Abrasiveness of Richard Dawkins

From Conservapedia - Reading time: 10 min

Richard Dawkins has a reputation for being an aggressive and angry man (see: Richard Dawkins and anger). The Western atheist population also has a reputation for having individuals with disagreeable personalities (see:Atheism and social/interpersonal intelligence). According to an international study done by William Bainbridge, atheism is common among people whose interpersonal social obligations are weak and is also connected to lower fertility rates in advanced industrial nations (See also: Atheism and fertility rates).[1]

Atheist author and sociology professor Phil Zuckerman said of Richard Dawkins: "He is smug, condescending and emits an unpleasant disdainfulness. He doesn’t ever seem to acknowledge the good aspects of religion, only the bad. In that sense, I think he doesn’t help atheism in the PR department."[2] See also: Elevatorgate and Atheism and arrogance

Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. wrote concerning Richard Dawkins:

His aggressiveness and abrasiveness have now prompted some of his fellow defenders of evolution to wonder if he is doing their cause more harm than good.

The September 2005 issue of Discover magazine features an article that raises this very question. In "Darwin's Rottweiler," author Stephen S. Hall suggests that Dawkins is simply "far too fierce."....

Dawkins admits that he just may be "a bit of a loose canon." In reality, that is a significant understatement.[3]

Gary Demar commenting on the abrasiveness and incivility of atheist and evolutionist Richard Dawkins quotes Dawkins declaring: "It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that)."[4]

Elevatorgate is a term commonly used to describe a 2011 controversy involving New Atheist Richard Dawkins' comments made to atheist Rebecca Watson which are perceived to have been inappropriate by a sizable portion of the atheist community and to the public at large.[5] Watson is a feminist.[6]

Prior to Elevatorgate, Monica Shores' 2010 Ms. Magazine article titled Will “New Atheism” Make Room For Women? criticized the News Atheism movement for being sexist (See also: Atheism and sexism).[7] Shores cited Conservapedia in her article and indicated: "The lack of lady presence is so visible that Conservapedia commented on it by noting that Dawkins’ website overwhelmingly attracts male visitors."[8] See: Demographic makeup of web visitors to the website Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science

The forerunner of the feminist Atheism plus movement was the online Elevatorgate controversy involving new atheist Richard Dawkins and feminist Rebecca Watson.

The Guardian wrote about Atheism plus and the reaction of many atheists on the internet:

In the passionate world of American atheism, the venom usually directed at believers has now been turned against the wrong kind of atheists...

It took 700 years from Constantine renaming Byzantium in his own honour to papal legates circulating letters of anathema that split the Roman and Orthodox churches. Atheism, in its public, online life, has started exchanging internet anathemas – perhaps we should call them inathemas – in little more than a decade.[9]

Post Elevatorgate and Atheism plus, the conflict between atheist feminism and anti-feminism atheists continues. Two of the most anti-feminism atheists are YouTube atheists Thunderf00t and TheAmazingAtheist. See also: Atheist factions

The Elevatorgate controversy caused a split in the atheist movement and as a result the movement is dead/dying (See: Decline of the atheist movement).

A great irony of Richard Dawkins' alleged fierceness is that Dawkins has established a reputation for avoiding debates with his strongest opponents which is something the liberal media often fails to report.

In February 2010, the news organization The Telegraph reported Richard Dawkins was embroiled "in a bitter online battle over plans to rid his popular internet forum for atheists of foul language, insults and 'frivolous gossip'."[10] In September 2010, Richard Dawkins became nasty towards a woman in an audience he spoke before (see also: Richard Dawkins and women).[11] In addition, Richard Dawkins appears to have had struggles maintaining marital harmony in his life and his three marriages ended in divorce.

Richard Dawkins' behavior towards a Muslim journalist[edit]

Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins is dismissive of the concept of Islamophobia and declared: "I’m always being accused of Islamophobia, that’s a non-word."[12]

See also: Richard Dawkins and Islamophobia accusations

On December 28, 2015, the Daily Express reported about Dawkins:

The furious academic walked out of an interview when a Muslim journalist confirmed he personally believed the prophet Muhammad flew to heaven on a winged horse.

Dawkins, 74, author of best-seller The God Delusion, told the New Statesmen's Emad Ahmed that his belief was "pathetic" before angrily storming off.[13]

Ryan Kerney wrote at New Republic concerning Dawkins' behavior towards Emad Ahmed: "Richard Dawkins is just as rude in person as he is on Twitter, apparently."[14]

Richard Dawkins' doctors advise him to avoid controversies[edit]

See also: Atheism and health

On February 13, 2015, Richard Dawkins gave an update about his minor stroke. Dawkins' doctors says he needs to avoid controversies due to his chronic high blood pressure.[15]

Prior to his stroke, Dawkins says his fellow liberal agnostics/atheists gave him a difficult time due to a controversy about his Twitter post relating to feminists and Muslims. As a result of the controversy, Dawkins was disinvited to a skeptic conference and this was very upsetting to him (See: Feminists cause Richard Dawkins to be disinvited to skeptic conference).[16]

In recent times Dawkins has been embroiled in a number of controversies involving the topics of feminism/Islam and he has faced a significant amount of criticism from his fellow skeptics/liberals (see: Richard Dawkins and women and Richard Dawkins and Islamophobia accusations).

