Palestine Liberation Organization

From Conservapedia - Reading time: 28 min

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is an umbrella organization attempting to represent "Palestinian" Arabs in the disputed territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip). They have used violence and terrorism to achieve their goals such as in the Achille Lauro hijacking. The organization is considered a terrorist organization by the United States government.[1][2] Significant PLO factions or those associated with it are the Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), and al-Ṣāʿiqah.[3] Its current leader is Mahmoud Abbas.


The PLO was created in 1964 when the West Bank and the Gaza Strip were not under the control of Israel. Its original purpose was to “push the Jews into the sea,”[4][5] and the complete destruction[6] of the Jewish state.

PLO 1964 charter explained:[7]

This Covenant was written by the first PLO Chairman, Ahmed Shukeiry. This version reflects the Pan-Arab nationalism which can be clearly seen in the emphasis on the view of Palestine as part of an Arab collective homeland. The pan-Arab objective in the Arab-Israeli conflict is rather pervasive – the destruction of Israel. However, noticeably missing is the call for a Palestinian state and the subordinate position of the Palestinians in what is expressed as a battle for their rights and homeland.

Its first leader was leftist, Jihadi Ahmed Shukairy (Ahmed Shukairy / Shukeiri)[8].

Only in the 1960s did the PLO come forward with the demand that Arab refugees be renamed a homeless "Palestinian people." [9]

From Golda Meir's OpEd in the NYTimes, January 14, 1976:[6]

To be misquoted is an occupational hazard of political leadership; for this reason I should like to clarify my position in regard to the Palestinian issue. I have been charged with being rigidly insensitive to the question of the Palestinian Arabs. In evidence of this I am supposed to have said, “There are no Palestinians.” My actual words were: “There is no Palestinian people. There are Palestinian refugees.” The distinction is not semantic. My statement was based on a lifetime of debates with Arab nationalists who vehemently excluded a separatist Palestinian Arab nationalism from their formulations.

When in 1921 I came to Palestine – until the end of World War I a barren, sparsely inhabited Turkish province – we, the Jewish pioneers, were the avowed Palestinians. So we were named in the world. Arab nationalists, on the other hand, stridently rejected the designation. Arab spokesmen continued to insist that the land we had cherished for centuries was, like Lebanon, merely a fragment of Syria. On the grounds that it dismembered an ideal unitary Arab state, they fought before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry and at the United Nations.

When the Arab historian Philip K. Hitti informed the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry that “there is no such thing as Palestine in history,” it was left to David Ben-Gurion to stress the central role of Palestine in Jewish, if not Arab, history.

As late as May 1956, Ahmed Shukairy, subsequently head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, declared to the United Nations Security Council, “It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria.” In view of this, I believe I may be forgiven if I took Arab spokesmen at their word.

Until the 1960’s, attention was focused on the Arab refugees for whose plight the Arab states would allow no solution though many constructive and far-reaching proposals were made by Israel and the world community.

I repeatedly expressed my sympathy for the needless sufferings of refugees whose abnormal situation was created and exploited by the Arab states as a tactic in their campaign against Israel. However, refugee status could not indefinitely be maintained for the original 550,000 Arabs who in 1948 joined the exodus from the battle areas during the Arab attack on the new state of Israel.

When the refugee card began to wear thin, the Palestinian terrorist appeared on the scene flourishing not the arguable claims of displaced refugees but of a ghoulish nationalism that could only be sated on the corpse of Israel.

I repeat again. We dispossessed no Arabs. Our toil in the deserts and marshes of Palestine created more habitable living space for both Arab and Jew. Until 1948 the Arabs of Palestine multiplied and flourished as the direct result of Zionist settlement. Whatever subsequent ills befell the Arabs were the inevitable result of the Arab design to drive us into the sea. Had Israel not repelled her would-be destroyers there would have been no Jewish refugees alive in the Middle East to concern the world.

