Left-wing violence under the Biden junta (2021-22)

From Conservapedia - Reading time: 75 min

The following is a list of left-wing violence in the Trump era and subsequently under the Biden junta during 2021, this being a subpage whose information was moved here from the main content page. Anti-Asian hate crimes exploded under the junta.


January 2021[edit]

  • Violent Antifa punks swarmed and attacked the home of Republican Senator Josh Hawley in Washington, D.C. while Hawley was in Missouri and terrorized and threatened Hawley's wife and newborn daughter, who were home at the time.[1] Hawley subsequently ripped into the cowardly punks on Twitter when he found out what they did, which was in response to Hawley's plans to challenge the illegal vote fraud committed by the Democrats in the 2020 presidential election on behalf of their candidate Joe Biden.
  • Groups of violent Antifa punks and BLM thugs viciously attacked pro-Trump protesters the night before a Stop the Steal rally against Democrat vote fraud in Washington, D.C., injuring an elderly female Trump supporter.[2] Not only did the DC police, under orders from corrupt DC Democrat mayor Muriel Bowser, act in dereliction of their duty by refusing to stop the rioting punks, but several corrupt officers stood up for the punks by illegally attacking and macing the Trump supporters when they tried to protect the elderly attack victim, prompting one of the pro-Trump protesters, a Marine, to angrily denounce the DC police while other Trump supporters in the crowd called the corrupt cops traitors.
Anifa/BLM terrorists filmed the murder of Ashli Babbitt by Capitol Police.
  • Corrupt DC police officers, acting on behalf of their traitorous Democrat masters, deployed tear gas and flash-bang grenades against pro-Trump protesters and viciously attacked that group, including children and elderly protesters, without provocation[3] at the Stop the Steal rally in Washington, D.C.[4] The attack on the Trump supporters resulted because of suspected infiltration of the group by Antifa punks[5][6] and BLM thugs to instigate a false flag operation to try to discredit the pro-Trump movement[7] by the infiltrators storming the United States Capitol. A woman who took part in the storming of the Capitol, later identified as Ashli Babbitt, a 14-year veteran of the United States Air Force,[8] was shot in the neck by Capitol Police and later died of her wound.[9] Several of the infiltrators, who were subsequently identified and outed as Antifa members on Twitter[5] (which falsely claimed that at least one of the photos identifying the punks were "manipulated media" to cover for the punks), were subsequently arrested and escorted from the Capitol; one of them, Jacob Anthony Chansley (who uses the alias "Jake Angeli" and claims to be an "actor") has since been arrested on federal charges of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.[10] Meanwhile, the pro-Trump protesters who were unjustly attacked by the corrupt cops retaliated and fought back against them for their vicious unprovoked attacks on children and the elderly, forcing the corrupt cops into retreat.[3] John Sullivan, a BLM leader and one of the organizers of the Antifa infiltration and attack on the Capitol, was subsequently arrested in Utah on federal charges for actively taking part in the storming of the Capitol.[11] Unsurprisingly, the liberal media, along with the FBI, transparently denied any involvement by Antifa and BLM and covered for both groups by blatantly lying in news reports, falsely claiming that the attack on the Capitol was the work of "pro-Trump protesters" while ignoring evidence that Antifa had not only infiltrated the protest, but had even been given access to the Capitol by corrupt Capitol police officers.
Climate activist Jake Angeli at the Arizona Climate March in 2019. Angeli, also known as "Buffalo man", "Viking man", and "QAnon shaman", led the occupation of the U.S. Capitol building in 2021.[12]
  • A reporter for the now-liberal leaning Fox News shoved a Trump supporter during a gathering of pro-Trump protesters outside the governor's mansion in Olympia, Washington.[13] The other Trump supporters retaliated against the reporter by shoving him several times before local police intervened and forced the reporter to leave; the Trump supporter who was assaulted plans to file charges against the reporter.
  • ABC News political director Rick Klein let out his inner Nazi on Twitter when he spoke about how the Democrats should "cleanse" America of Trump supporters, akin to the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis during WWII, in the wake of the Antifa-staged riots inside the US Capitol which were falsely attributed by the liberal media to pro-Trump supporters.[14] True to form for a cowardly leftist lacking the courage of his convictions, Klein later deleted his post following heavy criticism, but not before it was screencapped by critics of the comment, including conservative commentator Sebastian Gorka.[15]
  • Corrupt Portland Democrat mayor Ted Wheeler, long a supporter of Antifa and enabler of the hate group's violent attacks and rioting in that city, found himself victimized by the very group he had supported when Antifa punks invaded a restaurant Wheeler was dining at, harassed him and punched him in the face.[16] Among the punks who invaded the restaurant was Antifa member Tracy Molina, a frequent arrestee for taking part in past Antifa riots and who was the culprit who punched the mayor; Wheeler stood up to the hoodlums and told them to grow up before restaurant employees evicted the punks.[17] No arrests were made in the incident and Wheeler did not plan to file charges against Molina for the assault.
  • Trump supporters were attacked and assaulted with pepper spray by Antifa black bloc punks in San Diego.[18] San Diego police officers, who were also assaulted when the punks threw rocks and bottles at them, quickly declared the Antifa riot an unlawful gathering and arrested three of the punks and took them into custody.
  • Masked Antifa punks in riot gear who marched through New York City claiming to "own" its streets and public space[19] viciously assaulted a female journalist and hypocritically called her a "Nazi" (ignoring that they were behaving exactly like Nazis themselves) while corrupt NYPD officers, acting in dereliction of their duty, did nothing to stop the assault.[20] Not surprisingly, the liberal media ignored the incident and had nothing to say about it.
  • Michael Beller, the chief legal counsel for liberal "educational" TV network PBS, was fired from his position after it became publicly known via Project Veritas that he advocated the kidnapping of MAGA supporters' children to be incarcerated in gulags and attacking the Trump White House with Molotov cocktails, as well as celebrating the deaths of voters in Republican-run states which he claimed were due to the CCP flu "pandemic", all as part of a profane anti-conservative and anti-American rant to an undercover reporter.[21]
  • A left-wing thug viciously attacked anti-establishment libertarian Roger Stone's wife Nydia as she was walking her dog, causing her to be hospitalized while the cowardly thug escaped.[22] The gash on her knee caused by a previous dog bite re-opened, requiring the need for treatment at the emergency room as well as surgery. Not surprisingly, because the attack involved someone tied to one of the Left's most hated political enemies, the liberal media ignored the story.
  • Parler CEO John Matze was forced to go into hiding with his family after he received death threats from anonymous leftist cowards, shortly after the conservative alternative to Twitter was illegally forced offline in a co-ordinated anti-competitive attack on the site by leftist Big Tech companies Google, Amazon.com and Apple Inc..[23]
  • Despite the illegal installation of Joe Biden as "president", Antifa punks still showed their "gratitude" by vandalizing the headquarters of the Oregon Democrat Party in Portland.[24] Some of the punks reportedly had a hard time breaking windows at the office as part of their vandalism spree, illustrating the image of Antifa being made up primarily of physically weak beta males. The punks cowardly fled the scene when the Portland police arrived. Soon after the incident, the Oregon Democrats issued an official statement on their Facebook page which not only refused to place the blame for the Antifa vandalism of their office squarely where it belongs, they falsely blamed the Republicans for the violence and the vandalism,[25] which only earned the Oregon Democrats criticism from a majority of responders.
  • Antifa punks in Seattle also "celebrated" the Biden installation by vandalizing an Amazon.com store (even though Amazon has been known to support leftist causes) and a courthouse and burning an American flag during a riot in that city.[26] During their temper tantrum, the hoodlums also showed their support for de facto "legalization" of their criminal behavior by demanding complete abolition of the police and the prison system. So far, only one of the punks has been arrested by Seattle police for their vandalism spree.
  • Antifa punk Daniel Alan Baker was arrested by the FBI on federal charges for making online threats to kill Trump supporters and police officers and encouraging violence against same on the day of the Biden installation.[27] Baker also boasted on YouTube about receiving money from George Soros to fund his part in the far-Left insurrection against America, and he also offered cash rewards to those willing to engage in illegal doxing of Trump supporters.
  • A group of Antifa punks and BLM thugs stormed and invaded the city hall in Bellingham, Washington, forcing the evacuation of the city's Democrat mayor Seth Fleetwood.[28]
  • Far-Left pro-abortionists, emboldened by Joe Biden's recent announcement to codify Roe v. Wade, stormed St. Joseph's Catholic Cathedral in Columbus, Ohio and disrupted a worship service, knocking over a table, chanting mindless pro-abortion slogans and screaming profanities inside the church before the punks were thrown out by church security guards.[29]
  • Rioting leftist punks struck at an ICE facility and clashed with federal agents in Portland.[30] The riot was soon declared an unlawful assembly and numerous arrests were made against the punks.
  • Tantrum-throwing Antifa punks instigated a riot in Tacoma, Washington[31] as revenge for an incident where a Tacoma police officer, out of concern for his safety, drove his SUV through a mob of unruly punks that had been swarming the vehicle and trying to break inside to get at the officer the day before.[32] The punks viciously assaulted bystanders, vandalized businesses and cars and set fires in the streets while the Tacoma police, following in the footsteps of their fellow officers in other Democrat-ruled cities, initially derelicted their duty and did nothing to stop the punks at first, but eventually declared an unlawful assembly and began dispersal of the rioters.[33]
  • Conservative journalist Andy Ngo was forced to flee to the United Kingdom due to relentless death threats from Antifa cowards and the blatant unwillingness of corrupt and lawless Democrat officials to do anything to stop their brownshirts.[34]
  • A mob of 60 Antifa punks again attacked the ICE facility in Portland, threw mortar explosives and projectiles at federal agents, burned American flags and tried to set the facility on fire; the incident was predictably ignored by the liberal media.[35] One of the punks, repeat offender Karl Anders Nilsson, was quickly arrested but was just as quickly released without bail.[36]
  • 19-year-old Antoine Watson was arrested on charges of assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse and murder after an 84-year-old man died two days after Watson charged at and viciously assaulted him in the man's driveway in San Francisco's Anza Vista neighborhood, while Watson's companion, Maylasia Goo, was also arrested on a charge of accessory after the fact.[37]

February 2021[edit]

  • Former Democrat-turned-Trump supporter Danielle McCarty began being besieged with hundreds of hateful and threatening messages from unhinged leftists on Twitter and other social media accounts after unemployed has-been "comedienne" Kathy Griffin illegally doxed McCarty when she came unglued over a tweet by McCarty criticizing Griffin's gloating over the stolen 2020 presidential election while she again posted the photo of herself holding up the fake severed head of Trump that led to her entertainment career being ended.[38] The leftist cranks let out their inner 13-year-olds online as they threatened the livelihood of McCarty and her family, made false accusations against her and made immature rape and death threats against her and death threats against her children after Griffin libeled McCarty by falsely accusing her of being a "domestic terrorist", sicced her followers on McCarty, claimed to have "reported" her to the FBI and went even further by posting personal photos of McCarty and her family, while several online leftist sites openly praised Griffin for her criminal actions against McCarty and also made false claims about McCarty. While the usual Twitter suspects rooted Griffin on, a number of later posters gave her well-deserved criticism for her illegal actions. Due to the excessive harassment from the leftist cowards spurred on by Griffin, McCarty was forced to delete her Twitter account.
  • Another night, another left-wing riot as Antifa and BLM wreaked havoc in Washington, D.C., assaulted police officers and harassed outdoor diners in the city.[39]
  • BLM troublemakers Saqunn Jackson and Juarde Benn were arrested on multiple charges after they assaulted conservative reporter Tara Anne Szczepanski, who was filming a BLM rally in January.[40] Jackson and Benn shoved a dirty diaper into Szczepanski's face, smashed an egg over her head, spat on her and falsely called her a "Nazi" during the disgusting assault while she was also attacked with an umbrella and a skateboard, and several bystanders at the rally told bypassers not to protect her because of her being a Trump supporter. A liberal judge subsequently released both assailants, Jackson under supervision and Benn on his own recognizance.
  • Democrat supporters, angry over the passing of a law by the GOP-majority Georgia state legislature making voter ID for absentee voters mandatory (as it cuts the Democrats' ability to illegally cheat in elections drastically), stormed the state capitol in Atlanta.[41] Unsurprisingly, the liberal media sided with the leftist rabblerousers and put their racism on display by joining the Democrats in making the issue about race[42] and making false claims about the new Georgia voter ID law, even though the new law is about preventing vote fraud and has nothing to do with race.

March 2021[edit]

