Cable News Network

From Conservapedia - Reading time: 50 min

See also: Fake News

The Cable News Network (CNN also known in some quarters as Xi-NN) is a far-left outlet for Chinese Communist propaganda posing as an alleged 24-hour cable “news” channel in the United States.[1] CNN is known for bias slant and racist programming. First started in 1980 by Ted Turner, it is a division of WarnerMedia News & Sports, which is part of the corporatist media conglomerate WarnerMedia. As of 2022, no CNN program in its 24 schedule was reaching one million viewers. CNN lost its monopoly of broadcasting inside airport terminals, which was one of the few remaining venues where people were forced to endure its programming. Analysts believe the persistent and non-stop reporting of lies in the Russia collusion hoax was responsible for the loss of trust among the viewing public.[2]

In a Project Veritas undercover sting video, CNN technical director Charlie Chester admitted that the channel was actively engaged in propaganda to try to remove Donald Trump as President of the United States.[3] The following day, Project Veritas also released a video revealing Chester admitting that the channel uses CCP virus fearmongering and manipulation to shape public opinion and drive ratings.[4] Then in a third release, Chester admitted that the channel was trying to help Black Lives Matter by protecting the hate group's narrative on race, saying that CNN was only pushing reports implicating whites while providing cover for black criminals (particularly those engaging in hate crimes against Asians) on the basis of race.[5]

CNN rewarded two corrupt Obama administration employees - James Clapper and Andrew McCabe - both fake news leakers in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, with jobs after they were driven out of government.[6] In 2020 it was reported five former CNN reporters were now working for CGTN which is run by the Chinese Communist Party. It is the overseas arm of the Chinese Communist Party's Propaganda Department.[7]

In 2021, CNN primetime anchors Chris Cuomo was fired in sexual harassment scandal. Don Lemon faced a jury trial for gay sexual assault allegations, CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin was welcomed back on air after being suspended for masturbating in public, and CNN producer John Griffen was arrested on child sexual abuse charges for attempting to groom a 9-year-old girl to be a sexually submissive female.[8] The same week, more allegations of pedophilia emerged against another CNN producer, Rick Saleeby.[9]

CNN pedo producer.PNG
CNN nationally televised townhall on vaccinations with Joe Biden.[10]

In December 2021, producer Rick Saleeby resigned over allegations of soliciting photos of underage girls. [11][12]

In April 2022, CNN's premium channel CNN+ crashed and burned three weeks after its premier.[13]

While ramping up CIA talking points about Russia invading Ukraine, CNN identified the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv with the politically incorrect Russian spelling of "Kharkov".[14]

Deep State mouthpiece[edit]

CNN has long been a mouthpiece for the U.S. Deep State.[15] In January 2022, during efforts by the U.S. Deep State to gin up war with the Russian Federation over Ukrainian borders while ignoring the Biden border crisis, a CNN reporter had this exchange with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov:

CNN. Has there been any progress on the issues put forward by Russia, in particular in the field of security? How would you describe your reaction: Are you satisfied or disappointed? How big is the danger of war in Europe due to some kind of “miscalculation” due to the huge concentration of troops near Ukraine? Many are wondering why Russia is doing this right now? Why did you find it necessary when NATO's approach has not changed in the last couple of years?

Lavrov. The US State Department also needs to analyze CNN's methods of work for fairness of information and accuracy in presenting facts. You claim that Russia is going to attack Ukraine. We have repeatedly explained that this is not so. When you say that this will happen, you immediately ask: Why now? When should we not attack? Weird question. [...] Many people ask why Russia has such a principled position on the non-expansion of NATO. Because this bloc, as it was created against the USSR, is now “working” against the Russian Federation. Moreover, this is written in doctrinal documents. When Eastern Europeans, above all Poland and the Baltic countries, rushed into NATO, we warned the West that this would be a mistake. This will in no way enhance the security of the Alliance itself. It will only fuel extremist sentiments. We were repeatedly assured that it was quite the opposite: “they will be accepted into NATO, and the “phobias” left over from [[S</ref> oviet]] times will subside. They will be peaceful, good neighbors." Everything turned out exactly the opposite. It is precisely with these countries at the head, primarily the Baltics and Poland, that the Russophobic minority "rules the show" not only in NATO, but also in the EU. They are forced to continue the dead-end anti-Russian policy on all issues without exception. I urge CNN to be more careful about the facts.[16]

The partiality at CNN is expected to [only] grow, as Chris Licht, replacing Zucker as CNN's head (Feb/2022), his relationship with Joe Biden goes back at least over a decade, when Biden intervened to help Chris after his 2010 near-fatal brain hemorrhage, while working at ultra liberal MSNBC.[17]

NATO war in Ukraine[edit]

See also: NATO war in Ukraine
Volodymyr Zelensky had CNN darling Petro Poroshenko arrested who was on his way to a NATO meeting on May 28, 2022.[18]

CNN foreign correspondent Fareed Zakaria openly admitted on air: “One of the defining features of the new era is that it is post-American...By that I mean that the Pax Americana of the past three decades is over...You can see the signs everywhere...Consider that according to The Wall Street Journal the leaders of the UAE and Saudi Arabia, two countries that have depended on Washington for their security for decades, refuse to even take phone calls from the American president...Consider as well that Israel initially in the Security Council vote and India have refused to describe Putin’s actions as an invasion and that all four countries have made it clear they will continue to do business with Russia”.[19]

Lyudmyla Denisova, the Ukrainian Parliament's Commissioner for Human Rights, was fired when no evidence could be found of her allegations of 400 instances of mass rape by Russian soldiers.[20] 238 Members of Parliament voted her out. Denisova was accused of failing to perform her duties and in particular of spreading fake news and propaganda about atrocities supposedly committed by Russian troops in Ukraine. Such actions only served to tarnish Ukraine’s image, MPs argued. Other complaints were that Denisova had failed to organize humanitarian corridors and POW exchanges.[21]

The fake news stories stemming from high ranking Ukrainian officials were widely disseminated by TIME magazine, CNN, Newsweek and other fake news sources.[22]

In a Herculean effort to outdo CNN's own reputation for fake news, propaganda, and non-credible reporting, CNN reported on the crushing defeat and surrender of Ukrainian forces in Mariupol to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in this manner:

African Americans celebrate Russian Victory Day over white supremacy and Nazism.[23]
"More than 260 people have been rescued from the besieged Azovstal plant — including 53 seriously wounded, Ukraine's Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Malyar said.

In a video statement issued late Monday, Malyar said that together, the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard, and the Border Guard Service launched an operation to rescue defenders of Mariupol blocked on the territory of the Azovstal plant.[24]

CNN went on, “They will be taken to the Ukrainian town of Novoazovsk…” conveniently omitting the fact that Novoazovsk is controlled by Donetsk Peoples Republic, not Ukraine. And much other deceitful headlines and copy, relying on the ignorance of their readers. “I laughed my Azov,” wrote one pro-Russian commenter to the CNN nonsense, thus birthing the meme du jour.[25]

Holocaust denial[edit]

See also: Holocaust denial

During the Russia-Ukraine war of 2022, CNN’s Clarissa Ward interviewed a Ukrainian man at a Kyiv train station who alleged that the Vladimir Putin won’t stop with Kyiv. Ward asked the man, “Do you think President Putin is like Hitler?”, to which the interviewee replied, “Is much worse because Hitler, even he was an idiot. Even he was an idiot. He did it, in his mind, he did it for German people."[26]

CNN omitted any reference to Ukranian collaboration with the Nazi regime in World War II, and the Zelensky regime's collaboration with present day Nazis.[27]

Ukraine missile attack on Poland[edit]

The globalist mouthpiece Financial Times of London, which led the world in spreading Russophobia and cheerleading for war, openly criticized Zelensky's lying about Ukraine's false flag attack on a NATO ally to incite direct NATO involvement with troops and risk global thermonuclear war.[28]

On November 15, 2022 two Ukrainian S-300 missiles, alleged to have been launched to shoot down a Russian cruise missile, were fired westward and hit a Polish grain storage facility, killing two civilians. The Polish government, Ukrainian government, the Associated Press,[29] most of all Western propaganda media and so-called national security and intelligence experts called for invoking NATO Article 5.[30] Zelensky advisor Mykhailo Podolyak declared that the strikes came from Russia. Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba claimed Russian denials were a conspiracy theory and that “No one should buy Russian propaganda or amplify its messages."[31] Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky tweeted that the “Russian attack on collective security in the Euro-Atlantic is a significant escalation” of the conflict.[32]

However an AWAC radar plane and other ISR aircraft (intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) aircraft regularly flying in the region, and ground radar, tracked the missiles' trajectory and determined the Kyiv regime had launched the missiles. That did not prevent an anonymous "senior U.S. intelligence official" from reporting to the Associated Press that Russia had fired the missiles at Poland. The fake news story was disseminated globally, as all fake news stories emanating from Kyiv, and its CIA counterparts in Kyiv, have been disseminated globally to world media for the entirety of 2022 and late 2021.