Now, two years after the surprise attack of the Yom Kippur War, I am well aware of the potency of Arab petrobillions and I have no illusions about the moral fiber of the United Nations, most of whose members hailed gun-toting Yasir Arafat and shamefully passed the anti-Semitic resolution that described Zionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, as racist.

But though Israel is small and beset, I am not prepared to accede to the easy formula that in the Arab-Israeli conflict we witness two equal contending rights that demand further “flexibility” from Israel. Justice was not violated when in the huge territories liberated by the Allies from the Sultan, 1 percent was set aside for the Jewish homeland on its ancestral site, while in a parallel settlement 99 percent of the area was allotted for the establishment of independent Arab states.

We successively accepted the truncation of Transjordan, three-fourths of the area of historic Palestine, and finally the painful compromise of the 1947 partition resolution in the hope for peace. Yet though Israel arose in only one-fifth of the territory originally assigned for the Jewish homeland, the Arabs invaded the young state.

I ask again, as I have often asked, why did the Arabs not set up a Palestine state in their portion instead of cannibalizing the country by Jordan’s seizure of the West Bank and Egypt’s capture of the Gaza Strip? And, since the question of the 1967 borders looms heavily in the present discussions, why did the Arabs converge upon us in June 1967, when the West Bank, the Golan Heights, the Sinai, the Gaza Strip and old Jerusalem were in their hands?

These are not idle questions. They go to the heart of the matter – the Arab denial of Israel’s right to exist. This right is not subject to debate. That is why Israel cannot by its presence sanction the participation of the Palestine Liberation Organization at the Security Council, a participation in direct violation of Resolutions 242 and 338.

We have no common language with exultant murderers of the innocent and with a terrorist movement ideologically committed to the liquidation of Jewish national independence.

At no point has the P.L.O. renounced its program for the “elimination of the Zionist entity.” With startling effrontery P.L.O. spokesmen admit that their proposed state on the West Bank would be merely a convenient “point of departure,” a tactical “first stage” and finally, a combatant “arsenal” strategically situated for the easier penetration of Israel...

Perpetuating the refugee problem[edit]

In 1966, Ahmad Shukairy, the PLO said: We will force our people to remain refugees against their will - or else there is no Palestinian cause. Another PLO representative said then: "If they try to leave. We will stop them, by force if need be."[10]

Shukairy to Arafat[edit]

Stressing, Ahmad Shukairy made sure he really meant his genocidal calls and only realizing the PR disaster and military defeat of '67 is when the following PLO, Arafat tried to camouflage its real aims: progressives admitted that This once even the Right could be Right: [11]

The P.L.O. - What Sort of Precedent?

This Once Even the Right Could be Right

...professing its genocidal ambition openly, without hiding it in any disguise whatever. Its leader, Ahmed Shukairy, kept making a point of it that the Arabs were absolutely literal when speaking of pushing the Israelis into the sea. Following the military disaster Israel that year inflicted on the Arabs, they were internationally overheard discussing the public relations error of their past genocidal candor. Heads of Arab states and Palestinian leaders were voicing this tactical self-criticism in newspaper interviews and articles, in radio and television broadcasts, in speeches before parliaments.

The adjustments made in the aftermath of this self-criticism included the replacement of the undiplomatic Ahmed Shukairy with the highly diplomatic Yassir Arafat as leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization . Also included was a new semantic formula which, incorporated in the Charter of the PLO, for the first time provided however thin and tortuous a camouflage of the genocidal ambition. What used up until that point to be loudly and proudly advertised was now being pro forma denied whenever necessary, accompanied by a meaningful wink of an eyelid.

With Communists, guerillas[edit]

Palestinian Ahmad Shukeiri visited China, under dictator Mao, in 1965.

