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    Federal policy on Iran, 2017-2018

    From Ballotpedia - Reading time: 47 min

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    See also: Federal policy on the Iran nuclear deal, 2017-2018
    President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Iran Strategy, May 8, 2018

    On May 8, 2018, President Donald Trump said that the United States would withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. He said that he would not renew sanctions waivers that were part of the deal, effectively ending U.S. involvement in the accord. He also said that he would impose new sanctions on Iran.[1]

    Trump had asked Congress and the other nations in the deal to improve it by giving inspectors greater access to Iranian military sites, allowing inspectors access to Iran’s long-range missile program, eliminating some of the sunset provisions in the deal that would allow Iran to resume some of its nuclear-related activities, and addressing Iran’s support for terrorists. None of these concerns were addressed, so Trump decided to withdraw from the deal.[2]

    On May 21, 2018, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a speech outlining the U.S.’ approach to dealing with Iran after pulling out of the nuclear deal. Details of the strategy can be viewed here.

    This page tracked major events and policy positions of the Trump administration and the 115th United States Congress on Iran from 2017 and 2018. This page was updated through 2018. Think something is missing? Please email us at

    Click on the timeline below to learn more about each headline.

    October 3, 2018: U.S. ends 1955 Treaty of Amity with Iran; will not comply with U.N. court’s ruling[edit]

    On October 3, 2018, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States was officially terminating the 1955 Treaty of Amity with Iran. The announcement came after the International Court of Justice (ICJ), a court that rules on disputes between United Nations members, ordered the U.S. to lift some sanctions against Iran that would affect imports of humanitarian goods and civil aviation safety.[3][4]

    Iran said that the U.S. violated the treaty by reimposing sanctions on the country after withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal. The 1955 Treaty of Amity was an agreement between the U.S. and Iran to maintain an economic and diplomatic relationship. The U.S. cut diplomatic ties with Iran in 1979 after the Iranian revolution, so it was unclear what practical impact ending the treaty would have.[3]

    Speaking about the ICJ's ruling, Pompeo said that sanctions would not impact humanitarian goods and services or civilian aviation safety. He said, “We will continue to make sure that we are providing humanitarian assistance in a way that delivers for the people we have spoken very clearly about, the Iranian people.”[4]

    Pompeo commented on the ICJ’s lack of jurisdiction, saying that the administration was “disappointed the court failed to recognize it has no jurisdiction.” The ICJ “has no power to enforce its decisions. Since the 1980s, Washington has submitted to the court’s jurisdiction only on a case-by-case basis. U.S. courts have also ruled that the ICJ’s rulings aren’t domestically binding on American authorities,” according to The Wall Street Journal.[3]

    Pompeo also said Iran was “abusing the ICJ for political and propaganda purposes.” He continued, “Given Iran’s history of terrorism, ballistic missile activity and other malign activity, Iran’s claims under the treaty are absurd. … The court’s ruling today is a defeat for Iran. It rightly rejected all of Iran’s baseless requests. The court denied Iran’s attempt to secure broad measures to interfere with U.S. sanctions and rightly noted Iran’s history of noncompliance with its international obligations under the treaty of nonproliferation of nuclear weapons.”[4]

    The ICJ’s ruling came a month before the U.S. was prepared to reimpose additional sanctions on Iran that it lifted under the 2015 nuclear accord.

    September 25, 2018: Trump stresses U.S. sovereignty in U.N. speech; criticizes Iran nuclear deal[edit]

    On September 25, 2018, President Donald Trump delivered a speech at the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly that focused on his "America First" foreign policy vision. He criticized globalism and international organizations and pacts—the U.N. Human Rights Council, the International Criminal Court, the World Trade Organization, the Iran nuclear deal, and the Global Compact on Migration—and called for each nation “to pursue its own customs, beliefs, and traditions.” In return, he asked other nations to give the U.S. its sovereignty. While speaking about his administration’s decision to withdraw from the U.N. Human Rights Council and his decision to no longer provide support for the International Criminal Court, Trump said, “We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy. America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism. Around the world, responsible nations must defend against threats to sovereignty not just from global governance, but also from other, new forms of coercion and domination.”[5]

    Although he rejected many global organizations and pacts during his speech, Trump thanked world leaders for helping with regional conflicts. He thanked President Moon Jae-in of South Korea, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, and President Xi Jinping of China for their efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. He also thanked the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar for working with the U.S. to fight the Islamic State terror group and terrorism in the Middle East.[5]

    Trump also criticized the Iran nuclear deal and specifically singled out Iran’s leaders, saying that they “sow chaos, death, and destruction. They do not respect their neighbors or borders, or the sovereign rights of nations. Instead, Iran’s leaders plunder the nation’s resources to enrich themselves and to spread mayhem across the Middle East and far beyond. The Iranian people are rightly outraged that their leaders have embezzled billions of dollars from Iran’s treasury, seized valuable portions of the economy, and looted the people’s religious endowments, all to line their own pockets and send their proxies to wage war.” Trump called the nuclear deal “a windfall for Iran’s leaders,” saying that the money that came into the country after the deal was struck went to the military and to finance terrorism instead of to the Iranian people.[5]

    May 21, 2018: Pompeo outlines new strategy on Iran[edit]

    U.S. Department of State, “Secretary Pompeo Delivers a Speech on a New Iran Strategy,” May 21, 2018

    On May 21, 2018, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a speech outlining the United States’ approach to dealing with Iran after pulling out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the formal name for the nuclear deal with Iran. He began by outlining the flaws in the nuclear deal, which he said included the deal’s sunset provisions; Iran lying about having had a nuclear weapons program; weak mechanisms for inspecting and verifying Iran’s compliance with the deal; its failure to address Iran’s continuing development of ballistic and cruise missiles; and Iran’s use of money from the JCPOA to fund the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis. Citing former Secretary of State John Kerry, who helped negotiate the deal, Pompeo said that one of the goals of the deal was to make the Middle East more manageable. He said that the deal failed to do so and pointed to Iran’s funding of Hezbollah and the Houthi militia in Lebanon, the Assad regime in Syria, Shia militia groups and terrorists in Iraq, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and al-Qaida in Iran. He also noted that Iran had not returned U.S. hostages Baquer Namazi, Siamak Namazi, Xiyue Wang, and Bob Levinson since signing the deal.[6]

    He said that in place of the deal the U.S. would “apply unprecedented financial pressure on the Iranian regime. … This sting of sanctions will be painful if the regime does not change its course from the unacceptable and unproductive path it has chosen to one that rejoins the league of nations. These will indeed end up being the strongest sanctions in history when we are complete.” He also said that the U.S. would work to deter Iranian aggression in the Middle East and be an advocate for the Iranian people, specifically to prevent human rights abuses.[6]

    Pompeo then detailed the conditions for a new deal with Iran. They included:[6]

    • Declaring “to the IAEA a full account of the prior military dimensions of its nuclear program, and permanently and verifiably” abandoning such work;
    • Ending the enrichment of plutonium reprocessing, including closing its heavy water reactor;
    • Providing “the IAEA with unqualified access to all sites throughout the entire country”;
    • Ending “its proliferation of ballistic missiles” and halting “further launching or development of nuclear-capable missile systems”;
    • Releasing “all U.S. citizens, as well as citizens of our partners and allies”;
    • Ending “support to Middle East terrorist groups, including Lebanese Hizballah, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad”;
    • Respecting “the sovereignty of the Iraqi Government and permit the disarming, demobilization, and reintegration of Shia militias”;
    • Ending “its military support for the Houthi militia and work towards a peaceful political settlement in Yemen”;
    • Withdrawing “all forces under Iranian command throughout the entirety of Syria”;
    • Ending “support for the Taliban and other terrorists in Afghanistan and the region”, and ending the harboring of al-Qaida leaders;
    • Ending “the IRG Qods Force’s support for terrorists and militant partners around the world”; and
    • Ending “its threatening behavior against its neighbors.”

