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Software is a collective term for programs and the associated data.

Software determines what a software-controlled device does and how it does it. The hardware executes software and thus puts it into action. Software is the set of information that must be added to the hardware to make a software-controlled device usable for a defined range of tasks.

For software programs, a distinction can be made between desktop and cloud software, but also according to their customizability and specification, such as standard software, industry software (such as financial software, entertainment software, etc.) or individual software.

Desktop Software Companies:
• Adobe
• Hewlett-Packard

Cloud Software Companies:
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
• Salesforce
• Dropbox

Financial Software Companies:
• Stripe
• Kraken
• Binance

Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 | Source: https://citizendium.org/wiki/Software
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