- This is a taxonomic list of domain Archaea.
Archaea is a domain of prokaryotes, single-celled, chemolithotrophies and extremophiles microorganims. This list show the taxonomy at genus level, based on Garrity et al. (2007) [1] and Euzéby (2008).[2]
- Domain Archaea Woese, Kandler & Wheelis, 1990
- Phylum I. Crenarchaeota Garrity & Holt, 2001
- Class I. Thermoprotei Reysenbach, 2002
- Order I. Thermoproteales Zillig & Stetter, 1982
- Family I. Thermoproteaceae Zillig & Stetter, 1982
- Genus I. Thermoproteus Zillig & Stetter, 1982
- Genus II. Caldivirga Itoh, Suzuki, Sanchez & Nakase, 1999
- Genus III. Pyrobaculum Huber, Kristjansson & Stetter, 1988
- Genus IV. Thermocladium Itoh, Suzuki & Nakase, 1998
- Genus V. Vulcanisaeta Itoh, Suzuki & Nakase, 2002
- Family II. Thermofilaceae Burggraf, Huber & Stetter, 1997
- Order II. Caldisphaerales Garrity, Bell & Lilburn, 2003
- Order III. Desulfurococcales Huber & Stetter, 2002
- Family I. Desulfurococcaceae Zillig & Stetter, 1983
- Genus I. Desulfurococcus Zillig & Stetter, 1983
- Genus II. Acidilobus Prokofeva, Miroshnichenko, Kostrikina, Chernyh, Kuznetsov, Tourova & Bonch-Osmolovskaya, 2000
- Genus III. Aeropyrum Sako, Nomura, Uchida, Ishida, Morii, Koga, Hoaki & Maruyama, 1996
- Genus IV. Ignicoccus Huber, Burggraf, Mayer, Wyschkony, Rachel & Stetter, 2000
- Genus V. Ignisphaera Niederberger, Götz, MacDonald, Ronimus & Morgan, 2006
- Genus VI. Staphylothermus Stetter & Fiala, 1986
- Genus VII. Stetteria Jochimsen, Peinemann-Simon, Völker, Stüben, Botz, Stoffers, Dando & Thomm, 1998
- Genus VIII. Sulfophobococcus Hensel, Matussek, Michalke, Tacke, Tindall, Kohlhoff, Siebers & Dielenschneider, 1997
- Genus IX. Thermodicus Stetter, 2003
- Genus X. Thermosphaera Huber, Dyba, Huber, Burggraf & Rachel, 1998
- Family II. Pyrodictiaceae Burggraf, Huber & Stetter, 1997
- Genus I. Pyrodictium Stetter, König & Stackebrandt, 1984
- Genus II. Hyperthermus Zillig, Holz & Wunderl, 1991
- Genus III. Pyrolobus Blöch, Rachel, Burggraf, Hafenbradl, Jannasch & Stetter, 1999
- Order IV. Sulfolobales Stetter, 1989
- Family I. Sulfolobaceae Stetter, 1989
- Genus I. Sulfolobus Brock, Brock, Belly & Weiss, 1972
- Genus II. Acidianus Segerer, Neuner, Kristjansson & Stetter, 1986
- Genus III. Metallosphaera Huber, Spinnler, Gambacorta & Stetter, 1989
- Genus IV. Stygiolobus Segerer, Trincone, Gahrtz & Stetter, 1991
- Genus V. Sulfurisphaera Kurosawa, Itoh, Iwai, Sugai, Uda, Kimura, Horiuchi & Itoh, 1998
- Genus VI. Sulfurococcus Golovacheva, Val'Ekho-Roman & Troitskii, 1985
- Phylum II. Euryarchaeota Garrity & Holt, 2001
- Class I. Methanobacteria Boone, 2002
- Class II. Methanococci Boone, 2002
- Class III. Methanomicrobia Garrity, Bell & Lilburn, 2003
- Order I. Methanocellales Sakai, Imachi, Hanada, Ohashi, Harada & Kamagata, 2008