    Pompeo noted that some of the conditions would seem unrealistic, but he added, “We should recall that what we are pursuing was the global consensus before the JCPOA.” Pompeo said if Iran agreed to abide by all of the conditions, the U.S. would end all sanctions against Iran and “re-establish full diplomatic and commercial relationships with Iran." He also said that the U.S. would work to reintegrate “the Iranian economy into the international economic system.”[6]

    Pompeo ended his speech with the following message to the Iranian people: “President Trump said that, ‘We stand in total solidarity with the Iranian regime’s longest-suffering victims: its own people. The citizens of Iran have paid a heavy price for the violence and extremism of their leaders. The Iranian people long to reclaim their country’s proud history, its culture, its civilization, and its cooperation with its neighbors.’ It is America’s hope that our labors toward peace and security will bear fruit for the long-suffering people of Iran. We long to see them prosper and flourish as in past decades and, indeed, as never before.”[6]

    Responses to new U.S. strategy on Iran[edit]

    In response to the speech, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said, “Who are you to decide for Iran and the world? The world today does not accept America to decide for the world, as countries are independent ... that era is over ... We will continue our path with the support of our nation.”[7]

    The European Union also released a statement that read, “Secretary Pompeo’s speech has not demonstrated how walking away from the JCPOA has made or will make the region safer from the threat of nuclear proliferation or how it puts us in a better position to influence Iran’s conduct in areas outside the scope of JCPOA. There is no alternative to the JCPOA.” [7]

    Gulf Arab states and Israel expressed support for the administration's new Iran strategy, according to Reuters.[7]

    May 10, 2018: U.S. sanctions multiple individuals and entities in weeks after withdrawing from nuclear deal[edit]

    In the weeks following President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran, the U.S. Department of the Treasury issued multiple sanctions against Iranian individuals and entities as well as individuals and entities aiding terrorist organizations. The sanctions appear in the sections below.

    May 10, 2018: U.S. and UAE sanction Iran’s Central Bank for helping the Quds Force[edit]

    On May 10, 2018, the United States and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) placed sanctions on nine Iranian individuals and entities, including Iran’s Central Bank, for helping Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF) by providing the group with funding and engaging in a currency manipulation scheme.[8]

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said, “The Iranian regime and its Central Bank have abused access to entities in the UAE to acquire U.S. dollars to fund the IRGC-QF’s malign activities, including to fund and arm its regional proxy groups, by concealing the purpose for which the U.S. dollars were acquired. As I said following the President’s announcement on Tuesday, we are intent on cutting off IRGC revenue streams wherever their source and whatever their destination. Today we are targeting Iranian individuals and front companies engaged in a large-scale currency exchange network that has procured and transferred millions to the IRGC-QF. The Treasury Department thanks the UAE for its close collaboration on this matter. Countries around the world must be vigilant against Iran’s efforts to exploit their financial institutions to exchange currency and fund the nefarious actors of the IRGC-QF and the world’s largest state sponsor of terror.”[8][9]

    May 15, 2018: U.S. sanctions Iranians for funding Hezbollah[edit]

    On May 15, 2018, the Treasury Department imposed sanctions on the governor of Iran’s Central Bank and another senior bank official for funding Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia designated as a terror group by the U.S.[10]

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said, “Iran’s Central Bank Governor covertly funneled millions of dollars on behalf of the IRGC-QF through Iraq-based al-Bilad Islamic Bank to enrich and support the violent and radical agenda of Hizballah. It is appalling, but not surprising, that Iran’s senior-most banking official would conspire with the IRGC-QF to facilitate funding of terror groups like Hizballah, and it undermines any credibility he could claim in protecting the integrity of the institution as a central bank governor. The United States will not permit Iran’s increasingly brazen abuse of the international financial system. The global community must remain vigilant against Iran’s deceptive efforts to provide financial support to its terrorist proxies.”[10]

    May 16, 2018: U.S. and Gulf allies sanction Hezbollah[edit]

    On May 16, 2018, the United States, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the State of Kuwait, the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) sanctioned Hasan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah, and others, for financing terrorism.[11]

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said, “The TFTC [Terrorist Financing Targeting Center] again demonstrated its great value to international security by disrupting Iran and Hizballah’s destabilizing influence in the region. By targeting Hizballah’s Shura Council, our nations collectively rejected the false distinction between a so-called ‘Political Wing’ and Hizballah’s global terrorist plotting. Under the dictates of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF), Secretary General and head of the Shura Council Hasan Nasrallah is prolonging the human suffering in Syria, fueling the violence in Iraq and Yemen, putting the Lebanese state and the Lebanese people at risk, and destabilizing the entire region.”[11]

    May 17, 2018: U.S. sanctions Hezbollah financier[edit]

    On May 17, 2018, the Treasury Department placed sanctions on Mohammad Ibrahim Bazzi and five companies for providing support to Hezbollah.[12]

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said, “This action highlights the duplicity and disgraceful conduct of Hizballah and its Iranian backers. Despite Nasrallah’s claims, Hizballah uses financiers like Bazzi who are tied to drug dealers, and who launder money to fund terrorism. The savage and depraved acts of one of Hizballah’s most prominent financiers cannot be tolerated. This Administration will expose and disrupt Hizballah and Iranian terror networks at every turn, including those with ties to the Central Bank of Iran.”[12]

    May 22, 2018: U.S. sanctions five Iranians for supporting Houthis[edit]

    On May 22, 2018, the Treasury Department placed sanctions on five Iranian individuals for transferring weapons and providing ballistic missile-related technical expertise to Yemen’s Houthis, who were designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government.[13]

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said, “Treasury is targeting five Iranian officials who are associated with the IRGC-QF and Iran’s ballistic missile programs. Their actions have enabled the Huthis to launch missiles at Saudi cities and oil infrastructure. They have also disrupted humanitarian aid efforts in Yemen, and threatened freedom of navigation in key regional waterways. The United States will not tolerate Iranian support for Huthi rebels who are attacking our close partner, Saudi Arabia. All countries in the region should be on guard to prevent Iran from sending its personnel, weapons, and funds in support of its proxies in Yemen.”[13]

    May 30, 2018: U.S. sanctions Iran over charges of human rights abuses and censorship[edit]

    On May 30, 2018, the Treasury Department placed sanctions Iranian individuals and entities for committing human rights abuses and engaging in censorship. The following individuals and entities were banned from accessing the U.S. financial system and businesses were banned from doing business with them: Ansar-e Hizballah, three individuals for acting for or on behalf of the organization (Abdolhamid Mohtasham, Hossein Allahkaram, and Hamid Ostad), Evin Prison, Hanista Programing Group, Abolhassan Firouzabadi, Abdolsamad Khoramabadi, and Abdulali Ali-Asgari.[14]

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said, “Iran not only exports terrorism and instability across the world, it routinely violates the rights of its own people. The Iranian regime diverts national resources that should belong to the people to fund a massive and expensive censorship apparatus and suppress free speech. Those who speak out against the regime’s mismanagement and corruption are subject to abuse and mistreatment in Iran’s prisons. America stands with the people of Iran, and Treasury is taking action to hold the Iranian regime accountable for ongoing human rights abuses, censorship, and other despicable acts it commits against its own citizens.”[14]

    May 8, 2018: Trump announces that U.S. will withdraw from nuclear deal[edit]

    On May 8, 2018, President Donald Trump issued a memorandum stating that the U.S. would withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. He said that he would not renew sanctions waivers that were part of the deal, effectively ending U.S. involvement in the accord. He also said that he would impose new sanctions on Iran.[1][2]

    The memorandum stated, "I do not believe that continuing to provide JCPOA-related sanctions relief to Iran is in the national interest of the United States, and I will not affirm what I know to be false. Further, I have determined that it is in the national interest of the United States to re-impose sanctions lifted or waived in connection with the JCPOA as expeditiously as possible."[1]

    Trump had asked Congress and the other nations in the deal to improve it by giving inspectors greater access to Iranian military sites, allowing inspectors access to Iran’s long-range missile program, eliminating some of the sunset provisions in the deal that would allow Iran to resume some of its nuclear-related activities, and addressing Iran’s support for terrorists. Because none of these issues were addressed, Trump determined that it was in the U.S.' best interest to leave the deal.[2]



