Schedule, Arkansas Constitution

From Ballotpedia - Reading time: 13 min

Arkansas Constitution
Seal of Arkansas.svg.png

The first section following the Arkansas Constitution's 20 sections is entitled Schedule[1]. It contains 28 sections.

Section 1[edit]

Text of Section 1:

Retention of Existing Laws - Sealed Instruments

All laws now in force, which are not in conflict or inconsistent with this Constitution, shall continue in force until amended or repealed by the General Assembly, and all laws exempting property from sale on execution, or by decree of a court, which were in force at the time of the adoption of the Constitution of 1868, shall remain in force with regard to contracts made before that time. Until otherwise provided by law no distinction shall exist between sealed and unsealed instruments, concerning contracts between individuals, executed since the adoption of the Constitution of 1868; Provided: That the statutes of limitation with regard to sealed and unsealed instruments in force at that time, continue to apply to all instruments afterward executed, and until altered or repealed.[2]

Section 2[edit]

Text of Section 2:


Section 3[edit]

Text of Section 3:

First General Election

An election shall be held at the several election precincts of every county in the State, on Tuesday, the thirteenth day of October, 1874, for Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Attorney-General, Commissioner of State Lands, (for two years unless the office is sooner abolished by the General Assembly), Chancellor, and Clerk of the separate Chancery court of Pulaski county, Chief Justice and two Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, a Circuit Judge and Prosecuting Attorney for each Judicial Circuit provided for in this Constitution; Senators and Representatives to the General Assembly, all county and township officers provided for in this Constitution; and also for the submission of this Constitution to the qualified electors of the State, for its adoption or rejection.[4]

Section 4[edit]

Text of Section 4:

Qualifications of Voters

The qualification of voters at the election, to be held as provided in this schedule, shall be the same as is now prescribed by law.[5]

Section 5[edit]

Text of Section 5:

Notice of Election

The State Board of Supervisors, hereinafter mentioned, shall give notice of said election immediately after the adoption of this Constitution by this Convention, by proclamation in at least two newspapers published at Little Rock, and such other newspapers as they may select. And each county board of Supervisors, shall give public notice in their respective counties, of said election, immediately after their appointment.[6]

Section 6[edit]

Text of Section 6:

Governor's Proclamation

The Governor shall also issue a proclamation enjoining upon all peace officers the duty of preserving good order on the day of said election, and preventing any disturbance of the same.[7]

Section 7[edit]

Text of Section 7:

State Board of Supervisors

Augustus H. Garland, Gordon N. Peay and Dudley E. Jones are hereby constituted a State Board of Supervisors of said election, who shall take an oath faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties of their office; a majority of whom shall be a quorum, and who shall perform the duties herein assigned them. Should a vacancy occur in said Board, by refusal to serve, death, removal, resignation, or otherwise; or if any member should become incapacitated from performing said duties, the remaining members of the Board shall fill the vacancy by appointment. But if all the places on said Board become vacant at the same time, the said vacancies shall be filled by the President of this Convention.[8]

Section 8[edit]

Text of Section 8:

County Board of Supervisors

Said State Board shall at once proceed to appoint a Board of Election Supervisors for each County of this State, consisting of three men of known intelligence and uprightness of character, who shall take the same oath as above provided for the State Board. A majority of each Board shall constitute a quorum, and shall perform the duties herein assigned to them; and vacancies occurring in the County Boards shall be filled by the State Board.[9]

Section 9[edit]

Text of Section 9:

Poll Books and Ballot Boxes - First Election

The State Board shall provide the form of poll books and each County Board shall furnish the Judges of each election precinct with three copies of the poll books in the form prescribed, and with ballot-boxes at the expense of the county.[10]

Section 10[edit]

Text of Section 10:

Copies of Constitution to Be Distributed

The State Board of Supervisors shall cause to be furnished in pamphlet form a sufficient number of copies of this Constitution to supply each County Supervisor and Judge of Election with a copy, and shall forward the same to the County Election Boards for distribution.[11]

Section 11[edit]

Text of Section 11:

Judges and Clerks of First Election

The Boards of County Election Supervisors shall at once proceed to appoint three Judges of Election for each election precinct in their respective counties; and the Judges shall appoint three Election Clerks for their respective precincts, all of whom shall be good, competent men, and take an oath as prescribed above. Should the Judges of any election precinct fail to attend at the time and place provided by law, or decline to act, the assembled electors shall choose competent persons, in the manner provided by law, to act in their place, who shall be sworn as above.[12]

