„Vocal learning, as we discuss it here, refers only to learning sounds, that is, to instances where the vocalizations themselves are modified in form as a result of experience with those of other individuals“ (Janik 1997, 59)
Vocal Learning is not synonymous to:
(Janik 1997, 60, 71, 75, 86)
> 5.-7. are rather unlikely (Janik 1997)
A common factor among vocal learning species is their high mobility three-dimensional space (Janik 1997, 87). In humans, language possibly developed in gestures first. When Vocal Learning evolved after that it was a great advantage to use vocalizations instead of gestures so that Vocal Learning could persist (Janik 1997, 88).
Caused by mutation, the pathway for Vocal Learning developed out of a pre-existing non-vocal motor pathway. (Jarvis 2007, S42)
The only gene discovered so far which has clear links to vocal learning is Fox-P2. It belongs to a large transcription factor gene family and acts as a suppressor of transcription.
“FoxP2 may be important for establishing and maintaining brain pathways including, but not limited to, those essential for learned vocal communication” (Haesler et al. 2004, 3174)