lowest average total cost by state[edit]

    • The states with the highest average total cost for initiative petitions in 2020 were Florida ($6.75 million), California ($4.36 million), and Arizona ($2.7 million).
    • The states with the lowest total cost for initiative petition signature gathering were Washington, where sponsors of Referendum 90 used volunteers to collect 129,811 signatures, resulting in a CPRS of $0; Maine ($108,358); and Alaska ($199,792).

    Highest and lowest average CPRS by state[edit]

    • The states with the highest average CPRS for initiatives that were on the ballot were Montana ($24.02), South Dakota ($16.22), and Nevada ($12.46).
    • The states with the lowest average CPRS initiative petition signature gathering were Missouri, where sponsors of Missouri Amendment 2 on the August 2020 ballot spent $207,880 to collect 160,199 signatures, resulting in a CPRS of $1.30; Maine, where $108,358 was spent by sponsors of Maine Question 1 to collect 63,067, resulting in a CPRS of $1.72; and Washington, where sponsors of Referendum 90 used volunteers to collect 129,811 signatures, resulting in a CPRS of $0.

    Most expensive petition drives[edit]

    • The top two individual initiative petition drives with the highest cost per required signature in 2020 were Montana CI-118 and Montana I-190, where New Approach Montana, sponsor of I-190 and CI-118, spent $1,839,471.54 to collect 25,468 valid signatures for I-190 and 50,936 valid signatures for CI-118. Ballotpedia divided the total amount spent in proportion to the number of required signatures to determine the CPRS of $23.83 for I-190 and $24.20 for CI-118. The next top highest initiative petition drives with the highest cost per required signature were Colorado Proposition 118 ($17.88); South Dakota Constitutional Amendment A ($17.55); and Arizona Proposition 208 ($16.83).

    According to total cost[edit]

    Total signature petition costs by state
    State # of initiatives Lowest Median Highest Average Total
    Alaska 2 $163,333.34 $199,791.67 $236,250.00 $199,791.67 $399,583.34
    Arizona 2 $1,400,000.00 $2,700,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $2,700,000.00 $5,400,000.00
    California 8 $2,046,104.99 $4,255,508.24 $6,461,617.23 $4,359,093.40 $34,872,747.19
    Colorado 8 $0.00 $952,779.00 $2,229,000.00 $918,988.29 $7,351,906.29
    Florida 4 $4,007,182.47 $7,089,826.73 $8,798,870.70 $6,746,426.66 $26,985,706.63
    Maine 1 $108,358.00 $108,358.00 $108,358.00 $108,358.00 $108,358.00
    Massachusetts 2 $230,500.00 $344,965.80 $459,431.60 $344,965.80 $689,931.60
    Mississippi 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
    Missouri 1 $207,880.00 $207,880.00 $207,880.00 $207,880.00 $207,880.00
    Montana 2 $607,025.61 $919,735.77 $1,232,445.93 $919,735.77 $1,839,471.54
    Nebraska 4 $322,090.40 $469,013.27 $679,260.60 $484,844.39 $1,939,377.54
    Nevada 1 $1,402,142.75 $1,402,142.75 $1,402,142.75 $1,402,142.75 $1,402,142.75
    Oklahoma 2 $1,413,445.59 $1,624,853.66 $ 1,836,261.73 $1,624,853.66 3,249,707.32
    Oregon 2 $950,430.60 $969,584.66 $988,738.71 $969,584.66 $1,939,169.31
    South Dakota 2 $252,616.78 $423,926.00 $595,235.22 $423,926.00 $847,852.00
    Washington 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

    According to CPRS[edit]