Section 12[edit]

Text of Section 12:

Conduct of First Election

Said election shall be conducted in accordance with existing laws, except as herein provided. As the electors present themselves at the polls to vote, the judges of the election shall pass upon their qualifications and the clerks of the election shall register their names on the poll-books if qualified; and such registration by said clerks shall be a sufficient registration in conformity with the Constitution of this State, and then their votes shall be taken.[13]

Section 13[edit]

Text of Section 13:

Style of Ballot

Each elector shall have written or printed on his ticket "For Constitution," or "Against Constitution," and also the offices and the names of the candidates for the offices for whom he desires to vote.[14]

Section 14[edit]

Text of Section 14:

Manner of Voting

The judges shall deposit the tickets in the ballot-box; but no elector shall vote outside of the township or ward in which he resides. The names of the electors shall be numbered, and the corresponding numbers shall be placed on the ballots by the judges when deposited.[15]

Section 15[edit]

Text of Section 15:

Dram Shops to Be Closed - First Election

All dram shops and drinking houses in this State shall be closed during the day of said election, and the succeeding night; and any person selling or giving away intoxicating liquors during said day or night shall be punished by fine, not less than two hundred dollars, for each and every offense, or imprisoned not less than six months, or both.[16]

Section 16[edit]

Text of Section 16:

Hours of Voting - Counting of Ballots - Returns

The polls shall be opened at eight o'clock in the forenoon, and shall be kept open until sunset. After the polls are closed the ballots shall be counted by the judges at the place of voting, as soon as the polls are closed, unless prevented by violence or accident; and the results by them certified on the poll-books, and the ballots sealed up. They shall be returned to the County Board of Election Supervisors, who shall proceed to cast up the votes and ascertain and state the number of votes cast for the Constitution and the number cast against the Constitution, and also the number of votes cast for each candidate voted for any office, and shall forthwith forward to the State Board of Supervisors, duly certified by them, one copy of the statement or abstracts of the votes so made out by them, retain one copy in their possession, and file one copy in the office of the County Clerk, where they shall also deposit, for safe-keeping, the ballots, sealed up, and one copy of the poll-books, retaining possession of the other copies.[17]

Section 17[edit]

Text of Section 17:

Publication of Result

The State Board of Supervisors shall at once proceed, on receiving such returns from the County Boards, to ascertain therefrom, and state the whole number of votes given for the Constitution, and the whole number given against it; and if a majority of all votes cast in favor of the Constitution, they shall at once make public the fact by publication in two or more of the leading newspapers published in the city of Little Rock, and this Constitution, from that date, shall be in force; and they shall also make out and file, in the office of the Secretary of State an abstract of all the votes cast for the Constitution, and all votes cast against it; and also an abstract of all votes cast for every candidate voted for at the election, and file the same in the office of the Secretary of State, showing the candidate elected. They shall also make out and certify, and lay before each house of the General Assembly a list of the members elected to that house; and shall also make out, certify and deliver to the Speaker of the House of Representatives an abstract of all votes cast at the election, for any and all persons for the office of Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer of State, Auditor of State, Attorney General and Commissioner of State Lands, and the said Speaker shall cast up the votes and announce the names of the persons elected to these offices. The Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer of State, Auditor of State, Attorney-General and Commissioner of State Lands chosen at said election shall qualify and enter upon the discharge of the duties of their respective offices within fifteen days after the announcement of their election as aforesaid.[18]

Section 18[edit]

Text of Section 18:

Commissions - Officers Elected at First Election

All officers shown to be elected by the abstract of said election filed by the State Board of Supervisors in the office of the Secretary of State, required by this Constitution to be commissioned, shall be commissioned by the Governor.[19]

Section 19[edit]

Text of Section 19:

Election of Representatives and Senators - First Election

At said election the qualified voters of each County and Senatorial District, as defined in article eight of this Constitution, shall elect, respectively, Representatives and Senators according to the numbers and apportionment contained in said article. The Board of Election Supervisors of each county shall furnish certificates of election to the person or persons elected to the House of Representatives as soon as practicable after the result of the election has been ascertained; and such Board of Election Supervisors in each county shall make a correct return of the election for Senator or Senators to the Board of Election Supervisors of the county first named in the Senatorial apportionment, and said Board shall furnish certificates of election to the person or persons elected as Senator or Senators in said Senatorial district as soon as practicable.[20]