- Family I. Methanocellaceae Sakai, Imachi, Hanada, Ohashi, Harada & Kamagata, 2008
- Genus I. Methanocella Sakai, Imachi, Hanada, Ohashi, Harada & Kamagata, 2008
- Order II. Methanomicrobiales Balch & Wolfe, 1981
- Family I. Methanomicrobiaceae Balch & Wolfe, 1981
- Genus I. Methanomicrobium Balch & Wolfe, 1981
- Genus II. Methanoculleus Maestrojuán, Boone, Xun, Mah & Zhang, 1990
- Genus III. Methanofollis Zellner, Boone, Keswani, Whitman, Woese, Hagelstein, Tindall & Stackebrandt, 1999
- Genus IV. Methanogenium Romesser, Wolfe, Mayer, Spiess & Walther-Mauruschat, 1981
- Genus V. Methanolacinia Zellner, Messner, Kneifel, Tindall, Winter & Stackebrandt, 1900
- Genus VI. Methanoplanus Wildgruber, Thomm, König, Ober, Ricchiuto & Stetter, 1984
- Family II. Methanocorpusculaceae Zellner, Stackebrandt, Messner, Tindall, Conway de Macario, Kneifel, Sleyter & Winter, 1989
- Genus I. Methanocorpusculum Zellner, Alten, Stackebrandt, Conway de Macario & Winter, 1988
- Family III. Methanospirillaceae Boone, Whitman & Koga, 2002
- Family incertae sedis
- Genus I. Methanocalculus Ollivier, Fardeau, Cayol, Magot, Patel, Prensier & Garcia, 1998
- Genus II. Methanolinea Imachi, Sakai, Sekiguchi, Hanada, Kamagata, Ohashi & Harada, 2008
- Order III. Methanosarcinales Boone, Whitman & Koga, 2002
- Family I. Methanosarcinaceae Balch & Wolfe, 1981
- Genus I. Methanosarcina Kluyver & van Niel, 1936
- Genus II. Methanococcoides Sowers & Ferry, 1985
- Genus III. Methanohalobium Zhilina & Zavarzin, 1988
- Genus IV. Methanohalophilus Paterek & Smith, 1988
- Genus V. Methanolobus König & Stetter, 1983
- Genus VI. Methanomethylovorans Lomans, Maas, Luderer, Op Den Camp, Pol, van der Drft & Vogels, 2004
- Genus VII. Methanimicrococcus Sprenger, van Belzen, Rosenberg, Hackstein & Keltjens, 2000
- Genus VIII. Methanosalsum Boone & Baker, 2002
- Family II. Methanosaetaceae Boone, Whitman & Koga, 2002
- Family III. Methermicoccaceae Cheng, Qiu, Yin, Wu, Hu, Deng & Zhang, 2007
- Class IV. Halobacteria Grant, Kamekura, McGenity & Ventosa, 2002
- Order I. Halobacteriales Grant & Larsen, 1989
- Family I. Halobacteriaceae Gibbons, 1974
- Genus I. Halobacterium Elazari-Volcani, 1957
- Genus II. Haladaptatus Savage, Krumholz, Oren & Elshahed, 2007
- Genus III. Halalkalicoccus Xue, Fan, Ventosa, Grant, Jones, Cowan & Ma, 2005
- Genus IV. Haloarcula Torreblanca, Rodriguez-Valera, Juez, Ventosa, Kamekura & Kates, 1986
- Genus V. Halobaculum Oren, Gurevich, Gemmell & Teske, 1995
- Genus VI. Halobiforma Hezayen, Tindall, Steinbüchel & Rehm, 2002
- Genus VII. Halococcus Schoop, 1935
- Genus VIII. Haloferax Torreblanca, Rodriguez-Valera, Juez, Ventosa, Kamekura & Kates, 1986
- Genus IX. Halogeometricum Montalvo-Rodriguez, Vreeland, Oren, Kessel, Betancourt & López-Garriga, 1998
- Genus X. Halomicrobium Oren, Elevi, Watanabe, Ihara & Corcelli, 2002