CNN broadcast a statement from Ukrainian Nazi propagandist Mykhailo Podolyak, “Russia has turned the eastern part of the European continent into an unpredictable battlefield. Intent, means of execution, risks, escalation – it is all coming from Russia alone. And there can be no other explanation for any missile incident here."[33]

When called out on the lies, Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky doubled down.

2020 election fraud and Capiol protests[edit]

See also: 2020 presidential election, 2020 Democrat election fraud, and 2021 Capitol protests

The 2020 Trump campaign finally issued a statement on one of Brian Stelter's many offensive meltdowns:

Anderson Cooper promoting BLM domestic terrorist John Sullivan. In January 2021, Sullivan incited and led a riot into the U.S. Capitol.[34]
“Liberal activists masquerading as journalists are constantly demeaning and insulting conservative women simply for having the audacity to think for ourselves and go against the fake news narrative they are pushing that day. President Trump has constantly championed strong women in positions of power and delivered on key issues that matter to women across the country: making our communities safer and bringing jobs back to America. Brian Stelter's comments today toward Senior Legal Adviser Jenna Ellis were sexist and demeaning, implying that her children and grandchildren will be ashamed of her simply because she was holding media outlets accountable. This kind of on-air meltdown and lashing out is completely unprofessional, yet it’s what we've come to expect from the leftists who hate President Trump. It would be great if so-called journalists would refrain from personal attacks and putting words in the mouths of the children and grandchildren of strong, smart, and independent women. We condemn Brian Stelter’s behavior and call on CNN and Stelter to apologize."[35]
  • CNN ran a 7-hour marathon with 20 Democrat presidential candidates, each airing their views on eliminating air travel, beef consumption, and exterminating children. CNN's corporate sponsors advertised luxury air travel and juicy steaks.[36]
  • After Special Counsel Robert Mueller thoroughly debunked the Russiagate conspiracy theory, CNN's Jim Sciutto attempted to resuscitate the discredited hoax alleging the that the CIA had to extract a deep cover asset from Russia because of fear that President Trump would out the assets identity to Vladimir Putin. The New York Times, Washington Post, and CIA were quick to refute the story. The extraction occurred because of John Brennan and Obama administration leaks in the early days of the Trump-Russia hoax that put in danger of exposure and the lives of CIA asset's in Russia.[37][38][39][40][41][42] After illegally leaking and endangering the lives of CIA assets, Clapper than went to work for CNN.
  • In order to pander and mislead the vital Black female demographic for the Democratic party, CNN's April Ryan reported that Stacey Abrams was being interviewed and vetted by the Biden team for the vice president spot when in fact Abrams herself no shall call, interview, or vetting process had taken place.[45]
Despite the lamestream media insisting that wildfires that occurred in the West Coast were due to "global warming", this CNN headline admits that conservatives were right about arsonists being responsible.
  • CNN promoted the ridiculous notion that massive BLM riots somehow did not lead to a surge in coronavirus cases;[46] they later even showcased a former Planned Parenthood president who apparently believes that far-left rioters "are aware of the risks and are doing everything they can to reduce that risk."[47]
  • Harvis Rogers was interviewed by CNN on Super Tuesday 2020 telling reporters that he waited six hours in line at a poll at Texas Southern University. “I figured like it was my duty to vote. I wanted to get my vote in to voice my opinion. And I wasn’t going to let nothing stop me. So I waited it out.” Rogers was the last person to cast a ballot at his voting center in Houston. He told CNN that he thought “the process could’ve been done better than that.” “But that wasn’t going to deter me from voting,” Rogers was lauded for his commitment to the process, with Twitter users calling him a “patriot” and a “hero.” Rogers is not shown to be a registered voter in Texas. In 2021 Rogers was arrested and charged on two counts of illegal voting. In 1986 Hervis spent 4-years in prison for a robbery charge. In 1989, he was given 6-years for burglary. Hervis was arrested again and sentenced to 25-years in 1995 under career criminal statutes. In 2005 he was charged with prostitution.[48]

Fauci and the Wuhan coronavirus bioweapon[edit]

CNN was in the forefront of the War on Science and hydroxychloroquine denial; CNN lied, thousands died.
See also: CCP propaganda war and Anthony Fauci

When the World Health Organization and Department of Health and Human Services declared the deadly coronavirus a global and national health emergency, CNN headlined criticism of the Presidential Task Force to fight the spread of infections for "lack of diversity."

CNN embraced the propaganda and denial of the Chinese Communist Party that the coronavirus began in China,[49] blaming the United States, and suggesting that calling attention to the Chinese communists cover-up of the pandemic for two months and ruthless suppression and arrest of doctors alerting the public of the health crisis is "racist".[50] CNN literally coined the term, "Wuhan coronavirus" for the new deadly disease.[51]

CNN contributor Rick Wilson suggested Melania Trump should ‘Be Infected’ with coronavirus.[52]

Anderson Cooper and Chuck Schumer claimed no timeline for delivery of protective personal equipment (PPE) existed after censoring the Coronavirus Task Force briefing where Admiral Polowczyk provided the PPE timeline.[53]

Freedom Convoy[edit]

During the Canadian anti-tyranny protests of the winter of 2022, CNN national security analyst and former Obama administration assistant secretary of Homeland Security for Intergovernmental Affairs Juliette Kayyem incited violence against peaceful protesters. Kayyem tweeted that the truckers protesting vaccine mandates should have their tires slashed.[54]

Russia collusion conspiracy hoax[edit]

See also: FBI scandal
U.S. Armed Forces were segregated until 1947, women had no combat roles until the 1980s, and homosexuals were barred from military service until 1993. It was only straight white males who stormed the beaches of Normandy and defeated fascism.

The FBI, under James Comey and Andrew McCabe, attempted to influence the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election from its highest levels. After the FBI's failure to help Hillary Clinton win the presidency, CNN colluded with the FBI to plant the seeds of a false narrative commonly known as "Trump-Russia" in order to hamstring the incoming Trump administration and prevent it from uncovering FBI wrongdoing and illegal activity. Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez and Carl Bernstein were coordinating the attack against Trump through Jake Tapper’s show. The FBI small group were well aware of what the CNN crew were planning. FBI Spokesperson Mike Kortan was coordinating the narrative on behalf of the FBI team. The FBI knew the underlying premise was entirely false as did the CNN crew as well.[55]

  • James O'Keefe of Project Veritas, who helped expose the fraud of CNN's fake news narratives about the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory, summarized CNN's non-journalistic and unethical standards as motivated by corporate greed and ratings driven by liberal viewers. A deliberate effort to report as news a story that liberals wished to be true without any factual evidence.[57] He revealed that liberal CNN political commentator Van Jones called the outlet's Russia stories a "nothingburger."[58][59] He also revealed that a CNN associate producer called voters "stupid as s***", and regarding President Trump stated that "on the inside, we all recognize that he is a clown, that he is hilariously unqualified for this, he’s really bad at this and that he does not have America’s best interests. We recognize he’s just f***ing crazy."[60][61]
  • Months after an alleged Russian dossier against Trump was discredited, CNN continued to promote it.[62]
  • On May 17, 2017 CNN reported a fabricated story alleging that facts surrounding the computer of murdered DNC whistleblower Seth Rich in possession of the FBI, which was used to transmit DNC emails and the Pedosta files to Wikileaks, were recanted by the sources.[63] Sources denied CNN's allegations.[64] The fake news by CNN was an attempt to blunt the impact of the evidence in the FBI's possession that debunks the Russian hacking theory of DNC servers as the source for Wikileaks.[65] The revelation came two days after the removal of both James Comey and Andrew McCabe over the investigation into the extent of Russian activities in the 2016 election.[66][67]
  • After several inaccuracies and flaws were found in a CNN article that attacked Trump and his allies over a Russia fund, CNN retracted the article.[68][69] Three CNN employees resigned due to the resulting scandal.[70][71]


CNN airbrushed out the Washington Redskins logo from this 1970s photo of Joe Biden and son. The Washington NFL team dropped the name 'Redskins' in June 2020 because it was deemed "racist".[72]

In 2001, the Media Research Center stated, "CNN certainly is less biased to the left than ABC, CBS and NBC".[73] However, it stated in the same report that "while much of its day-to-day reporting is more balanced than that offered on the broadcast networks, its news judgment usually follows the liberal agenda with conservatives relegated to reacting to it" and noted that it had some hosts on the network who clearly leaned to the left such as Larry King. And more recently, Conservative media critics, amongst other groups, rightly accuse CNN of promoting the liberal agenda with slanted reporting.[74] CNN has mocked and insulted members of the Tea Party Movement.[75] Their coverage of the US Election of 2012 has also made alarm bells ring in the minds of true journalists. CNN has supported the far-left Occupy Wall Street movement[76] and has given mainstream legitimacy to the extremist views of Van Jones who was very active in the anti-Semitic 9/11 Truther movement. In October 2013 CNN mocked the "Million Vet March" in Washington, focusing on one speaker, whom it quoted as stating, “I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president [Barack Obama at the time] leave town, to get up, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up.”[77]

CNN has had some conservative commentators in the past. For example, Rowland Evans and Robert Novak were conservatives who hosted a show on CNN called Evans and Novak, later Evans, Novak, Hunt, and Shields, and Novak also co-hosted the debate programs Capital Gang, and Crossfire, and was a political commentator on CNN's general coverage. Tucker Carlson, now at Fox News, was a CNN political analyst at one point. Another conservative on CNN was Kate O'Beirne. Barry Goldwater was a commentator for CNN at one point.[78] Alex Castellanos was a frequent presence during the 2012 election. Conservative commentators have also included S.E. Cupp, Jeffrey Lord, Newt Gingrich, and Jack Kingston among others.