"Our common target is US imperialism" said Ahmad Shukairy president of the Palestine Liberation Organization (praising Mao's cadets in Wuhan, March 24, 1965)[12]

On March 24, 1965, visiting Mao's cadets in Wuhan, Shukairy declared: "Our common target is US imperialism." [12] He praised the cadets for their superb skills. and said that Mao was the creator of an independent military theory. His army build up from nothing had become a mighty revolutionary army. Going along the same parh, the Palestine Liberation Army would be founded.[13]

Syria's fascist Ba'ath Party has appealed to China for help in the "liberation" of Palestine from the Jews. Following Shukeiri's visit to Peking, the PLO opened its office in Peking, the first one of its kind on non-Arab soil.[14]

A year before the Six-Day War, Shukeiri had declared his support for the Viet Cong.[15] And has threatened the United States with an alliance with the Vietcong. [16]

In June, 1966, Shukairy defiantly declared that the Palestine Liberation Army was receiving military assistance as well as training from the Chinese Communists. In the same month, as a corollary, PLO announced, in programs broadcast over Radio Cairo, that it was preparing to intervene in the Vietnam war. According to Shukairy, the PLO had decided to send its soldiers "to fight alongside the Viet Cong."

Explaining that by serving with the Viet Cong, troops of the PLO would gain valuable experience in guerilla warfare "which will be used in the inevitable war to liberate Palestine."[17]

In November 1966, Shukairy stated that his guerrillas would soon begin an expanded terrorist offensive in Israel modeled partly on the methods of the Vietcong.

He also let it be known that many of his men are being trained in Communist China His plan is to send these guerrillas into the two bulges. He already has some 10,000 troops under his command in the Gaza trip.[18]

With Nazis[edit]

Since the 1960s, the PLO has maintained contact with neo-Nazi and other extremist right-wing groups, providing training, smuggling arms and distributing propaganda.[19]

Nazi link with “Palestinian” terrorists including the PLO in the 1960s.
François Genoud [Genaud] was one of the founders of the Nazi party in Switzerland during the Hitler era; ally of Ibrahim Hafid - commander of the Arab Legion who fought in the service of Hitler. Motivated by Jew-hatred he became a passionate supporter of Arab "liberation" causes.[20]

He travelled to Berlin frequently during the war "to see his friend the grand mufti," and visited him afterward many times in Beirut,[21] and an Arab of Tunisian descent, Ibrahim Hafid, who was the commander of the Arab Legion fighting in the service of the Germans.[20][22]

After the war, his close contact was Ibrahim Hafid's man, Abdul Yousufi. Genaud was very active in Die Spinne (German for "The Spider")[20] helping Nazi war criminals escape justice. The "Arab Commercial Bank" - mostly of a dubious and illegal nature - was established by: François Genoud in partnership with Hans Reichenberg - former S.S. Officers - and with various factors in the Arab world. Genoud began to finance in Switzerland the activities of the "Friends of the Palestinians Organization" founded in Lausanne by neo-Nazi circles who saw helping the Palestinians as a way of expressing their anti-Jewish feelings.[20] In the 1960s he began supplying arms for various "Palestinian" causes. His co founded Lausanne-based New European Order organisation, met in Barcelona in April 1969, there "Palestinian" groups received financial support and Genoud placed them in contact with former Nazis who would assist their military training, as well as pledged support designated for the PLO.

Genoud was a close associate of George Habash and Jacques Vergès. In September 1969 he contributed finances for the legal expenses of three Palestinians from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) following their attack on an El Al flight in Zurich, present at trial.[23][20] Including among the prisoners to be exchange for the Achille Lauro hostages was one of West Germany's top neo Nazis.[23]

-German Wehrmacht officer in World War II, Otto Ernst Remer was in contact with Yasser Arafat, "I know Mr. Arafat quite well, natürlich," he asserted. "I saw him many times. He invited me to eat at his headquarters. I knew all his people. They wanted many things from us." For Remer, anyone who was an enemy of Israel was his friend, particularly when a profit could be turned. He claimed to have brokered several business deals between West German companies and the PLO.[24]

-The W German neo-Nazi Karl von Kyna, fighting for "Palestinians" against Israel, fell in a commando raid on the Suez front in September 1967.