    Cost per required signature (CPRS) by state
    State # of initiatives Lowest Median Highest Average
    Alaska 2 $5.73 $7.01 $8.29 $7.01
    Arizona 2 $5.89 $11.36 $16.83 $11.36
    California 8 $5.59 $6.83 $10.37 $7.22
    Colorado 8 $0.00 $7.65 $17.88 $7.37
    Florida 4 $5.23 $9.25 $11.48 $8.80
    Maine 1 $1.72 $1.72 $1.72 $1.72
    Massachusetts 2 $2.46 $3.69 $4.91 $3.69
    Mississippi 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
    Missouri 1 $1.30 $1.30 $1.30 $1.30
    Montana 2 $23.83 $24.02 $24.20 $24.02
    Nebraska 4 $3.76 $5.48 $5.56 $5.07
    Nevada 1 $12.46 $12.46 $12.46 $12.46
    Oklahoma 2 $7.94 $ 9.13 $10.31 $9.13
    Oregon 2 $8.48 $8.66 $8.83 $8.66
    South Dakota 2 $14.89 $16.22 $17.55 $16.22
    Washington 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

    Petition company breakdown[edit]

    By petition company[edit]

    Average cost per required signature by petition company
    Company # of initiatives Average CPRS States involved
    2020 Ballcamp 1 $6.00 • California
    Advanced Micro Targeting 2 $5.42 • Alaska
    Alastair Mactaggart 1 $7.00 • California
    Arno Petition Consultants 1 $5.59 • California
    AZ Petition Partners, LLC 1 $5.89 • Arizona
    Ballot Access Management LLC 1 $2.46 • Massachusetts
    Blitz Canvassing 1 $9.63 • Colorado
    JEF Associates 1 $4.91 • Massachusetts
    Harvest Consulting and James Tracey 1 $1.72 • Maine
    Texas Petition Strategies and Advanced Micro Targeting 1 $3.19 • Alaska
    Stand for Children, Inc. 1 $16.83 • Arizona
    Robert N. Klein II 1 $6.65 • California
    National Petition Management, Inc. 2 $8.98 • California
    Taylor Policy Group Inc 3 $0.60 • Nebraska
    Kimball Petition Management 1 $8.86 • California
    Landslide Political 1 $9.01 • Colorado
    Let the Voters Decide 1 $10.26 • Florida
    MOVE Action 1 $1.04 • Missouri
    National Ballot Access 4 $6.76 • Nebraska
    Tenacious Campaigns 2 $0.25 • Montana
    MontPIRG 2 $2.36 • Montana
    FieldWorks LLC 8 $12.50 • Colorado • Missouri • Montana • Nebraska • Nevada• Oklahoma
    AP Petitioning Partners 1 $8.08 • Florida
    BH-AP Petitioning Partners LLC 3 $3.70 • California • Florida
    Drug Policy Action 1 $1.05 • Oregon
    360 Campaign Consulting 2 $8.06 • Oregon
    We Win Strategy Group 1 $0.15 • Oregon

    By state[edit]

    Below are the 16 states featuring statewide initiatives or veto referendums in 2020 and the petition companies used in each state:


    • Advanced Micro Targeting
    • Texas Petition Strategies


    • AZ Petition Partners, LLC
    • Stand for Children, Inc.


    • Robert N. Klein II
    • 2020 Ballcamp
    • Arno Petition Consultants
    • BH-AP Petitioning Partners LLC
    • National Petition Management, Inc.
    • Kimball Petition Management
    • Alastair Mactaggart (In-Kind)
    • National Petition Management, Inc.


    • Blitz Canvassing
    • Landslide Political
    • FieldWorks, LLC


    • BH-AP Petitioning Partners
    • AP Petitioning Partners
    • Let the Voters Decide


    • Harvest Consulting and James Tracey


    • JEF Associates
    • Ballot Access Management LLC




    • FieldWorks LLC
    • MOVE Action


    • FieldWorks LLC
    • MontPirg
    • Tenacious Campaigns LLC


    • FieldWorks LLC
    • National Ballot Access
    • Taylor Policy Group Inc


    • FieldWorks LLC


    • FieldWorks LLC


    • 360 Campaign Consulting
    • Drug Policy Action
    • We Win Strategy Group

    South Dakota[edit]