Jeff Zucker, its former leader, openly despised Fox News and the Republican Party,[79][80] in contrast to his predecessor Walter Isaacson, who tried to have balanced coverage,[81] and another predecessor Tom Johnson, who was friends with Roger Ailes, the leader of Fox News.[82]

Not only does CNN have a visible left-wing and anti-Trump bias, but CNN International is one of the most prominent international broadcasters from the U.S., meaning worldwide viewers wanting to watch a U.S. channel or see the U.S. perspective will find CNN's left-wing bias, which will distort their perception of the U.S.[83]

In Jan 2023, in blatant shill for Dems. CNN had "decided" that the friction for House Speaker among GOP, would "not" have happened under Pelosi.[84]

Fake news[edit]

CNN reported that a car murdered 6 people in a racially domestic terrorist attack by a Black Lives Matter supporter.[85]

In May 2017, a CNN program claimed that Islam "has always been part of the American fabric" even as far back as the American Revolution, despite the apparent contradiction with the historical record.[86]

In 2020, CNN tweeted that "Google will not be publishing a national-scale website for coronavirus testing anytime soon, contrary to claims made by President Trump during a news conference",[87] before claiming just a day later on their website that "Google will partner with US government to develop a nationwide coronavirus website".[88]

After Special Counsel Robert Mueller thoroughly debunked the Russiagate conspiracy theory, CNN's Jim Sciutto attempted to resuscitate the discredited hoax alleging that the CIA had to extract a deep cover asset from Russia because of fear that President Trump would out the asset's identity to Vladimir Putin. The New York Times, Washington Post, and CIA were quick to refute the story. The extraction occurred because of John Brennan and Obama administration leaks in the early days of the Trump-Russia hoax that put in danger of exposure and the lives of CIA assets in Russia.[89][90][91][92][93]

In the Immanuel Christian School/Karen Pence hate crime hoax, a 12-year-old girl claimed that three boys at Immanuel Christian School held her down and cut her dreadlocks while using the racially charged term "nappy." The wife of Vice President Mike Pence, Karen Pence works at the school. CNN's Bakari Sellers, NBC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post all reported the incident nationwide and used the incident to attack Karen Pence.[94] The girl's family finally released a statement acknowledging the initial allegation was false. They apologized to all involved: "To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused," they wrote. "To the administrators and families of Immanuel Christian School, we are sorry for the damage this incident has done to trust within the school family and the undue scorn it has brought to the school. To the broader community, who rallied in such passionate support for our daughter, we apologize for betraying your trust."[95]

Even before the Trump Presidency, CNN had also engaged in fake news as well. In particular, its coverage of humanitarian crises in Kosovo as well as locations such as Somalia, Rwanda, Haiti, Macedonia, Bosnia, Ecuador, East Timor, Kuwait, Liberia, Albania, Congo, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Iraq was strongly implied by Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson of the Air Force to be the main reason why Bill Clinton had dispatched troops to those locations despite none of the mission parameters actually requiring direct American military aid, including the Kosovo War in the case of Kosovo.[96]

In Nov 2022, CNN connected Daylight Savings Time to so-called ‘structural racism,’ linking it to sleep problems among communities of color. The outlet claimed problems with lack of sleep and sleep disorders are more prevalent in black, Asian, Hispanic, or Latino communities.[97]


CNN has been widely criticized for its racist programming.[98][99][100][101] Many have called for the firing of news Anchor Don Lemon for his blatantly vile and hate-filled rants and comments from guests.[102][103][104] Lemon labeled a black man exercising his First Amendment rights as a "minstrel show;"[105] Democrat Congresswoman Jackie Speier and others on CNN implied such blacks are "mentally ill."[106][107] Lemon has a history of racist comments directed at African Americans who do not toe the cultural Marxist party line: In 2015 Lemon called Kanye West a "boy" for bucking Hollywood values at the Grammy Awards. [108] Vernon Jones says CNN stands for Control Negroes Network.[109]

Jim Acosta's 2021 all-white staff Christmas photo highlighted the racist network's lack of diversity in hiring.[110]

Far-Left activist and regular CNN contributor Bakari Sellers made racially condescending remarks about blacks while Don Lemon,[111] host of CNN Tonight chuckled and joined in.[112] Lemon is a tool of racist white elite liberals; in the Summer of 2018 Lemon aired a show highlighting the lack of nonwhite megadonors hampering Democrat hopes of winning Congress.[113] Independent thinking Blacks are not respected or even debated for their words and ideas.[114] CNN belittles them with the most disgusting racial epithets. The Christian Post noted "CNNs efforts to keep blacks on the Democrat plantation remind me of the free black slaveowners in the antebellum South."[115]

African Americans refer to Don Lemon as a modern-day runaway slave catcher.[116] Lemon's racist assaults aren't limited to just Black men, the majority of which are heterosexual, Lemon also claims white males are "terrorists".[117] Football legend Herschel Walker denounced CNN's racism after a guest inferred blacks who do not vote Democrat "is what happens when Negros don’t read.”[118] Commentator Candace Owens called CNN's programming "absolutely despicable."[119] Deroy Murdock noted: "These reprehensible, racist comments on CNN are typical...Black Americans who think for ourselves are mocked and degraded with words we last saw under Jim Crow."[120]

According to Georgia Republican gubernatorial candidate Vernon Jones, CNN stands for 'controlling negroes.'[121]

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo has been criticized for his on air racist remarks.[122] Many observers detect a recurring pattern of conduct reflective of the racist liberal mindset. CNN columnist Raul Reyes has used racist dogwhistles against senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.[123] Former CNN anchor Solidad O'Brien was able to expose the fact that CNN wanted only "good negroes" as "the right kind of guest".[124]

CNN contributor sharing his thoughts on Twitter.[125]

CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill called for the destruction of the Jewish people at a United Nations conference.[126] After receiving the covid vaccine, Hill suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized with blood clots.[127]

CNN photo editor Mohammed Elshamy tweeted: “More than 4 jewish pigs killed in #Jerusalem today by the Palestinian bomb explode" and [128] and “Israel is the main enemy for the people of Egypt and shall always remain despite rulers who lick Jewish legs.” During the Iranian-back Hamas missile assault on Israel, CNN contributor Adeel Raja tweeted, “The world today needs a Hitler.”[129][130] CNN analyst Asha Rangappa has defended Democrat anti-Semite Congressional candidate Valerie Plame.[131]

CNN has invited Neo-Nazi Richard Bertrand Spencer on to share his views and condemn Donald Trump. CNN anchor Victor Blackwell called President Trump a "racist" for tweets repeating sentiments of Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, Baltimore Democrat Mayor Catherine Pugh, the Baltimore Sun, and Democrat Oversight Committee chairman Elijah Cummings, using Cummings' own language referring to his district as a rat infested dump.[132] Blackwell claimed Trump's use of the term "infested" made Trump a "racist".[133]

Ukrainian nazis castrate Russians.PNG
CNN Russophobia.jpg

(left) Former member of Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers and Commissioner for Ethno-National Policy Gennadiy Druzenko instructed doctors to castrate Russian POWs during the 2022 Russia-Ukraine War, "because they are cockroaches, not human."[134] (right) Follow up interview of Druzenko on CNN whom Fareed Zakaria introduced as an "intellectual."[135]

CNN defended racist Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot.[136]

CNN host Brianna Keilar made insulting and racist comments to Republican Rep. Byron Donalds, an African American, during a live interview.[137][138] Keilar has encouraged white supremacist Katie Hill, who resigned from Congress when it was revealed she had a Nazi tattoo,[139] to run for office again.[140]

Two CNN guests, David Wallace-Wells of The New Yorker and Emily Atkin of the newsletter Heated, made foul and offensive anti-Semitic statements trivializing the Holocaust by claiming that "climate change" is "worse" than the Holocaust.[141] The outrageous comparison was made on CNN's Reliable Sources hosted by Brian Stelter,[142] and came on the heels of Marjorie Taylor Greene's apology at the U.S. Holocaust Museum for comparing "vaccine" passports to wearing the Star of David in Nazi Germany.[143]

Don Lemon recently drew online ridicule for his on-air claim that "racist" Americans who "...feel completely free to speak hate" were "infecting" the country, while ironically ignoring the history of racism among liberals and their perceived entitlement to actual hate speech targeting minorities or anything that liberals do not like.[144]

Fareed Zakaria had former Ukrainian Government Commissioner for Ethno-National Policy, Gennadiy Druzenko,[145] on his program.[146] Druzenko, a Ukrainian fascist, who operates a mobile warzone hospital, called Russians "cockroaches", and instructed doctors working in his organization to castrate Russian POWs.[147][148]


Morning anchor Don Lemon has been accused of misogyny. The New York Post wrote that “tensions” on the show have “boiled over,” saying that Lemon was “allegedly ‘screaming’ at co-host Kaitlan Collins off-camera during an ugly December [2022] incident that has left the cast and crew rattled ever since.”