    • British Prime Minister Theresa May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and French President Emmanuel Macron released the following joint statement: "Together, we emphasise our continuing commitment to the JCPoA. This agreement remains important for our shared security. We recall that the JCPoA was unanimously endorsed by the UN Security Council in resolution 2231. This resolution remains the binding international legal framework for the resolution of the dispute about the Iranian nuclear programme. We urge all sides to remain committed to its full implementation and to act in a spirit of responsibility. According to the IAEA, Iran continues to abide by the restrictions set out by the JCPoA, in line with its obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The world is a safer place as a result. Therefore we, the E3, will remain parties to the JCPoA. Our governments remain committed to ensuring the agreement is upheld, and will work with all the remaining parties to the deal to ensure this remains the case including through ensuring the continuing economic benefits to the Iranian people that are linked to the agreement. We urge the US to ensure that the structures of the JCPoA can remain intact, and to avoid taking action which obstructs its full implementation by all other parties to the deal. After engaging with the US Administration in a thorough manner over the past months, we call on the US to do everything possible to preserve the gains for nuclear non-proliferation brought about by the JCPoA, by allowing for a continued enforcement of its main elements."[15][16]
    • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "Israel fully supports President Trump’s bold decision today to reject the disastrous nuclear deal with the terrorist regime in Tehran. Israel has opposed the nuclear deal from the start, because we said that rather than blocking Iran’s path to a bomb, the deal actually paves Iran’s path to an entire arsenal of nuclear bombs. The removal of sanctions under the deal has already produced disastrous results. The deal didn’t push war further away; it actually brought it closer. The deal didn’t reduce Iran’s aggression; it dramatically increased it."[17]
    • High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini: “The nuclear deal with Iran is crucial for the security of the region, of Europe and of the entire world.” She called on the members of the deal to continue to respect it.[18]
    • Iranian President Hassan Rouhani: Rouhani said that there was a short time to negotiate with the countries remaining in the nuclear deal. He added, “I have ordered Iran’s atomic organization that whenever it is needed, we will start enriching uranium more than before.” He said Iran would start enriching uranium in the coming weeks.[18]
    • Iranian lawmakers: According to The Wall Street Journal, "footage broadcast on state television showed several lawmakers burning an American flag and a copy of the text of the deal as some chanted 'Death to America!'"[19]
    • Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Khamenei called Trump's speech "stupid and worthless. ... On behalf of the Iranian nation, I say: Mr. Trump, you can’t do a damn thing! ... This man will be buried too, and his body will be bitten by snakes and ants, and the Islamic Republic will still be standing."[19]
    • Saudi Arabia's Foreign Ministry: "The kingdom supports and welcomes the steps announced by the US president toward withdrawing from the nuclear deal ... and reinstating economic sanctions against Iran."[20]
    • Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull: Turnbull opposed Trump's decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal, according to the Associated Press.[18]
    • Japan's Foreign Ministry: Japan expressed its continued support for the deal and said that it “hopes for a continued constructive response from the nations involved.”[18]

    Democratic Party Democrats[edit]

    • Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.): "The last thing America and the world need right now is a new nuclear threat."[21]
    • Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.): "This nuclear deal is not perfect, but it is certainly the best existing tool we have to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and avoid a disastrous military conflict in the Middle East."[21]
    • Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.): "President Trump has set us on a dangerous road where war becomes more likely, especially as his advisers beat the drums for regime change, which should never be a goal of U.S policy."[21]
    • Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.): “I opposed the Iran deal three years ago because we gave away too much upfront and got far too little in return. The deal I opposed gave Iran $100 billion dollars on day one for a promise that they wouldn’t pursue nuclear weapons for only 10 years, but it did nothing to limit their sponsorship of terrorism or development of the ballistic missiles that could reach the U.S. This was a bad deal then, and it is a bad deal today. That is why I support President Trump’s decision to impose sanctions until the Iranians agree to permanently give up nuclear weapons and the missiles that deliver them, and end their support for terrorist organizations around the world. I believe that to be a super power, you must possess super diplomatic skills, and I believe that we can use these skills to negotiate a better deal."[22]
    • Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: "With this decision President Trump is risking U.S. national security, recklessly upending foundational partnerships with key U.S. allies in Europe and gambling with Israel’s security. Today’s withdrawal from the [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action] makes it more likely Iran will restart its nuclear weapons program in the future."[21]
    • House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.): "@realDonaldTrump’s decision to abdicate American leadership during a critical moment in our effort to advance a denuclearization agreement with North Korea is particularly senseless, disturbing & dangerous."[21]
    • Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), a member of the Foreign Relations Committee: "This decision needlessly discards our only effective means of curtailing Iran’s nuclear capabilities and emboldens hardliners in Iran to resume nuclear weapons activity."[21]

    Republican Party Republicans[edit]

    • Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas): "President Trump is right to abandon the Obama Administration’s bad deal. We know Iran has long thumbed its nose at the international community and has potentially violated this one-sided agreement. Any new agreement must prevent Iran from obtaining and employing weapons of mass destruction and be subject to Congressional scrutiny."[23]
    • Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.): “I strongly support President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. He made a strong and convincing case for this position. The agreement has always been fatally flawed when it came to controlling Iranian nuclear ambitions. With the mere passage of time, the deal allows Iran to enrich and reprocess uranium – without limitation – on its march toward a nuclear weapon. This would have required our Arab allies to develop a nuclear weapon of their own to counter the growing Iranian threat. There are some who blindly supported this deal, regardless of the risks it posed to our own national security. They sincerely believed that by providing Iran with sanctions relief, the Iranians would change course and become a better member of the family of nations. Those assumptions have proven to be a disastrous mistake. Instead, Iran has used the funds provided by sanctions relief to significantly enhance their military capability and create havoc throughout the Middle East. They also have used the funds to increase the threats posed to our ally in Israel. I hope President Trump will work with our allies around the world to find a better deal which will truly end Iran’s nuclear weapons ambition and hold them accountable for being the largest state-sponsor of terrorism. Of equal importance, today’s action also sends a strong signal to the North Koreans. The Trump Administration is serious about denuclearization and will not support weak deals with loopholes. President Trump is not going to let the Iranians – or the North Koreans – have it both ways. He certainly isn’t going to repeat President Obama and Secretary Kerry’s mistakes.”[24]
    • House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.): "From the beginning, the Obama-era Iran Deal was deeply flawed. Iran’s hostile actions since its signing have only reaffirmed that it remains dedicated to sowing instability in the region. The president’s announcement today is a strong statement that we can and must do better. I have always believed the best course of action is to fix the deficiencies in the agreement. It is unfortunate that we could not reach an understanding with our European partners on a way to do that, but I am grateful to them for working with the United States toward that goal. The president is right to insist that we hold Iran accountable both today and for the long-term. There will now be an implementation period for applying sanctions on Iran. During that time, it is my hope that the United States will continue to work with our allies to achieve consensus on addressing a range of destabilizing Iranian behavior—both nuclear and non-nuclear."[25]
    • Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.): "The Iran deal has always been terrible. Today is a reminder that if you live by the Presidency, you die by the Presidency. We ought to be clear about this: Donald Trump isn’t ripping up a treaty; he’s walking away from Barack Obama’s personal pledge. Two and a half years ago, President Obama made a bad deal with Iran without support from Congress, and today President Trump is pulling out of President Obama’s personal commitment, and he doesn’t need Congress’s support to do so. American foreign policy makes lasting progress when it is led by the President, approved by Congress, and presented honestly to the American people."[26]

    What sanctions were re-imposed?[edit]

    The memorandum issued by Trump began a 180-day period for the Trump administration to re-impose all of the sanctions on Iran that were removed under the JCPOA. Some sanctions were scheduled to be re-imposed in 90 days, by August 6, 2018, and others were scheduled to be re-imposed in 180 days, by November 4, 2018. A list of the sanctions appears below.[27]

    On August 6, 2018, the Trump administration re-imposed the following sanctions that were lifted under the JCPOA:[27]

    • Sanctions on Iran buying or acquiring U.S. dollars;
    • Sanctions on Iran’s trade in gold or precious metals;
    • Sanctions on the direct or indirect sale, supply, or transfer to or from Iran of graphite, raw, or semi-finished metals such as aluminum and steel, coal, and software for integrating industrial processes;
    • Sanctions on transactions related to the purchase or sale of Iranian rials, or the maintenance of significant funds or accounts outside the territory of Iran denominated in the Iranian rial;
    • Sanctions on issuing Iranian sovereign debt; and
    • Sanctions on Iran’s automotive sector.