Section 20[edit]

Text of Section 20:

When Officers to Enter upon Duties

All officers elected under this Constitution, except the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Treasurer, Attorney-General and Commissioner of State Lands shall enter upon the duties of their several offices when they shall have been declared duly elected by said State Board of Supervisors, and shall have duly qualified. All such officers shall qualify and enter upon the duties of their offices within fifteen days after they have been duly notified of their election.[21]

Section 21[edit]

Text of Section 21:

Prior Incumbents to Vacate Office

Upon the qualification of the officers elected at said election the present incumbents of the offices for which the election is held shall vacate the same and turn over to the officers thus elected and qualified, all books, papers, records, moneys and documents belonging or pertaining to said offices by them respectively held.[22]

Section 22[edit]

Text of Section 22:

First Session of General Assembly

The first session of the General Assembly under this constitution shall commence on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in November, 1874.[23]

Section 23[edit]

Text of Section 23:

Transfer of Jurisdiction of Courts

The County Courts provided for in this Constitution shall be regarded in law as a continuation of the Boards of Supervisors now existing by law, and the Circuit Courts shall be regarded in law as continuations of the Criminal Courts wherever the same may have existed in their respective counties: and the Probate Courts shall be regarded as continuations of the Circuit Courts for the business within the jurisdiction of such Probate Courts, and the papers and records pertaining to said courts and jurisdictions shall be transferred accordingly; and no suit or prosecution of any kind shall abate because of any change made in this Constitution.[24]

Section 24[edit]

Text of Section 24:

Present Incumbents to Hold until Successors Qualify

All officers now in office whose offices are not abolished by this Convention, shall continue in office and discharge the duties imposed on them by law, until their successors are elected and qualified under this Constitution. The office of Commissioner of State Lands shall be continued; Provided, That the General Assembly at its next session may abolish or continue the same in such manner as may be prescribed by law.[25]

Section 25[edit]

Text of Section 25:

Fraud in First Election

Any election officer, appointed under the provisions of this schedule, who shall fraudulently and corruptly permit any person to vote illegally or refuse the vote of any qualified elector, cast up or make a false return of said election, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than five years nor more than ten years. And any person who shall vote when not a qualified elector, or vote more than once, or bribe any one to vote contrary to his wishes, or intimidate or prevent any elector by threats, menace or promises from voting, shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one, nor more than five years.[26]

Section 26[edit]

Text of Section 26:

Tenure of Officers Elected

All officers elected at the election provided for in this schedule shall hold their offices for the respective periods provided for in the foregoing Constitution, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The first general elections after the ratification of this Constitution shall be held on the first Monday of September A. D. 1876. Nothing in this Constitution and the schedule thereto shall be so construed as to prevent the election of congressmen at the time as now prescribed by law.[27]

Section 27[edit]

Text of Section 27:

Appropriation for Expenses of Election

The sum of five thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to defray the expenses of the election provided for in this schedule, and the Auditor of State shall draw his warrants on the Treasurer for such expenses, not exceeding said amount, on the certificate of the State Board of Supervisors of election.[28]

Section 28[edit]

Text of Section 28:

Salaries of Officers

For the period of two years from the adoption of this Constitution, and until otherwise provided by law, the respective officers herein enumerated shall receive for their services the following salaries per annum:

For Governor, the sum of: $3,500
For Secretary of State, the sum of: $2,000
For Treasurer, the sum of: $2,500
For Auditor, the sum of: $2,500
For Attorney General, the sum of: $2,000
For Commissioner of State Lands, the sum of: $2,000
For Judges of Supreme Court, each, the sum of: $3,500
For Judges of Circuit and Chancery Courts, each, the sum of: $2,500
For Prosecuting Attorneys, each, the sum of: $400

For members of the General Assembly, the sum of $6 per day, and twenty cents per mile for each mile traveled in going to and returning from the seat of government over the most direct and practicable route. Done in Convention, at Little Rock, the Seventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy four and of the Independence of the United States the ninety-ninth.[29]

List of Delegates[edit]

In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names.