“According to two sources with knowledge of the situation, the 56-year-old Lemon approached 30-year-old Collins following the show’s Thursday Dec. 8 broadcast — and unloaded on her in front of staffers as he accused her of ‘interrupting’ him on air.”[149]

And that wasn’t the only time. Mediaite got a comment from CNN, which said that “The Post’s account is wildly overblown and two months old. Don, Kaitlan and Poppy were friends before they were co-anchors and they remain friends today.”[150] Colby Hall wrote “Mediaite can confirm that the events described by the Post are largely true — though Lemon’s alleged “screaming” is being overplayed.”

Legendary cable news superstar Megyn Kelly said if it were her she would make sure Lemon was fired.[151]


Christiane Amanpour, in an effort to diminish the Goliath global menace of Islamists massacring in the name of Allah, had skewed facts in crafting her narration, appropriately described: 'poisonously biased.' At CNN and Christiane Amanpour equate Jewish and Christian religious fervency with that of Muslims endorsing 'martyrdom' or suicide-killing. (2007).[152] In order to try so hard to achieve her wrong comparisons drive, she uttered falsehood and weird exaggeration on "settlers." In 2020, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour had to apologize for equating President Donald Trump’s tenure to horrific Kristallnacht.[153]

Presenting herself as some kind of an "expert" supposedly on the Middle East conflict, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour had revealed her utter ignorance in placing the major famous city of Haifa in the "west bank" (2019).[154] Excerbetaing her twisted propaganda campaign.

Interviewing, Israel's N. Bennett in Apr 2022, as usual, she started off from the middle, from the point of Israeli defensive actions which came after a string of Arab massacres of innocent Israeli civilians. The same as regarding Israeli police action after Muslims attacked, using Al Aqsa Mosque.[155]

Abeer Salman[edit]

On Jan 25, 2023, CNN ran a vile anti-Semitic flavored bloody cartoon, in a piece by racist Arab Pallywoody-propagandist: Abeer Salman.[156]

2020 Leftwing riots[edit]

See also: 2020 Marxist riots
Black Lives Matter protesters murdered 8 year old Secoriea Turner on July 5, 2020 in Atlanta.[157]

CNN journalists have incited or promoted acts of violence.[158]

  • CNN's Chris Cuomo defended Antifa in August 2018, saying that “all punches are not equal morally.”[159] Antifa brutally beat Andy Ngo, a Vietnamese-American journalist for Quillette. Ngo was hospitalized with a brain hemorrhage following the attack in Portland.[160] Ngo previously criticized Antifa for its violence.[161] Ngo was first blinded in a milkshake attack. Police reported that quick drying cement, a caustic substance, had been mixed into milkshakes.[162] The LGBTQ+ centered Human Rights Campaign press secretary called Andy Ngo a "sniveling weasel" and said the Leftist attack was "the greatest thing that could have happened." In Andy Ngo's own retelling of events, "I was suddenly slammed on the back of my head with something hard. Dazed and still hearing faint chants of ‘no hate,’ I was then punched and kicked by perhaps a dozen masked people in black. At an Antifa event meant to resist ‘fascist violence,’ I—a gay journalist of color—was beaten so badly that I was hospitalized for a brain hemorrhage.”[163]
Communist agitprop: "Fiery but mostly peaceful" during the 2020 Marxist uprisings in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
  • A suicide bomber was shot and killed by police at an ICE facility in Tacoma, Washington.[164] The attacker was later identified as having attended Antifa black shirt protests.[165] The attacker, Willem Van Spronsen, 69, sent a manifesto to friends the day before the assault in which he wrote, "I am Antifa,[166] and now he is lionized by members of the leftwing group as a "martyr." Spronsen was part of a May 5, 2019 episode of CNN's United Shades of America with W. Kamau Bell. The heavily promoted show featured Bell explaining the “Redneck Revolt,” which Bell identified as gun-toting liberals who defend the Second Amendment and seek to battle the “alt-right” and neo-Nazis. Bell called them “good guys,” going to a gun range with members and even questioning why “more white people” don't share their viewpoints.[167] Anti-ICE protestors and other left-wing activists praised the attacker for his violent actions.[168] Anti-ICE protestors and other left-wing activists praised the attacker for his violent actions.[169]
  • Despite CNN's race baiting and encouraging violence against Trump supporters, CNN pays rent to Stephen Ross who in turn donated money to President Trump's re-election.[170]
  • Chris Cuomo, an Italian nationalist, became unhinged and threatened to "wreck your s***" and "throw you down the stairs" after being called "Fredo" by a CNN viewer. CNN defended Cuomo's violent and white supremacist threats.[171] Fredo is a fictional character in Godfather II who was born with child developmental disabilities.
  • While speaking at a New Brunswick, New Jersey event, an news editor for New Brunswick Today was violently assaulted[173] by a member of CNN White House correspondent April Ryan's party.[174]

Jack Dorsey's Tweet[edit]

Twitter's founder Jack Dorsey went after CNN, after a discussion about Fox News by Brian Stelter, Jack had actually scolded CNN for inaccuracy and stirring division.[176]

Claiming to "research" Al Jazeera's journalist's death[edit]

In May 2022, after a string of racist Arab massacres on Jews and then clashes between terrorists and the IDF in which Al Jazeera's Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in the crossfire, CNN cited propagandist "consultant" who teams up with NGOs to bash Israel - Chris Cobb-Smith's work with anti-Israel NGOs,[177] and who previously worked for a terrorist organization and even falsely stated that Israel used (supposedly) white phosphorus bombs against civilians. It should be noted that the Arabs refused any request from the IDF for a joint investigation of the incident or by another neutral international entity.[178]

The CNN "investigation" claiming Israel [as if] "deliberately" shot Shireen Abu Akla relies on the testimony of a "Palestinian" reporter named Shatha Hanaysha who dreams of "rockets of the resistance."[179] Former diplomat:[180] Another CNN flaw: what motive would Israel have to shoot/"target" a middle age woman? If an Israeli sniper was shooting anyone, why not shoot at Palestinian fighters? How can CNN make a conclusion if the Palestinians refuse to release the bullet?

And it was totally debunked anyway, point by point. Its dangerous incitement noted as well.[181]

Even after stating by the IDF that it could be she was shot from the Israeli side, no logic or shred of evidence was ever presented to the malicious idea that anything about it was intentional, from the shooters aiming at terrorists, specifically.

Sugarcoating Ahed Tamimi[edit]

In Sep 2022, "CNN Publishes Gushing Interview with Palestinian provocateur Ahed Tamimi who called for ‘stabbings and martyrdom.’"[182]

Ahed Tamimi has been groomed by her parents to put herself in danger and become a child fighter in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.[183] She is the daughter of Bassem Tamimi, who is notorious for exploiting young children as political props in staged confrontations with Israeli soldiers.[184]

Refusing the T word on Palestinian-terrorist rammning attack in civilians[edit]

CNN, NYT Refuse to Call Ramot Ramming Attack Terrorism

In Feb 2023, the CNN refused to call Ramot ramming attack Palestinian terrorist ramming attack (Jerusalem February 2023), Terrorism.[185]

CNN & the bloody murderous Palestinian attack, Jerusalem, Feb.10.23[186]

Per CNN's wording, the car "did" it.[186][187]

Bari Atwan[edit]

Explained already in 2003 about "Palestinian" Abdel Bari Atwan:[188] "The Abd Al-Bari Atwan [appearing] on CNN is completely different from the Abd Al-Bari Atwan on the Al-Jazeera network or in his Al-Quds Al-Arabi daily", says Munir Al-Mawari in the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyassa. "On CNN, Atwan speaks solemnly and with total composure, presenting rational and balanced views. This is in complete contrast with his fuming appearances on Al-Jazeera and in Al-Quds Al-Arabi". [Reminds, Haaretz,[189] in Hebrew vs inciting far more in English.[190] Often dabricated "news." ('Haaretzism')]

Attempts to reform itself[edit]

As part of the shake-up following the firings of Zucker and Cuomo, Toobin and Stelter were canned in August 2022, as was White House reporter John Harwood after calling President Trump a "dishonest demagogue" on the air. Stelter went on to lead a panel on "disinformation" for the World Economic Forum in January 2023.[191] CNN's token black primetime anchor, Don Lemon, was demoted to day time in September 2022.[192] Resident Russophobe expert Jim Sciutto was ordered to take leave to address a "personal situation" in October 2022.[193] Having completed his damage to the network's reputation and credibility, in mid-October 2022 Jim Acosta was finally canned.