-A handful of W Germans subsequently joined the Hilfskorp Arabien (Auxiliary Corps Arabia), which had been advertised in Gerhard Frey's Deutsche National-Zeitung in 1968.
-Two years later, West German police arrested Udo Albrecht, founder and leader of the Freikorps Adolf Hitler, who was founded carrying an identification card linking him to El Fatah, the largest PLO faction, led by Yasser Arafat. Albrecht and twelve other neo-Nazi militants had fought alongside the Palestinians against Jordan's King Hussein during the battle of Black September, 1970.[24]

-Albrecht, who boasted of direct access to PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat, is believed to have used PLO facilities in Lebanon to train West German neo-Nazis.[25]


Author, historian:[26]

Mein Kampf was required reading in some Fatah training camps; Nazis were recruited for Fatah and for the PLO, including Erich Altern, a key figure in the Jewish affairs section of the Gestapo, and Willy Berner, an SS officer in Mauthausen death camp. Among the neo-Nazis on the PLO payroll were the German Otto Albrecht and two Belgians, Karl van der Put and the secretary of the fascist La Nation Européene, Jean Tireault.


The PLO has been attacking Israeli civilians while using its own civilians as human shields[27][28]. A tactic continuing by Hamas and Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian Arab groups.

Asides from its war on Israel, at least during the mid 1970s through the 1980s, the PLO was at the heart of the international terrorist network.[29]

  • Early 1980s

At the PLO headquarters, found at drawer, a 'Parabellum' gun. The eagle and the swastika were stamped on the pistol.[30]

  • 1982.

A picture of Arafat and the Nazi swastika are among the wall decorations of a room in the UNRWA school in Siblin (Seblin) - South Lebanon, which was turned into a terrorist training center by the PLO.[31]

During the 1993 Oslo Accords the PLO under Yasser Arafat agreed to revise the covenant which had called for “the liquidation of the Zionist presence”. However, in a speech given to the Palestine Legislative Council he justified this step by referring to Muhammad’s Treaty of Hudaybiyah with the Koresh tribe. This peace pact was used by Muhammad to muster enough military strength to conquer the Koresh who would surrender without a single fight.[32]

In 2018 the PLO wanted to bring charges against Israel for war crimes to the International Criminal Court. Critics emphasize that this step is a subterfuge to avoid negotiations with Israel.[33] Consequently, on September 10, 2018 the Trump Administration announced it would close the Palestine Liberation Organization's mission in Washington, D.C.[34]


  2. 22 U.S. Code § 5201 - Findings; determination
  4. ‘Palestine From the River to the Sea’ Has Always Been a Call for Annihilation Not Liberation M. Danzig, JJ, Dec 3, 2018
  5. The Los Angeles Times, December 28, 1966, p. 1.
    The Palestine Liberation Organization, which was set up two years ago to drive the Israelis into the sea, announced a second objective:: the liberation of Jodan from its present rulers.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Published: January 14, 1976 "Golda Meir on the Palestinians," Aish, Jan 13, 2018 "Israel and the Palestinians." Golda Meir. The Sentinel⁩⁩, 22 January 1976
  7. Palestine Liberation Organization: The Original Palestine National Charter (1964)
  8. The Progress-Index from Petersburg, Virginia, June 13,1967, p.4: Palestine Liberation Group Badly Mauled. By Michael Goldsmith, Beirut, Lebanon (AP). The Arab defeat in the Middle East war leaves a big question mark over the future of the Pafestine Liberation Organization and its firebrand leader -leftist Ahemd Shukairy. Shukairy narrowly escaped capture by Israeli forces in Jerusalem and many of his "Liberation Army" are now prisoners of the Israelis. "We will wipe Israel off the face of the map and no Jew will survive," Shukairy declared two days before the war broke out June 5. He vowed to lead the vanguard of his troops into the Israeli sector of Jerusalem and set up a "purely Arab government" there for all of Palestine.
  9. "Like all the nations?: the life and legacy of Judah L. Magnes." William M. Brinner, Moses Rischin eds. SUNNY Press, 1987. p.117