  • Multiple arrests were made by federal agents against Antifa arsonists who tried to again set fire to the federal courthouse in Portland.[43] Per usual, the liberal media covered for the punks by refusing to report on the arson incident.
  • Numerous arrests were made by Portland police against Antifa hoodlums (one of which, a rioter claiming to be a "journalist", acted surprised over being retaliated against for their criminal activity) following another round of rioting, vandalism and mayhem in the city by the hate group.[44] Racist left-wing opinionist and former New York Times editor Sarah Jeong whined in a Twitter post about the Portland police's successful use of "kettling" to corral and detain the rioters for arrest, which led to her getting roasted by Twitter responders who criticized her for her support of Antifa and its members' lawless and childish behavior.
  • A group of 13 rioters were arrested by Seattle police on multiple charges (including rioting, vandalism, assault, obstruction and resisting arrest) at a weekend riot in that city.[45]
  • Two BLM rioters stupidly attempted to climb onto the hood of an LAPD car during a riot in Hollywood held on the first anniversary of the death of drug-dealing hoodlum Breonna Taylor before the officer, acting for his safety due to some of the rioters attempting to block police vehicles from getting through, drove off, with one of the rioters jumping off while the other held onto the hood as several of his manaically screaming comrades chased after the car on foot for some distance.[46]
  • Black-bloc leftist punks viciously attacked activist Chris Elston in Montreal because of his opposition to the use of puberty-blocking drugs and surgical mutilation on children to "change" their genders.[47] Elston suffered a broken forearm and burst veins in the assault while his assailants, unsurprisingly, were not charged.
  • Ben Lemon, a corrupt leftist who claims to be a member of the military, openly threatened Tucker Carlson with violence on Twitter[48] for Carlson's criticism of "maternity flight suits" being pushed by Obama and Joe Biden-installed corrupt liberal military brass.[49] While the usual Twitter suspects unsurprisingly agreed with Lemon in hive-mind fashion in early replies, later posts heavily criticized Lemon for making his very public threat against Carlson for utilizing his First Amendment rights.
  • New Jersey Moderate Republican representative Jeff Van Drew and his family received threats of death and sexual assault from John McCall, an unhinged left-wing freelance hack who contributed columns to local newspaper the Ocean City Sentinel, who falsely smeared him as a "traitor" for supporting President Donald Trump.[50] The Sentinel subsequently apologized for publishing the controversial McCall columns while Van Drew announced that he plans on legal action against McCall for his threats and libelous comments unless the New Jersey Press Association denounces McCall's columns; McCall, meanwhile, has refused to let up on Van Drew and continues to lie about him and about the Republican Party in his articles.
  • A mob of Young Democrats, Antifa, BLM and socialists, some carrying flags of the USSR and anarchist flags, harassed a Trump-supporting homeowner and trespassed on his property during an anti-police march in Lansing, Michigan.[51]
  • Daquiesha Williams and Keaundra Young, two racist and entitled-acting black women, were arrested on charges of assault and aggravated assault in Houston after they viciously attacked beauty supply store owner Jung Kim, vandalizing her shop, hurling racist slurs at her, assaulting her son Sung Jun Lee and attempting to run over both him and his father with their SUV in the store's parking lot after father and son chased the women out of the store.[52] Jung Kim suffered a broken nose that will require surgery to fix as a result of the vicious assault, while security has been hired for the store to prevent future such incidents.
  • An Antifa punk who disrupted an Easter egg hunt and attacked two female participants at a pro-America rally in Schaumburg, Illinois met immediate retaliation when he was beaten up by a member of the Proud Boys (who organized the event) and then arrested by local police and charged with battery for the attacks on the women.[53]
  • Openly homosexual rap "musician" Lil Nas X made an open threat to rape the father of pro-gun rights conservative Kaitlin Bennett during a spat on Twitter, in which he also brought up a disgusting Internet meme originally concocted by vindictive feminists that falsely targeted Bennett.[54] Lil Nas X's threat came on the heels of recent attention-seeking controversies involving the rapper, who has admitted targeting children as his prime audience, in which he made a vile and pornographic music video that showed him giving a "lap dance" to Satan,[55] as well as collaborating with shoe manufacturer Nike to release a limited-edition athletic shoe (limited to 666 pairs) dedicated to Satan, containing a pentagram, the number 666 and a drop of human blood in each pair.[56]
  • Antifa punks attacked a "Back the Blue" pro-police rally organized by the Proud Boys in Salem, Oregon, throwing assorted debris at cars and trucks while corrupt police officers, in dereliction of their duty, initially did nothing to stop them.[57]
  • As part of that incident, a false arrest was made by some of those corrupt officers against an elderly man who attempted to defend himself against the Antifa rioters with a gun.[58] The hoodlums, who are normally anti-police and backed off in typical cowardly fashion when the man pulled his gun, hypocritically rooted the police on as they took the man into custody, but their fun soon ended when the police eventually declared an unlawful assembly against them and three of the punks were arrested,[59] while the man who had been taken into custody for trying to defend himself against the punks was later released.

April 2021[edit]

  • Kshama Sawant, the far-Left Seattle city councillor who led hundreds of Antifa and BLM rioters into Seattle City Hall for a sit-in after unlocking the doors to City Hall in spite of its closure due to the CCP flu pandemic as part of leftist riots in the city during June 2020, was dealt a major blow when, despite her making moves to stop the effort, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled that a campaign to remove her from Seattle City Council can legally proceed.[60] Sawant and her leftist supporters reacted dismissively to the campaign, claiming the recall effort against her (which has cited her on grounds of improper use of city resources, letting the rioters into City Hall during off-hours and leading the rioters to the home of Seattle Democrat mayor Jenny Durkan) as a "right-wing conspiracy" in a flimsy attempt to try to discredit it, before it was later revealed that she had conveniently withheld claimed "death threats" against her until she deemed them necessary to release to time that release for the sake of more favorable news coverage.[61]
  • Anti-Asian racist Xavier Woody Silas was arrested on vandalism and other charges after he was caught on camera trashing a convenience store in Charlotte, North Carolina and screaming racist threats at the store's Korean owners.[62] The owners' son, Mark Sung, speculated that Silas was hired to trash the store as revenge by a man who had previously been banned from the store and subsequently came back into the store to add insult to injury immediately following Silas' rampage by rubbing the incident in the store owners' faces.[63] In addition to the other charges, Silas now also faces a hate crime charge against him for targeting the store owners based on their ethnicity.
  • An election integrity rally in Atlanta organized by Georgia Republicans was met by armed black-bloc leftists, some wearing tactical gear and helmets, in an attempted show of intimidation by the group (which represents the interests of state Democrats opposed to election reform, who have falsely accused Georgia election reform laws of being "racist" but, in fact, oppose the laws because they prevent the Democrats from cheating in elections).[64]
  • An elderly Asian couple was attacked by four black males in an anti-Asian hate crime in Oakland as the couple was returning home from grocery shopping, but tragedy was averted when the couple's son, wielding a machete, came out and ran off the hoodlums.[65]
  • Four minority males are being sought by the New York Hate Crime Task Force in relation to hate crimes against Asian-Americans in New York City.[66] Of those four, one has since been captured and arrested on felony assault and hate crime charges for attacking an elderly Asian woman. These, among similar such incidents, are being ignored by the liberal media for the sake of preconceived (and frequently discredited) racist narratives claiming that only white Trump supporters are "racist", even though extensive evidence has proven otherwise.[67]
  • Malik Fard Muhammed, an Indiana native who traveled to Portland to take part in the leftist riots there in September 2020, was charged on multiple counts, including attempted murder, possession of weapons and destructive devices, criminal mischief and rioting, for his actions at the Portland riots.[68] Muhammed, who had fled back to Indiana after posting bail following his initial arrest, is currently being held in jail in Marion County, Indiana while awaiting extradition to Oregon on the charges.
  • Canadian comedian Alexander Lasarev, who opposes the use of face masks in the CCP flu pandemic, was viciously attacked by a pro-mask thug, who used his bicycle as a weapon to smash a side window of Lasarev's car, while Lasarev was speaking at a rally in Vancouver.[69] Vancouver police have recommended assault charges against the thug, while the liberal media unsurprisingly protected the thug's identity by concealing his face in their reports and engaged in victim-blaming on Lasarev.
  • Antifa punks and BLM thugs viciously assaulted independent reporter Brendan Gutenschwager as he was covering an anti-eviction march in Detroit.[70]
  • Antifa arsonists set fire to the Portland ICE facility while federal agents were inside the building.[71] The agents managed to escape and deployed pepper balls to force the punks into retreat.
  • BLM-instigated riots broke out in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota following the shooting death of gangbanger and career criminal Daunte Wright by local police.[72] The rioters made illegal threats to doxx the police officers and target their families, as well as looting several businesses and defying a 7 p.m. curfew imposed by Minnesota Democrat governor Tim Walz. Following the initial riot, a clueless liberal media reporter falsely tried to claim to Brooklyn Center police chief Tim Gannon that "there was no riot", but was immediately set straight by Gannon, who told the reporter point-blank that there was a riot.[73] An MSNBC camera crew was attacked by some of the rioters during the mayhem.[74] Brooklyn Center police were deployed to disperse the rioters and make multiple arrests on a second night of rioting,[75] but the rioters continued on their rampage regardless.[76] Gannon and the officer involved in the Wright shooting, Kim Potter, both subsequently resigned due to uproar from the liberal media and civil rights groups over the shooting.[77] In connection to the Wright shooting (which, via police bodycam, showed him resisting arrest at a traffic stop and then attempting to flee in his car, which he crashed after he was shot instead of being tased as intended[78]), incidents soon began breaking out across the country:
  • Brooklyn Center: A BLM mob showed up outside the city's police department headquarters to "protest", with the National Guard deployed to the department in the event of BLM-instigated violence,[79] which later did break out as BLM organizers sent their white supporters to the front lines to be used as human shields[80] while using projectiles and attempting to break down a fence surrounding the precinct, leading the police to declare an unlawful assembly and deploy riot control measures to disperse the rioters.[81] The rioters, who did not like having their lawless behavior curtailed by the police, used leaf blowers to clear away tear gas deployed by the riot squad as part of its riot control. Leftist criminals illegally doxxed Kim Potter, the officer who shot Daunte Wright, forcing the police to put a fence up around her home for protection against BLM thugs and Antifa punks.[82] On another night of rioting by Antifa and BLM in response to the city's mayor lifting its curfew, Brooklyn Center police showered the rioting hoodlums with pepper spray to bring them under control.[83]
  • New York City: In solidarity with the BLM rioters in Minnesota, BLM thugs illegally blocked the Manhattan Bridge.[84]
  • Washington, D.C.: In a Twitter post, Squad member Rashida Tlaib openly sided with the rioting criminals, falsely called the police "racist", called for complete anarchy and insanely demanded the abolition of all police departments and prisons.[85] Tlaib was heavily criticized by other Twitter posters following her inflammatory post, with many correctly pointing out the foolishness of her demands while some pointed out that Wright, whom Tlaib was defending in her tweet, was wanted for illegal possession of a weapon and had other outstanding warrants at the time of his traffic stop arrest,[86] and others called Tlaib out for both inciting violence (which is illegal under federal law) and for her hypocrisy in demanding abolition of the police while she is surrounded and protected by Capitol Police officers; even Ted Cruz weighed in and criticized Tlaib for her irresponsible comments.[87]
  • Portland: BLM rioters vandalized a church and set recycling bins on fire, then threw assorted projectiles at Portland police and used illegal fireworks as weapons against them.[88] Local residents went out to clean up the carnage left by the rioters afterward. The thugs then moved on to a police precinct, threw rocks through the precinct's windows, set fires in the area and again used fireworks against the officers before the police declared an unlawful assembly and a riot, then used riot dispersal tactics (including bull rushes and the use of flashbang grenades, bear spray and impact munitions) to force the rioters into retreat; no arrests have been reported to date.[89] During that riot, another group of punks broke into a police parking lot and vandalized numerous police cruisers before the vandals escaped prior to police arrival.[90] BLM rioters set fire to the Portland Police Union headquarters before police arrived;[91] one of the Antifa rioters involved, Alma Raven-Guido, was later arrested and charged with arson for her part in the incident after a police informant reported her behavior and those of her comrades to the Portland police,[92] which served only to anger other Antifa punks involved in the riot and arson attempt. Raven-Guido was later released on her own recognizance without bail.
  • Columbus: Violent BLM rioters broke into the Columbus Division of Police headquarters and pepper-sprayed at least one officer before the group got sprayed in return by other officers, sending the punks into retreat; at least one of the rioters was arrested.[93] The incident occurred as part of a march near the police headquarters by a larger group of BLM supporters, the majority of which were white.
  • Dallas: BLM rioters - many of which were white - seized a restaurant and openly bragged about their penchant for committing arson against targeted businesses while intimidating restaurant customers and playing the race card to excuse and justify their criminal behavior.[94]
  • Minneapolis: The Minnesota National Guard and local police were targeted in a drive-by shooting by a then-unknown shooter, most likely connected to BLM, in the early morning hours; two Guardsmen suffered only minor injuries while the shooter fled the scene in an SUV and evaded police pursuit.[95] The shooting occurred hours after Maxine Waters made incendiary demands to BLM to "get more confrontational" during an anti-police rally in Brooklyn Center, leading Georgia Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene to call for a resolution to expel Waters from Congress, pointing out that the controversial Democrat congresswoman intentionally incited violence and openly encouraged criminal behavior with her remarks (which is illegal under federal law[96]) while travelling across state lines to do so (also illegal[96]) and also abused her power by coercing a jury to return a guilty verdict against Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in the George Floyd death case, threatening violence if they did not, after which Greene called Waters a danger to society; other GOP Congress members also spoke out against Waters and her inflammatory comments.[97] Greene subsequently created a petition calling for Waters' expulsion from Congress for her actions.[98] Minneapolis police later released photos of the SUV involved in the drive-by shooting, revealing a black male driver behind the wheel;[99] the driver, convicted felon Andrew Thomas, was identified based on the police photos and was arrested for being in illegal possession of firearms.[100]
  • A 70-year-old Hispanic woman in Los Angeles became the latest victim of hate crimes being committed by racist black leftists when she was brutally beaten by Yasmine Beasley, who mistakenly thought her victim was Asian as she hurled racist anti-Asian slurs at the woman during the attack aboard a city bus.[101] Beasley was arrested on a battery charge for the assault, which left the victim with a concussion, a severely battered face and other injuries.
  • The Chicago street gang Latin Kings threatened retaliation against the Chicago police following the shooting death of armed 13-year-old gangbanger Adam Toledo,[102] based on their perception of a video aired by CBS News which had been deceptively edited to hide the fact that Toledo was armed with a gun at the time of his shooting.[103] CBS News was roasted on its Twitter account for airing the deceitful video to try to make Toledo look like a "victim" of "police brutality", while Chicago Democrat mayor Lori Lightfoot seized the political opportunity to fan the flames in the ensuing controversy by falsely calling the Chicago police "racist" and playing the "race card" while ignoring the circumstances behind the shooting.[104] The shooting of Toledo led to BLM agitators leading a mob to show up in Lightfoot's residential neighborhood of Logan Square to riot and clash with the police, who managed to bring the rioters under control using kettling and riot control tactics, which leftist social media posters who supported the rioters whined was "police brutality".[105]
  • A left-wing Asian journalist who was covering the Antifa riots in Portland was himself attacked and viciously beaten by Antifa punks because he had posted video showing their criminal activity, which had been retweeted by Portland police.[106] Multiple arrests were later made against the hoodlums after Portland police declared their criminal activity (which included smashing the windows of various businesses and setting fires) a riot.[107]
  • Despite a guilty verdict being handed down against Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer who was convicted in the death of George Floyd, this was not enough to satisfy leftist rioters in Portland as Antifa and BLM went on yet another riot and vandalism spree, even going so far as to make threats against anyone attempting to catch their criminal behavior on-camera, leading Andy Ngo to point out that the leftist rioting was never about justice, but only about using the verdict, no matter what it was, as their excuse to riot and be destructive without consequence.[108] This time, however, Portland police actually intervened as they declared the riot an unlawful assembly and made multiple arrests, including one rioting punk who received a beatdown from the police when he tried to take a swing at an officer first.
  • Minneapolis city council candidate, former city employee and anti-police activist Margarita Ortega came under police investigation for inciting violence after she encouraged BLM rioters in a Facebook post to burn down wealthy neighborhoods and directed them to target the city neighborhood of Lake of the Isles.[109] After she incurred criticism for her initial post and Lake of the Isles residents reported her threat to the police, Ortega took that post private.
  • Fox News host Tomi Lahren was targeted with online death threats by cowardly leftists when she commented about the Derek Chauvin verdict in a Twitter post, saying that there should be no more need for stealing in George Floyd's name now that the rioters got the verdict they wanted.[110]
  • Another black-on-Asian hate crime recently came to light after a black suspect was caught on camera viciously stomping on the head of 61-year-old Yao Pan Ma in New York City.[111] The suspect fled following the incident and is still at large, while Yao is in a coma in hospital with severe head injuries.
  • BLM militants in Ohio were caught on camera openly threatening to shoot and kill police officers in retaliation for the shooting death of 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant,[112] even though Bryant had been shown on Columbus Division of Police camera footage threatening to stab two neighbors with a knife and was still armed at the time she was shot.[113]
  • Antifa engaged in their usual mayhem and childish behavior in Portland as they illegally blocked roadways, rioted and committed acts of vandalism, assault and harassment before Portland police declared their actions a riot and made at least two arrests.[114] The punks were reacting to losing the support of Portland Democrat mayor Ted Wheeler, who had previously been an enthusiastic supporter of the hate group while also favoring defunding the police, but eventually gave up on Antifa after they turned on him and has now called on city residents to report any illegal activity by Antifa and to report its members to the police.[115] Subsequent to Wheeler's denouncement of Antifa, the hate group made a direct and open physical threat against him in a Twitter video, illegally doxxing him and demanding that he either resign from his office or else they would destroy Portland completely;[116] the Portland Police Bureau and the FBI announced that they would investigate what they are taking to be a serious threat, while critics roasted both Twitter and its CEO Jack Dorsey for their refusal to delete the video making the violent threat, with one critic stating that by its refusal to remove the threatening video for political reasons despite it violating its terms of service, Twitter has made the implicit decision to support and endorse Antifa's criminal threats against Wheeler and Portland. Andy Ngo later reported via the Post-Millennial that Jarrid Bailey Huber, a far-Left Antifa-connected activist claiming to be a "journalist", was linked to the Antifa death threat video which he shared with other Antifa groups via his Twitter account "@Hazeee1312", which Huber deleted within hours after doing so.[117]
  • Following in the wake of a vitriolic and foul-mouthed anti-police livestream video screed she earlier posted on Facebook, radio host Jessica Beauvais drove into and killed NYPD officer Anastasios Tsakos, who had been directing traffic at the scene of a previous vehicular accident, in a hit-and-run incident before fleeing the scene; she was later arrested for several felony charges including two counts of vehicular manslaughter, reckless endangerment, fleeing an officer in a motor vehicle, leaving an accident resulting in death, aggravated unlicensed operator and aggravated unlicensed operator involving alcohol, along with misdemeanor charges of driving while intoxicated and driving with a suspended license, all of which may net her up to 15 years in prison if convicted on all 13 charges she faces.[118] During the livestream video prior to the hit-and-run, Beauvais was shown smoking marijuana and drinking liquids later disclosed to be vodka, tequila and wine, and during her attempt to flee police pursuit, she attempted to smash her car into a police vehicle before she was caught; during her arrest, in which she blew nearly twice New York's legal alcohol limit for driving in a breathalyzer test, she was openly defiant toward the arresting officers.[119] Beauvais is currently being held in police custody without bail as her next court hearing comes up.
  • Jeremiah Mark was arrested on a manslaughter charge after playing the "Knockout Game" against 61-year-old Margaret Johnson Street, who died of a traumatic brain injury in New Orleans two days after after she was punched in the face by Mark and hit her head after falling back.[120] Mark faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted on the manslaughter charge.
  • A Northern California Trump supporter who infiltrated Antifa disclosed what he discovered about the hate group, including recorded phone calls and captured text messages where Antifa members openly talked about illegally doxxing Antifa opponents and killing police officers and Republican politicians in that part of the state.[121] The leader of the local Antifa faction which had been infiltrated by the Trump supporter is a college student, identified only by his social media handle "Marb", who had previously been arrested for felony assault on a police officer at a riot in Oakland, but was released after Alameda County's district attorney Nancy O'Malley declined to file charges; after being outed, Marb refused an interview with San Francisco ABC station KGO-TV (which, despite publishing this information, refused to directly identify the group as Antifa) and has since taken down his public and private social media accounts.[122]
  • Widespread human rights violations against the 1/6 peaceful protesters by the Biden junta have been reported,[123] including vicious and savage beatings by D.C. jail guards on protesters arrested for trespass and held in solitary confinement.[124] One dissident protester had his hands zip-tied first and was beaten by a D.C. jail officer. The victim was hospitalized with a shattered orbital floor, a broken eye socket, broken jaw, and broken nose. He may have a permanent loss of vision in his right eye.[125]