    Petition costs by issue[edit]

    Cost per required signature (CPRS) by state
    Topic # of initiatives Lowest CPRS Highest CPRS Average CPRS
    Abortion 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    Bonds 1 $6.65 $6.65 $6.65
    Business 4 $3.76 $10.37 $6.51
    Criminal Justice 3 $5.59 $7.59 $6.59
    Drug Crime Policy 2 $8.48 $8.83 $8.66
    Education 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    Elections 5 $0.00 $11.48 $6.09
    Energy 1 $12.46 $12.46 $12.46
    Animals 1 $9.01 $9.01 $9.01
    Gambling 5 $5.48 $9.63 $7.16
    Gambling 5 $5.48 $9.63 $7.16
    Healthcare 6 $1.30 $17.88 $8.74
    Housing 1 $5.72 $5.72 $5.72
    Marijuana 6 $5.89 $24.20 $17.27
    Minimum Wage 1 $5.23 $5.23 $5.23
    Suffrage 2 $10.26 $10.85 $10.56
    Taxes 5 $5.34 $16.83 $8.04

    Signature costs by state[edit]


    See also: Alaska 2020 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostSignaturesCPRS
    Alaska Ballot Measure 2Electoral systemsAdvanced Micro Targeting$236,250.0028,501$8.29


    See also: Arizona 2020 ballot measures


    See also: California 2020 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostSignaturesCPRS
    California Proposition 20Law enforcementArno Petition Consultants$2,046,104.99365,880$5.59
    California Proposition 22Business regulationNational Petition Management, Inc.$6,461,617.23623,212$10.37
    California Proposition 14Bond issuesRobert N. Klein II$4,145,719.73623,212$6.65
    California Proposition 15Taxes2020 Ballcamp$5,986,312.94997,139$6.00
    California Proposition 21HousingBH-AP Petitioning Partners LLC$3,565,077.00623,212$5.72


    See also: Colorado 2020 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostSignaturesCPRS
    Colorado Proposition 113Elections and campaigns$0124,632$0
    Colorado Proposition 118WelfareFieldWorks, LLC$2,229,000.00124,632$17.88
    Colorado Amendment 76Suffragean unknown petition gathering company$1,352,352.05124,632$10.85
    Colorado Proposition 114Forests and parksLandslide Political$1,122,630.00124,632$9.01
    Colorado Proposition 115Abortion$0124,632$0
    Colorado Proposition 116Taxesan unknown petition gathering company$664,996.25124,632$5.34
    Colorado Proposition 117Taxesan unknown petition gathering company$823,635.48124,632$6.60


    See also: Florida 2020 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostSignaturesCPRS
    Florida Amendment 2Minimum wageBH-AP Petitioning Partners$4,007,182.47766,200$5.23
    Florida Amendment 4Direct democracy measuresa petition gathering company$8,798,870.70766,200$11.48
    Florida Amendment 3Electoral systemsAP Petitioning Partners and BH-AP Petitioning Partners$6,315,623.86766,200$8.24


    See also: Massachusetts 2020 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostSignaturesCPRS
    Massachusetts Question 1Business regulationJEF Associates$459,431.6093,613$4.91
    Massachusetts Question 2Electoral systemsBallot Access Management LLC$230,500.0093,613$2.46


    See also: Mississippi 2020 ballot measures

    Mississippians for Compassionate Care (Medical Marijuana 2020), sponsors of Initiative 65, did not return Ballotpedia's request for signature gathering cost information.