    First, let me dispose of a current canard. As evidence of her egregious lack of sensibility, she has been repeatedly charged with denying the existence of Palestinians. Her actual words were: "There is no Palestinian people; there are Palestinian refugees." In the 1980s, such a distinction is damning; within its historic context it is not at all so. When Golda arrived in Palestine , the only avowed Palestinians were Jewish pioneers. Arab nationalists stridently rejected the designation of "Palestinian" as an attempt to fragment an ideal Arab unitary state. From the Versailles Conference until the Partition debate at the United Nations, Arab spokesmen insisted that Palestine was southern Syria and that to confer independent status on this territory, cherished in Jewish history, infringed on the Arab nationalist vision. As late as 1956, Ahmed Shukairy, subsequently head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, argued at the Security Council that "it is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria." Golda took her adversaries at their word.

    Only in the 1960s did the Palestine Liberation Organization come forward with the demand that Arab refugees be renamed a homeless Palestinian people. Since that time, the distinction has become archaic.
  10. Thomas F. Brady, "Arabs Adamant Against Absorption of Refugees", The New York Times, April 4, 1966. p. 14. (qtd in: The PLO in 1966 said it: We will force our people to remain refugees against their will - or else there is no Palestinian cause. EoZ. Wednesday, October 17, 2018)

    JERUSALEM (Jordanian Sector), March 30 "The Arab states will not integrate the Palestine refugees because integration would be a slow process of liquidating the Palestine problem," Ahmed Shukairy, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, declared in an interview today. 

    “Consequently. the refugees don’t want to be integrated.” he continued. “If there are no Palestinian people. there is no Palestinian cause. We can't conceive of a Babylonian cause today because there are no Babylonians. But we start from the premise that we will achieve the liberation of Palestine soon."...

    Hamdi Hizrallah, 40 years old, a representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization, was at the intetview... he said with great intensity: “I will tell you something. And I wish you would quote me. If they try to leave. We will stop them, by force if need be.”
  11. In Search of Facts, Ideas and Challenges, Vol. 5, Iss. 80. Vol. 8, Iss. 159. Institute for the Study of Relevant Progressivism. 1976.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Survey of China Mainland Press. Hong Kong: American Consulate General, 1965. p. 35.

    Delegation of Palestine Liberation Organization Visits Military Academy in Wuhan

    (NCNA-English, Wuhan, March 24, 1965)

    "Our common target is US imperialism" said Ahmed Shukairy president of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
  13. News from Hsinhua News Agency: daily bulletin. United Kingdom: n.p., 1965. p. 57.

    FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1965.

    032456 -- "Delegation of palestine liberation organization visits military academy in Wuhan"

    Wuhan, March twenty fourth (hsinhua) -- "Our common target is US imperialism" said Ahmed Shukairy president of the palestine Liberation organization. When he and the delegation visited he is leading visited a military academy of the cChinese people's Liberation army here and watched a drill by cadets today.

    Founded by chairman mao tse-tung, the great leader of the Chinese people .

    ...history of the academy and its classrooms. they were warmly welcomed by cadets who gave them a demonstration of shooting, bayonet practice and other skills.

    Ahmed Shukairy praised the cadets for their superb skills. He said that Chairman Mao Tse-tung was the creator of an independent military theory. His army build up from nothing had become a mighty revolutionary army. Going along the same parh, the Palestine Liberation Army would be founded.
  14. Illustrated Weekly of Pakistan. Pakistan: Pakistan Herald Publications., 1965. p. 24.
    Recently Syria's Bath Party has appealed to China for help in the liberation of Palestine from the Jews. Following Syrian President Mr. Ahmed Shukeiri's visit to Peking recently, the Palestine Liberation Front opened its office in Peking, the first one of its kind on non-Arab soil.
  15. Irving Louis Horowitz (1974) "Israeli Ecstasies/Jewish Agonies". Oxford University Press. p. 11.