Debates raged over praying for Richard Dawkins health after his stroke.[17][18]

The film documentary The Atheist Delusion features a humorless Richard Dawkins who is the object of audience laughter[edit]

See also: Atheism and humor

The movie The Atheist Delusion features the new atheist Richard Dawkins being the object of audience laughter due to something unreasonable he said.[19] Dawkins indignantly asked the audience, "Why is that funny?".[20]

Dawkins has encouraged his supporters to ridicule religious believers and to go beyond humorous ridicule.[21] He wrote, "I lately started to think that we need to go further: go beyond humorous ridicule, sharpen our barbs to a point where they really hurt."[22] See also: Richard Dawkins' cult of personality

Reason Rally related incident involving David Silverman and Richard Dawkins[edit]

See also: Reason Rally related incident involving David Silverman and Richard Dawkins and Richard Dawkins and anger and Atheism and intolerance and Atheism and anger

David Silverman took feminist Rebecca Watson off the speakers list for the Reason Rally after Richard Dawkins objected to her speaking at the event.[23] See: Elevatorgate

Elevatorgate is a term commonly used to describe a 2011 controversy involving new atheist Richard Dawkins' comments made to atheist Rebecca Watson which are perceived to have been inappropriate by a sizable portion of the atheist community and to the public at large.[24] Watson is a feminist.[25]

Due to the Elevatorgate controversy, the New Statesman reporter and fellow skeptic David Allen Green said he believed Dawkins was a misogynist and a racist.[26] In addition, Green wrote: "Can Richard Dawkins still credibly pose as a champion of rational thinking and an evidence-based approach? In my opinion, he certainly cannot, at least not in the way he did before."[27]

Subsequent to the Elevatorgate indicident, the popularity of Richard Dawkins significant waned (see: Richard Dawkins' loss of influence).

An article by Sarah posted at Skepchick about a conversation between Richard Dawkins and David Silverman (the ex-president of the American Atheists organization) which took place during the planning phrase of the 2012 Reason Rally:

Richard was standing behind the podium, and he asked Dave something along the lines of, “What exactly is the Reason Rally?” Dave started explaining it, and as he did, someone who was waiting in the line outside opened the door to peek inside and we could all hear a lot of noise. I rushed up the aisle and made frantic “shut the door” gestures at the people peeking inside, and they did. As I walked the ten feet back, I couldn’t hear everything Dave was saying, but I heard the name “Rebecca Watson.” Richard suddenly had a very angry look on his face and I heard him almost shout, “No, absolutely not! If she’s going to be there, I won’t be there. I don’t want her speaking.” and then Dave immediately replied, “You’re absolutely right, we’ll take her off the roster. It’s done.” Richard huffed for a moment, Dave continued to placate him, and then he made the video.

I was crushed.[28]

Atheist PZ Myers comment about Dawlns' attitude towards women[edit]

PZ Myers

In 2014, the prominent atheist PZ Myers said of Richard Dawkins' attitude towards women: "At a time when our movement needs to expand its reach, it’s a tragedy that our most eminent spokesman has so enthusiastically expressed such a regressive attitude.”[29]

Myers also said in 2014 concerning Dawkins:

Richard Dawkins: you’re wrong. Deeply, profoundly, fundamentally wrong. Your understanding of feminism is flawed and misinformed, and further, you keep returning to the same poisonous wells of misinformation.

...you persist in presenting these anti-feminist caricatures as reasonable. You say you are a feminist, and even find feminism an undeniable virtue, but at the same time you parrot absurd anti-feminist remarks.[30]

Richard Dawkins' and his three ex-wives[edit]

See also: Richard Dawkins and love and Atheism and love

Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins

In 1984, Dawkins divorced his wife of 17 years, Marian Stamp; later that same year, he married Eve Barham. Dawkins also divorced Barham, though the precise circumstances of this divorce are unclear.[31] He married science fiction actress Lalla Ward in 1992 and they separated after 24 years of marriage.[32]

Theodore Beale wrote in the his book The Irrational Atheist about Dawkins's claim that teaching children about Hell is more harmful to children than "mild child abuse":

Richard Dawkins is perhaps one of the last men on Earth who should be discussing what is the right and proper way to raise children, given that the number of his wives outnumber his offspring.

In his letter to his daughter Juliet, addressed to her at the age of ten and published in A Devil’s Chaplain, there is little mention of love, no admission of regret, and no paternal promises. As one British journalist noted, the letter is “coldly impersonal” and “authoritarian.” There is no expression of interest in what might be important to her.[33]

See also: Juliet Emma Dawkins and Richard Dawkins and love

The Independent wrote concerning Dawkins' relationship to his ex-wife Eve Barham: "His second marriage, to Eve Barham, ended in bitterness which persists to this day. He asked one recent interviewer not even to mention her name. 'Can't you just call her the mother of my daughter?'".[34]

The Christian Times reported:

The 75-year-old evolutionary biologist, who suffered a stroke early this year, had stirred the public years ago when he denounced monogamy and fidelity in relationships.

