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Electoral fraud

From Conservapedia - Reading time: 5 min

See also: Blue Mirage
Joe Biden famously quoted his namesake, Joe Stalin, "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." - Joseph Stalin[1]

Electoral fraud is the criminal manipulation of elections to secure the supposed "victory" of a candidate who, had the election been conducted legally and fairly, would not have won. In the United States typically large urban areas hold back reporting results until outlying areas report so that city election officials can count how many fraudulent ballots need to be manufactured. This occurred in the 2020 presidential election in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Las Vegas, Atlanta and other Democrat-ruled cities. Fraudulent and doctored pre-election polling typically is used as an excuse to hold back the election night results from urban areas while city election officials stuff the ballot box to meet "expectations".

With each election cycle, Dems get better at election fraud in the states that allow it. These states include Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Georgia.

The Australian or secret ballot has made it difficult to track many types of fraud. While it may be possible to identify dead people or felons for example, on the voter rolls, because of the anonymity of the secret ballot it is virtually impossible to identify how the dead person or felon voted and throw out the fraudulent ballot once it is allowed to occur.

Many forms of electoral fraud have been recorded. These include:

  • Lack of signature verification and an independent audit of signatures, as blocked in Pennsylvania (2.6M mail-in votes), Georgia (1.3M), and elsewhere
  • "Personation": voters assuming the identity of another registered voter (sometimes a recently deceased voter)
  • Registration of non-existent "voters" (e.g. "Mickey Mouse", "Bugs Bunny", "SpongeBob SquarePants", etc.)
  • Multiple voting by the same individual or group of individuals (for example by using a postal vote as well as voting on election day)
  • Interference with ballot boxes (e.g. stuffing ballots boxes with manufactured "found" votes for a favored candidate [almost always Democrats], throwing out votes of candidates not popular with the opposing party [i.e. Democrats], etc.)
  • Fraudulent voting by non-citizens, felons or citizens not of legal voting age
  • Bribery of election officials or poll workers
  • Intentional miscounting of votes by biased election officials
  • Voter intimidation
  • Manipulation of electronic voting machines to flip votes to a favored (i.e. Democrat) candidate
  • Weighted voting, a computerized program that fractionalizes votes (i.e, gives one candidate, usually a Democrat, 1.3 votes and the Republican .7 votes), denying the principle of one person one vote. Hence at the end of the day, while the number of voters and the number of ballots cast can actually balance or match (which traditionally has not occurred in many Democrat precincts), the results are still skewed.
  • Giving out incentives or rewards for votes. Some states mandate closure of liquor establishments on election day cause Democrats used to buy a round of drinks for everyone before and after loading them on wagons to vote. With early voting these laws are largely moot. In 2000, the Al Gore campaign gave out cigarettes to homeless people for voting, despite an 8-year crusade by the Clinton/Gore administration against the evils of smoking. In 2020 the Biden campaign distributed $25 gift certificates to Native Americans in a racist mockery of natives' appreciation for democracy.
  • Adjudication. Sometimes a ballot gets damaged or is hard to read, for example it gets torn in the tabulator or coffee gets spilled on it. The adjudication process mandates that one Democrat and one Republican sit at a table and attempt to decipher the intent of the voter and redraw a new ballot. During the 2020 presidential election, in Fulton County (Atlanta), Georgia, and Wayne County (Detroit) Michigan, all Republicans were kicked out of the room and two Democrats redrew all the ballots. In Michigan the adjudication rate was 68%; in Georgia it was 93%. Ordinarily, the rate is in low single digits or fractions of a percent. Republican ballots were essentially torn up by election workers and redrawn as Democrat ballots.
  • Provisional ballots are essentially a temporary ballot that election workers hand to voters when there is confusion or some dispute of a voters registration when the voter appears at the polls. Rather than create an embarrassing scene in front of other voters, the poll workers hand the voter a provisional ballot and assure them that they will check the records and further investigate. If a mistake is found in the registrar's office, the so-called "provisional ballot" is counted, if not it gets tossed at the end of the night without ever being counted. In Maricopa County in 2020, more than 70,000 registered voters in predominantly Republican precincts were told their registration couldn't be found and were handed provisional ballots which were tossed out by days end.
  • Running the same stack of ballots through tabulation machines multiple times. Bar codes, such as in grocery store checkout counters, theoretically could be programmed to reject an item that has already been counted.
  • Federal law mandates paper ballots in federal elections be preserved for 22 months. However, in some states, once the ballot is run through a tabulator, the electronic "ballot image" (from the photographic scanner) becomes the official ballot, and the paper ballot immediately shredded. If the tabulator is programmed for weighted voting (i.e. illegally programmed to deny one person one vote), there is no paper record of the voter's intent to match against the electronically produced results.
  • Counterfeit watermarks on counterfeit ballots. Many of these counterfeit ballots are also of foreign origin.
  • In the Brazilian presidential election of 2022 all machines from to 2020 (audited) had more votes for Bolsonaro, while the machines made prior to the 2020 (non-audited, 2015 or prior) model have significantly less votes, the machines were compared in the same voting locations, explaining that neighbors that tend to vote similarly change the pattern in the base of the machines, something very unusual.

Election fraud is rampant in Democrat-ruled counties in the United States and under other socialist dictatorships, which use rigged elections to consolidate their leaders' power. Examples include the re-election of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe in 2008, the sham elections for Saddam Hussein as president of Iraq in the 1990s, and Barack Obama receiving 100% of the vote in some Philadelphia precincts.[2]

In 2020, despite Joe Biden declaring himself as the "winner" of the presidential election, President Trump won 18 out of 19 bellwether counties.[3] In addition, 175 out of 200 pivot counties voted for Trump.[4]

In California, eleven counties have 144% more registered voters than residents. The National Review reported in 2017 that 462 counties nationwide had more registered voters than population.[5]

In October 2020, Judicial Watch released a comparison study of Census Bureau population statistics and state voter registration data to reveal a notable disparity. The study found that 352 U.S. counties in 29 states managed to have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. The registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100%, including Michigan.[6] Milwaukee, Wisconsin recently ‘updated’ its voting data for its wards after a newspaper pointed out seven wards had more votes than registered voters. Some voter turnouts during the 2020 presidential election exceeded 200%.[7]

See also[edit]


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