May 2021[edit]

  • The usual Antifa and BLM suspects tried to stir up trouble at a restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky (with one of the rioting punks even being armed with a firearm), but the restaurant's patrons were having none of it as they stood up to the rioters and their childish nonsense.[126] In typical fashion for them, the cowardly rioters backed off and left the scene when faced with retaliation.
  • Leftist rioters used May Day - a Communist holiday - as their excuse to engage in yet another rioting, arson and vandalism spree in Portland, including attacking the local ICE office; the rioting punks were driven off by DHS agents and several of said punks were later arrested by the Portland police after the latter declared their actions a riot.[127] Local media did not record the actual acts of vandalism and arson until after the fact, as Antifa had made open threats of violence against any media members that recorded them engaging in their criminal activity at the scene; having been emboldened by the media being cowed by their threats and the Portland police doing nothing to protect journalists or investigate those making the threats, the punks then proceeded to heckle the police during the May Day riot. Andy Ngo reported that a local Antifa group calling itself the Youth Liberation Front was using Twitter to post instructions to fellow rioters on how to avoid being caught while engaging in their criminal acts,[128] then outed Antifa member Emily Ann Gansberg, who had been criminally charged over violent rioting in 2020 and whose case is ongoing, as an organizer of the riots who urged fellow rioters to commit acts of murder.[129]
  • Extinction Rebellion engaged in illegal blocking of traffic at two locations in Vancouver, the intersection of Granville and Georgia Streets and the Lions Gate Bridge connecting the city to the suburbs of West Vancouver and North Vancouver, as part of their latest "climate change protests"; when conservative news outlet Rebel News (which was the only media group to cover the protests at the scene, as local liberal media outlets refused to do so) arrived to report on the protests at the Lions Gate Bridge, the protesters, at the direction of their leader, refused to speak to Rebel News reporter Drea Humphrey, while the same leader and another protester actively tried to prevent coverage of their illegal blockade by engaging in violence by attempting to shove Humphrey into a traffic lane but were quickly stopped by two bodyguards accompanying Humphrey; ultimately, Vancouver police prevented Extinction Rebellion from obstructing the bridge and arrested seven of its members, out of a total of 13 arrests over two days of "protesting" by the leftist environmentalist group.[130]
  • Sidney Hammond was arrested in San Francisco for viciously assaulting an Asian father pushing his infant daughter in a stroller outside a market in another black-on-Asian hate crime caught on surveillance video.[131] Hammond, who was previously arrested for robbery at the same market, had been released from jail without charge by leftist San Francisco district attorney Chesa Boudin.
  • Daryl Doles was arrested for his vicious assaults on two elderly Asian sisters with a cement block in a black-on-Asian hate crime at a liquor store owned by the two women in Baltimore.[132]
  • Armed BLM militants illegally drew their weapons, including AR-15s and AK-47s, against motorists in Portland while threatening them, shouting obscenities at them and committing acts of vandalism against their vehicles while the hoodlums roamed the streets and illegally held up traffic; one motorist who attempted to fight back was instead swarmed and viciously assaulted by several BLM thugs, while Portland police were nowhere to be found.[133]
  • In another black-on-Asian hate crime captured on video, an assailant punched a jewelry store owner in the face and made racist comments against the man in Washington, DC before cowardly fleeing the scene; DC police are still searching for the thug.[134]
  • A leftist pro-face mask teacher in Poynette, Wisconsin was placed on administrative leave pending an investigation after she was caught on video belligerently berating and bullying a student in her class for not having a face mask despite being vaccinated for the CCP flu.[135] When the video of the incident was posted to Twitter, the teacher was roasted for her hysterical rant about her health being put "in jeopardy" (despite the CCP flu having an over 99% survival rate) when many responders commented on her obesity, which is far more damaging to long-term health for those who have it.
  • Mentally ill transient Kenneth Church was arrested by Portland police on multiple charges after he shoved a 67-year-old woman into traffic, set fire to a power pole, threw trash cans into traffic, tried to grab passing cars and buses and attempted to bite arresting officers.[136] Church, who is currently being held in the Multnomah County Detention Center, was charged with Attempted Assault in the Second Degree, Assault in the Third Degree, Assault in the Fourth Degree, Reckless Endangering, Criminal Mischief in the First Degree, three counts of Attempted Assault on a Police Officer, Interfering with a Peace Officer, Resist Arrest, Reckless Burning, and Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree.
  • A leftist vandal committed a hate crime in Brooklyn when the vandal hopped the fence of St. Athanasius Church, smashed a wooden carving of the crucifixion of Jesus and burned an American flag hanging outside the church.[137] The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is investigating the incident, while church pastor Msgr. David Cassato called what happened an act of hatred.
  • A pro-Israel protester was assaulted by a pro-Hamas thug at an anti-Semitic rally in support of "Palestine" in Phoenix.[138] The misinformed protesters at the rally falsely claimed that Israel "does not exist", despite history and current events proving otherwise, while ignoring that "Palestine" does not exist as a nation and never has existed.
  • A transient was caught on camera chasing after another man and uttering racist slurs (even though both attacker and victim are white) as he attempted to stab him with a knife near the Portland Police Department's central station (the area of which is populated by homeless tents on the sidewalks) in Portland; the only thing that saved the would-be victim was the transient needing to stop frequently to hitch up his ill-fitting pants as the victim reached a car and escaped, but the transient still managed to use the butt end of his knife to smash a passenger window as he and another transient attacked the car before it pulled away.[139] Portland police did not respond to the scene.
  • Disabled Army veteran Pamela Ahlstedt-Brown was viciously attacked by four black women in a racist hate crime outside a supermarket in Louisville, Kentucky.[140] Ahlstedt-Brown was attempting to back her vehicle out of a handicapped parking space when she was blocked in by a vehicle belonging to one of the assailants; the four women then swore at her and made racist comments at her as they swarmed and attacked her before witnesses stepped in and stopped the assault, after which the four assailants cowardly fled the scene before police arrived.[141] Louisville police are investigating the incident.
  • Choyce Davis and a female companion were both arrested after they committed a race-motivated hate crime when they viciously assaulted 72-year-old Good Samaritan Jason Jones, who had stopped to assist the couple as they were stranded due to having a flat tire on their car.[142]
  • Antifa punks viciously assaulted Andy Ngo, with the intent of killing him, and also made death threats against him on Twitter for exposing their criminal activities while he was covering rioting by the hate group in Portland.[143] Ngo attempted to flee to a hotel and asked its staff to call 911, but they refused and insisted that he put on a face mask; meanwhile, the punks quickly figured out where Ngo was, surrounded the hotel and attempted to break in; Ngo was rescued by a Portland Fire and Rescue medic and escorted out of the back of the hotel to a waiting ambulance, then was taken to a hospital for treatment for the injuries inflicted on him by the punks. Ngo called on Portland police and federal authorities to take action against Antifa before its members eventually kill someone.

June 2021[edit]

  • Four leftist Antifa/BLM hoodlums were arrested and face multiple federal felony charges for their part in rioting in Portland:[144]
  • Daniel McManigal[144][145] (a gender-confused male[146] who claims to be a "woman" named "Rowan"), 19, is charged with being in illegal possession of an explosive device and destruction of federal property;
  • Richard Timothy Hernandez, 56, faces charges of three counts of destruction of government property;
  • Tracy Molina, 48, faces multiple charges related to her participation in the riots;
  • Malik Fard Muhammad, 24, faces multiple attempted murder charges and other federal charges related to his participation in the riots.[147]
  • Antifa hoodlums attempted to violently disrupt an outdoor memorial service for Ashli Babbitt organized by area conservatives in Sacramento, California and started a brawl with attendees at the memorial; local police intervened to break up the brawl.[148]

July 2021[edit]

  • Man SNEAKS up behind 60-year-old woman in NYC subway station and PUNCHES her because she's white.[149]
  • Black Woman Seen On Surveillance Video Smashing Window of Brooklyn Jewish School.[150]
  • Far-Left Activists Attack Members Of Congress In Washington, D.C.[151]
  • Antifa stormtroopers violently assaulted Christian mothers protesting the protection of a crime committed against a mother and her six-year-old daughter at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles.[152] The nude assailant inside the Wi Spa who exposed himself to the mother and 6-year-old girl was a registered sex offender who had been convicted of previous indecent exposure incidents in 2002 and 2003; while Antifa launched its attacks on the protesters, the liberal media further fanned the flames by first falsely claiming that the incident "didn't happen", then by claiming the protests against the spa as "transphobia" while defending the assailant and making excuses for him.[153] The pervert in question, identified as Darren Agee Merager, claimed to be "transgender" and used that as his excuse to enter the spa and expose himself to the female patrons; he has since had felony charges filed against him for the spa incident while claiming to be the "victim" of "transphobia".[154]

August 2021[edit]

  • "Woke" US Army sergeant Cindy Bronson openly threatened to turn her guns on American citizens in a martial law scenario in an incendiary Twitter post;[155] her comments drew near-universal condemnation from responders, including Army veteran and Congressional candidate Travis Wines, who pointed out that most Americans (including those in the military) would not be on Bronson's side.
  • Gabriel Gipe, an Antifa-affiliated high school teacher in Sacramento, California, was exposed by Project Veritas in video that showed him bragging about using Communist propaganda to indoctrinate his students to embrace Antifa's hateful anti-American ideology and violent tactics and to encourage them to take part in rioting, as well as even admitting that he is a member of the hate group's Sacramento cell; he was also shown in the video displaying Communist propaganda (including a portrait of Mao Tse-tung, an Antifa flag and a flag of the Workers' Party of Korea, the ruling party in North Korea) and LGBTQ flags around his classroom, and he also falsely called one of his students a "fascist" (despite Antifa itself actually using fascist tactics) when the student objected to the Antifa flag.[156] As a result of the video becoming public, parents of Gipe's students began calling for him to be fired for his actions and his hateful and divisive politics and rhetoric, and the Sacramento City Unified School District announced in a meeting (attended by those same parents) that it will be taking steps to fire Gipe from his job.[157]
  • An unidentified TDS-afflicted man was arrested by Las Vegas police after he claimed to have left a bomb at the Trump International Hotel in that city.[158] A search through baggage left by the man at the hotel's lobby before he fled the scene after making the bomb threat found no sign of a bomb or other hazardous material; the suspect was later found and taken into custody.