    The administration also ended Iran’s ability to export carpets and food to the U.S. and end certain licensing transactions.

    According to the Treasury Department, on November 4, 2018, the Trump administration re-imposed the following sanctions that were lifted under the JCPOA:[27]

    • Sanctions on Iran’s ports and shipping and shipbuilding sectors;
    • Sanctions on purchasing petroleum products and petrochemical products from Iran;
    • Sanctions on transactions by foreign financial institutions with the Central Bank of Iran and other Iranian financial institutions;
    • Sanctions on the provision of specialized financial messaging services to the Central Bank of Iran and Iranian financial institutions;
    • Sanctions on the provision of underwriting services, insurance, or reinsurance; and
    • Sanctions on Iran’s energy sector.

    On November 5, 2018, the government revoked the authorization for U.S.-owned foreign entities to conduct business with Iran. Sanctions on certain Iranian individuals were re-imposed.

    April 30, 2018: Pompeo discusses documents detailing Iran’s nuclear weapons program[edit]

    On April 30, 2018, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released documents obtained by Israel's intelligence agency detailing Iran’s Project Amad, a secret nuclear weapons program that Iran said it ended in 2003. Netanyahu accused Iran of lying about the nature of its nuclear program before the nuclear deal was signed in 2015.[28]

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that U.S. intelligence officials determined the documents were authentic and showed that Iran had been operating a secret nuclear weapons program for years. He said in a statement, "Among the flaws of the Iran nuclear deal was the whitewashing of Iran’s illicit activities related to its military nuclear program. Iran had many opportunities over the years to turn over its files to international inspectors from the IAEA and admit its nuclear weapons work. Instead, they lied to the IAEA repeatedly. They also lied about their program to the six nations who negotiated the Iran nuclear deal. What this means is the deal was not constructed on a foundation of good faith or transparency. It was built on Iran’s lies. Iran’s nuclear deception is inconsistent with Iran’s pledge in the nuclear deal 'that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop, or acquire any nuclear weapons.'"[29]

    Pompeo also said that the Trump administration would use the documents to determine if the U.S. should remain in the nuclear deal. He said, "One has to ask: Why exactly was Iran hiding half a ton of nuclear weaponization files while implementing the Iran deal? It is worth recalling that from 2006-2015, Iran was prohibited by Security Council resolutions from enriching any nuclear material. Now that the world knows Iran has lied and is still lying, it is time to revisit the question of whether Iran can be trusted to enrich or control any nuclear material."[29]

    Olli Heinonen, a former chief inspector at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said that the evidence of Project Amad released by Netanyahu was credible. He added that work on the program was abandoned in 2003.[28]

    Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused Netanyahu of releasing the documents to influence Trump's decision on whether the U.S. should continue to comply with the nuclear deal.[28]

    Rob Malley, a member of the Obama administration who was involved in the nuclear deal negotiations, said that Netanyahu did not provide any new information. He wrote on Twitter, “For those who have followed the Iranian nuclear file, there is nothing new in Bibi's presentation. All it does is vindicate need for the nuclear deal. But the Israeli prime minister has an audience of one: Trump. And he's unfortunately unlikely to reach the same conclusion.”[28]

    April 8, 2018: Trump administration considers response to chemical attack in Syria; blames Syria, Russia, and Iran[edit]

    On April 8, 2018, more than 40 people were killed and hundreds more were sickened by a suspected chemical attack in Douma, Syria. The White Helmets, a Syrian aid group, accused the Syrian government of carrying out the attack. According to The Wall Street Journal, “Entire families were found dead, huddled in apartment buildings and basements, apparently unable to escape the gas, the White Helmets said. Dozens of victims, including children, were brought to hospitals with symptoms of poisoning by a combination of chlorine and nerve agents, doctors said.” Before the attack, the city’s largest hospital was the target of a conventional weapons attack, which made it difficult for doctors to treat the victims.[30][31][32]

    President Donald Trump blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and the Iranian regime for the attack in a series of tweets. Trump wrote, “Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price to pay. Open area immediately for medical help and verification. Another humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever. SICK! If President Obama had crossed his stated Red Line In The Sand, the Syrian disaster would have ended long ago! Animal Assad would have been history!” The red line Trump referred to was one set by President Barack Obama in 2012 when he said that Syria using chemical weapons would cross a red line. After Syria used chemical weapons against its own people, Obama chose to make a deal with Syria to give up its chemical weapons instead of taking military action.[33] Syria and Russia denied involvement with the attack.[30]

    Members of Congress called on the Trump administration and world leaders to respond to the attack. Their statements appear below.

    • Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said, “Clearly there needs to be a response, it needs to be an international response.”[31]
    • Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said, “President Trump can reset the table here. To me, I would destroy Assad's air force. I would create safe zones in Syria where people can come back to their country from the surrounding area and live a better life. Train up Syrians to take on Assad so we can negotiate in Geneva from a position of strength.”[31]
    • House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a statement, "If confirmed, another chemical weapons attack by Bashar al-Assad’s regime against its own people would be a war crime of staggering inhumanity. The murder of innocent children violates every standard of morality and our common humanity. The international community must respond to this atrocity with strength and unity, and a thorough investigation. Putin must be held accountable for his cynical support of Assad, and for enabling these war crimes. Members of Congress expect a comprehensive intelligence briefing on this attack as soon as possible. The Trump Administration must finally provide a smart, strong and consistent strategy in Syria."[34]
    • Sen. John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, called on Trump to keep U.S. troops in Syria. He said in a statement, "President Trump last week signaled to the world that the United States would prematurely withdraw from Syria. Bashar Assad and his Russian and Iranian backers have heard him, and emboldened by American inaction, Assad has reportedly launched another chemical attack against innocent men, women and children, this time in Douma. ... Crimes against humanity have become Assad’s trademarks in his relentless campaign against the people of Syria that has killed more than half a million people and forced 11 million from their homes. President Trump was quick to call out Assad today, along with the Russian and Iranian governments, on Twitter. The question now is whether he will do anything about it. The President responded decisively when Assad used chemical weapons last year. He should do so again, and demonstrate that Assad will pay a price for his war crimes."[35]

    During a Cabinet meeting on April 9, 2018, Trump said that senior military officials were considering a response to the attack. He said, “I’d like to begin by condemning the heinous attack on innocent Syrians with banned chemical weapons. It was an atrocious attack. ... We are studying that situation extremely closely. We are meeting with our military and everybody else, and we’ll be making some major decisions over the next 24 to 48 hours. We are very concerned when a thing like that can happen. This is about humanity. We’re talking about humanity. And it can’t be allowed to happen. So we’ll be looking at that barbaric act and studying what’s going on. We’re trying to get people in there. As you know, it’s been surrounded. So it’s very hard to get people in because not only has it been hit, it’s been surrounded. And if they’re innocent, why aren’t they allowing people to go in and prove? Because as you know, they’re claiming they didn’t make the attack. So if it’s Russia, if it’s Syria, if it’s Iran, if it’s all of them together, we’ll figure it out and we’ll know the answers quite soon.”[36]

    According to The Wall Street Journal, "Chemical attacks are a violation of international humanitarian law and the Convention on Chemical Weapons, which the Syrian regime joined in the wake of a 2013 sarin gas attack on Eastern Ghouta, which killed more than 1,400 people. In addition to joining the convention, the Assad government agreed at the time to relinquish its chemical arsenal as part of a deal to avert U.S. military strikes."[30]