CNN efforts to reform itself failed when it hired Russiagate deep stater and neo-Nazi sympathizer Adam Kinzinger one day after he was booted from his Congressional seat.[194] Biden White House chief propagandist Karine Jean-Pierre's gay lover Suzanne Malveaux, who had been with CNN for two decades, departed at the same time.[195]

Anchors, reporters and pundits[edit]

See also: Fredogate

Notorious CNN reporters and analysts[edit]

Chris Cuomo[196]

CNN political analyst Joe Lockhart, who served as the Clinton White House press secretary said of Ben Shapiro, who is an Orthodox Jew, "he's not human." This rhetoric was roundly criticized for its Nazi dogwhistles. Jews were officially classified by the Third Reich as "untermensch", or "subhuman" to justify mass genocide.[197]

CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin exposed himself to the audience on a Zoom teleconference with The New Yorker and WYNC radio. Toobin alleged, “I believed I was not visible on Zoom. I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video."[198] After being placed on leave in 2020, Toobin began staging a comeback in early 2021 by inching out a victory in the Liberal Hack Tournament, beating off a challenge from last years champion Brian Stelter.[199] Within months Toobin was back on air.[200] The ratings of Stelter’s “Reliable Sources” have been dismal in the aftermath of the Trump era, with the weekend host largely focused on criticizing conservative media and the former president instead of scrutinizing the current administration.[201] In August 2019, a video of CNN anchor Chris Cuomo went viral after a member of the public called him "fredo" and he badly handled the situation and threatened violence.[202][203] The incident made headlines in several newspapers.

In December 2021, "the most trusted name in news" hired Art Acevedo, a former regular on the Alex Jones show, as a law enforcement analyst.[204]

CNN child sex groomers[edit]

See also: Grooming
Jeff Toobin

CNN producer John Griffen, who claimed he worked “shoulder-to-shoulder” with Cuomo, was taken into custody by the FBI which acted after a grand jury delivered an indictment that Griffen used social media to “communicate with people purporting to be parents of minor daughters” in order to try to “persuade parents to allow him to train their daughters to be sexually submissive.” Details emerged from an unsealed indictment including that he “sexually trained girls as young as 7 years old” and advised a mother that her 14-year-old daughter “would be a good candidate for such training.”

In June 2020, Griffin advised a mother of 9- and 13-year-old daughters that the mother’s responsibility was to see that her older daughter was “trained properly.” Griffin later transferred over $3,000 to the mother for plane tickets so the mother and her 9-year-old daughter could fly from Nevada to Boston’s Logan airport. The mother and child flew to Boston in July 2020, where Griffin picked them up in his Tesla and drove them to his Ludlow house. At the house, the daughter was directed to engage in, and did engage in, unlawful sexual activity.

According to the Vermont US Attorney, the indictment “also includes specific allegations that Griffin attempted to entice two other children over the internet to engage in sexual activity” via a “virtual training session” in which he would instruct a “mother and her 14-year-old daughter to remove their clothing and touch each other at his direction,” according to the statement.

The FBI seized Griffen's devices two months before the 2020 election, on September 2, 2020 and did nothing for more than one year.[205]

Griffin worked at CNN for nine years, many of them during Cuomo’s stint on “New Day.”[206] The same week, more allegations of pedophilia emerged against a second CNN producer, Rick Saleeby,[207] who works on the Jake Tapper program.[208]


Unidentified leathershop salesperson (left), Anderson Cooper (right)

From its origin as a cable-only service, CNN now broadcasts worldwide by satellite, with programs presented from studios in several countries in addition to their headquarters in Atlanta. Some regions receive locally produced opt-outs (under the name "CNN International"), and there are also broadcasts in Spanish, German, Italian, Croatian, Japanese, and Turkish.

CNN was founded by media mogul Ted Turner and made its debut on June 1, 1980 as the first 24-hour news network.[209] During its early years it struggled to achieve the success and credibility of older news agencies, such as the news divisions of ABC, NBC, CBS, and BBC. However, it achieved a great deal of recognition during its coverage of the first Gulf War during which it was the only news agency reporting during the initial night of the war. These events led to a movie, Live from Baghdad, which portrays the events. In September 2010, head of its U.S. network Jon Klein was fired.[210] Ted Turner has sold CNN to Time Warner. Turner, a far-leftist, spent his fortune, not creating jobs, but buying land so he could ride his horse from Canada to Mexico.

In January 2017, after a long string of false news reporting, exaggerations, and outright lies spanning months, President-Elect Donald Trump refused a question from the organization in a worldwide televised press conference, declaring, "You are fake news."[211]

CNN harassed the widow of CCP virus whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang, putting her under the threat of greater mistreatment from the communist totalitarian regime.[212]

Ratings plunge[edit]

A predominantly white mob of Black Lives Matter rioters stormed CNN headquarters. CNN blamed the violence on white supremacists.[213]

Although CNN was once the dominant network on cable news and one of the highest rated channels on cable television, this is no longer the case. In overall ratings, CNN is usually second place behind Fox News Channel but ahead of MSNBC.[214] At times its ratings fall below that of Hallmark Channel and its endless Christmas film reruns.

CNN was successful until around 2001, when Fox News began beating it in the ratings. Since then it has been failing (even with a near monopoly position in airport terminal broadcasts), with June 2019 primetime ratings (the most watched period for television when stations can command premium prices for advertising) not even making the top 10, falling below not only the conservative-oriented Fox News, but ultra-left-wing MSNBC, HGTV (which broadcasts reality shows pertaining to home improvement and real estate), and even Hallmark Channel which was running endless reruns of "chick flick" romance films.[215] In daytime it ranked #6, but again fell below Fox, MSNBC, HGTV, and even kid-oriented Nickelodeon and true-crime oriented Investigation Discovery (though it did beat out Hallmark Channel in this time slot).

By February 2014, CNN's average number of total viewers during the day from Monday to Sunday was 307,000 with 96,000 in the key 25 to 54 viewing demographic.[216] In 2013, the network fell to a 20-year low in primetime ratings and experienced its second-lowest year ever in the 25 to 54 viewing demographic. That year, CNN also experienced its lowest total-day audience since 1992, and its lowest total-day 25 to 54 audience since 2000.[217] 2014 closed out with CNN having all-time ratings lows. In primetime, the network suffered its worst-rated year in total viewers and its second-lowest in the 25 to 54 viewing demographic. In total day, CNN received its worst-rated year in the key demographic.[218] In May 2018, CNN's viewership fell 30% compared to the previous year.[219]

Beginning in the first half of 2017, CNN's market share relative to its competitors has seen a marked decline.[220] Additionally, it faced repeated losses of credibility through its absence of journalistic standards and ethical lapses.[221] President Donald Trump publicly stated that CNN produces "fake news" and told a CNN reporter that CNN produces "very fake news,"[222][223] which was corroborated by the Mueller Report.[224] CNN actively promoted the fascist Antifa resistance movement to President Trump,[225][226] which has attacked and beaten people of all ages,[227] men,[228] women and children,[229] and journalists reporting on the violence.[230]

During the national emergency over the Chinese COVID-19 pandemic, while thousands of people were being diagnosed and hundreds dying daily from the deadly disease, CNN refused to carry public information programming alerting viewers of the danger of the disease with precautionary instructions on prevention and transmission of the deadly virus.[231] As the truth of coronavirus emerged and CNN's collusion with Democrats on a second impeachment sham foundered, CNN lost half of its audience in the April to June quarter of 2021.[232]

The decline in CNN's ratings was added to with the recent decision by a school board in Norwin, Pennsylvania to drop daily broadcasts to the city's middle school students of the video show CNN-10, which is broadcast to students and teachers in schools, in favor of granting school teachers the discretion to show their students videos from all sources.[233]

Weeks after Zucker was canned in one of CNN's many sex scandals, Meredith Artley, the editor-in-chief of CNN Digital Worldwide who helped drive CNN's ratings into the dirt, quit (or was fired). CNN's new management said it wanted to move away from the "extremism" that had dominated its editorial policy since the Obama era.[234]

2016 election[edit]

CNN never reported the obvious facts and always covered for the Obama administration. President Obama, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, and CIA director John Brennan armed and equipped the Islamic State to overthrow the Assad regime.[235]
  • CNN abruptly cancelled the highly successful Dr. Drew show when Dr. Drew expressed concern on air about Hillary Clinton's health and the care and treatment she's been receiving from Dr. Lisa Bardack for post-concussion syndrome. In 2012, when Hillary got a "cracked head" (her words per her email) a blood clot, or thrombosis, was formed inside her skull.[236] Hillary was not hospitalized, according to CNN's reporting at the time.[237] Dr. Drew criticized the use of outdated bloodthinners her physician prescribes.[238] Dr. Drew was threatened and harassed after his comments and CNN demanded he retract them. When he refused, he was fired.[239]
  • During Erin Burnett's broadcast, CNN maliciously slandered Donald Trump with the claim he advocated racial profiling when in fact he has not. A review of the transcript shows that Trump never used the phrase in his comments on terrorism and immigration. CNN ran headlines reporting that the GOP presidential nominee spoke of using "racial profiling" to stop terrorism. Trump spoke of “profiling," as Israel does. CNN added the word "racial". CNN likewise edited out a key portion of Hillary Clinton's Saturday statement days earlier following the terror attacks in New York and New Jersey.[240]
  • CNN had gone on air with doctored, altered images of writing on Twitter from Donald Trump editing out the wording of Trump's messages critical of Hillary Clinton asking for the release of her medical records.[241][242]
  • DNI James Clapper leaked the Steele dossier to Jake Tapper before instructing disgraced FBI Director James Comey to brief President-elect Donald Trump on its "salacious" contents, thereby creating the "news hook" for CNN to report the unverified contents and slanders manufactured by the Clinton campaign.