September 2021[edit]

  • Chris Love, the chairwoman of the Arizona chapter of Planned Parenthood, openly called for violent rioting by abortion supporters[159] after the United States Supreme Court denied demands by Planned Parenthood and the ACLU to block the recently passed Texas Heartbeat Law,[160] which makes all abortions in Texas illegal after six weeks of pregnancy.
  • Angie Ugarte, the owner of DeBary's Diner in DeBary, Florida, received death threats from anonymous leftist cowards after she criticized the Biden regime for its extreme bungling of the evacuation of the military and American citizens from Afghanistan and the fall of that country to the Taliban and announced that those who voted for and supported Biden were not welcome at the restaurant.[161] Converse to the death threats, however, Ugarte and her diner got so much support from well-wishers and so much business following the announcement that the diner ran out of food at one point.
  • Antifa punks crashed a medical freedom protest in Olympia, Washington, violently attacked the peaceful protesters and, in an act of irony and in ignorance of their own behavior and attitudes, falsely called the protesters "Nazis", before one of the hoodlums shot protest leader and Proud Boys member Tusitala Toese five times, including at least once in the leg, before running cowardly away.[162] Toese, who is of Samoan background, was falsely called a "white surpemacist" by racist leftists and liberal media pundits online, which drew criticism and condemnation from Gavin McInnes, who pointed out that Antifa are basically far-Left white kids attacking people of color.[163] Benjamin Anthony Varela, 36, was later unmasked and identified as Toese's shooter and was arrested and charged with first-degree assault while armed with a deadly weapon and is currently being held on bail; Varela, who is also a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, openly identified on Twitter as a professional anarchist, a thug and a paid protester prior to deleting his social media accounts.[164]
  • Immature and racist white liberals attacked California Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder and his campaign team, throwing eggs at Elder while assaulting one of his aides and falsely claiming that Elder "hates his own people".[165] Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva later declared that the attack on Elder was a racially-motivated hate crime, but to date, no arrests have been made in the attack.[166]


February 2022[edit]

  • Quintez Brown, a Black Lives Matter activist working for “the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism,” was charged with the assassination attempt of Louisville, Kentucky Democrat mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg. Bullets narrowly missed Greenberg.[168]
  • In Winnipeg, four protesters at a Freedom Convoy-connected protest were injured when a deranged leftist intentionally plowed his SUV into the protesters before cowardly fleeing the scene; the assailant, whose license plate number was caught on camera during the vehicular assault, was quickly found and arrested for multiple charges, including four counts of assault with a weapon.[169] The assailant was later identified as 42-year-old Dave Zegarac, a self-identified far-Left anarchist with a history of sexual assault against underaged girls.[170] Not surprisingly, the incident was mostly ignored by the liberal media because the act of violence was perpetrated by one of the anti-freedom/pro-lockdown Left, contrary to their false narrative of the Freedom Convoy protesters being "violent".[171]
  • Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo came under an illegal hacking attack and doxxing attempt by immature and hateful leftists who attacked the site in response to its support of crowdfunding for the Freedom Convoy protests in Canada in an attempt by the hackers to deny funding to the protesters; as part of their attack, the hackers displayed their immaturity with a mocking image on the site's main page containing foul language and lies about the Freedom Convoy and its supporters and about the aims of GiveSendGo in general (including false claims that it promotes funding for "hate groups", promotes "disinformation" and "insurrection" and constitutes a "threat to democracy" while hypocritically talking about foreign political interference), followed by the hackers illegally doxxing Freedom Convoy donors by claiming they would post the donors' information online.[172] The site temporarily shut down to deal with the attack and later came back online, with the site reporting that it is tracking down the hackers to pursue legal action against them for cybercrime.[173] Twitter user Joseph Camp later reported that the hackers, who called themselves the "Demon Hackers", had actually managed to get the GiveSendGo main page redirected to a parody site called "GiveSendGone" (which is registered with a domain provider called Namecheap), which Camp noted was a huge mistake by the hackers as Namecheap provides information about illegal/mischief activities to law enforcement; Camp also discredited the hackers as being nothing more than attention-seeking trolls and added that the hackers' claim to have thousands of pieces of donor information had presumably been debunked as he said they had no link to download anything, and he noted that the Freedom Convoy fundraising campaign is hosted on a separate server and had to be temporarily taken offline due to an attempted DDoS attack by the hackers.[172] Camp's report later turned out premature, as the hackers in question held on to the hacked data with the intent of secretly spreading that data to other malicious actors for purposes of doxxing.
  • Aubrey Cottle, a Canadian leftist pro-Nazi, racist and anti-Semitic[174] hacker who goes by the online handle "Kirtaner" and who claims to have worked with various intelligence agencies, the FBI and the RCMP, later openly took credit for the GiveSendGo hack and doxxing in a TikTok post and bragged that he intended to disrupt the Freedom Convoy and its crowdfunding support; he also openly bragged about being behind cybercriminal attacks on conservative websites Parler, Gab and Epik and illegally doxxing members of Epik.[175]
  • Canadian state propaganda outlet the CBC later gleefully and criminally harassed the Freedom Convoy financial donors who were victimized when they were illegally doxxed as part of the cybercriminal hacking attack against GiveSendGo;[176] in doing so, however, the CBC has implicitly admitted that they now openly side with criminals.
  • Soon after, other liberal media outlets (including employees from CTV, the Ottawa Citizen and Frank Magazine Atlantic and disgraced ex-radio host Dean Blundell) and public figures (including disgraced former Trudeau regime minister Gerald Butts and Ottawa city councillor Mathieu Fleury) were exposed as having joined the CBC in illegally doxxing Freedom Convoy donors after obtaining the GiveSendGo data.[177]
  • Taking advantage of the GiveSendGo hack, unknown leftist cowards proceeded to dox Freedom Convoy donors by printing out a list of the donors on flyers and post them all over the streets of Ottawa; some of the flyers were even posted at the homes of some donors in Ottawa, with the intent by the doxxers of drawing attention from other unhinged leftists to criminally harass the donors.[178] If not for the lawless Justin Trudeau regime's enabling of the hackers' and doxxers' activity, the hackers/doxxers would potentially face arrest and imprisonment or other legal action due to hacking and doxxing both being forms of cybercrime.
  • Tammy Giuliani, an Ottawa ice cream shop owner, was forced to close her shop after she was threatened by anonymous cowardly leftists with having bricks thrown through her shop's windows and to attack its employees and her family when they somehow managed to find out she had donated to the Freedom Convoy; another Convoy donor, David Dutton, has speculated that agents acting at the behest of the Justin Trudeau regime may have been behind the attempted hacking of the GiveSendGo site and the illegal doxxing of its donor list via its spread to Twitter and other social media platforms in an attempt by cowardly leftists and other criminals to intimidate donors on the list.[179]

March 2022[edit]

  • Four teenage punks were arrested (two of them after their parents turned them in) and charged with second-degree murder in New Orleans one day after 73-year-old Linda Frickey died of her injuries (including having one of her arms torn off) when she was dragged alongside her SUV while caught in its driver's side seatbelt for at least a block after the punks - all of whom were black (per video surveillance footage[180]) - carjacked the vehicle and sped off with it, joyriding it for several blocks before they abandoned the vehicle.[181] New Orleans Police Superintendent Shaun Ferguson announced that he will have the local district attorney's office try all four carjackers (including one named perpetrator, 17-year-old John Honore[182]) as adults due to the nature and severity of the crime.[183]

April 2022[edit]

  • Another example of liberal stupidity taken to extremes occurred when deranged Colorado leftist Wynn Bruce set himself on fire for unknown reasons on the plaza in front of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, DC.[184] Bruce was airlifted to a local hospital, but died of his extensive burn injuries several days later.[185]

May 2022[edit]

  • In response to the recently leaked announcement of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, violent and unhinged pro-abortion Antifa punks threw another one of their childish temper tantrums when they went on a rampage in Los Angeles during a pro-abortion protest, vandalizing a Department of Homeland Security vehicle and violently clashed with LAPD and DHS officers; the LAPD later declared an unlawful assembly against the punks.[186]
  • Violent and immature pro-abortion rioters swarmed and attacked pro-life volunteers with the group Students for Kari Lake during a pro-abortion protest outside the Arizona Capitol building in Phoenix in reaction to the overturn of Roe v. Wade.[187] As is typical of their type, the rioters put their childishness, hateful attitude and lack of ability to argue or debate on public display by screaming profanities and death threats and spitting in the faces of the pro-life supporters while also assaulting them; at least two of the rioters were arrested for assault and disorderly conduct, but one police officer was seen on camera derelicting his duty as he stood by and did nothing while the pro-abortion rioters threw their collective temper tantrums.
  • A far-Left pro-abortion, anti-Christian hate group called "Ruth Sent Us" (named for late liberal Supreme Court judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg,[188] who ironically was opposed to Roe v. Wade and to the actions pro-abortion activists have been taking in support of abortion) announced that it had illegally doxxed the conservative Supreme Court judges who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade and intend to target their homes with protests in an attempt to criminally intimidate the judges into changing their votes,[189] as well as illegally targeting women of faith at churches while openly stating that they specifically intend to target Catholic churches due to Catholic opposition to abortion,[188] including committing sacrilegious anti-Catholic acts and voicing their inflammatory hatred of Catholicism.[190] Not surprisingly, the lawless Biden regime refused to condemn the hate group and its criminal actions against the conservative judges.[191]
  • Several dozen protesters converged on the homes of SCOTUS judges John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh in the Washington, DC suburb of Chevy Chase, Maryland to stage a protest, organized by leftist teacher Lacie Wooten-Holway (a neighbor of Kavanaugh's), against the overturning of Roe v. Wade, carrying profane signs and engaging in equally profane chants - ignoring that it is illegal under federal law to protest at the home of a judicial officer[192] or to harass or intimidate same with the intent to influence their judgements on pending cases,[193] which carries a punishment of up to one year in prison and a fine not exceeding $5,000;[194] when reminded by local police about the illegality of their actions, the protesters put their childishness, criminality and disrespect for the law on full display as they got into heated arguments with the officers present, but when more police arrived, the protesters, fearing arrest for their actions, fled the scene.[195] Unsurprisingly, pro-abortion Democrat leaders and the corrupt FBI disregarded the hoodlums' actions because of their targets being the judges who voted to overturn Roe,[194] while SCOTUS judge Samuel Alito, who authored the majority opinion on the overturning of Roe, was moved, along with his family, to an undisclosed location for their safety in light of the criminal threats made by the unhinged pro-abortion leftist hooligans.[196]
  • A leftwing insurrectionist was arrested for the attempted murder of Justice Brett Kavanaugh[197] after a progressive domestic extremist group put bounties on several Supreme Court Justices heads.[198]
  • Pro-abortion leftist hoodlums vandalized and firebombed the office of pro-life group Wisconsin Family Action in Madison, Wisconsin in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade; while no one was injured in the early morning attack as the office was closed at that point, fire damage was done inside and outside of the office by a Molotov cocktail thrown by one of the vandals, while an implied death threat against the WFA's members was graffiti-sprayed against the side of the building, reading "If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either", along with the anarchist symbol and the number 1312 (which is code for the abbreviated version of the profane slur against police officers, ACAB, that is favored by childish Antifa punks).[199] The Madison Police Department and Wisconsin Democrat governor Tony Evers condemned the arson/vandalism attack and announced that it would be investigated (with Evers, who supports abortion, adding that he would work to keep Roe from being overturned), while a Twitter post reporting on the incident speculated that Antifa was behind the attack.
  • Members of Ruth Sent Us, some of which were dressed like characters from the liberal anti-Christian TV series The Handmaid's Tale, attempted to storm, disrupt and shut down a Mother's Day worship service at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels Catholic church in Los Angeles as part of their protests against the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but were intercepted and forcibly kicked out of the church by security guards, ushers and parishioners; one male protester among that group attempted to get violent as he was ejected.[200]
  • Leftist "reporter" Caroline Reilly openly called for violence and criminal actions against pro-life groups in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade.[201] In response, Breitbart reporter John Nolte criticized Reilly and other like-minded leftists as "...a plague of violent, neurotic, bitter, unstable, deeply unhappy left-wing freaks who see their cause — including the cause of murdering innocent, unborn babies right up until birth — as so righteous that there are no moral boundaries when it comes to protecting and furthering that cause", adding that "...(t)hese people are dangerous, they’re unstable, and their only 'morality' is that which furthers the fascist cause. These are bad people, evil people, demonic people desperate to preserve their barbaric 'right' to sacrifice a living child to the god of their own narcissism."
  • Unhinged leftist pro-abortion protesters launched a profane and illegal protest outside the home of Samuel Alito in Virginia.[202]
  • Controversial Chicago Democrat mayor and open lesbian Lori Lightfoot drew heavy criticism when she attempted to illegally incite violence by a "call to arms" in response to the overturn of Roe v. Wade.[203]
  • Antifa punk Michael Bivins, who claims to be a "journalist", was arrested by police in the Portland suburb of Beaverton, Oregon and charged with vandalism and arson after he was identified as being the suspect behinds arson attacks on several synagogues and a mosque in Portland.[204] Bivins outed himself as the culprit behind the attacks when he openly confessed to his crimes on camera during an interview on Portland FOX affiliate KPTV, leading to his subsequent arrest.
  • A leftwing lunatic attacked Sen. Ted Cruz in a restaurant while Cruz was eating.[205]

June 2022[edit]