- Genus XI. Halopiger Gutiérrez, Castillo, Kamekura, Xue, Ma, Cowan, Jones, Grant & Ventosa, 2007
- Genus XII. Haloplanus Elevi Bardavid, Mana & Oren, 2007
- Genus XIII. Haloquadradum Burns, Janssen, Itoh, Kamekura, Li, Jensen, Rodríguez-Valera, Bolhuis & Dyall-Smith, 2007
- Genus XIV. Halostagnicola Castillo, Gutiérrez, Kamekura, Xue, Ma, Cowan, Jones, Grant & Ventosa, 2006
- Genus XV. Halorhabdus Waino, Tindall & Ingvorsen, 2000
- Genus XVI. Halorubrum McGenity & Grant, 1996
- Genus XVII. Halosarcina Savage, Krumholz, Oren & Elshahed, 2008
- Genus XVIII. Halosimplex Vreeland, Straight, Krammes, Dougherty, Rosenberg & Kamekura, 2003
- Genus XIX. Haloterrigena Ventosa, Gutiérrez, Kamekura & Dyall-Smith, 1999
- Genus XX. Halovivax Castillo, Gutiérrez, Ma, Cowan, Jones, Grant & Ventosa, 2006
- Genus XXI. Natrialba Kamekura & Dyall-Smith, 1996
- Genus XXII. Natrinema McGenity, Gemmell & Grant, 1998
- Genus XXIII. Natronobacterium Tindall, Ross & Grant, 1984
- Genus XXIV. Natronococcus Tindall, Ross & Grant, 1984
- Genus XXV. Natronolimnobius Itoh, Yamaguchi, Zhou & Takashina, 2005
- Genus XXVI. Natronomonas Kamekura, Dyall-Smith, Upasani, Ventosa & Kates, 1997
- Genus XXVII. Natronorubrum Xu, Zhou & Tian, 1999
- Class V. Thermoplasmata Reysenbach, 2002
- Order I. Thermoplasmatales Reysenbach, 2002
- Famly I. Thermoplasmataceae Reysenbach, 2002
- Genus I. Thermoplasma Darland, Brock, Samsonoff & Conti, 1970
- Family II. Picrophilaceae Schleper, Pühler, Klenk & Zillig, 1996
- Genus I. Picrophilus Schleper, Pühler, Klenk & Zillig, 1996
- Family III. Ferroplasmataceae Golyshina, Pivovarova, Karaviako, Kondrateva, Moore, Abraham, Lünsdorf, Timmis, Yakimov & Golyshin, 2000
- Genus I. Ferroplasma Golyshina, Pivovarova, Karaviako, Kondrateva, Moore, Abraham, Lünsdorf, Timmis, Yakimov & Golyshin, 2000
- Family incertae sedis
- Class VI. Thermococci Zillig & Reysenbach, 2002
- Order I. Thermococcales Zillig, Holtz, Klenk, Trent, Wurdel, Janekovic, Imsel & Haas 1988
- Family I. Thermococcaceae Zillig, Holtz, Klenk, Trent, Wurdel, Janekovic, Imsel & Haas 1988
- Class VII. Archaeoglobi Garrity & Holt, 2002
- Order I. Archaeoglobales Huber & Stetter, 2002
- Family I. Archaeoglobaceae Huber & Stetter, 2001
- Genus I. Archaeoglobus Stetter, 1988
- Genus II. Ferroglobus Hafenbradl, Keller, Dirmeier, Rachel, Robnagel, Burggraf, Huber & Stetter, 1996
- Genus III. Geoglobus Kashefi, Tor, Holmes, Gaw van Praagh, Reysenbach & Lovley, 2002
- Class VIII. Methanopyri Garrity & Holt, 2002
Taxonomic notes[edit]
Two other possible phyla are described in the literature, Korarchaeota and Nanoarchaeota, meantime its validities are questioned, not being in the last publication of the "Bergey's Manual of Systematic Biology" (2004/05). In 2008, a new phylum was proposed, Thaumarchaeota, to shelter mesophiles archeans.