Post-Obama era[edit]

CNN report on leftist virtue signaling after the forced removal and deportion of illegal immigrants and people of color from Martha's Vineyard.[243]
  • CNN employee Kathy Griffin posed for a photo-shoot with an ISIS-inspired decapitated head of the President which was widely circulated and won accolades among radical Leftists. After a public outcry from more civil, mainstream society, and even entertainment colleagues, as well as Chelsea Clinton (herself under protection of the Secret Service, who take anything that may seem threatening very seriously), Griffin offered what appeared to be a sincere apology as pressure for her firing took shape. Once she was fired, she immediately went on the attack against Trump again, blaming him for her getting fired while basically refusing to take responsibility for her own actions.
  • In January 2019, CNN asked San Diego television station KUSI-TV to give a perspective on the border wall on the U.S. southern border, but it then abandoned that request after KUSI gave a perspective that aligned too much with President Trump's position.[244][245]
  • CNN created a "Trump Jobs Tracker" to track how many jobs the nation created compared to President Trump's job creation promises. After over 500,000 jobs were created in January and February 2018, the tracker had deliberately not been updated in January 2018, when the numbers were still low, making it look like Trump did not create many jobs.[246]
  • On March 28, 2018, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo falsely claimed that "no one [is] calling for Second Amendment repeal", even though, former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, among other left-wingers, had very recently and notably called for just that.[247]
  • On June 3, 2017, after seven people were murdered at five locations in London by Muslims screaming “this is for Allah," CNN claimed it was "unsure" of the attackers' motives.[248] The following day a citizen journalist videotaped CNN's preparation and staging of a fake news report about peaceful protests, replete with the stage hands, extras, and props.[249]
  • In June 2017, CNN Politics made a puff piece story about how Barack Obama had made a "definite upgrade" in his choice of jeans.[250]
  • A CNN program claimed in May 2017 that Islam "has always been part of the American fabric" even as far back as the American Revolution, despite the apparent contradiction with the historical record.[251]
Don Lemon
  • Chief White House Correspondent, Jim Acosta, stated in January 2018 that President Trump "seems to harbor racist feelings about people of color, from other parts of the world."[252]
  • CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta's press credentials were suspended in November 2018 after assaulting a female White House staffer during a Presidential press conference.[255][256] CNN claimed Acosta never touched the woman and video evidence was "doctored", contradicting clear evidence showing Acosta assaulting the staffer.[257] In retaliation for Acosta's ban from the White House, CNN has filed a lawsuit against President Trump, several White House aides and the Secret Service to force the reinstatement of Acosta's White House access, a move which White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called "grandstanding" in a press release.[258][259]
  • CNN Analyst Mark Geragos was fired after named a co-conspirator when MSNBC Analyst and Democratic party presidential contender Michael Avenatti was arrested and indicted on fraud and extortion charges; Geragos had worked for CNN since President Bill Clinton's impeachment as an analyst and apologist for DNC corruption. Avenatti was sentenced to two and a half years.[260] CNN had Avenatti on as a guest 122 times. Brian Stelter referred to Avenatti as a "savior." Avanati was sentenced to 5 years and 14 years in two separate trials for defrauding clients of millions of dollars.
  • CNN anchor-turned-far-Left activist Reza Aslan posted on Twitter about wanting to "eradicate" Kellyanne Conway, in which he was called out for openly making a death threat against a White House official.[262] Azlan lashed out viciously and profanely against his critics in a subsequent racist tweet where he attempted to change the subject to save face by projecting his own racism onto them, and he also viciously attacked Ivanka Trump in another racist tweet in response when she tweeted about white supremacy needing to be destroyed; both of Aslan's tweets only earned him even more massive waves of harsh criticism against him.
Wajahat Ali is an outspoken supporter of al Qaeda terrorist Aafia Siddiqui.
  • Leftists gathered outside the home of Sen. Mitch McConnell while recovering from a shoulder fracture caused in an accident and threatened to "stab the m*****f***** in the heart."[263][264] Wajahat Ali, a New York Times contributing op-ed writer and CNN contributor expressed glee as “#MassacreMoscowMitch” — a reference to Mitch McConnell (R-KY) — trended on Twitter and tweeted out the hashtag.[265]
  • Wajahat Ali defended Malik Faisal Akram, the terrorist who took Jewish hostages to demand another terrorist get released.[266]
  • Immanuel Christian School/Karen Pence hate crime hoax. A 12-year-old girl claimed that three boys at Immanuel Christian School held her down and cut her dreadlocks while using the racially charged term "nappy." The wife of Vice President Mike Pence, Karen Pence works at the school. CNN's Bakari Sellers, NBC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post all reported the incident nationwide and used the incident to attack Karen Pence.[267] The girl's family finally released a statement acknowledging the initial allegation was false. They apologized to all involved: "To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused," they wrote. "To the administrators and families of Immanuel Christian School, we are sorry for the damage this incident has done to trust within the school family and the undue scorn it has brought to the school. To the broader community, who rallied in such passionate support for our daughter, we apologize for betraying your trust."[268]
  • CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester admitted the network’s coverage of Rep. Matt Gaetz is partisan “propaganda. “If the agenda say, is to like get, like Matt Gaetz right now, he’s like this Republican. He’s a problem for the Democratic Party because he’s so conservative and he can cause a lot of hiccups in passing of laws and what not. So it would be great for the Democratic Party to get him out.”[270]
  • Eugene “Gene” Huelsman, a professional cameraman for CNN, Jimmy Kimmel, Conan O’Brien, and a plethora of Hollywood awards shows, was caught on audio recording threatening to “f***ing kill Matt Gaetz” along with Gaetz' children. Huelsman has also worked on Democratic Debates, World News Tonight with David Muir, Pod Save America, and Nickelodeon shows such as the Kid’s Choice Awards.[271]
  • Chris Cuomo declared that President Donald Trump isn't aging as fast as past U.S. presidents.[272]

Reddit CNN memes channel[edit]

R/CNNmemes is a reddit channel set up to spread anti-CNN memes.

The New York Times wrote in an article entitled How a CNN Investigation Set Off an Internet Meme War:

CNN fake news anchor Jake Tapper.[273]
The Reddit forum r/CNNmemes, a self-described outpost for “memes of CNN or other failing MSM networks,” began to fill with user-generated images. One user pasted CNN’s logo into a still image from what appeared to be an ISIS hostage video, implying that the network had coerced the Reddit user behind the pro-Trump meme into making an apology. Another user superimposed CNN’s logo onto the face of Kim Jong-un, the North Korean dictator...

On Monday, a CNN reporter tracked down the identity of the user, who quickly deleted his posts, renounced his meme-creating ways, and apologized in a long, seemingly sincere post to /r/The_Donald. CNN declined to name the user, but said, somewhat mysteriously, that it “reserves the right” to publish his identity in the future if he continued to create "offensive" content.

To many on the right, that caveat felt like a threat issued by a powerful news organization to a private citizen: Fall in line, or we’ll expose you...

To understand how Reddit memes could ignite a national controversy and put a multibillion-dollar media company on its heels, it helps to know that right-wing meme-makers are a particularly prolific and vocal internet subcommunity. They gather in clusters on Reddit, and similar sites like 4chan and Discord, in order to trade images and strategize about disseminating them to wide audiences.[274]

See also[edit]


