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Ring (jewellery)

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A ring, an item of jewellery, is an ornamental band worn on the body. Rings are usually worn on the fingers, but there are also toe rings, and rings can be worn in or on other organs by those with piercings, though rings worn as a result of body piercing are less acceptable among conservative enclaves of society. They can also be worn on a chain around the neck.

Rings are usually made of a durable material, metal, especially precious metals, being the most popular. Rings can also be carved of bone, ivory and stone (jade, for example). Rings can also be woven of yarn, fabric or hair.

Rings with special significance[edit]

Wedding ring[edit]

A Medieval silver finger ring from two angles. Unadorned rings often are used as wedding rings.

The best-known of rings with special meaning is probably the wedding ring. In its simplest form, the wedding ring is a band of gold worn on the third finger of the left hand (from whence a vein was believed to run straight to the heart).

Engagement ring[edit]

School ring[edit]

In the United States, students graduating from high school are allowed to purchase a ring made especially for the graduation class. A class ring typically contains a jewel and the school's name and year of graduation.

Promise and friendship rings[edit]

Victorian message rings (Regards ring)[edit]

The regards ring was a Victorian engagement ring.

Championship ring[edit]

1997 Chicago Bulls NBA World Championship Ring

In some professional team sports leagues, the members of the team that wins each season's championship game or series are customarily given rings to commemorate the occasion. Players, particularly superstars, are often judged by "how many rings s/he has", i.e., how many times their team won a season's championship during their playing career.

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