Known only from gene sequences of rRNA 16S obtained from samples of high temperature hydrothermal fountains of the Yellowstone National Park. Analysis of the material suggests that does not belong to other principal groups of archeans, Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota, being of more ancient origin. Meantime, it is possible that the Korarchaeota is not a separate group, but simply an organism that have undergone rapid or unusual mutations of the gene rRNA 16S. [3] [4]
Phylum created in 2002 to harbour a new nanosized hyperthermophilic archaeon from a submarine hot vent, Nanoarchaeum equitans, which relationships are uncertain. rRNA sequence comparisons with the others two phyla, reveals great difference between them. Other investigators, however, suggest that this archaea is related to Thermococcales, a order of the phylum Euryarchaeota. [5] [6] [7]
This phylum was newly-proposed based on phylogenetic data, like sequence of rRNA and the presence of a form of type I topoisomerase, that was previously thought to be unique to the eukaryotes. It harbour mesophilic archeans, what up to that time were grouped in the phylum Crenarchaeota. [8] [9] It contains two orders:[a]
- Order Nitrosopumilales Konneke, Bernhard, de la Torre, Walker, Waterbury & Stahl, 2005
- Family Nitrosopumilaceae Konneke, Bernhard, de la Torre, Walker, Waterbury & Stahl, 2005
- Genus Nitrosopumilus Konneke, Bernhard, de la Torre, Walker, Waterbury & Stahl, 2005
- Order Cenarchaeales DeLong & Preston 1996
^ These taxa are included in category “Candidatus”, that is not covered by the Rules of the Bacteriological Code. Consequently, the names included in this category cannot be validly published. [10]
- ↑ GARRITY, G. M.; LILBURN, T. G.; COLE, J. R., HARRISON, S. H.; EUZÉBY, J.; TINDALL, B. J. Part 1 Archaea. In Taxonomic Outline of the Bacteria and Archaeae (TOBA). Version 7.7 2007-4-6. Retrieved 2008-11-20.
- ↑ EUZÉBY, J. P. Classification of domains and phyla - Hierarchical classification of prokaryotes (bacteria). In List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN). Retrieved 2008-11-20.
- ↑ AUCHTUNG, T. A.; TAKACS-VESBACH, C. D.; CAVANAUGH, C. M. (2006). 16S rRNA Phylogenetic Investigation of the Candidate Division “Korarchaeota”. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72 (7): 5077–5082. Abstract
- ↑ BARNS, S. M.; DELWICHE, C. F.; PALMER, J. D.; PACE, N. R. (1996). Perspectives on archaeal diversity, thermophily and monophyly from environmental rRNA sequences. PNAS 93 (17): 9188-9193. Abstract
- ↑ HUBER, H.; HOHN, M. J.; RACHEL, R.; FUCHS, T.; WIMMER, V.C.; STETTER, K. O. (2002). A new phylum of Archaea represented by a nanosized hyperthermophilic symbiont. Nature 417 (6884): 27 – 8. Abstract
- ↑ WATERS, E. et al. (2003). The genome of Nanoarchaeum equitans: insights into early archaeal evolution and derived parasitism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (22): 12984-8. Abstract
- ↑ BROCHIER, C.; GRIBALDO, S.; ZIVANOVIC, Y.; CONFALONIERI, F.; FORTERRE, P. (2005). Nanoarchaea: representatives of a novel archaeal phylum or a fast-evolving euryarchaeal lineage related to Thermococcales?. Genome Biology 6 (5): R42. Abstract
- ↑ BROCHIER-ARMANET, C.; BOUSSAU, B.; GRIBALDO, S.; FORTERRE, P. (2008). Mesophilic Crenarchaeota: proposal for a third archaeal phylum, the Thaumarchaeota. Nature Review Microbiology 6 (3): 245-253. Abstract
- ↑ BROCHIER-ARMANET, C.; GRIBALDO, S.; FORTERRE, P. (2008). A DNA topoisomerase IB in Thaumarchaeota testifies for the presence of this enzyme in the last common ancestor of Archaea and Eucarya. Biology Direct 3: 54. Complet Abstract
- ↑ EUZÉBY, J. P. Names included in the category Candidatus (Taxonomic category not covered by the Rules of the Bacteriological Code). In List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN). Retrieved 2009-4-02.