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Musical terms

From Conservapedia - Reading time: 1 min

Classical music often uses Italian terms to describe the mood or tempo of a movement in an orchestral work.

Commonly used terms are:

Adagio - slow
Adagissimo - very slow
Afettuoso - affectionate, with tender emotion
Agitato - agitated, restless and wild
Allegretto - moderately quick movement, somewhat slower than allegro
Allegro - lively (sometimes used with other qualifiers)
Andante - a moderate tempo (walking pace)
Assai - very (as in "allegro assai" = very lively)
Brio - brilliant; usually "con brio" = with vivacity, energy, fire
Cantabile - singable
Forte - loud
Fortissimo - very loud
Grazioso - graceful
Largetto - slow and broad but less so than largo
Largo - slow and broad
Lento - same as "largo"
Maestoso - majestic
Molto - very, much
Non troppo - not too much (as in "allegro non troppo" = lively but not too lively)
Ostinato - a short recurring theme or phase lasting the length of a composition or movement.
Piano - soft, abbreviated
Pianissimo - very soft and abbreviated
poco - little
Presto - originally lively, but later the fastest speed in normal use
Sostenuto - sustained
Prestissimo - the fastest speed possible
Vivace - lively

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