  3. BREAKING: PROJECT VERITAS: CNN Director Admits Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump From Presidency at the Gateway Pundit
  4. Project Veritas Drops Video of CNN Director Admitting They Use COVID Fearmongering for Ratings at the Gateway Pundit
  5. BREAKING: CNN Director Caught on Hidden Camera Saying The Network is ‘Trying to Help’ BLM By Only Pushing Stories That Implicate White People at the Gateway Pundit
  12. Second CNN producer under 'criminal investigation' involving 'potential juvenile victims', Fox News, Dec 29, 2021
  17. Joe Biden goes into action for TV producer battling a brain hemorrhage"Washington Post. May 5, 2011.
  46. [Black Lives Matter protests have not led to a spike in coronavirus cases, research says]
  47. Shameless CNN Says BLM Protests Are Safe From COVID But Not Trump Rallies
  58. Concha, Joe (June 28, 2017). O'Keefe video shows CNN's Van Jones calling Russia story a ‘nothingburger’. The Hill. Retrieved June 28, 2017.
  59. Richardson, Valerie (June 28, 2017). CNN’s Van Jones calls Russia story ‘nothing burger’ in latest undercover video. The Washington Times. Retrieved June 29, 2017.
  60. Richardson, Valerie (June 30, 2017). CNN producer calls Trump ‘crazy,’ voters ‘stupid as sh—’ in latest Project Veritas video. The Washington Times. Retrieved July 1, 2017.
  61. Pollak, Joel B. (June 30, 2017). James O’Keefe Video: CNN Associate Producer Calls Voters ‘Stupid as Sh*t’. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 30, 2017.
  62. Klein, Aaron (June 29, 2017). Defiant CNN Touts Discredited Dossier in One-Hour Russia Conspiracy Special. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 30, 2017.
  68. Boyle, Matthew (June 23, 2017). Very Fake News: After Breitbart Investigation, CNN Retracts Conspiracy Theory Hit Piece Attacking Trump, Associates Over Russian Fund. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 24, 2017.
  69. Boyle, Matthew (June 24, 2017). CNN Under Fire: ‘Very Fake News’ Network Hit from All Sides as Breitbart Investigation Forces Rare Retraction. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 25, 2017.
  70. Boyle, Matthew (June 26, 2017). Three Employees Resign from CNN Amid Very Fake News Scandal. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 27, 2017.
  71. Adams, Becket (June 26, 2017). Three CNN staffers quit over retracted story. Washington Examiner. Retrieved June 27, 2017.
  73. [1]
  74. [2]
  76. [3]
  78. CNN is a 24 hour video newspapers by Tony Seideman The Telegraphy May 16, 1981
  82. [4]
  83. Pollak, Joel B. (November 28, 2017). How CNN Cons America, the World, and Itself. Breitbart News. Retrieved November 28, 2017.
  84. CNN's Wallace, McCarthy speaker chaos would never happen under Pelosi, Breitbart, Jan 6, 2023.
    (Appearing on CBS’s “The Late Show")
  86. Pollak, Joel B. (May 29, 2017). CNN’s W. Kamau Bell: Islam Part of America’s Founding. Breitbart News. Retrieved May 29, 2017.
  88. [
  96. Dereliction of Duty by Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson, USAF (Ret.), Chapter 6, CNN Diplomacy, page 112-128.
  97. Amy Furr, CNN Connects Daylight Savings Time to ‘Structural Racism’, Breitbart, Nov 29, 2022.
    CNN on Friday connected Daylight Savings Time to sleep problems among communities of color. The outlet claimed problems with lack of sleep and sleep disorders are more prevalent in black, Asian, Hispanic, or Latino communities, adding the “inequities” can be detrimental to a person’s health. When a person’s sleep patterns are poor, it can result in obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain forms of cancer, Chandra Jackson, a researcher and epidemiologist with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences told the outlet.
  101. Nolte, John (October 14, 2018). Nolte: CNN’s Freak Show of Violence and Racism Hit 17 New Lows This Week. Breitbart News. Retrieved October 14, 2018.
  103. Don Lemon Explodes: Kanye West Put On A "Minstrel Show" For Trump, His Mother Is Rolling In Her Grave, Ian Schwartz, October 11, 2018
  121. “CNN stands for ‘controlling negroes’ declared Vernon as he attacked the biased reporting of the once-respected news outlet, which has now become nothing but globalist propaganda.
  123. Sopo, Giancarlo (January 5, 2020). The Left's growing hatred for conservative Cuban Americans exposed. Washington Examiner. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  139. A Dem. Congresswoman, Already In Hot Water Over A Fling With A Staffer, Is Now In Even Hotter Water Over An Alleged Nazi Tattoo, Stacey Ritzen, October 25, 2019.
  144. CNN’s Lemon: Racist Americans Who ‘Feel Completely Free to Speak Hate’ Are ‘Infecting Our Country’ at Breitbart News Network
  152. Andrea Levin, "Poisonously biased", Aug 30, 2007.
    CNN and Christiane Amanpour equate Jewish and Christian religious fervency with that of Muslims endorsing 'martyrdom' or suicide-killing.
  153. CNN's Amanpour regrets equating Trump with Nazi assault, AP News, Nov 17, 2020.
    CNN’s Christiane Amanpour says she regrets equating President Donald Trump’s tenure to Kristallnacht, an attack on Jews in Nazi Germany seen historically as the Holocaust’s launch.

    A prominent Jewish organization criticized Amanpour for her remarks, made last Thursday on her nightly interview program that airs on CNN International and PBS.

  154. Marcy Oster , CNN’s Christiane Amanpour makes a big Israel geography mistake, JTA, April 4, 2019.

    CNN’s Christiane Amanpour identified Haifa, a city in northern Israel, as being located in the contested West Bank. The network’s chief international anchor made the gaffe on Wednesday during her global affairs interview program on CNN while introducing Palestinian human rights lawyer Diana Buttu. Buttu was to respond to an interview with Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, who discussed the Trump administration’s as yet unveiled Middle East peace plan.

    “Diana Buttu is a human rights lawyer and she joins me from Haifa, on the West Bank,” Amanpour said.
  155. PM Bennett to CNN: 'I object - these are not occupied territories', INN, 20.04.22.

    Grilled by CNN's Amanpour, PM Naftali Bennett provides the necessary background and perspective to understand the current wave of violence.

    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was interviewed on Wednesday by Christiane Amanpour of CNN and grilled on the latest wave of violence and its implications for his and his government's political future. Asked to explain why he allowed IDF soldiers to enter the Al Aqsa Mosque, given the fact that the footage is then broadcast over the world and inflames tensions, Bennett replied, "As usual, you're starting in the middle of the story.

    "Last Friday, 300 Palestinians barricaded themselves on the Temple Mount, preventing other Muslims from praying," Bennett continued, as Amanpour grimaced. "My responsibility is to ensure freedom of religion for everyone, and that's why I was obligated to send in police officers ... enabling 80 thousand Muslims to pray there peacefully afterward... I had to send in policemen to remove the rioters. And it worked. "When faced with violence you have to act tough," Bennett added...

    "What you've been projecting is blatantly false," responded Bennett. "I object to the symmetry you're trying to create here ... who's getting murdered? We're not seeing Israelis murdering Palestinians." Over Amanpour's protests, the Prime Minister continued: "I also object - these are not occupied territories...

    "Israel is peaceful," he said. "About a month ago, unfortunately, a new wave of terror was thrown upon the Israeli public. We lost 14 people in four terror attacks. In Tel Aviv center, Arab Muslim terrorists, some of them affiliated with ISIS, came with rifles and started shooting people on the street. This is unacceptable.

    "I object to the notion of 'both sides.' When they don't attack us, we have no issue with them. But when they do attack us, I have to fight back and hit them at their terror bases. That's what any leader would do and that's what I'm doing."

    Bennett explained that when Israel pulled out of Gaza over a decade ago, pulling back to the '67 lines, “What we got in return is hell, tens of thousands of rockets shot at us.

    "I’m not in the business of playing experiments on the Israeli people," he stressed. "What I am doing is people to people peace. Bottom up. Getting more jobs for Palestinians, better paying jobs. Improving the economy. That’s what I believe in. And I have to say the Palestinians are experiencing unprecedented prosperity."
  156. David Litman, CNN runs cartoon depicting Passover seder amid a sea of blood, CAMERA, January 27, 2023.
  158. Nolte, John (August 27, 2019). Nolte: Four Reports of Assaults Incited by CNN Journalists in Just 6 Weeks. Breitbart News. Retrieved August 27, 2019.
  160. Multiple references:
  161. Pentchoukov, Ivan (June 30, 2019). Antifa Members Assault Journalist Known for Exposing Group’s Violence. The Epoch Times. Retrieved June 30, 2019.
  164. Armed Activist Hurling Molotov Cocktails at ICE Facility Shot Killed by Police
  168. Price, Bob (July 14, 2019). Man Who Attempted to Blow Up Migrant Detention Center Praised by Some Anti-ICE Activists. Breitbart News. Retrieved July 14, 2019.
  169. Price, Bob (July 14, 2019). Man Who Attempted to Blow Up Migrant Detention Center Praised by Some Anti-ICE Activists. Breitbart News. Retrieved July 14, 2019.
  176. Jack Dorsey Goes After CNN For Deliberately Stirring Division “And you all are selling hope?”, Summit News, Apr 19, 2022.
  177. CNN Cites Consultant Who Teams Up with NGOs to Bash Israel Chris Cobb-Smith's work with anti-Israel NGOs, (May 24, 2022).
  178. Arabic Blood Plot Authorities accuse: Israel deliberately (sic) shot Al Jazeera journalist, News 0404, May 26, 2022.

    The "Palestinian" authority issued an official statement today (Thursday) in which it claimed that an "investigation" it (supposedly) "conducted" "revealed" that "the IDF fired an al-Jazeera reporter "intentionally" and without prior warning while she was on the run." This is a continuation of the Arab blood libel against Israel after the investigation published on the subject on the CNN network based on Cobb Smith, who previously worked for a terrorist organization and even falsely stated that Israel used (supposedly) white phosphorus bombs against civilians.