GRANDISON D. ROYSTON, President of the Convention, and Delegate from
the County of Hempstead.
THOMAS W. NEWTON, Secretary.
A. M. RODGERS, Delegate from Benton County.
HORACE H. PATTERSON, Delegate from Benton County.
W. W. BAILEY, Delegate from Boone County.
JNO. R. HAMPTON, Delegate from Bradley County.
JOHN W. CYPERT, Delegate from Baxter County.
BRADLEY BUNCH, Delegate from Carroll County.
JESSE A. ROSS, Delegate from Clark County.
H. F. THOMASON, Delegate from Crawford County.
W. D. LEIPER, Delegate from Dallas County.
WM. J. THOMPSON, Delegate from Woodruff County.
JAMES A. GIBSON, Delegate from Arkansas County.
HENRY W. CARTER, Delegate from Pike County.
DANIEL F. REINHARDT, Delegate from Prairie County.
ELIJAH MOSELEY, Delegate from Ouachita County.
STEPHEN C. BATES, Delegate from Polk County.
G. P. SMOOTE, Delegate from Columbia County.
D. L. KILLGORE, Delegate from Columbia County.
WILLIAM S. HANNA, Delegate from Conway County.
JOHN S. ANDERSON, Delegate from Craighead County.
J. G. FRIERSON, Delegate from Cross County.
E. FOSTER BROWN, Delegate from Clayton County.
JAS. P. STANLEY, Delegate from Drew County.
JOHN NIVEN, Delegate from Dorsey County.
WILLIAM W. MANSFIELD, Delegate from the County of Franklin.
JOHN DUNAWAY, Delegate from the County of Faulkner.
DAVIDSON D. CUNNINGHAM, Delegate from the County of Grant.
BEN H. CROWLEY, Delegate from the County of Greene.
H. M. RECTOR, Delegate from Garland County.
JN. R. EAKIN, Delegate from Hempstead County.
W. C. KELLY, Delegate from Hot Spring County.
J. W. BUTLER, Delegate from Independence County.
JAMES RUTHERFORD, Delegate from Independence County.
RANSOM GULLEY, Delegate from Izard County.
FRANKLIN DOSWELL, Delegate from Jackson County.
JNO. A. WILLIAMS, Delegate from Jefferson County.
SETH J. HOWELL, Delegate from Johnson County.
PHILIP K. LESTER, Delegate from Lawrence County.
J. H. WILLIAMS, Delegate from Little River County.
J. P. EAGLE, Delegate from Lonoke County.
REASON G. PUNTNEY, Delegate from Lincoln County.
MONROE ANDERSON, Delegate from Lee County.
JOHN CARROLL, Delegate from Madison County.
S. P. HUGHES, Delegate from Monroe County.
NICHOLAS W. CABLE, Delegate from Montgomery County.
CHARLES BOWEN, Delegate from Mississippi County.
R. K. GARLAND, Delegate from Nevada County.
HENRY G. BUNN, Delegate from Ouachita County
W. H. BLACKWELL, Delegate from Perry County
JNO. J. HORNOR, Delegate from Phillips County.
JNO. R. HOMER SCOTT, Delegate from the County of Pope.
JOHN MILLER, JR., Delegate from the County of Randolph.
SIDNEY M. BARNES, Delegate from the County of Pulaski.
JABEZ M. SMITH, Delegate from Saline County.
BEN B. CHISM, Delegate from the County of Sarber.
J. W. SORRELS, Delegate from Scott County.
W. S. LINDSEY, Delegate from Searcy County.
R. P. PULLIAM, Delegate from Sebastian County.
W. M. FISHBACK, Delegate from Sebastian County.
B. H. KINSWORTHY, Delegate from Sevier County.
LEWIS WILLIAMS, Delegate from Sharp County.
JOHN M. PARROTT, Delegate from Saint Francis County.
WALTER J. CAGLE, Delegate from Stone County.
HORATIO G. P. WILLIAMS, Delegate from Union County.
ROBT. GOODWIN, Delegate from Union County.
A. R. WITT, Delegate from Van Buren County.
R. P. POLK, Delegate from Phillips County.
T. W. THOMASON, Delegate from Washington County.
BENJAMIN F. WALKER, Delegate from Washington County.
M. F. LAKE, Delegate from Washington County.
JESSE N. CYPERT, Delegate from White County.
J. W. HOUSE, Delegate from White County.
JOSEPH T. HARRISON, Delegate from Yell County.
MARCUS L. HAWKINS, Delegate from Ashley County.
EDWIN R. LUCAS, Delegate from Fulton County.
BENJAMIN W. JOHNSON, Delegate from Calhoun County.
RODERICK JOYNER, Delegate from Poinsett County

See also[edit]

State Constitutions Ballotpedia.png

External links[edit]

Additional reading[edit]


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