    Investigators find chlorine gas and nerve agent in samples from attack[edit]

    On April 12, 2018, U.S. officials said that they obtained blood and urine samples from the checmical attack in Syria that tested positive for chlorine gas and an unidetified nerve agent.[37]

    February 8, 2018, WSJ reports that Trump administration privately spoke to Iran about prisoner swaps[edit]

    On February 8, 2018, The Wall Street Journal reported that the Trump administration privately spoke to Iran about creating a direct channel to negotiate the release of prisoners held by each country. Iran did not respond to the offer. It was the first time President Donald Trump reached out to Iran about a prisoner swap. At the time of the offer, there were at least four Americans in Iranian detention.[38]

    An Iranian official blamed the Trump administration for not taking action on the offer. The official said, “The Trump administration needs to learn how to properly interact with Iran. They cannot threaten and attack Iran and then also reach out or ask for negotiations.”[38]

    Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran expert with Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, commented on the Trump administration’s gesture, saying, “Despite the Trump administration’s outward bluster toward Tehran, they’ve shown a surprising willingness to try to engage the Iranians behind the scenes.”[38]

    January 4, 2018: Treasury Department places sanctions on five Iran-based entities for supporting Iran’s ballistic missile program[edit]

    On January 4, 2018, the Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned the following entities tied to Iran’s ballistic missile program: Shahid Kharrazi Industries, Shahid Sanikhani Industries, Shahid Moghaddam Industries, Shahid Eslami Research Center, and Shahid Shustari Industries.[39]

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement, "These sanctions target key entities involved in Iran's ballistic missile program, which the Iranian regime prioritizes over the economic well-being of the Iranian people. As the Iranian people suffer, their government and the IRGC fund foreign militants, terrorist groups, and human rights abuses. The United States will continue to decisively counter the Iranian regime's malign activity, including additional sanctions targeting human rights abuses. We will not hesitate to call out the regime's economic mismanagement, and diversion of significant resources to fund threatening missile systems at the expense of its citizenry."[39]

    December 18, 2017: National Security Strategy report says Iran presents nuclear threat[edit]

    On December 18, 2017, the Trump administration released a document entitled "National Security Strategy of the United States of America," which outlined the administration's primary national security concerns and its strategy for addressing them.[40]

    The document stated, "The Iranian regime sponsors terrorism around the world. It is developing more capable ballistic missiles and has the potential to resume its work on nuclear weapons that could threaten the United States and our partners."[40]

    The document said that the U.S. "will work with partners to deny the Iranian regime all paths to a nuclear weapon and neutralize Iranian malign influence." It also stated the U.S. "is deploying a layered missile defense system focused on North Korea and Iran to defend our homeland against missile attacks. This system will include the ability to defeat missile threats prior to launch."[40]

    December 15, 2017: Haley presents evidence showing Iran's support for Houthi rebels in Yemen[edit]

    On December 15, 2017, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley presented evidence that Iranian weapons had been supplied to Houthi rebels in Yemen. According to The Hill, "The proof she pointed to included parts and debris from a short-range ballistic missile, an antitank guided missile, an unmanned aerial vehicle and exploding boat technology that have markings and features indicating origins in Iran." Under U.N. Security Council resolution 2231, Iran is not supposed to export missiles or related materials.[41]

    Haley said, “As you know, we do not often declassify this type of military equipment recovered from these attacks, but today we are taking an extraordinary step of presenting it here in an open setting. We did this for a single urgent purpose: Because the Iranian regime cannot be allow [sic] to engage in its lawless behavior any longer.”[41]

    The other evidence Haley presented included, "materials from an antitank missile than can travel 2 miles, a kamikaze drone that can take out radar sites and a Shark-33 explosive boat that has a warhead inside that explodes upon impact with another vessel." She said, “All of these weapons include parts made by Iran, some by Iran’s government-run defense industry. All are proof that Iran is defying the international community.”[41]

    Haley added that Iran's interference in Middle Eastern affairs was not limited to Yemen. She said, “We’re not just seeing activity in Yemen. What we’re also seeing is activity in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and we’ll be able to show all of those. And there is more coming. This is not it. There is a lot more uncomfortable evidence that the international community will look at and realize how dangerous this is.”[41]

    At the time, Yemen had been engaged in civil war since 2015. According to the BBC, "The conflict between the Houthis and the government is also seen as part of a regional power struggle between Shia-ruled Iran and Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia. Gulf Arab states have accused Iran of backing the Houthis financially and militarily, though Iran has denied this, and they are themselves backers of President Hadi." The U.S. has provided support to the Saudi-led coalition battling the Houthis.[42]

    November 20, 2017: Treasury Department imposes sanctions on those involved in Iranian counterfeiting ring[edit]

    On November 20, 2017, the Treasury Department imposed sanctions on two Iranian individuals and four companies for being part of a counterfeiting ring run by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). According to The Wall Street Journal, “Treasury officials said the network used deceptive means to bypass European export-control restrictions, buying advanced equipment and materials to print counterfeit Yemeni bank notes potentially worth hundreds of millions of dollars for the IRGC and the group’s overseas branch, the Quds Force.”[43]

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement, “This scheme exposes the deep levels of deception the IRGC-Quds Force is willing to employ against companies in Europe, governments in the Gulf, and the rest of the world to support its destabilizing activities. Counterfeiting strikes at the heart of the international financial system, and the fact that elements of the government of Iran are involved in this behavior is completely unacceptable. … This counterfeiting scheme exposes the serious risks faced by anyone doing business with Iran, as the IRGC continues to obscure its involvement in Iran’s economy and hide behind the facade of legitimate businesses to perpetrate its nefarious objectives.”[43]

    October 26, 2017: House passes new sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile program[edit]

    On October 26, 2017, the House passed a bill that proposed placing new sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile program. By a vote of 423-2, the House passed HR 1698—the Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions Enforcement Act. It proposed authorizing sanctions against Iranian government agencies, foreign entities, foreign persons, or foreign government agencies involved in or supporting Iran’s ballistic missile development. The Senate did not take action on the bill.[44]

    October 13, 2017: Trump decertifies nuclear deal, but declines to leave the agreement or re-impose sanctions[edit]

    On October 13, 2017, President Donald Trump said that he would not certify that Iran was in compliance with the nuclear deal, but he declined to leave the agreement or re-impose sanctions. Trump said, “I am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification. We will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more violence, more terror and the very real threat of Iran’s nuclear breakout.” He said that Iran “has committed multiple violations of the agreement" and is "not living up to the spirit of the deal.” Trump then said that if the deal could not be strengthened, he would end it.[45]

    He asked Congress to pass new measures that would prevent Iran from ever obtaining a nuclear weapon by amending the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA). Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) were working with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on amending the INARA. Corker’s office said the legislation would “address the major flaws of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) by requiring the automatic ‘snapback’ of U.S. sanctions should Iran violate enhanced and existing restrictions on its nuclear program.”[46]

    Before Trump spoke, Tillerson said, “There are some areas that were not addressed under the nuclear agreement that we think require further addressing, most specifically the ballistic missile program and the expiration date."[46]

    The White House released a fact sheet with the core elements Trump's Iran strategy. It appears below.[47]

    The United States’ new Iran strategy focuses on neutralizing the Government of Iran’s destabilizing influence and constraining its aggression, particularly its support for terrorism and militants.

    We will revitalize our traditional alliances and regional partnerships as bulwarks against Iranian subversion and restore a more stable balance of power in the region.

    We will work to deny the Iranian regime – and especially the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – funding for its malign activities, and oppose IRGC activities that extort the wealth of the Iranian people.

    We will counter threats to the United States and our allies from ballistic missiles and other asymmetric weapons.

    We will rally the international community to condemn the IRGC’s gross violations of human rights and its unjust detention of American citizens and other foreigners on specious charges.