  • Upon the official announcement of the overturn of Roe v. Wade on June 24, abortion-supporting leftists came unglued and staged violent temper tantrums across the country:
  • Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were among prominent Democrats who openly incited their supporters to riot and commit acts of violence and other criminal acts in response to Roe v. Wade being overturned; subsequent to those politicians' statements, a Christian pregnancy resource center in Colorado was vandalized and hit by an arson attack by pro-abortion rioters who also made open threats against pro-life supporters with their vandalism attack.[206]
  • A deranged leftist pro-abortion thug openly and aggressively threatened investigative reporter Drew Hernandez and assaulted camerawoman Savanah Hernandez after he proudly and profanely bragged about his support of murdering unborn babies outside the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC.[207]
  • Rioting leftist pro-abortion punks, organized by Planned Parenthood Arizona and Radical Women Phoenix, breached and seized the Arizona Capitol building in Phoenix in a violent riot response to Arizona deciding to adhere to pre-Roe abortion laws which effectively outlaw abortion in that state.[208] The unruly mob of punks escalated their violent behavior, even as riot police arrived on the scene, until the punks were hit and scattered with tear gas; Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake called the leftist punks' actions a "real insurrection" and domestic terrorism and called for their arrest, adding that the Arizona National Guard should have been called out to deal with them. The same group of punks attempted to attack the Capitol again on a second night of rioting but were quickly stopped by riot police, with many of the punks scattered while those who did not flee were arrested;[209] the Arizona Senate later thanked law enforcement for stopping the rioters.
  • In the wake of the announcement of the overturn of Roe v. Wade, elitist Democrat senator, abortion supporter and open racist Maxine Waters also engaged in open insurrection against the Supreme Court, declaring her refusal to abide by the decision and openly inciting her supporters to violence in the wake of the decision.[210]
  • Leftist abortion supporter Michael Ortiz was arrested on an attempted murder charge and held on $1,000,000 bail for using a makeshift flamethrower against an LAPD officer, who was subsequently hospitalized due to burn injuries, during a pro-abortion riot in Los Angeles held in response to the overturn of Roe v. Wade.[211] Other officers were assaulted by rioting punks illegally using fireworks as weapons as well as throwing projectiles.
  • Ten pro-abortion rioters were arrested on multiple charges (including disorderly conduct, harassment and resisting arrest) at a riot outside a pro-life pregnancy resource center in Eugene, Oregon; the rioting punks were part of a group of more than 75 rioters whose leadership had earlier made open threats against the Supreme Court judges (including Clarence Thomas) who overturned Roe v. Wade in an online Twitter post and engaged in racism and sexism against white males in that post (even though the majority of the rioters were themselves white and male).[212] The punks became increasingly loud and violent after the first arrest, childishly refused to comply with the orders of Eugene police and attempted to fight with the officers, forcing the police to subdue the other punks with pepper balls.
  • Washed-up former Full House and Fuller House actress Jodie Sweetin joined with Antifa punks in illegally holding up traffic on a Los Angeles highway during a pro-abortion "protest" held in response to the overturn of Roe v. Wade.[213] During the "protest", Sweetin was knocked down by LAPD officers when she refused to comply with their orders.
  • Daniel Gill, an abortion-supporting supermarket employee in Staten Island, New York, was arrested and charged with second-degree assault after he cowardly assaulted Rudy Giuliani from behind and went on a profane rant in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade.[214] Gill was subsequently released from jail after his charges were downgraded to third-degree assault, third-degree menacing and second-degree harassment; Giuliani objected to Gill's release and called for him to be locked back up, pointing out that he could have been killed had Gill's assault caused him to fall and hit his head.[215]
  • Ascension Roman Catholic Church in New York City was targeted for vandalism by members of the pro-abortion hate group "Jane's Revenge" with graffiti openly threatening pro-life supporters alongside the anarchist symbol; Jane's Revenge also took credit for vandalism attacks against pregnancy resource centers in Portland, Buffalo, New York, Washington, DC and many other cities and threatened to escalate their criminal attacks.[216] The church vandalism incident in New York City is being investigated by the NYPD as a hate crime.

July 2022[edit]

  • An Independence Day parade in Highland Park, Illinois was attacked by a rooftop sniper who killed seven people and wounded at least 30 before fleeing the scene; the sniper was described as between 18 and 20 years old with long black hair and a thin build.[217] Robert Crimo III, who fits the description of the shooter and also sports neck tattoos and was identified as having fantasies of committing a school shooting in YouTube videos posted by Crimo that have since been taken down by YouTube to cover for him, was later identified as a person of interest by Highland Park police in the shooting.[218] Crimo was subsequently arrested and taken into custody after a brief police chase.[219] In addition to YouTube, other liberal social media platforms such as Twitter, Discord and Instagram covered for Crimo by scrubbing all of the content he uploaded and deleting his accounts, but they could not prevent users of Twitter and other platforms from downloading and saving Crimo's videos and photos to post to their own accounts to use as evidence against him. Crimo, who was discovered to have connections to Antifa, the Democratic Socialists of America and the occult,[220] was also captured on video surveillance footage attempting to evade police by dressing in drag,[221] and had also been dressed in drag at the time of the attack on the parade.[222] True to form, the liberal media downplayed his crossdressing habits and tried to smear Donald Trump supporters by falsely claiming him to be one of them based on dubious evidence claiming him to be a "Trump supporter",[220] but when the video and photographic evidence of Crimo's true anarchist and socialist political allegiances emerged and that Crimo was actually making fun of Trump and his supporters, the liberal media unsurprisingly went silent.
  • Brett Kavanaugh was forced to leave a Morton's Restaurant in Washington, DC by a back door after unruly abortion supporters disrupted his dinner and those of other customers by staging a harassing "protest" against Kavanaugh for his support of the overturn of Roe v. Wade; liberal media rag Politico justified the "protest" and other liberal media pundits mindlessly chimed in on Twitter in support of the harassment of Kavanaugh (with one, Melissa Byrne, even going so far as to dox the restaurant for allowing Kavanaugh to eat there, for which she was subsequently heavily criticized on her Twitter account by other posters), while Morton's issued a statement condemning the pro-abortion punks for their bad behavior at the restaurant.[223] Pro-abortion hate group Ruth Sent Us later took credit for sending the punks to the Morton's where Kavanaugh was eating, claiming that they were tipped off by a Morton's employee;[224] in response to the incident, new White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre later said during a press briefing that the Biden regime has no problem with pro-abortion protesters harassing pro-life judges in public, further confirming the lawlessness of the Biden regime in its support for abortion.
  • D.C. Antifa group ShutDownDC openly bragged on Twitter that it is offering cash rewards for sightings of the Supreme Court judges who voted in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade, tweeted with the intent of continuing their illegal harassment of the judges.[224]
  • A group of immature-acting pro-abortion rioters swarmed and attacked the home of Thomas Brejcha, a pro-life lawyer and a founder of conservative Catholic law firm the Thomas More Society, in Evanston, Illinois. Local police, although present at the scene, derelicted their duty and initially did nothing to stop the rioters until the latter went onto private property to vandalize the house and throw a smoke bomb, at which point the Northern Illinois Police Alarm System Mobile Field Force Bike Team was activated and sent to the scene of the riot; the rioters quickly dispersed when the police team arrived.[225] Unsurprisingly, none of the deranged rioters were arrested, while the liberal media chose to ignore the incident. It was later discovered that the rioters found out Brejcha's address via a flyer distributed at a pro-abortion rally, which also falsely claimed that the overturn of Roe v. Wade was "...part of a larger effort to push back civil rights for women, Black, Indigenous and people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals", exposing the racism and heterophobia of the protest's organizers and their lack of understanding of what civil rights are.
  • California-based crisis pregnancy center Alternatives Pregnancy Center was forced to take measures to increase its security (including arming security guards with pepper spray, reinforcing their doors, bulletproofing their windows and adding security cameras) after an unhinged male abortion supporter showed up at the center's office wielding a machete.[226]

August 2022[edit]

  • Democrat New Jersey City Councilwoman Runs Over Cyclist and Takes Off.[227]

September 2022[edit]

Comparison of an angry Joe Biden and an angry Adolf Hitler engaging in demagogic gesturing during a speech.
  • In a prime time, nationally televised speech, Supreme socialist leader Joe Biden incited violence against his political opponents.[228][229]
  • Robert Telles, a Democrat official in Clark County, Nevada, was arrested in Las Vegas in connection with the murder of Jeff German, a reporter with the Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper who had been reporting on Telles recently.[230] Telles had lost his bid for re-election in a Democrat primary in June thanks to German exposing a hostile work environment at Telles' office, along with suspicion of an inappropriate relationship between Telles and a staff member, leading to Telles lashing out against German on Twitter for having his illicit behavior exposed; Las Vegas police interviewed Telles while searching his home,[231] then returned later in tactical gear, arrested him and removed him on a stretcher and placed him in an ambulance. German's Review-Journal colleagues reported that they suspected he was murdered because of his investigation to expose public wrongdoing by Telles (including a filing by German of public records requests for emails and text messages between Telles and other county officials).
  • Unhinged Texas leftist Tiffani Shea Gish was arrested and charged with making death threats against Judge Aileen Cannon, the federal judge who granted Donald Trump's request for a Special Master review regarding the Biden regime's illegal raid of his Mar-a-Lago home and forbade the Biden regime from reviewing and using the illegally-seized materials pending the completion of the requested review.[232] Gish had left three profane and threatening voicemails for Cannon, where she threatened to shoot and kill the judge and falsely claimed that she had sent snipers and a bomb to the judge's home, while hiding her identity by using the alias "Evelyn Salt"; she was ordered by Judge Peter Bray to be held, pending trial, for a psychiatric evaluation.
  • Violent and childish leftist anti-free speech rioters stormed the student union building at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque and forced the cancellation of a speech by Tomi Lahren hosted by Turning Point USA because of the rioters' hatred of conservative free speech.[233] Lahren was forced to leave the UNM campus under security escort because of the rioting punks; she later commented in her criticism of UNM and its actions on Twitter that "...(c)ampus terrorists showed up at my @UNM speech tonight and UNM did not care. They shoved officers and tried to bust down the door to the speech room. (Liberal-controlled) colleges are unbelievable. They don’t care about the safety of conservative students or guests." The Albuquerque Police Department and the New Mexico State Police were called to deal with the rioters, while several of the leftist punks openly, proudly and profanely bragged on Twitter about their disruption of the speech while falsely calling Lahren and TPUSA "white supremacists".
  • Unhinged leftist Shannon Brandt was arrested and originally charged with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a deadly accident after he ran down and killed 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson in McHenry, North Dakota (near Fargo).[234] During a call to 911 after he fled the scene, Brandt, who was under the influence of alcohol at the time, admitted to running down Ellingson, but attempted to justify his action by claiming, without proof, that Ellingson was part of an "extremist Republican group" (for which no evidence was found[235]), indicating that Brandt had been influenced[236] by both the false claims, aided and abetted by the liberal media and Big Tech, of the Biden regime's Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the Department of Justice regarding concerned anti-CRT/anti-grooming parents and people vocally opposing election fraud and government overreach as "threats" and "domestic terrorists", and by the infamous staged "Moloch speech" by Joe Biden in which he labeled his critics, his opponents, Republicans and the supporters of Donald Trump as "enemies of the State";[237] Ellingson, meanwhile, had just left a street party and had called his mother to come get him, during which he reported that Brandt was pursuing him. The Gateway Pundit, which reported that Ellingson was a young conservative, stated in a followup report on the incident that Brandt was politically motivated to intentionally kill Ellingson at the time of the hit-and-run killing.[236] Brandt was subsequently released on a $50,000 bond[235] and began scrubbing his social media accounts for his own protection; it was reported that due to a prior DUI conviction, if convicted on the vehicular homicide charge, Brandt could face a minimum of 10 years in prison. The vehicular homicide charge was subsequently upgraded to a murder charge due to Brandt's admission to targeting Ellingson for political reasons, despite North Dakota Highway Patrol Captain Bryan Niewind denying that politics were behind Brandt's actions.[238]
  • The corrupt Biden regime-controlled FBI made a public show of surrounding and violently raiding the Bucks County, Pennsylvania home of pro-life activist Mark Houck and, in terroristic and Gestapo-like fashion, illegally arrested Houck on fabricated charges of "violation" of the FACE Act while approximately 30 heavily armed FBI agents intimidated Houck's family.[239] It is believed that the FBI was sicced on Houck by the Biden regime-controlled Department of Justice as revenge because Houck had acted to physically defend his son against an aggressive male pro-abortion supporter and abortion clinic employee who had been viciously harassing the boy and slandering Houck, who was then falsely accused by the harasser of "harassment" and sued by him, only for the case to be thrown out of court. The FBI subsequently came under heavy criticism by Pennsylvania State Senator and current GOP gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano for its illegal show raid and attack on Houck and his family (which Mastriano called an illegal abuse of power by the Biden regime against political enemies for persecution and intimidation purposes),[240] which comes in the wake of similar illegal FBI-staged show raids against several pro-life activists who uncovered potential cases of infanticide at an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C.[239] Other online conservatives, including One America News Network reporter Jack Posobiec, also spoke out against the criminal actions of the FBI and its Biden regime controllers.[241] Some of the usual liberal suspects on Twitter spoke in favor of the FBI raid and unjustly criticized Houck, only to get roasted for their uninformed comments by other Twitter posters.
  • Two volunteers for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s reelection campaign were assaulted while knocking on doors in a Houston suburb, Harris County law enforcement officials said. A suspect chased the two volunteers through a neighborhood in Humble, Texas, ripped off the sideview mirrors of the car they were in and tried to pull them out of the vehicle.[242] The suspect was later arrested by Harris County police and charged with criminal mischief.
  • An 84-year-old Michigan Right to Life volunteer in Michigan was shot in the back through the shoulder while canvassing a neighborhood to discuss an abortion ballot proposal after a heated response at a residence.[243]
  • The MyPillow guy, Mike Lindell, was illegally assaulted by the Biden FBI at a fast-food drive thru in Mankato, Minnesota.[244]

October 2022[edit]

  • A volunteer for the Marco Rubio campaign was beaten mercilessly by Biden stormtroopers, requiring medical attention and facial reconstruction surgery.[245] The leftist perps, Jonathan Alexander Casanova and Javier Lopez attacked the canvasser. Casanova told the victim that he could not pass through the area because he was a Republican. The victim was walking in the neighborhood handing out fliers for Sen. Marco Rubio and Gov. Ron DeSantis when Casanova and Lopez blocked the sidewalk. Following an argument, Lopez “rushed the victim and threw him on the ground,” and then Casanova “began to kick the victim on the head as he was on the ground.” While Casanova kicked him, Lopez punched Monzon in the head, police said. Casanova then released two German shepherds from his car and walked with them over to the victim, who was on the ground, and “began to give commands to the dogs to attack and bite” him.[246]
  • In October 2022, a nude gay prostitute assaulted Mr. Paul Pelosi, husband of Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in their home while Nancy was away.[247]
  • A Democrat candidate for statewide office in Arkansas was arrested for making online terrorist threats.[248]
  • GOP candidate for governor of Arizona Kari Lake had her tires slashed.