    See also: Missouri 2020 ballot measures


    See also: Montana 2020 ballot measures


    See also: Nebraska 2020 ballot measures


    See also: Nevada 2020 ballot measures


    See also: Oklahoma 2020 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostSignaturesCPRS
    Oklahoma State Question 802HealthcareFieldWorks LLC$1,836,261.73177,958$10.32
    Oklahoma State Question 805Civil and criminal trialsFieldWorks LLC$1,413,445.59177,958$7.94


    See also: Oregon 2020 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostSignaturesCPRS
    Oregon Measure 110Drug crime policyDrug Policy Action, 360 Campaign Consulting, and We Win Strategy Group$950,430.60112,020$8.48
    Oregon Measure 109Drug crime policy360 Campaign Consulting$988,738.71112,020$8.83

    South Dakota[edit]

    See also: South Dakota 2020 ballot measures


    See also: Washington 2020 ballot measures

    Sponsors of Referendum 90 used volunteers to collect signatures, resulting in a cost per required signature of $0.00.

    Signature costs data for all measures[edit]

    The charts below list citizen-initiated measures, the costs associated with collecting signatures to qualify the measures for the ballot, and the company or companies hired to collect signatures. The charts are broken out by type, with initiated constitutional amendments in the first chart, initiated state statutes in the second, and veto referendums in the third. Some citizen initiatives can be designed to change both state statutes and the state constitution. Such combined initiatives will be listed twice below, once in each type's section.

    Initiated constitutional amendments[edit]

    See also: initiated constitutional amendment
    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostRequired signaturesCPRS
    Florida Amendment 2Minimum wageBH-AP Petitioning Partners$4,007,182.47766,200$5.23
    Oklahoma State Question 802HealthcareFieldWorks LLC$1,836,261.73177,958$10.32
    Oklahoma State Question 805Civil and criminal trialsFieldWorks LLC$1,413,445.59177,958$7.94
    Mississippi Ballot Measure 1Marijuana$$
    California Proposition 15Taxes2020 Ballcamp$5,986,312.94997,139$6.00
    Florida Amendment 4Direct democracy measuresa petition gathering company$8,798,870.70766,200$11.48
    Florida Amendment 3Electoral systemsAP Petitioning Partners and BH-AP Petitioning Partners$6,315,623.86766,200$8.24
    Colorado Amendment 76Suffragean unknown petition gathering company$1,352,352.05124,632$10.85

    Initiated state statutes[edit]

    See also: initiated state statute
    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostRequired signaturesCPRS
    California Proposition 20Law enforcementArno Petition Consultants$2,046,104.99365,880$5.59
    California Proposition 22Business regulationNational Petition Management, Inc.$6,461,617.23623,212$10.37
    Oregon Measure 110Drug crime policyDrug Policy Action, 360 Campaign Consulting, and We Win Strategy Group$950,430.60112,020$8.48
    Oregon Measure 109Drug crime policy360 Campaign Consulting$988,738.71112,020$8.83
    Alaska Ballot Measure 2Electoral systemsAdvanced Micro Targeting$236,250.0028,501$8.29
    California Proposition 14Bond issuesRobert N. Klein II$4,145,719.73623,212$6.65
    Massachusetts Question 1Business regulationJEF Associates$459,431.6093,613$4.91
    California Proposition 21HousingBH-AP Petitioning Partners LLC$3,565,077.00623,212$5.72
    Massachusetts Question 2Electoral systemsBallot Access Management LLC$230,500.0093,613$2.46
    Colorado Proposition 118WelfareFieldWorks, LLC$2,229,000.00124,632$17.88
    Colorado Proposition 114Forests and parksLandslide Political$1,122,630.00124,632$9.01
    Colorado Proposition 115Abortion$0124,632$0
    Colorado Proposition 116Taxesan unknown petition gathering company$664,996.25124,632$5.34
    Colorado Proposition 117Taxesan unknown petition gathering company$823,635.48124,632$6.60

    Veto referendums[edit]

    See also: Veto referendum
    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostRequired signaturesCPRS
    Maine Question 1HealthcareHarvest Consulting and James Tracey$108,358.0063,067$1.72
    Colorado Proposition 113Elections and campaigns$0124,632$0

    Comparison to previous years[edit]

    In 2020, 12 states with citizen-initiated measures had higher average total petition costs and higher average CPRS than averages from 2010 through 2018. Four states—Washington, Nebraska, Missouri, and Maine—had lower petition costs as compared to the averages from 2010 through 2018.