    It should be noted that the Arabs refused any request from the IDF for a joint investigation of the incident or by another neutral international entity.
  179. Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas Tweeted (May 24, 2022):

    The @CNN investigation claiming Israel deliberately shot Sheerin Abu Akla relies on the testimony of a Palestinian reporter named Shatha Hanaysha. Here are some of Shatha’s tweets. Perhaps someone who dreams of "rockets of the resistance" isn’t an impartial eye witness...

  180. Lenny Ben-David @lennybendavid (May 24, 2022):
    Great thread. Another CNN flaw: what motive would Israel have to shoot/"target" a middle age woman? If an Israeli sniper was shooting anyone, why not shoot at Palestinian fighters? How can CNN make a conclusion if the Palestinians refuse to release the bullet? CNN.
  181. Dovid Efune @Efune Tweeted (May 24, 2022):

    1. Per CNN's own map, the Israeli forces were positioned in between Abu Akleh and the militants. If they were shooting at each other (green arrow for IDF, red arrow for gunmen), then the Palestinians were the only ones shooting in Abu Akleh's direction.

    2. 2. CNN confirms that both the Israelis and the militants were using M16 and M4 rifles. It then cites an "expert" who claims that the Palestinians, about 300 meters away from Abu Akleh, were out of range. The M4's range is 500+ meters. The M16's range is 800+ meters.

    3. The report relies heavily on "eyewitnesses." Citing witness testimony from within what @NatanSharansky would call a "fear society" is inherently problematic. The sources are highly motivated to toe the line and would place themselves at great personal risk if they didn't.

    4. CNN then cites "explosive weapons expert" Chris Cobb-Smith, who is no objective observer. Cobb-Smith has a history (over a decade) of directing his "expertise" towards incriminating Israel. He's also tied to some reliably anti-Israel groups, including Forensic Architecture.

    Cobb-Smith claims that the grouping of bullet holes at the scene could not have come from random (militant) fire. But CNN ignores the likelihood that the gunmen were firing -- and specifically aiming -- in the direction of the IDF, whom Abu Akleh was standing behind.

    Also, the spacing of the bullet holes shown by CNN, with one higher up and two lower down, seem unlikely to have come from a sniper, as CNN asserts. I know of no military that would retain a sniper who was that bad a shot, no less the IDF.

    5. CNN's final piece of "evidence" comes from forensic audio analyst Robert Maher who matches the distance (200m) from which the deadly bullet was fired to the IDF. Maher seems straight enough, but here's the catch. Per CNN, there were 2 volleys fired in Abu Akleh's direction...

    Maher only analyses the second volley because, CNN says, "eyewitnesses" say Abu Akleh was hit in the second barrage. But what if the eyewitnesses were wrong, per the above, and she was killed in the first? Why does CNN not give us the same data from the first volley?

    If, as seems a more likely scenario, the militants (from 300m) came up behind the Israelis and fired in their (and Abu Akleh's) direction, then the Israelis would have returned fire (from 200m) towards them. Maher may be right on distance, but the IDF was shooting the other way.

    In sum, CNN's report appears carefully constructed to fit a pre-determined conclusion: Israel is guilty. It will no doubt be used to recruit for terror groups who prey on innocent civilians in Israel and in worldwide Jewish communities. Their blood will be on @CNN's hands.
  182. CNN Publishes Gushing Interview With Palestinian Provocateur Ahed Tamimi Who Called for ‘Stabbings and Martyrdom’, Honest Reporting, Sep 15, 2022.
  183. The Media and Ahed Tamimi, Camera, Feb 28, 2018.
  184. Petra Marquardt-Bigman, Bassem Tamimi and the Use of Children as Political Props, Legalinsurrection, September 3, 2015.
  185. SICKENING: CNN, NYT Refuse to Call Ramot Ramming Attack Terrorism, YWN, Feb 10, 2023.
  186. 186.0 186.1 Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas Tweeted (Feb 10, 2023):

    Fixed your headline @CNN [6]

    Was the car responsible or perhaps the Palestinian driver who intentionally ran down people standing at a bus stop?
  187. Dion J. Pierre, Palestinians Celebrate Murder of Israelis in Terrorist Attack, Media Headlines Call Victims ‘Settlers’, Algeneiner, February 10, 2023.

    Man filming himself overseeing distribution of sweets celebrating terror attack in Jerusalem that killed an Israeli child and 20 year old newly-wed on Friday. Photo: Screenshot. [7]

    Images on social media circulated Friday of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza celebrating a terrorist attack in Jerusalem that left two Israelis dead on Friday morning, just hours before the beginning of Shabbat.

    In a video posted to Twitter, a man instructs children in Gaza to hand out pastries to passerby in honor of 31-year-old Hussein Qaraqe, who rammed his car into a bus stop in the East Jerusalem in an attack that killed six-year-old Yaakov Pelli and twenty-year-old newly-wed Alter Shlomo Liderman while injuring five others. Images also purported to show members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Khan Yunis, Gaza, distributing sweets...

    In the United States, a headline by CNN said “Two dead including child as car rams people at Jerusalem bus stop,” prompting criticism from the Israel Foreign Ministry.

    “This wasn’t a self driving car @CNN,” the Ministry said [8] on Twitter. “The driver a Palestinian terrorist *intentionally* rammed into a bus stop packed with children and families traveling before Shabbat.”
  188. Arab Liberal Writer: Blames Arab Media for Hatred of the U.S., Memri, November 7, 2003.
  189. Haaretz | Outlets | CAMERA
  190. Presspectiva
  202. ‘Fredo-Gate’ Blows Up In Social Media After CNN Chris Cuomo’s Rant Over Heckler’s Comment
  203. ‘Fredo-Gate’ Blows Up In Social Media After CNN Chris Cuomo’s Rant Over Heckler’s Comment
  209. [9]
  210. [10]
  214. [11]
  216. [12]
  217. [13]
  218. [14]
  219. Nolte, John (May 16, 2018). Ratings Crisis: CNN Suffers Viewership Collapse of Nearly 30 Percent. Breitbart News. Retrieved May 16, 2018.
  220. Death Spiral: Along With Its Credibility, CNN Ratings Collapse, Daily Wire, 2017.
  221. Trump to CNN: "Very Fake News"
  222. 'Fake News Network': Trump Blasts CNN for Retracted Russia Story, Fox News Network
  223. 18 Questions CNN Needs To Answer After Getting Busted For Fake News, By Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist, DECEMBER 8, 2017.
  224. CNN's Chris Cuomo: Antifa Is 'A Good Cause', By RYAN SAAVEDRA, The Daily Wire, April 30, 2019.
  225. Seriously? CNN Changes Headline On Story About Antifa Because They Didn't Like Being Called Violent, Matt Vespa, Townhall, Aug 20, 2017.
  226. Watch Antifa Thugs Beat Elderly Man With a Crowbar.
  228. This List Of Attacks Against Conservatives Is Mind Blowing, DAVE BROOKS, The Daily Caller, June 16, 2017
  229. CNN’s Brian Stelter Downplays Antifa’s Brutal Beating of Andy Ngo, JOHN NOLTE, Brietbart, 1 Jul 2019.
  232. Pennsylvania School Board Axes Daily CNN Broadcast from Middle School at Breitbart News Network
  241. [15]
  243. Multiple references:
  244. Kirkwood, R. Cort (January 12, 2019). Local TV Station Exposes CNN Attempt to Spin Border Truth; Acosta Proves Trump Right. The New American. Retrieved January 12, 2019.
  245. Flood, Brian (March 12, 2018). Facts first: CNN has neglected its ‘Trump Jobs Tracker’ amid significant growth. Fox News. Retrieved March 12, 2018.
  246. Multiple references:
  248. [16]
  249. Pollak, Joel B. (June 28, 2017). CNN Politics: ‘Obama’s Jeans Game Gets Strong(er)’. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 29, 2017.
  250. Pollak, Joel B. (May 29, 2017). CNN’s W. Kamau Bell: Islam Part of America’s Founding. Breitbart News. Retrieved May 29, 2017.
  251. Hanchett, Ian (January 11, 2018). CNN’s Acosta: Trump ‘Seems to Harbor Racist Feelings’. Breitbart News. Retrieved January 11, 2018.
  252. Gualtieri, Allison Elyse (February 2, 2019). CNN misidentifies Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam as a Republican during his apology for racist yearbook photo. Washington Examiner. Retrieved February 2, 2019.
  253. Rodriguez, Katherine (February 1, 2019). WATCH: CNN Chyron Labels Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam a Republican. Breitbart News. Retrieved February 2, 2019.
  257. Full Doc: CNN's Lawsuit to Restore Jim Acosta's White House Credentials at Breitbart News Network
  258. White House: "Jim Acosta Lawsuit 'Just More Grandstanding from CNN'" at Breitbart News Network
  261. Multiple references:
  263. Kirkwood, R. Cort (August 7, 2019). Threats of Anti-GOP Violence Rise, BLM Activist Wants to Stab McConnell. The New American. Retrieved August 7, 2019.
  271. Chris Cuomo attacks Trump for not aging as fast as past presidents: 'Care more, sleep less', Washington Times
  273. How a CNN Investigation Set Off an Internet Meme War, New York Times, 2017

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