November 2022[edit]

  • Republican Congressional candidate Pat Harrigan's two daughters, ages 3 and 5, were almost killed after his Democrat opponent, Jeff Jackson, filmed a campaign ad outside his home in North Carolina claiming Harrigan 'made a fortune' off of tragedies such as the Sandy Hook Shooting, and bought a lake house, leading a deranged gunman influenced by the ad to show up at the home of Harrigan's parents and fire into it from a wooded area, narrowly missing the two girls as they slept in their bedroom above the room where the bullets hit; the shooter is still at large, while Harrigan, a former Green Beret, himself became the subject of death threats by anonymous cowards.[249]
  • A female supporter of Lee Zeldin for New York Governor was assaulted and choked by a man at an incumbent Democrat governor Kathy Hochul rally and was caught on video.[250]
  • A suspicious white powder was sent to GOP candidate for Arizona governor Kari Lake's office.[251]
  • Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas was assaulted during a parade celebrating the victory of the Houston Astros in the World Series when a man threw a beer can at him.[252] The would-be assailant was subsequently arrested, and Cruz later added insult to injury by taking to Twitter to poke fun at the assailant who threw the beer can, commenting that he "...had a noodle for an arm."
  • As revenge for prominent Antifa Twitter accounts being banned on Twitter (as part of Elon Musk's cleanup of the platform after its purchase) for violating its terms of service by illegally using it to organize to incite and throw their violent public temper tantrums, commit criminal acts and openly threaten and intimidate those who report on their illegal behavior (including Libs of TikTok Twitter account founder Chaya Raichik and Daily Wire host Matt Walsh), childish Antifa punks again took to Twitter to openly organize plans to vandalize and commit arson attacks against Musk's Tesla dealerships across the United States.[253]

December 2022[edit]

  • Elon Musk discussed his personal security during a chat on Twitter Spaces and told listeners that he would “definitely” not “be doing any open-air car parades.” “Frankly the risk of something bad happening to me, or even literally being shot, is quite significant,” he said. “It’s not that hard to kill somebody if you wanted to, so hopefully they don’t, and fate smiles upon the situation with me and it does not happen … There’s definitely some risk there.” Musk became Public Enemy #1 to the Left, and he said that “at the end of the day, we just want to have a future where we’re not oppressed.”[254]
  • An employee of journalist Tim Pool was present when two men broke the kitchen window at the house owned by Pool and climbed inside. The popular podcaster has also been the target of multiple swattings in 2022 at his Maryland studio. Swatting is the act of calling in a fake police report, usually about a violent crime, to a person's home or business — prompting a heavy police response.[255] Pool has been the object of leftist scorn since criticizing child groomers.[256]
  • Barry Laughton, a gender-confused Democrat legislator in the New Hampshire House of Representatives who identifies as "Stacie", was arrested and jailed on more than a dozen charges related to stalking, making false bomb threats, etc. Laughton, who has a criminal record based on previous convictions for credit card fraud and false reporting of a bomb threat yet was re-elected to the New Hampshire legislature in November, is expected to remain in jail for several months as the New Hampshire state legislature convenes in January 2023.[257]
  • Progressive Democrat and WaPo contributor Cathy Areu, who was also a frequent Fox News guest and often made a fool of herself on camera with her outlandish talking points (as well as falsely accusing Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity of "sexual harassment"), was arrested on felony charges of theft and kidnapping her 88-year-old mother.[258] Crimes committed by Areu, reflected in the charges, include stealing over $200,000 from her mother's savings account and reverse mortgage, fraudulently taking out credit cards in her mother's name for Areu's own use, fraudulently taking her mother's home using falsified documents and using a revoked power of attorney to twice physically force her into a nursing home.
  • Transgender and left-wing witnesses in a Congressional hearing on violent extremism were confronted with their own violent and anti-democratic social media postings.[259]
  • Rebel News reporter Katie Daviscourt was viciously swarmed and assaulted and had her cell phone stolen by a gang of Antifa punks while she was reporting on a "Drag Queen Story Time" event at a Seattle pub; although police were present at the event, they did nothing to stop the punks when they swarmed Daviscourt, claiming fears of "provoking" the violent punks as their excuse for not taking action, while liberal media reporters who were also at the event not only also did nothing to stop the punks, they outright refused to allow Daviscourt to use their phones to call 911 for help.[260] Rebel News CEO Ezra Levant called out Antifa as the criminals and cowards they are for their gang attack on a woman and has asked Seattle police to investigate the attack, as well as pursuing legal action in the courts and offering a $500 reward for information revealing the identity of the punk who stole Daviscourt's phone, and Daviscourt will be accompanied by security guards for future news assignments.
  • Five Antifa punks were arrested in Atlanta on multiple domestic terrorism charges after rioting and committing arson against two police vehicles outside of a police training center outside that city; Atlanta Police officers confiscated gasoline, flares, bombs and other weapons from the punks during the arrest.[261] In addition to the terrorism charges, the punks (identified as Serena Hertel, 25, of Louisiana; Leonard Voiselle, 20, of Macon, Georgia; Nicholas Dean Olson, 25, of Bennington, Nebraska; Francis Carroll, 22, of Kennebunkport, Maine; and Arieon Robinson, 21, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin) have also been charged with multiple counts of destruction of property, arson, car-jacking, attacks on locals and government officials and other charges and were subsequently denied bail.[262] One of the punks, Francis Carroll, was later discovered to be the son of a wealthy surgeon in Maine and grew up in a mansion near the Bush family in Kennebunkport, while Serena Hertel, whose brother was also involved with Antifa and died of a drug overdose in 2019 at age 27, was discovered to be the daughter of an architect.[263]
  • Students for Life Action (SFLA) at the University of Nebraska-Omaha & the College of St. Mary, were greeted with a note from anonymous pro-abortion activists that cowardly threatened, “We will shoot up your Newman Center with our new AR14 rifles.” The entire note read, “If our right to abortion in Bellevue is taken away due to the attempt to pass an abortion ban and it gets passed we will shoot up your Newman Center with our new AR14 rifles.”[264]
  • Unhinged Portland resident Brianna Lace Workman was arrested for shoving a three-year-old child onto train tracks at the city's Gateway Transit Center MAX platform; Workman was charged with first-degree attempted assault, third-degree attempted assault, interfering with public transportation, second-degree disorderly conduct and recklessly endangering another person for the unprovoked attack on the child, who suffered a moderate head injury in the assault.[265] The Multnomah County District Attorney's Office has requested that Workman remain in custody and be held without bail.
  • A rookie NYPD officer was slashed in the head with a machete in Times Square during New Year's Eve celebrations; the 19-year-old machete-wielding suspect was subsequently shot in the shoulder and quickly taken into custody by NYPD officers;[266] The officer who was hit by the machete is expected to recover. The suspect, later identified as Trevor Bickford, was described as a recent convert to Islam who had expressed interest in going to Afghanistan and was reportedly on the FBI's radar.[267]


January 2023[edit]

  • Manuel Esteban Paez Teran, 26, a member of an Antifa-linked criminal group called Stop Cop City ATL, was shot and killed by law enforcement outside of Atlanta's police training center after he shot and wounded a Georgia State Patrol officer;[268] in response a few days later, Antifa punks threw another childish temper tantrum as they rioted and committed acts of vandalism and arson in Atlanta over the shooting of Teran, with many of the punks subsequently being arrested by Atlanta police.[269] A news reporter for Atlanta FOX station WAGA-TV delusively claimed the Antifa riot to be a "peaceful protest", despite visuals of cars being torched and businesses and the Atlanta Police Foundation building being vandalized by the punks.[270]
  • Jared Dowell, 23, the gender-confused son of Democrat House minority whip Katherine Clark, was arrested on charges of resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer and vandalism of private property while taking part in a riot by Antifa punks in Boston, held concurrently with the Atlanta riot.[271] In a statement released following Dowell's arrest, Clark, feeding into and enabling her son's delusion, referred to him as her "daughter" when speaking of his arrest and referred to him by his claimed name "Riley".

See also[edit]