    Most importantly, we will deny the Iranian regime all paths to a nuclear weapon.[48]

    September 19, 2017: Trump calls on United Nations to confront Iran's destabilizing activities[edit]

    On September 19, 2017, in his first speech to the United Nations, Trump called on member nations to hold Iran accountable for harming its people, funding terrorism, and pursuing a nuclear weapon. His remarks appear below.

    It is far past time for the nations of the world to confront another reckless regime -- one that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing death to America, destruction to Israel, and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room.

    The Iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy. It has turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos. The longest-suffering victims of Iran's leaders are, in fact, its own people.

    Rather than use its resources to improve Iranian lives, its oil profits go to fund Hezbollah and other terrorists that kill innocent Muslims and attack their peaceful Arab and Israeli neighbors. This wealth, which rightly belongs to Iran's people, also goes to shore up Bashar al-Assad's dictatorship, fuel Yemen's civil war, and undermine peace throughout the entire Middle East.

    We cannot let a murderous regime continue these destabilizing activities while building dangerous missiles, and we cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for the eventual construction of a nuclear program. (Applause.) The Iran Deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into. Frankly, that deal is an embarrassment to the United States, and I don’t think you’ve heard the last of it -- believe me.

    It is time for the entire world to join us in demanding that Iran's government end its pursuit of death and destruction. It is time for the regime to free all Americans and citizens of other nations that they have unjustly detained. And above all, Iran's government must stop supporting terrorists, begin serving its own people, and respect the sovereign rights of its neighbors.

    The entire world understands that the good people of Iran want change, and, other than the vast military power of the United States, that Iran's people are what their leaders fear the most. This is what causes the regime to restrict Internet access, tear down satellite dishes, shoot unarmed student protestors, and imprison political reformers.

    Oppressive regimes cannot endure forever, and the day will come when the Iranian people will face a choice. Will they continue down the path of poverty, bloodshed, and terror? Or will the Iranian people return to the nation's proud roots as a center of civilization, culture, and wealth where their people can be happy and prosperous once again?

    The Iranian regime's support for terror is in stark contrast to the recent commitments of many of its neighbors to fight terrorism and halt its financing.[48]

    —Presdident Donald Trump[49]

    September 14, 2017: Trump administration extends sanctions relief, but imposes new sanctions[edit]

    On September 14, 2017, the Trump administration renewed a waiver extending sanctions relief to Iran, but it imposed new sanctions on 11 entities and individuals for supporting Iran’s ballistic missile program and for supporting malicious cyber-enabled activity. The nuclear deal required the administration to renew the sanctions waiver every 120 days as long as Iran was in compliance with the nuclear deal.[50][51]

    Speaking about the sanctions, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said, “Treasury will continue to take strong actions to counter Iran’s provocations, including support for the IRGC-Qods Force and terrorist extremists, the ongoing campaign of violence in Syria, and cyber-attacks meant to destabilize the U.S. financial system. These sanctions target an Iranian company providing material support to the IRGC’s ballistic missile program, airlines that support the transport of fighters and weapons into Syria, and hackers who execute cyber-attacks on American financial institutions.”[51]

    August 2, 2017: Trump signs bill placing sanctions on Iran, North Korea, and Russia[edit]

    On August 2, 2017, President Donald Trump signed HR 3364—the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act—into law. The bill placed sanctions on Iran, North Korea, and Russia. It targeted supporters of terrorism and Iran’s ballistic missile program. Individuals and entities involved with North Korea’s shipping industry were also sanctioned. It required the president to get congressional approval before easing or lifting sanctions on Russia. Additionally, the bill set into law sanctions imposed by the Obama administration for Russia’s interference in Ukraine, Syria, and the 2016 presidential election.[52][53]

    Trump criticized some of the provisions of the bill, specifically those related to Russia, but praised the bill for sending a message to Iran and North Korea. Part of his statement on the bill appears below.

    I favor tough measures to punish and deter bad behavior by the rogue regimes in Tehran and Pyongyang. I also support making clear that America will not tolerate interference in our democratic process, and that we will side with our allies and friends against Russian subversion and destabilization. ...

    Still, the bill remains seriously flawed – particularly because it encroaches on the executive branch’s authority to negotiate. Congress could not even negotiate a healthcare bill after seven years of talking. By limiting the Executive’s flexibility, this bill makes it harder for the United States to strike good deals for the American people, and will drive China, Russia, and North Korea much closer together. The Framers of our Constitution put foreign affairs in the hands of the President. This bill will prove the wisdom of that choice.

    Yet despite its problems, I am signing this bill for the sake of national unity. It represents the will of the American people to see Russia take steps to improve relations with the United States. We hope there will be cooperation between our two countries on major global issues so that these sanctions will no longer be necessary.

    Further, the bill sends a clear message to Iran and North Korea that the American people will not tolerate their dangerous and destabilizing behavior. America will continue to work closely with our friends and allies to check those countries’ malignant activities.

    I built a truly great company worth many billions of dollars. That is a big part of the reason I was elected. As President, I can make far better deals with foreign countries than Congress.[48]

    —President Donald Trump[54]

    The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 98-2 on July 27, 2017. Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) cast the only votes against the bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 419-3 on July 25, 2017. GOP Reps. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), John Duncan (R-Tenn.), and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) cast the only votes against the bill.[52]

    July 28, 2017: State Dept. responds to Iran's launch of satellite-carrying rocket into space[edit]

    On July 28, 2017, after Iran launched a satellite-carrying rocket into space, the State Department issued the following statement:

    With its latest launch of a Simorgh space launch vehicle on 27 July, Iran has again demonstrated activity inconsistent with UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2231. We condemn this action.

    This resolution calls upon Iran to not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such technology like this launch. Space launch vehicles use technologies that are closely related to those of ballistic missiles development, in particular to those of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.

    This step follows missile launches into Syria on 18 June and the test of a medium range ballistic missile on 4 July.

    Iran’s program to develop ballistic missiles continues to be inconsistent with UNSCR 2231 and has a destabilizing impact in the region. We call on Iran not to conduct any further ballistic missile launches and related activities. We are writing to the UN Secretary General with our concerns. The governments of France, Germany and the United Kingdom are discussing these issues bilaterally with Iran and are raising their concerns.[48]

    —State Department[55]

    July 17, 2017: Trump administration certifies Iran’s compliance with nuclear deal, but imposes new sanctions[edit]

    On July 17, 2017, the Trump administration certified that Iran was complying with the nuclear deal. Every 90 days, the Trump administration was required to notify Congress if Iran is in compliance.[56]

    A senior administration official said, “Iran is unquestionably in default of the spirit of the JCPOA," and added that the administration would pursue a strategy “that will address the totality of Iran’s malign behavior and not narrowly focus [on Iran’s nuclear program]."[56]

    The following day, the State Department criticized the nuclear deal, saying, "The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) states the anticipation of JCPOA participants that 'full implementation of this JCPOA will positively contribute to regional and international peace and security.' However, Iran’s other malign activities are serving to undercut whatever 'positive contributions' to regional and international peace and security were intended to emerge from the JCPOA."[57]

    Citing Iran's support for terrorist groups—Hizballah, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad—Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime, and the Houthi rebels in Yemen and their continued testing and development of ballistic missiles, the Trump administration announced new sanctions on Iranian individuals and entities. In a statement released on July 18, 2017, the State Department said that the administration "designated 18 entities and individuals supporting Iran’s ballistic missile program and for supporting Iran’s military procurement or Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), as well as an Iran-based transnational criminal organization and associated persons."[57]

    The State Department also called on Iran to release American detainees and prisoners. The statement said, "The Iranian regime also continues to detain U.S. citizens and other foreigners on fabricated national-security related charges. We call upon Iran to release U.S. citizens Baquer Namazi, Siamak Namazi, and Xiyue Wang, and all other unjustly detained U.S. citizens, so that they can be reunited with their families. ... It has also been more than a decade since Robert Levinson disappeared from Iran’s Kish Island. Iran committed to cooperating with the United States in bringing Bob home and we call on Iran to fulfill this commitment. The United States remains unwavering in its efforts to return Bob to his family."[57]

    The administration noted that it was continuing to conduct a review of U.S. policy toward Iran.[57]