    The following three states had the highest signature costs compared to the averages[4] in those states from 2010 through 2018:

    • South Dakota's average CPRS and average total cost in 2020 were $16.22 and $423,926, respectively. Averages from 2010 through 2018 were $2.6 and $69,682.23, respectively, largely due to volunteer petition drives.
    • Montana's average CPRS and average total cost in 2020 were $24.02 and $919,735.77, respectively. Averages from 2010 through 2018 were $5.27 and $164,393.16, respectively.
    • Arizona's average CPRS and average total cost in 2020 were $11.36, and $2,700,000, respectively. Averages from 2010 through 2018 were $5.27 and $1,049,131.65, respectively.

    California and Florida represented over two-thirds of the petition drive spending in 2020. In those states, average petition costs were up 52% and 130%, respectively, over the averages from 2010 through 2018.


    See also: Ballot measure signature costs, 2018
    • A total of between $74.4 million and $78.8 million was spent on the signature petitions for the 68 citizen-initiated measures that were on the ballot in 2018.[5] A combined total of 11,110,180 valid signatures were required to qualify the measures for the ballots across the 21 states with citizen-initiated measures.[6]
    • The average total cost for qualifying an initiative or veto referendum for the ballot in 2018 was between $1.1 million and $1.2 million.[7]
    • The average CPRS across all the initiatives that were on the ballot in 2018 was between $6.19 and $6.85.


    See also: Ballot measure signature costs, 2016
    • In 2016, a total of $78.12 million[8] was spent on signature gathering efforts across 17 states to put 76 citizen-initiated measures on statewide ballots—more than in any year from 2006 through 2016. A total of 13,677,856 valid signatures were required to qualify 2016's initiatives and veto referendums for the ballot.[9]
    • The average cost of a successful initiative or veto referendum petition drive was $1,027,890.77 across the 17 states featuring such measures in 2016.
    • The average CPRS across the 17 states with initiatives or referendums was $5.6.


    See also: 2014 ballot measure petition signature costs
    • In 2014, a total of $16.9 million was spent on signature gathering across 15 states to put 40 citizen-initiated measures on statewide ballots.
    • The average total cost of a successful initiative or veto referendum petition drive was $608,516.
    • The average CPRS across the 15 states was $3.2.


    See also: 2012 ballot measure petition signature costs
    • In 2012, a total of $51.9 million was spent on signature gathering across 17 states to put 61 citizen-initiated measures on statewide ballots.
    • The average total cost of a successful initiative or veto referendum petition drive was $850,936.
    • The average CPRS across the 17 states was $4.30.


    See also: 2010 ballot measure petition signature costs
    • In 2010, a total of $36 million was spent on signature gathering across 14 states to put 50 citizen-initiated measures on statewide ballots.
    • The average total cost of a successful initiative or veto referendum petition drive was $720,000.
    • The average CPRS across the 14 states was $3.7.

    See also[edit]

    Other petition cost reports[edit]


    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Signature gathering costs for Mississippi Initiative 65 and Oklahoma State Question 805 were not available at the time of publication and are not factored into this calculation.
    2. The exact amount was $2,093,180.19.
    3. A range was required because of unknown variables concerning petition costs in Colorado. Exact range: Between $1,110,153.52 and $1,158,997.59
    4. Note: For this analysis, Ballotpedia used the averages of the averages from each year.
    5. A range was required because of unknown variables concerning petition costs in Colorado. Exact range: $74,380,285.97 and $78,811,835.97
    6. Note: Many more than that were collected. 11.1 million was the minimum number of valid signatures that were required.
    7. A range was required because of unknown variables concerning petition costs in Colorado. Exact range: Between $1,110,153.52 and $1,158,997.59
    8. The exact figure was $78,119,698.89.
    9. Note: Many more than that were collected. 13.7 million was the minimum number of valid signatures that were required.

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