  1. VIOLENT LEFTIST MOB Swarms and Attacks Senator Hawley’s DC Home — Pounding on Door, Screaming Threats — Terrorizing His Wife and Newborn Baby at the Gateway Pundit
  2. Pro-Trump Marine Goes Off on DC Police After They Mace Stop the Steal Protesters, ‘We Had Your F***ing Back, But We Ain’t Got Your Back No More!’ at the Gateway Pundit
  3. 3.0 3.1 Capitol Siege: Four Veterans Give Their Firsthand Account on Thursday’s Protest at US Capitol at the Gateway Pundit
  4. Police Deploy Tear Gas and Flash Bangs to Push Back Trump Supporters at Capitol Building at the Gateway Pundit
  5. 5.0 5.1 Photos, Reports Show ANTIFA Infiltrators Stormed the Capitol Building
  6. BREAKING REPORT: Former FBI Agent on the Ground at US Capitol Says at Least One Bus Load of Antifa Thugs Infiltrated Trump Demonstration at the Gateway Pundit
  7. EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Reveals Individuals in the Capital Today Who Weren’t Trump Supporters at the Gateway Pundit
  8. BREAKING: Unarmed Woman Shot and Killed by Capitol Police Identified – 14-Year USAF Veteran at the Gateway Pundit
  9. Unarmed Pro-Trump Woman Shot By Capitol Police Has Died at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains videos with graphic footage)
  10. Bare-Chested Man Seen Wearing Horns in Vice President Pence’s Chair Arrested on Federal Charges at the Gateway Pundit
  11. BREAKING: FBI Arrests Antifa Leader John Sullivan in Utah After Storming US Capitol …Update: With FBI Affidavit at the Gateway Pundit
  12. https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/capitol-antagonist-climate-change/
  13. WATCH: Fox News Anchor Shoves Trump Supporter Outside Washington Governor’s Mansion at the Gateway Pundit
  14. Political Director Of ABC News Talks About ‘Cleansing’ America Of Trump Supporters at the Gateway Pundit
  15. Sebastian Gorka: "Didn’t fascists “cleanse” their enemies? That’s what @rickklein is calling for. Guess that makes him a fascist too. Why is @ABC good with that?" at Twitter
  16. Andy Ngo: "BLM-antifa extremists confronted Portland mayor Ted Wheeler while he was dining out last night. Serial-riot arrestee Tracy Molina was part of the mob. Shortly after this video, he was punched" at Twitter
  17. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler reportedly punched by social justice activist at the New York Post
  18. Black Bloc Mob of Antifa Terrorists Assault Group of Trump Supporters in San Diego at the Gateway Pundit
  19. “Our Motherf*ckin Streets!” Antifa Terrorists March Through NYC in Riot Gear – Media Silent at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains videos with foul language)
  20. BLM-Antifa Thugs Violently Attack Female Journalist in NYC – Police Stand by and Do Nothing at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence and foul language)
  21. Multiple references:
  22. Two references:
  23. Parler CEO Flees Home with His Family, Goes Into Hiding After Receiving Death Threats at the Gateway Pundit
  24. Portland Antifa Smashes Out Windows of the Headquarters of the Democrat Party of Oregon at the Gateway Pundit
  25. Democratic Party Of Oregon Refuses To Condemn Antifa Terrorists After They Destroy Party HQ, Tries To Blame Republicans Instead at the Gateway Pundit
  26. Seattle: Antifa Terrorists Riot, Target Amazon Store at the Gateway Pundit
  27. UPDATE: Antifa Activist Daniel Alan Baker Arrested for Plotting to Murder Trump Supporters — Tells Supporters on YouTube He Received Soros Money
  28. Insurrection! Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter Goons Storm Bellingham, WA City Hall – Mayor Forced to Be Evacuated at the Gateway Pundit
  29. Pro-Abortion Group Storms Catholic Church in Ohio, Knocks Over Table, Shouts Profanities at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with foul language)
  30. Portland Leftists Targeting Federal ICE Facility in Late Night ‘Protest’ at the Gateway Pundit
  31. Antifa Rioters Hit Tacoma In Revenge After Police SUV Careens Through Crowd at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains videos with violence and foul language)
  32. Police SUV Plows Through Crowd that Was Mobbing His Car While Responding To Street Racing In Tacoma at the Gateway Pundit
  33. Jason Rantz: "Tacoma PD have declared an unlawful assembly. About Antifa 100-120 remain" at Twitter
  34. Andy Ngo: Antifa has forced me to flee my home at Andy Ngo YouTube channel
  35. MEDIA BLACKOUT: Antifa Riot at Portland ICE Facility Overnight, Throw Mortar Explosives at Federal Police Officers at the Gateway Pundit
  36. Andy Ngo: "Karl Anders Nilsson was arrested overnight at the Portland #antifa riot. He's charged w/felony rioting, attempted assault on an officer & more. He was arrested at a riot last year & charged w/carrying a concealed weapon & more. His charges were dropped" at Twitter
  37. Horror! 84-Year-Old Man Dies After 19-Year-Old Goon Bum-Rushes Him on Street in Broad Daylight at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence)
  38. Trump Supporter and Mother of Two Fears for Her Life and Her Children’s Safety After Kathy Griffin Doxxes Her Family
  39. “Burn it Down!” – BLM-Antifa Terrorists March Through DC, Assault Police Officers, Harass Outdoor Diners at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with foul language)
  40. Two Men with Black Lives Matter Arrested after they Rubbed Dirty Diaper on Conservative Reporter’s Face – And Smash Egg on Her Head at the Gateway Pundit
  41. INSURRECTION! – Angry Democrats Confront Police at Georgia State Capitol After Lawmakers Pass Bill Requiring Voter ID for Absentee Voters at the Gateway Pundit
  42. Georgia House Passes GOP Bill Rolling Back Voting Access (Warning: Contains the usual liberal media claptrap, lies and narrative-twisting)
  43. Media Blackout: Federal Agents Tackle Antifa Terrorists During Midnight Attack on Federal Courthouse in Portland at the Gateway Pundit
  44. Portland Police Kettle Large Crowd of Antifa Terrorists After Another Night of Rioting – Antifa Goons Stunned, “We Are Boxed In” at the Gateway Pundit
  45. Seattle Police Department: "Police arrested a total of 13 suspects related to this demonstration. A blotter post with more information will be added to this thread tomorrow morning at Twitter
  46. WOW: Stupid Protester Climbs on Hood of LAPD Vehicle During Breonna Taylor Protest — Cop Drives Off Anyway at the Gateway Pundit
  47. Activist Attacked On The Streets Of Montreal For Campaigning Against Giving Puberty Blockers To Children at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains social media video with violence and foul language)
  48. High-Ranking Military Official Openly Threatens Tucker Carlson with Violence, “Trust Me, You’d Know if the DoD Attacked You” at the Gateway Pundit
  49. Pentagon Brass Goes After Tucker Carlson in Coordinated Attack after his Remarks on Maternity Flight Suits – Tucker Responds at the Gateway Pundit
  50. Multiple references:
  51. Young Democrats, Antifa, BLM and Socialists March in Lansing against “F**king Police” — Stop and Harass Homeowner with Trump Flag in Window at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains social media video with foul language)
  52. Korean Beauty Store Owner Beaten and Had Her Nose Broken by Two Women Who Shouted Racial Insults During Attack at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence)
  53. EXCLUSIVE: Male Antifa Militant Attacks Woman During Children’s Easter Egg Hunt — Promptly Gets Clocked By Proud Boy… and Arrested at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains videos with violence and foul language)
  54. Satanic Rapper Lil Nas Threatens to Rape ‘Gun Girl’ Kaitlin Bennett’s Father During Twitter Spat at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains social media posts with foul language)
  55. Lil Nas X Says Children Are His Core Audience Before Releasing Music Video Giving Satan a Lap Dance, Selling Shoes Made With Human Blood at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains YouTube video with NSFW imagery)
  56. EVIL: Lil Nas X and MSCHF Release Nike Shoe Dedicated to Satan with a Pentagram and Human Blood in it – In a Limited Edition of 666 Pairs at the Gateway Pundit
  57. Salem, Oregon: Antifa Attacks ‘Back the Blue’ Car Parade, Smashes Windows at the Gateway Pundit
  58. VIDEO: Police Arrest Old Man For Pulling Gun On Attacking Antifa Thugs In Salem, Oregon at the Gateway Pundit
  59. Justin Yau: "Salem Police and state troopers make another rush after firing less lethal munitions at left wing counterprotesters. A total of at least 3 protesters were arrested today" at Twitter
  60. Court Rules Effort To Remove Socialist From Seattle City Council Over Role In Riots May Proceed
  61. Rantz: CM Kshama Sawant withheld supposed threat concerns to get more press
  62. Another Asian Store Attack that Won’t Make the National News – This Time in Charlotte at the Gateway Pundit
  63. Man caught on camera trashing Korean-owned convenience store in uptown Charlotte at WSOC-TV website
  64. Georgia GOP's Atlanta election integrity rally met by armed left-wing militia at Fox News
  65. Elderly Asian Couple Attacked, Robbed by Four Black Males – Then Their Machete-Wielding Son Emerges From the House to Save the Day at the Gateway Pundit
  66. Task Force Pictures Hate Crime Suspects Behind Series of Violent Attacks on Asian Americans at the Gateway Pundit
  67. There’s a Massive Epidemic of Race Baiting and Beatings that Is Being Ignored by the Liberal Media — Here’s the List! at the Gateway Pundit
  68. Portland Rioter Indicted On Multiple Attempted Murder Charges After Throwing Molotov Cocktails At Police at teh Gateway Pundit
  69. WATCH: Pro-masker attacks peaceful freedom protester with bicycle at Rebel News
  70. Antifa-BLM Violently Attack Reporter, Put Him in Chokehold, Bloody His Face During Anti-Eviction March in Detroit at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence and foul language)
  71. Antifa Terrorists Set Fire to Portland ICE Facility While Federal Agents Were Inside Building at the Gateway Pundit
  72. Multiple references:
  73. Shameless Reporter Tells Brooklyn Center Police Chief There Was No Riot Last Night in Minnesota — Brooklyn Center Police Chief Sets Him Straight at the Gateway Pundit
  74. BREAKING: MSNBC Films Thugs Looting Dollar Tree – Looters Notice – Attack MSNBC on Live TV – Tell Them to Go the F&$k Home at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence and foul language)
  75. Brooklyn Center Police Deploy Crowd Control Munitions to Disperse BLM Mob, Make Arrests at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence and foul language)
  76. BREAKING: Shots Fired in Brooklyn Center, Ambulance En Route at the Gateway Pundit
  77. BREAKING: Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon and Police Officer Who Shot Daunte Wright, Kim Potter Resign at the Gateway Pundit
  78. BREAKING: Brooklyn Center Police Release Bodycam Footage of Moments Leading to Fatal Shooting of Daunte Wright at the Gateway Pundit
  79. DEVELOPING: BLM Mob Forms Outside Brooklyn Center Police Department Chanting, “Whose Streets, Our Streets!” at the Gateway Pundit
  80. WATCH: Rioters in Minnesota Demand White People Act as Human Shields During Attack on Police Station at the Gateway Pundit
  81. Brooklyn Center Police Deploy Riot Control Munitions, Declare Unlawful Assembly at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains social media video with foul language)
  82. Far Left Goons Leak Home Address of Brooklyn Center Officer Kim Potter’s Home Online — Police Forced to Erect Fence Around Home at the Gateway Pundit
  83. SHOWER TIME: Cops BLAST Violent BLM-Antifa Hoodlums with Pepper Spray in Brooklyn Center at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence and foul language)
  84. BLM Protesters Shut Down Manhattan Bridge in New York City in ‘Solidarity with Daunte Wright’ at the Gateway Pundit
  85. Squad Leader Rashida Tlaib Calls for COMPLETE ANARCHY – Demands NO MORE POLICE OR PRISONS Following Daunte Wright’s Death at the Gateway Pundit
  86. Daunte Wright Had Warrant Out For His Arrest For Attempted Aggravated Robbery Charges After Choking a Woman, Holding Her at Gunpoint For Money at the Gateway Pundit
  87. Ted Cruz: "Insane. “No more policing” It doesn’t get more explicit than this that Democrats want to abolish the police" at Twitter
  88. BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Rioters Vandalize Portland Church at the Gateway Pundit
  89. Portland Police Declare Riot As Protesters Vow To Burn Precinct Down, Lob Debris At Police, Set Fires In Street at the Gateway Pundit
  90. Portland Rioters Lay Waste To Police Cruisers In Precinct Parking Lot at the Gateway Pundit
  91. Far Left Terrorists Light Portland Police Union Building On Fire at the Gateway Pundit
  92. Trouble In Antifaland: Informant Snitches To Portland Police, Results In Arsonist Arrest, Chaos In Antifa Ranks at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains social media posts with foul language)
  93. Two references:
  94. WATCH: Black Lives Matter Take Over Dallas Restaurant, Chant ‘Who Burn Sh-t Down? We Burn Sh-t Down’ at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with foul language)
  95. Minnesota National Guard Targeted in Drive By Shooting Hours After Rep. Maxine Waters Told BLM To Be ‘More Confrontational’ at the Gateway Pundit
  96. 96.0 96.1 18 U.S. Code § 2101 - Riots
  97. Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She Will Introduce Resolution to Expel Maxine Waters From Congress at the Gateway Pundit
  98. Update: Marjorie Taylor Greene Creates Petition Demanding Maxine Waters Be Expelled From Congress (Link to Petition Included) at the Gateway Pundit
  99. Minnesota Authorities Release Photos of SUV that Fired Shots at National Guard Members in MN After Maxine Waters Called for More Confrontations at the Gateway Pundit
  100. BREAKING BIG: Convicted Felon Arrested After Firing on National Guard Members in Minneapolis — Following Violent Speech by Maxine Waters at the Gateway Pundit
  101. 70-Year-Old Mexican Woman Badly Beaten on LA Bus by Racist Black Woman Who Thought She Was Asian at the Gateway Pundit
  102. Chicago Street Gang Latin Kings Threaten to Retaliate Against Police After Shooting Death of 13-Year-Old “Lil’ Homicide” Adam Toledo at the Gateway Pundit
  103. CBS News Edits Police Bodycam Footage, Right and Left Edges Trimmed Away to Omit Portion of Video Where 13 yr old Adam Toledo is Seen Holding Firearm at the Gateway Pundit
  104. Mayor Lightfoot Slams Chicago Police and Accuses Them of Racism After Shooting of Adam Toledo at the Gateway Pundit
  105. BLM Mob Descends On Lori Lightfoot’s Neighborhood, Clash With Chicago Police at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: contains video and social media posts with violence and foul language)
  106. Asian Left-Wing Journalist Beaten By BLM Mob As Crowd Confronts Portland Police At Latest Shooting Scene at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence and foul language)
  107. Portland Rioters Set Fire To Apple Store; Smash Up Church, Veggie Grill, Historical Society at the Gateway Pundit
  108. Right On Cue: Portland Rioters Go On Destructive Rampage After Chauvin Verdict, Police Actually Intervene at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence and foul language)
  109. Minneapolis City Council Candidate and Former City Employee Encourages Rioters to Burn Down Wealthy Neighborhoods at the Gateway Pundit
  110. Leftists Call For Death, Violence Against Tomi Lahren For Asking If Foot Locker Is Safe Tonight at the Gateway Pundit
  111. NYPD Releases Images of Suspect in East Harlem Who Repeatedly Stomped on 61-year-Old Asian Man’s Head, Who is Now in a Coma Fighting For His Life at the Gateway Pundit (Warning:' Contains video with violence and graphic footage)
  112. VIDEO: Black Lives Matter Militants Threaten Police Assassinations, ‘They Shoot Us, We Shoot Them’ at the Gateway Pundit
  113. Columbus Police Release 911 Calls, New Body Camera Footage from Officer-Involved Shooting at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with graphic footage)
  114. Portland Police Declare Riot After Antifa Vandalize more Businesses at Breitbart News Network
  115. Democrat Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler ‘Done’ With ‘Anarchist Mob,’ Asks Public To Help ‘Unmask’ Rioters at the Gateway Pundit
  116. [1]
  117. Journalist linked to Antifa death threat video against Mayor Ted Wheeler at the Post-Millennial
  118. Multiple references:
  119. 'Drunk driver', 32, who said 'f**k the police' and downed tequila and wine during podcast just HOURS before she 'killed cop in a hit-and-run' boasted about carrying a knife, being pro capital punishment and now faces 13 charges and 15 years in jail at the Daily Mail
  120. 61-Year-Old Grandmother Fatally Punched in the Face by Man in Public Street; Brother Says He Has ‘No Earthly Idea Why This Happened’ at the Gateway Pundit
  121. Trump Supporter Infiltrates ANTIFA in Northern California, Finds Their HIT LIST of Police and Republicans! at the Gateway Pundit
  122. EXCLUSIVE: Trump supporter shares what he uncovered after infiltrating anti-fascist group in Sonoma Co. at KGO-TV website
  123. https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/michelle-malkin/michelle-malkin-shut-down-jan-6-gulag
  124. https://lawandcrime.com/u-s-capitol-siege/proud-boy-ethan-nordean-says-he-should-stay-out-of-jail-because-guards-are-beating-capitol-siege-defendants/
  125. https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/national/capitol-riots/dc-corrections-officer-savagely-beat-capitol-riot-suspect-attorney-says-ryan-samsel/65-ee38f382-4686-4dd6-9486-5db67c5bc794
  126. BLM-Antifa Rioters Target Upscale Restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky, At Least One Protester Is Armed! – Restaurant Patron Pulls a Pistol! at the Gateway Pundit
  127. Portland Rioters Take Their Turn Celebrating May Day As They Smash Up What’s Left Of Downtown at the Gateway Pundit
  128. Andy Ngo: "Violent Portland #antifa group, Youth Liberation Front, is posting instructions on @Twitter on how to avoid being caught when participating in criminal acts. The account remains active despite organizing months of riots in Portland & elsewhere" at Twitter