    August 1, 2017: Iran accuses U.S. of breaching nuclear deal[edit]

    On August 1, 2017, Ali Larijani, the speaker of Iran's parliament, said that Iran notified the JCPOA Commission that they thought the U.S. violated the terms of the nuclear deal when they placed sanctions on Iran in July 2017. Larijani said, "Iran's JCPOA supervisory body assessed the new U.S. sanctions and decided that they contradict parts of the nuclear deal."[58]

    May 22, 2017: Trump begins to build anti-Iran coalition[edit]

    During his trip to Israel on May 22, 2017, Trump indicated that he wanted to see Israel make peace with the Palestinians as part of an agreement to create an anti-Iran coalition. Trump and Sunni Arab nations in the region expressed a desire to partner with Israel to create a united front against Shiite-led Iran, but Trump and the Muslim leaders he spoke to in Saudi Arabia at the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) gathering seemed to believe that a resolution between Israel and Palestine had to be part of an agreement.[59]

    Trump said, “I was deeply encouraged by my conversations with Muslim world leaders in Saudi Arabia, including King Salman, who I spoke to at great length. King Salman feels very strongly and, I can tell you, would love to see peace with Israel and the Palestinians. … There is a growing realization among your Arab neighbors that they have common cause with you in the threat posed by Iran, and it is indeed a threat, there’s no question about that.”[59]

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he wanted to work with Sunni Arab nations but wanted his country's relationship with Palestine to remain a separate issue. Netanyahu said, “For the first time in my lifetime, I see a real hope for change. The Arab leaders who you met yesterday could help change the atmosphere, and they could help create the conditions for a realistic peace.” However, he did not address whether Israel would pursue a peace agreement with Palestine.[59]

    May 21, 2017: Trump delivers speech urging leaders of Muslim nations to join with the U.S. to fight extremism and isolate Iran[edit]

    On May 21, 2017, during a meeting with 55 leaders of Muslim-majority nations inside King Abdulaziz International Conference Center in Riyadh, Trump delivered a speech that focused on promoting peace by building partnerships to end extremism and terrorism. He singled out Iran as a nation that supports terrorists and argued that Iran must be isolated until it pursues a path of peace.[60]

    But no discussion of stamping out this threat would be complete without mentioning the government that gives terrorists all three—safe harbor, financial backing, and the social standing needed for recruitment. It is a regime that is responsible for so much instability in the region. I am speaking of course of Iran.

    From Lebanon to Iraq to Yemen, Iran funds, arms, and trains terrorists, militias, and other extremist groups that spread destruction and chaos across the region. For decades, Iran has fueled the fires of sectarian conflict and terror. It is a government that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing the destruction of Israel, death to America, and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room. Among Iran’s most tragic and destabilizing interventions have been in Syria. Bolstered by Iran, Assad has committed unspeakable crimes, and the United States has taken firm action in response to the use of banned chemical weapons by the Assad Regime – launching 59 tomahawk missiles at the Syrian air base from where that murderous attack originated. Responsible nations must work together to end the humanitarian crisis in Syria, eradicate ISIS, and restore stability to the region. The Iranian regime’s longest-suffering victims are its own people. Iran has a rich history and culture, but the people of Iran have endured hardship and despair under their leaders’ reckless pursuit of conflict and terror. Until the Iranian regime is willing to be a partner for peace, all nations of conscience must work together to isolate Iran, deny it funding for terrorism, and pray for the day when the Iranian people have the just and righteous government they deserve. The decisions we make will affect countless lives.[48]

    —President Donald Trump[60]

    May 17, 2017: Trump administration imposes sanctions on Iran, but preserves nuclear deal[edit]

    On May 17, 2017, the Trump administration introduced new sanctions against Iran in connection with the country’s ballistic missile program and for continued human rights abuses, but the administration kept the nuclear deal with Iran intact by waiving economic sanctions as outlined in the JCPOA. Under the JCPOA, sanctions were required to be updated periodically. The administration said that it was continuing to review its Iran policy, as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stated on April 18, 2017. A senior White House official said that the administration was reviewing whether it would continue to adhere to the nuclear deal and noted that the waiver “should not be seen as giving Iran a clean bill of health.”[61][62][63]

    The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned seven individuals and entities, including two senior Iranian defense officials and a China-based network for supporting Iran's ballistic missile program. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said, "This Administration is committed to countering Iran's destabilizing behavior, such as Iran's development of ballistic missiles and support to the Assad regime. It is alarming that individuals involved with Iran's missile program are assisting the brutal Assad regime, and we are taking action to curtail this behavior."[62]

    April 19, 2017: Trump administration reviewing policy on Iran[edit]

    On April 19, 2017, Tillerson announced that the Trump administration was reviewing the U.S. policy on Iran. After explaining that Iran was the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, he said, “An unchecked Iran has the potential to travel the same path as North Korea, and take the world along with it. The United States is keen to avoid a second piece of evidence that strategic patience is a failed approach.” Tillerson said that Iran had attempted to disrupt peace throughout the world by:[64]

    • Supporting the Assad regime in Syria;
    • Supporting some Iraqi militant groups, undermining security in Iraq;
    • Supporting Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist organizations to harm Israel;
    • Supporting the Houthis’ attempted overthrow of the Yemeni government;
    • Harassing lawfully operating U.S. naval vessels in the Persian Gulf;
    • Conducting cyber-attacks against the United States and our Gulf partners.
    • Supporting terrorist attacks throughout the rest of the world;
    • Violating basic human rights;
    • Arbitrarily detaining foreigners; and
    • Continuing to develop and test ballistic missiles in defiance of UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

    Tillerson also discussed the JCPOA, saying, “The JCPOA fails to achieve the objective of a non-nuclear Iran; it only delays their goal of becoming a nuclear state. This deal represents the same failed approach of the past that brought us to the current imminent threat we face from North Korea.”[64]

    April 18, 2017: Iran complying with nuclear deal[edit]

    The First 100 Days

    In the first 100 days of the Trump administration, policy on Iran was changed through the following actions:

    • In April 2017, the Trump administration confirmed that Iran was complying with the nuclear deal, but said that it was reviewing U.S. policy on Iran, noting the country's continued support of terrorism throughout the world.
    • In February 2017, the U.S. put Iran on notice and imposed sanctions on 25 entities and individuals known to have supported Iran’s ballistic missile program or Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps for conducting a ballistic missile test launch and supporting Houthi militants.

    On April 18, 2017, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sent a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) stating that Iran was complying with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Tillerson also told Ryan that the Trump administration was concerned about Iran’s role as a state sponsor of terrorism and would decide if sanctions should be reimposed.[65]

    Tillerson wrote, "Iran remains a leading state sponsor of terror, through many platforms and methods. President Donald J. Trump has directed a National Security Council-led interagency review of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action that will evaluate whether suspension of sanctions related to Iran pursuant to the JCPOA is vital to the national security interests of the United States."[65]

    February 1, 2017: Trump administration responds to Iran testing a ballistic missile[edit]

    On February 1, 2017, Iran confirmed that it conducted a ballistic missile test launch, and the Trump administration responded by "officially putting Iran on notice,” according to a statement from National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Flynn added, "The Obama Administration failed to respond adequately to Tehran’s malign actions—including weapons transfers, support for terrorism, and other violations of international norms. The Trump Administration condemns such actions by Iran that undermine security, prosperity, and stability throughout and beyond the Middle East and place American lives at risk.”[66]

    Two days later, on February 3, 2017, the administration sanctioned 25 entities and individuals known to have supported Iran’s ballistic missile program or Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force. Acting U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control Director John E. Smith explained the sanctions in the following statement: “Iran’s continued support for terrorism and development of its ballistic missile program poses a threat to the region, to our partners worldwide, and to the United States. Today’s action is part of Treasury’s ongoing efforts to counter Iranian malign activity abroad that is outside the scope of the JCPOA. We will continue to actively apply all available tools, including financial sanctions, to address this behavior.” The administration noted that the sanctions did not violate the terms of the nuclear deal, which drew criticism and statements of disagreement from Iranian officials.[67][68]