    In the 1930's Arab terrorists and "guerrillas" waged a continuous war against Jewish settlements in Palestine: arson, destruction of wells and pipelines, and murder. Then as now, they were part of the apparatus of "Arab liberation." It was with the active propaganda and financial support of the Nazis and Fascists that Haj Amin El Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem and Nazi propagandist, advocated mass murder of the Jews. Ahmed Shukeiri, present head of the so-called Palestine Liberation Organization, is a large landowner, an unmistakable heir of the revanchist chauvinism of the pro-Nazi Arab, who dares to proclaim himself leader of a national liberation struggle and offer "support" to the Vietnamese Liberation Front.

    One day the head of the reactionary Syrian delegation to the United Nations, another day leader of the Saudi Arabian delegation , on yet another day he heads "guerrilla war" against Israel, a war against individual citizens, with "guerrillas" who never dare attack a military force, a "guerrilla force" which is, in fact, not a guerrilla force at all but a band of mercenaries in the pay of a foreign power, Egypt.
  16. The Detroit Jewish News, May 26, 1967. "Fear for Israel May Avert Third World War". By Philip Slomovitz. ... To have permitted him to function, while he was threatening the United States with an alliance with the Vietcong, was viewed by many as a grave danger. Now Shukeiri and his PLO have come home to roost—and they could well instigate the Arab peoples who are unaware of the existing dangers to involve Israel and the entire free world in a third world conflict.
  17. Facts, Volume 16, B'nai B'rith. Anti-defamation League, p. 425.

    In June, 1966, Shukairy defiantly declared that the Palestine Liberation Army was receiving military assistance as well as training from the Chinese Communists. In the same month, as a corollary, PLO announced, in programs broadcast over Radio Cairo, that it was preparing to intervene in the Vietnam war.

    According to Shukairy, the PLO had decided to send its soldiers "to fight alongside the Viet Cong."

    He said that by serving with the Viet Cong, troops of the PLO would gain valuable experience in guerilla warfare "which will be used in the inevitable war to liberate Palestine."
  18. Behind The Scenes At The United Nations By David Horowitz, B'nai B'rith, Dec 2, 1966.

    THE GREAT danger for Israel, despite King Hussein's disclaimer of any involvement, lies in the Arab refugee problem in these bulges who have sworn allegiance to the modern Antiochus Ahmad Shukairy who is arming them to the teeth in preparation for an all-out offensive.

    Interviewed by a New York Times corresponding in Cairo last week. Shukairy stated that his guerrillas would soon begin an expanded terrorist offensive in Israel modeled partly on the methods of the Vietcong.

    He also let it be known that many of his men are being trained in Communist China His plan is to send these guerrillas into the two bulges. He already has some 10,000 troops under his command in the Gaza trip.

    These facts were not unknown to the Security Council members when they voted to condemn Israel.

    The question arises: should Israel wait until this happens? Should Israel remain silent and allow Shukairy's Peking and Viet-cong-trained guerrillas to organize and strengthen themselves into the two bulges in readiness for their eventual offensive?

    THIS WRITER believes waiting would be suicidal...
  19. Tal, Eliyahu. PLO., WZO, 1982. 69.

    ... since the late 1960s, the PLO has maintained contact with neo-Nazi and other extremist right-wing groups, providing training, smuggling arms and distributing propaganda.

    Concerned that exposure of such cooperation might damage its image and standing in "progressive circles," the PLO takes care to conceal those ties and frequently denies they exist.

    Despite the PLO's efforts to appear to be "only anti-Zionist, and not anti-Jewish;" it has manifested its hatred for Jews time and again through its activities and propaganda. PLO hijacker Lila Khaled stated in her autobiography: "At first I admired Hitler because I thought he was the enemy of the Jews..."

    "Carry the warfare of the Palestinians to Europe"

    This was the resolution of a special conference Al-Fatah held in Beirut on August 14, 1981 with Arafat in the chair. It was decided to cooperate with underground organizations in Europe, as well as to launch attacks against Jewish institutions (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, August 3 , 1981, in a report of the attack on the synagogue in Vienna on the same date.)...