In his article piece "Banishing the Green Eyed Monster," Dawkins referred to "jealousy" in a relationship as "immoral and selfish."

He defended that men should be allowed to keep mistresses and indulge in sexual pleasures with others.[35]

Dawkins, genetics, agreeableness, fertility rate of non-religious vs. religious[edit]

Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins

See also: Atheism and fertility rates and Richard Dawkins and love and Atheism and the brain

As noted above, Theodore Beale wrote in the his book The Irrational Atheist about Dawkins's claim that teaching children about Hell is more harmful to children than "mild child abuse":

Richard Dawkins is perhaps one of the last men on Earth who should be discussing what is the right and proper way to raise children, given that the number of his wives outnumber his offspring.

In his letter to his daughter Juliet, addressed to her at the age of ten and published in A Devil’s Chaplain, there is little mention of love, no admission of regret, and no paternal promises. As one British journalist noted, the letter is “coldly impersonal” and “authoritarian.” There is no expression of interest in what might be important to her.[36]

Dawkins has been divorced three times and has one child.

Reporting on a study about the lower fertility rate of the non-religious, the Daily Mail indicated:

It was also found that Christians living in the US had 3.11 children and Catholics had 3.42.

...The team explained that there is evidence that genetically influenced personality traits, particularly agreeableness, lead to greater religious involvement, larger family size and greater communal investment in general.

'A recent meta-analysis of a large sample studies found that adults who score high on agreeableness tend to invest heavily in both religious and family life,' reads the study.[37]

For more information, please see: Ellis, Hoskin, Dutton and Nyborg journal article on fertility and secularism in the United States and in developed countries

As a group, atheists have a sub-replacement level of births (see: Atheism and fertility rates).

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. Bainbridge, William (2005). "Atheism" (PDF). Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion. 1 (Article 2): 1–26.
  2. Richard Dawkins: Atheism’s asset or liability? By KIMBERLY WINSTON, Religion News Service
  3. http://www.christianity.com/1350327/
  4. http://www.americanvision.org/articlearchive/08-16-06.asp
  5. Rebecca Watson (July 5, 2011). "The Privilege Delusion". Skepchick
  6. Will “New Atheism” Make Room For Women by Monica Shores, Ms. Magazine, 2010
  7. Will “New Atheism” Make Room For Women by Monica Shores, Ms. Magazine
  8. Is American atheism heading for a schism? by Peter McGrath, The Guardian
  9. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/7322177/Richard-Dawkins-in-bitter-web-censorship-row-with-fellow-atheists.html
  10. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/richard-dawkins-i-never-meet-people-who-disagree-with-me-2080451.html
  11. Richard Dawkins defends Ahmed Mohamed comments and dismisses Islamophobia as a 'non-word', Independent, 24 September 2015
  12. ['Pathetic': Richard Dawkins in extraordinary outburst against Islam] by Jason Taylor, Daily Express, December 28, 2015
  13. [Richard Dawkins is just as rude in person as he is on Twitter, apparently], New Republic, 2015
  14. An update on Richard Dawkins condition in his own words
  15. An update on Richard Dawkins condition in his own words
  16. Debate rages over praying for atheist Richard Dawkins after stroke
  17. Richard Dawkins: Church of England denies 'trolling' biologist by sending 'prayers' following minor stroke
  18. The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) HD
  19. The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) HD
  20. Dawkins: Mock them. Ridicule them! In public
  21. Dawkins: Mock them. Ridicule them! In public
  22. My Time With Richard Dawkins (Or, Why You Should Never Meet Your Idols) by Sarah at Skepchick, September 5, 2013
  23. Rebecca Watson (July 5, 2011). "The Privilege Delusion". Skepchick
  24. Sharing a lift with Richard Dawkins by David Allen Green - New Stateman - 06 July 2011
  25. Sharing a lift with Richard Dawkins by David Allen Green - New Stateman - 06 July 2011
  26. My Time With Richard Dawkins (Or, Why You Should Never Meet Your Idols) by Sarah at Skepchick, September 5, 2013
  27. Richard Dawkins has lost it: ignorant sexism gives atheists a bad name by Adam Lee, The Guardian, September 18, 2014
  28. Dear Richard Dawkins by PZ Myers at Pharyngula blog, September 12, 2014
  29. http://www.richarddawkins.com/
  30. Dawkins evolves into single man after ‘amicable’ split with Time Lady, The Sunday Times
  31. The Irrational Atheist. Chapter VIII DARWIN’S JUDAS by Vox Day (Theodore Beale)
  32. Anatomy of a selfish genius, The Independent
  33. Richard Dawkins to divorce third wife: Prominent atheist to split from actress Lalla Ward, Christian Times
  34. The Irrational Atheist. Chapter VIII DARWIN’S JUDAS by Vox Day (Theodore Beale)
  35. [Is atheism dying out? Study finds religious people reproduce MORE due to their lack of belief in contraception] by STACY LIBERATORE, Daily Mail, 15 March 2017

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