    In response, Iran’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement, “The Islamic Republic will proportionately and reciprocally confront any action that targets the Iranian people’s interests." Iranian officials also said that the ballistic missile test launch did not violate the nuclear deal or United Nations Security Council resolutions.[68]

    On February 7, 2017, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei released a statement criticizing Trump for imposing sanctions on Iran and adding the country to the executive order that temporarily suspended Iranians from entering the United States. Khamenei said that Trump exposed the United States' “political, economic, ethical and social corruption. We are grateful to this gentleman who has come, grateful because he made it easy for us and showed the U.S.’s real face."[69]

    See also[edit]

    External links[edit]


    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2, "Ceasing U.S. Participation in the JCPOA and Taking Additional Action to Counter Iran’s Malign Influence and Deny Iran All Paths to a Nuclear Weapon," May 8, 2018
    2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Hill, "Trump pulls US out of Iran nuke deal," May 8, 2018
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Wall Street Journal, "U.N. Court Orders U.S. to Lift Iran Sanctions on Humanitarian Goods," October 3, 2018
    4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Hill, "US terminates 1950s treaty with Iran after court orders ease in sanctions," October 3, 2018
    5. 5.0 5.1 5.2, "Remarks by President Trump to the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly," September 25, 2018
    6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4, "After the Deal: A New Iran Strategy," May 21, 2018
    7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Reuters, "U.S. toughens stance on Iran, lists sweeping demands," May 21, 2018
    8. 8.0 8.1, "United States and United Arab Emirates Disrupt Large Scale Currency Exchange Network Transferring Millions of Dollars to the IRGC-QF," May 10, 2018
    9. The Wall Street Journal, "U.S. Raises Pressure on Iran With Sanctions on Currency Exchange," May 11, 2018
    10. 10.0 10.1, "Treasury Targets Iran’s Central Bank Governor and an Iraqi Bank Moving Millions of Dollars for IRGC-Qods Force," May 15, 2018
    11. 11.0 11.1, "Treasury and the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center Partner Together to Sanction Hizballah’s Senior Leadership," May 16, 2018
    12. 12.0 12.1, "Treasury Targets Key Hizballah Financing Network and Iranian Conduit," May 17, 2018
    13. 13.0 13.1, "Treasury Targets Iranian Individuals Providing Ballistic Missile Support to Yemen’s Huthis," May 22, 2018
    14. 14.0 14.1, "Treasury Targets Human Rights Abuses, Censorship, and Enhanced Monitoring by the Iranian Government," May 30, 2018
    15. Gov.UK, "Joint statement from Prime Minister May, Chancellor Merkel and President Macron following President Trump’s statement on Iran," May 8, 2018
    16. The Hill, "European nations say they are staying in Iran deal," May 8, 2018
    17. The Hill, "Netanyahu lauds Trump's 'bold decision' to pull out of Iran deal," May 8, 2018
    18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Associated Press, "The Latest: Australia and Japan still support Iran deal," May 9, 2018
    19. 19.0 19.1 The Wall Street Journal, "U.S. Pullout From Nuclear Deal Energizes Iranian Foes of Foreign Influence," May 9, 2018
    20. Al Jazeera, "World leaders react to US withdrawal from Iranian nuclear deal," May 8, 2018
    21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 The Hill, "Dems hammer Trump over withdrawal from Iran deal," May 8, 2018
    22., "Manchin Statement On President Trump's Decision To Pull Out Of The Iran Deal," May 10, 2018
    23., "Cornyn Statement on Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal," May 8, 2018
    24., "Graham Statement On President Trump's Decision To Withdraw From The Iran Deal," May 8, 2018
    25., "Speaker Ryan Statement on Iran," May 8, 2018
    26., "Sasse Statement on Iran Deal," May 8, 2018
    27. 27.0 27.1 27.2, "Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Re-Imposition of Sanctions Pursuant to the May 8, 2018 National Security Presidential Memorandum Relating to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)," May 8, 2018
    28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 BBC, "Israel's Iran documents show nuclear deal 'was built on lies.'" May 1, 2018
    29. 29.0 29.1, "Iran Atomic Archive," April 30, 2018
    30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 The Wall Street Journal, "Dozens Killed in Alleged Chemical-Weapons Attack in Syria," April 8, 2018
    31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 The Hill, "Trump sends mixed signals on Syria amid calls for action," April 8, 2018
    32. BBC, "Syria war: What we know about Douma 'chemical attack,'" April 10, 2018
    33. Twitter, "Donald J. Trump," April 8, 2018
    34., "Pelosi Statement on Reported Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria," April 9, 2018
    35., "Statement By SASC Chairman John Mccain On Chemical Attack In Syria," April 8, 2018
    36., "Remarks by President Trump at Cabinet Meeting," April 9, 2018
    37. The Hill, "US found chlorine gas, nerve agent in samples from Syria attack: report," April 12, 2018
    38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 The Wall Street Journal, "U.S. Secretly Offered Iran a Channel for Talks on Prisoners," February 8, 2018
    39. 39.0 39.1, "Treasury Sanctions Iranian Entities," January 4, 2018
    40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 The White House, "National Security Strategy of the United States of America," December 2017
    41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 The Hill, "Haley presents 'undeniable' evidence of Iran's support for Yemeni rebels," December 15, 2017
    42. BBC, "Yemen crisis: Who is fighting whom?" December 2, 2017
    43. 43.0 43.1 The Wall Street Journal, "U.S. Treasury Sanctions ‘Large-Scale’ Iran Counterfeiting Ring," November 20, 2017
    44., "H.R.1698 - Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions Enforcement Act," accessed October 26, 2017
    45. YouTube, "President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Iran Strategy," October 13, 2017
    46. 46.0 46.1 The Wall Street Journal, "Trump Vows to End Iran Deal Himself if Congress Won’t Act," October 13, 2017
    47., "President Donald J. Trump’s New Strategy on Iran," October 13, 2017
    48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
    49., "Remarks by President Trump to the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly," September 19, 2017
    50. The Wall Street Journal, "U.S. Keeps Iran Nuclear Deal in Place but Imposes Other Sanctions," September 14, 2017
    51. 51.0 51.1, "Treasury Targets Supporters of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Networks Responsible for Cyber-Attacks Against the United States," September 14, 2017
    52. 52.0 52.1, "H.R.3364 - Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act," accessed July 27, 2017
    53., "Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Signing of H.R. 3364," August 2, 2017
    54., "Statement by President Donald J. Trump on Signing the 'Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act,'" August 2, 2017
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    56. 56.0 56.1 The Wall Street Journal, "Trump Administration Again Certifies Iran Is Complying With Nuclear Deal," July 18, 2017
    57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3, "U.S. Announces New Iran-related Sanctions," July 18, 2017
    58. Reuters, "Iran accuses United States of breaching nuclear deal," August 1, 2017
    59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 The New York Times, "Trump Comes to Israel Citing a Palestinian Deal as Crucial," May 22, 2017
    60. 60.0 60.1 Facebook, "Donald Trump," May 21, 2017
    61., "U.S. State Department Issues Report on Human Rights Sanctions on Iran," May 17, 2017
    62. 62.0 62.1, "Treasury Sanctions Iranian Defense Officials and a China-Based Network for Supporting Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program," May 17, 2017
    63. The Wall Street Journal, "Trump Administration Announces New Sanctions on Iran," May 17, 2017
    64. 64.0 64.1, "Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Press Availability," April 19, 2017
    65. 65.0 65.1, "Iran Continues To Sponsor Terrorism," April 19, 2017
    66., "Statement by the National Security Advisor," accessed February 6, 2017
    67., "Treasury Sanctions Supporters of Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Qods Force," accessed February 6, 2017
    68. 68.0 68.1 The Wall Street Journal, "U.S. Hits Iran With Sanctions, Drawing Threat from Tehran," accessed February 7, 2017
    69. The Wall Street Journal, "Iran’s Supreme Leader Denounces Trump," accessed February 8, 2017

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