  129. Andy Ngo: "Portland #antifa member Emily Ann Gansberg is urging comrades to carry out murders on May Day. She was charged over violent rioting last year & her criminal case is still ongoing. Her next court date is set in June" at Twitter
  130. [2] at Rebel News
  131. Surveillance Video Shows Black Man Repeatedly Punching Asian Man Pushing Stroller in Unprovoked Attack in San Francisco at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence)
  132. Black Man Arrested For Brutally Beating Two Elderly Asian Women with Cinder Block in Baltimore Shop at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence and graphic footage)
  133. VIDEO: BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists; No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains videos with violence and foul language)
  134. “F*ck You Chinese People! I Hate You!” – Police Need Help Identifying Black Man Who Punched Asian Store Owner in the Face at the Gateway Pundit
  135. SHOCKING VIDEO: Insane Teacher Berates Vaccinated Student for Not Wearing a Mask, Calls Him a Jerk, Tells Him Nobody Likes Him (UPDATE) at the Gateway Pundit
  136. Portland Man Arrested After Pushing 67-Year-Old Woman into Traffic, Burning Power Pole, Biting Police at the Gateway Pundit
  137. Hate Crime: Brooklyn Church Vandalized — Jesus Statue Toppled, American Flag Burned at the Gateway Pundit
  138. VIDEO: Pro-Israel Protester Punched in the Head and Knocked to the Ground by a Pro-Hamas Thug at Phoenix Palestinian Rally at the Gateway Pundit
  139. Portland: Man Chased by Knife-Wielding Thug in Broad Daylight at the Gateway Pundit
  140. Disabled Army Vet Attacked By Four Black Women Calling Her a ‘White B-tch’ — Court to Decide if it Was Hate Crime at the Gateway Pundit
  141. 'You white b***h:' black women allegedly beat disabled army vet in Kroger parking lot
  142. 72-Year-Old Good Samaritan Nearly Beaten to Death After Stopping to Help Black Teen with Flat Tire at the Gateway Pundit
  143. “Antifa Wants Me Dead” – Antifa Terrorists Brutally Beat Journalist Andy Ngo While He Was Reporting on Portland Riots Over the Weekend at the Gateway Pundit
  144. 144.0 144.1 Four Portland Antifa Terrorists Facing Slew Of Federal Allegations, Including Explosives Charges at the Gateway Pundit
  145. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/Rowan-Daniel-McManigal.jpg
  146. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/Rowan-McManigal-Booking.jpg
  147. Portland Rioter Indicted On Multiple Attempted Murder Charges After Throwing Molotov Cocktails At Police at the Gateway Pundit
  148. Brawl Breaks Out Between Antifa and Conservatives at Ashli Babbitt Memorial in California at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains Twitter video with violence and foul language)
  149. https://therightscoop.com/unprovoked-man-sneaks-up-behind-60-year-old-woman-in-nyc-subway-station-and-punches-her/
  150. https://gellerreport.com/2021/07/black-woman-seen-on-surveillance-video-smashing-window-of-brooklyn-jewish-school.html/
  151. [3]
  152. https://www.dickmorris.com/antifa-the-new-brown-shirts-lunch-alert/
  153. REVEALED: Biological male who exposed himself to children at LA spa is a “registered sex offender”
  154. Man Who Exposed Penis to Women and Underage Girls at Los Angeles Spa is Registered Sex Offender with History of Indecent Exposure – New Felony Charges Filed at the Gateway Pundit
  155. Two references:
  156. Sacramento High School Teacher CAUGHT on UNDERCOVER VIDEO Bragging About Indoctrinating Students to Become ANTIFA “Revolutionaries;” Views American Children as “Martyrs for a Cause” at the Gateway Pundit
  157. Two references:
  158. Man Arrested After Claiming to Have a Bomb at Trump Hotel in Vegas at the Gateway Pundit
  159. AZ Planned Parenthood Chair: Calls For Riots After SCOTUS Ignores Abortion Emergency Request “BE READY TO BREAK SOME S***” at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains Twitter posts with foul language and advocation of violence)
  160. BREAKING: Texas “Heartbeat” Law Takes Effect; Abortions After 6 Weeks ARE NOW ILLEGAL After SCOTUS Ignores Emergency Request to Block Law at the Gateway Pundit
  161. Florida Diner That Asked Biden Supporters To Eat Elsewhere Gets So Much Business They Ran Out Of Food at the Gateway Pundit
  162. Antifa Shoots Samoan Protest Leader at “End the Mandate” Rally in Olympia, Washington at the Gateway Pundit
  163. Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Responds to Shooting in WA, Says Antifa Are ‘White Kids With Guns Shooting People of Color’ at the Gateway Pundit
  164. Antifa Member Who Shot Proud Boy Tusitala “Tiny” Toese Unmasked, Identified and Charged with First-Degree Assault While Armed with a Deadly Weapon at the Gateway Pundit
  165. BREAKING: Violent White Liberals Assault Larry Elder – Hurl Eggs at GOP Candidate — BEAT HIS CAMPAIGN OFFICIAL IN STREET! at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence and foul language)
  166. Los Angeles County Sheriff says Larry Elder was victim of a 'hate crime' at the Blaze
  167. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/former-obama-official-encourages-arrests-and-tire-slashing-to-punish-canada-protesters
  168. https://www.dailywire.com/news/racial-justice-socialist-activist-quintez-brown-accused-of-attempted-murder-shooting-at-louisville-mayoral-candidate
  169. Hit-and-run injures protesters at Winnipeg freedom rally at Rebel News
  170. Man charged in Winnipeg car attack on convoy protest is radical far-left anarchist at Rebel News
  171. Radical leftist charged for driving into convoy supporters — and it gets memory holed at Rebel News
  172. 172.0 172.1 UPDATE– GiveSendGo UNDER ATTACK… Hateful Trans Hackers Take Over GiveSendGo Front Page at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: contains images with foul language)
  173. GiveSendGo Website Back Online After Illegal Leftist Hack, Issues Statement Saying ‘We Are in a Battle’ at the Gateway Pundit
  174. https://national-justice.com/sites/default/files/2021/10/25/cottle.pdf
  175. Canadian Hacker Who Claims to Have Worked with Intelligence Agencies Takes Credit For GiveSendGo Hack
  176. Two references:
  177. Journalists and politicians share illegally obtained GiveSendGo data at True North
  178. EVIL: Threatening Posters Listing the Names and Personal Info of Hacked GiveSendGo Convoy Donors Appear All Over the Streets of Ottawa Following Trudeau’s Vicious Crackdown at the Gateway Pundit
  179. Two references:
  180. Images of suspects released in killing of woman who was carjacked, dragged to her death at WWL-TV website
  181. Multiple references:
  182. Teen suspect in deadly carjacking had previous court case dropped by DA's office at WWL-TV website
  183. 'She probably would have forgiven them,' carjacking victim's family says at WWL-TV website
  184. Man Lights Himself on Fire in Front of the Supreme Court at the Gateway Pundit
  185. Update: Man Who Lit Himself on Fire in Front of Supreme Court Has Died at the Gateway Pundit
  186. UPDATE: Violent Pro-Abortion Antifa Rioters Smash DHS Vehicle, Attack Police in Los Angeles at the Gateway Pundit
  187. WATCH: “Conservative F*cks! I Wish You Were An Abortion Buddy!” – Pro-Abortion Rioters Surround, Spit On Students for Kari Lake Volunteers In Phoenix, AZ – Two Arrested at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: contains Twitter video and descriptions of the rioters' behavior with foul language)
  188. 188.0 188.1 Mother’s Day Church Raids Imminent: Radical Leftist Group Planning to Storm Churches
  189. BREAKING: Leftwing Group Doxxes Home Address of Conservative Supreme Court Justices at the Gateway Pundit
  190. Godless Pro-Abortion Group Announces Latest Assault on Christians: “We Will Be Burning the Eucharist to Show Our Disgust” at the Gateway Pundit
  191. Biden White House Refuses to Condemn Left-Wing Group That Doxxed Home Address of Conservative Supreme Court Justices at the Gateway Pundit
  192. James Woods: 18 US Code 1507 at Twitter
  193. Mike Davis: "Dear Attorney General Merrick Garland: Harassing and intimidating federal judges at their homes to influence their judgments on pending cases is felony obstruction of justice, under 18 U.S.C. § 1507. It puts the judges’ and their families’ lives in grave danger. Do your job" at Twitter
  194. 194.0 194.1 FBI and Democrat Leaders Ignore Leftist Hooligans Protesting Outside Homes of Conservative SCOTUS Justices — A Criminal Act with Up to 1 Year in Prison at the Gateway Pundit
  195. Pro-Abortion Protesters March on Homes of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and Chief Justice Roberts at the Gateway Pundit
  196. Reports Indicate Justice Alito and His Family Have Been Moved to a Secure Location at the Gateway Pundit
  197. https://medium.com/discourse/the-attempted-assassination-of-brett-kavanaugh-explained-3ecf88f8015f
  198. https://therightscoop.com/leftwing-group-puts-bounties-on-heads-of-supreme-court-justices/
  199. Pro-Life Group’s Office Firebombed in Madison, Wisconsin at the Gateway Pundit
  200. Multiple references:
  201. Nolte: Reporter Calls for Violence Against Pro-Life Groups at Breitbart News Network
  202. HAPPENING NOW: Godless Pro-Abortion Activists Protest Outside of Justice Alito’s House Chanting, “F**k You Alito” at the Gateway Pundit
  203. Democrat Terrorism: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Issues a “Call to Arms” in Reaction to Supreme Court at the Gateway Pundit
  204. Antifa “Journalist” Arrested After Vandalizing, Setting Fire To Synagogues, Mosque at the Gateway Pundit
  205. https://therightscoop.com/screaming-lunatic-attacks-ted-cruz-at-dinner-official-democrat-party-account-media-blue-checks-orgasmic-over-it/
  206. Christian Pregnancy Center in Colorado Set on Fire After Obama Activates Shock Troops Following Supreme Court Decision on Roe v Wade at the Gateway Pundit
  207. WATCH: SICK! Pro Abortionist In Front Of The Supreme Court Assaults Camerawoman, Screams “I F*CKING LOVE KILLING BABIES” at the Gateway Pundit ("Warning:' Contains video with violence and foul language)
  208. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Update on AZ Insurrection – Violent Planned Parenthood Mob Attacks Arizona Senate Building at the Gateway Pundit
  209. EXCLUSIVE: DAY 2 – Arizona Insurrection Continues – About 20 Arrested After Radical Leftist Abortion Mob Attempts to Breach Arizona Capitol Second Night in a Row at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with violence and foul language)
  210. “To Hell with the Supreme Court. We Will Defy Them.” – Insurrectionist Maxine Waters on the Roe v. Wade Decision at the Gateway Pundit
  211. California Man Charged With Attempted Murder For Using Flamethrower on Police at Los Angeles Pro-Abortion ‘Night of Rage’ Riot at the Gateway Pundit
  212. Ten Arrested at Oregon Pro-Life Pregnancy Center During Violent ‘Night of Rage’ Protest at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains videos with violence and foul language)
  213. Fuller House Actress Jodie Sweetin Joins Antifa Protesters Blocking Highway in LA, Gets Shoved to Ground By Police While Refusing to Comply
  214. “You’re a F*cking Scumbag!” – Staten Island Supermarket Worker Physically Assaults Rudy Giuliani at the Gateway Pundit
  215. Supermarket Worker Who Assaulted Rudy Giuliani and Called Him a ‘F-cking Scumbag’ Released After Charges Downgraded at the Gateway Pundit
  216. Hate Crime Investigation Launched After NYC Catholic Church Vandalized With Slogan of Pro-Abortion Extremist Group ‘Jane’s Revenge’ at the Gateway Pundit
  217. Highland Park Police: 6 Killed, 24 Wounded in Fourth of July Parade Sniper Attack; Suspect at Large: White Male, 18-20, Long Black Hair at the Gateway Pundit
  218. BREAKING: Police Name Person of Interest in Highland Park Parade Shooting: Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo III – Social Media Video Shows School Shooter Fantasy at the Gateway Pundit
  219. BREAKING: Highland Park Suspect Taken Into Custody After Brief Police Chase at the Gateway Pundit
  220. 220.0 220.1 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult at the Gateway Pundit
  221. BREAKING: Chicago News Channel WGN Obtains Picture of Highland Park Shooter in Drag Attempting to Evade Police at the Gateway Pundit
  222. Developing: Police Admit Highland Park Shooter Was Wearing Women’s Clothing at Time of Attack at the Gateway Pundit
  223. Nolte: Protesters Force Brett Kavanaugh to Flee D.C. Restaurant at Breitbart News Network
  224. 224.0 224.1 DC Antifa Group Offering Reward for Locations of Conservative Supreme Court Justices at the Gateway Pundit
  225. Abortion Activists Terrorize Pro-Life Attorney’s Home, Threw Smoke Bombs And Fire Crackers At His House And Police Did Nothing at the Gateway Pundit
  226. Crisis Pregnancy Center Says It Had To Hire Security After Man Showed Up With A Machete at the Daily Caller
  227. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/08/democrat-new-jersey-city-councilwoman-runs-cyclist-takes-off-video/
  228. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/09/30/nolte-biden-hate-campaign-pays-off-wave-violence-republicans/
  229. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/paula-bolyard/2022/09/01/two-minutes-hate-biden-rails-against-his-fellow-americans-in-dark-threatening-prime-time-speech-n1626303
  230. JUST IN: Democrat Official Robert Telles Arrested in Connection to Murder of Las Vegas Review-Journal Reporter Jeff German at the Gateway Pundit
  231. Police Search Democrat County Official’s Home in Connection with Las Vegas-Review Journal Reporter’s Murder at the Gateway Pundit
  232. Texas Woman Charged with Threatening to Kill Judge Who Allowed Special Master in Trump Raid Case at the Gateway Pundit
  233. Violent Mob Shuts Down Tomi Lahren At University of New Mexico at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video and Twitter posts with foul language)
  234. Crazed North Dakota Man Runs Over and Kills Teen For “Extremist” Republican Views at the Gateway Pundit
  235. 235.0 235.1 THE KILLER LIED: North Dakota Police Find NO EVIDENCE Murdered 18-Year-Old Cayler Ellingson Was Part of Republican “Extremist” Group at the Gateway Pundit
  236. 236.0 236.1 “A Politically Motivated Attack” – Say His Name… 18-Year-Old Cayler Ellingson Murdered by Angry Democrat Two Weeks After Joe Biden’s Demonic Speech Declaring Republicans Enemies of the State at the Gateway Pundit
  237. Figures: Unhinged Fake News Hack Helped Write Joe Biden’s Famous Moloch Speech at the Gateway Pundit
  238. BREAKING: Killer Shannon Brandt Charged with MURDER of Teen Cayler Ellingson Who He Ran Over for Being Republican at the Gateway Pundit
  239. 239.0 239.1 Biden’s FBI Sends 25-30 Agents to Home of Pro-Life Author and Father of 7 – Arrest Him for Reportedly Protecting His Son from an Abortion Escort at the Gateway Pundit
  240. BREAKING: Doug Mastriano BLASTS Biden's FBI for armed SWAT team raid of pro-life activist in front of young family at the Post Millennial
  241. Two references:
  242. https://therightscoop.com/political-violence-two-greg-abbott-staffers-assaulted-outside-houston-cue-zero-media-outrage/
  243. https://www.foxnews.com/us/elderly-pro-life-volunteer-michigan-shot-heated-conversation-pro-life-group-says
  244. https://youtu.be/rEQauhKPNDQ
  245. https://youtu.be/_eqViDom8Z0
  246. https://therightscoop.com/breaking-second-attacker-arrested-in-violent-assault-on-rubio-canvasser-and-this-one-vindicates-what-rubio-said-about-it/
  247. https://therightscoop.com/debunked-this-absolutely-devastates-narrative-on-pelosi-attacker-depape-the-media-are-clinging-to/
  248. https://therightscoop.com/violent-rhetoric-anyone-arkansas-democrat-nominee-arrested-for-making-terroristic-threats/
  249. Midterms horror as Republican candidate's daughters, three and five, are almost KILLED after gunman opens fire at North Carolina home - where Democrat rival filmed campaign ad - with bullet landing close to where they slept at the Daily Mail
  250. https://youtu.be/zvU683JUrBc
  251. https://youtu.be/gcpOURyf4xQ
  252. Man arrested after assaulting Ted Cruz with beer can during parade
  253. Antifa extremists stage plans to burn down Tesla outlets following Twitter bans at Rebel News
  254. Musk warns assassination risk ‘quite significant,’ swears off signing autographs ‘ever again’ at BizPac Review
  255. [5]
  256. BREAKING: Tim Pool goes to war with Twitter over ‘groomer’ controversy at the Post Millennial
  257. Transgender New Hampshire Dem in Jail on Stalking Charges at the Washington Free Beacon
  258. Progressive Democrat Pundit Cathy Areu Arrested For Kidnapping And Theft Of Elderly Mom, Previously Accused Tucker Of Sexual Harassment
  259. TURNING TABLES: Trans/Left-Wing Activists Confronted With Violent Incitement Hate Tweets At Violent Extremism Hearings
  260. Antifa attacked and robbed our reporter Katie Daviscourt — help us fight back! at Rebel News
  261. 5 Antifa Protesters in Atlanta Held on Terrorism Charges after Police Find Bombs, Flares and Weapons at their Camp Near Atlanta at the Gateway Pundit
  262. ANDY NGO REPORTS: Domestic terrorism charges for five arrested at violent Antifa autonomous zone near Atlanta at the Post Millennial
  263. Arrested Antifa Thug Charged With Domestic Terrorism Is Son of Millionaire Surgeon...Grew Up In Mansion Near Bush Family Compound
  264. Pro-life students threatened with gun violence
  265. HORROR: Portland Woman Pushes 3-Year-Old Child Onto Train Tracks at the Gateway Pundit
  266. UPDATE: Rookie NYPD Officer on His First Day on the Job Stabbed in the Head with Machete Near Times Square Amid New Year’s Eve Celebrations at the Gateway Pundit
  267. BREAKING: Suspect Behind NYPD New Year’s Eve Attack Was on FBI Radar – Trevor Bickford a Recent Convert to Islam at the Gateway Pundit
  268. Antifa Militant Killed After Allegedly Shooting And Wounding State Policeman Just Outside The Police Training Facility Near Atlanta at the Gateway Pundit
  269. DEVELOPING: ‘Revenge’ Riot Erupts in Atlanta: Antifa Militants Destroy Businesses, Light Cop Car on Fire After Fellow Comrade Killed By Police at the Gateway Pundit
  270. Local Reporter Calls Riot in Atlanta “Largely Peaceful Protest” as Police Cruiser Goes up in Flames in the Background at the Gateway Pundit
  271. Two references:

External links[edit]

Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 | Source: https://www.conservapedia.com/Left-wing_violence_under_the_Biden_junta_(2021-22)
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