Republican delegates from Mississippi, 2016

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Republican Disc.svg

2016 Republican National Convention

July 18-21, 2016
Cleveland, Ohio

Donald Trump
Vice President
Mike Pence

Calendar and delegate rules overviewTypes of delegatesDelegate rules by stateState election law and delegatesCorrell v. HerringDelegates by state

2016 Convention RulesRule 12Rule 16Rule 40Conscience clauseBrokered conventionsRNC Rules CommitteePlatform and Platform CommitteeRNC Standing Committee on RulesRepublican National Committee

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See also: Republican delegates by state, 2016

This page includes information on Republican delegates from Mississippi to the 2016 Republican National Convention. Mississippi sent 40 delegates to the national convention. In Mississippi’s presidential primary election on March 8, 2016, Donald Trump won 25 delegates, and Ted Cruz won 15 delegates. Ballotpedia was not able to identify which Mississippi delegates were bound to which candidate. If you have information on Iowa's delegation to the 2016 Republican National Convention, please email

2016 Delegates[edit]

RNC Rules Committee members[edit]

See also: RNC Rules Committee, 2016
Republican Disc.svg
Each state and territorial delegation selected one male and one female delegate to sit on the RNC Rules Committee, a 112-member body responsible for crafting the rules that governed the 2016 Republican National Convention's proceedings. The Rules Committee members from Mississippi were Henry Barbour and Nell Frisbie.

Delegate rules[edit]

See also: RNC delegate guidelines from Mississippi, 2016 and Republican delegates from Mississippi, 2016

Delegates from Mississippi to the 2016 Republican National Convention were elected at district caucuses and the state convention in May 2016. Mississippi GOP bylaws required candidates for delegate positions to submit a written declaration stating "which candidate that person will be bound to support on the floor of the Republican National Convention." Delegates from Mississippi were bound to the candidate to whom they were allocated unless released by their candidate via public statement or in writing.

Mississippi primary results[edit]

See also: Presidential election in Mississippi, 2016
Mississippi Republican Primary, 2016
Candidate Vote % Votes Delegates
Jeb Bush 0.4% 1,697 0
Ben Carson 1.4% 5,626 0
Chris Christie 0.1% 493 0
Ted Cruz 36.1% 150,364 15
Carly Fiorina 0.1% 224 0
Lindsey Graham 0% 172 0
Mike Huckabee 0.3% 1,067 0
John Kasich 8.8% 36,795 0
George Pataki 0% 135 0
Rand Paul 0.2% 643 0
Marco Rubio 5.3% 21,885 0
Rick Santorum 0.1% 510 0
Green check mark transparent.pngDonald Trump 47.2% 196,659 25
Totals 416,270 40
Source: Mississippi Secretary of State and The New York Times

Delegate allocation[edit]

See also: 2016 presidential nominations: calendar and delegate rules

Mississippi had 40 delegates at the 2016 Republican National Convention. Of this total, 12 were district-level delegates (three for each of the state's four congressional districts). Mississippi's district-level delegates were allocated on a proportional basis. The first place finisher in a district won two of that district's delegates while the second place finisher received one.[1][2]

Of the remaining 28 delegates, 25 served at large. At-large delegates were allocated on a proportional basis; a candidate had to win at least 15 percent of the statewide primary vote in order to be eligible to receive any of the state's at-large delegates. In addition, three national party leaders (identified on the chart below as RNC delegates) served as bound delegates to the Republican National Convention.[1][2]

See also[edit]


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