    The first manifestation of this help was the recruitment of a former SS officer to command a PLO training camp at Basra, in Lebanon.

    In September of the same year, Jean Tireault, secretary of the neo-Nazi movement, was arrested in Brussels in connection with PLO terrorists acts in Belgium.

    At another meeting held in Paris, March 28 1970, Jean Robert Debbaudt, a Belgian exofficer in Hitler's Waffen SS, leader of the neo-Nazi rexist Party, offered to place his group at the service of the PLO.

    In Munich on September 16, 1972, 10 days after the massacre of the Israeli athelets, a Nazi fascist rally, "the First National European Congress of Youth," was held. The 600 delegates cheered Black September to the rafters.

    Delegates also extolled Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian who killed Senator Robert Kennedy.

    ...extreme right-wing Whersportsgruppe of Karl-Heinz Hoffman, who was charged with the terrorist explosion at the Munich Oktoberfest (September 28, 1980). Leroy and other members had trained at the PLO's Bir Hassan camp in Lebanon. Hoffman himself told Bild am Sonntag he visited Beirut in July 1980 in connection with supplies to the PLO.

     ..... L'oeuvre Francaise, an extreme right - wing group operating in France , agreed to carry out terrorist operations at the PLO's request as early as 1977.

    The Swiss director of the Arab Bank in Geneva, Francois Genoud, was suspected of of being connected with the "Spider" network responsible for the transfer of Nazi booty to Swiss bank vaults. His appearance at the trial of El Al plane hijackers in Zurich in 1970 uncovered the complex financial cooperation between the neo-Nazis and the PLO.

    The public prosecutor in Karlsruh, West Germany, investigated a case of arms smuggling to Europe from Arab countries through a PLO affiliate. Three of those arrested were members of the "Adolf Hitler Free Corps" (January 1978)...

    A director of the West German Anti-Crime Burea stated in a seminar held in Rome (February 1982) that neo-Nazis were being helped and financed by the PLO.

    According to FBI reports American neo-Nazis (led by Harold Covington) and Fatah personnel trained together in a camp in North Carolina (Ma'ariv, August 7, 1981).

    The Austrian police arrested a neo-Nazi leader Herald Angelke for giving shelter to PLO members who had infiltrated into Austria with forged passports (October 1973).

    Security sources in Bonn reported that Otto Albrecht, a neo-Nazi arrested ...
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 Maariv - מעריב, 19 December 1969.

    'The Spider: Francois.' By Hezi Kamel.
    [Dr. Abdul Yousufi (next to the microphone), chairman of the Arab Lawyers' Association, submits a statement regarding the attackers of an El Al plane in Zurich. Yousufi, who is an ally of François Genoud, served during World War II as the deputy commander of the Arab Legion who fought in the service of Hitler.] What is the connection between a neo-Nazi national organization called the Spider and the intelligence services of Arab countries and the legendary treasures of the Nazis smuggled into Germany before the end of World War II and the lost treasure of the FLN. Algeria? And what is the connection between the members of the "Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine" who are on trial at Winterthur and the former SS General Hans Rudel, who fled to Argentina after World War II?

    The connection exists. His name: Francois Genoud. Age: 51. Citizenship: Swiss. Profession: Banker.

    The short man, always wearing gray suits and his thin hair pulled back carefully - looked like a gray clerk that no one would look at twice. But Francois Genoud, the neo-Nazi Swiss banker who was one of the founders of the Nazi party in Switzerland during the Hitler era, is one of the greatest international adventurers of our time. When I first met him about three weeks ago in the courtroom in Winterthur, I thought he was the legal correspondent for one of the Swiss newspapers. He sat and listened intently to hearings in the courtroom and made occasional remarks. Only then, when I saw him in the company of Algerian lawyer Yusufi, who serves as deputy chairman of the Arab Bar Association, did I decide to ask about him. "The little man in the gray suit over there in the corner? Yes, of course I know him," a Swiss journalist answered my question. "This is a well-known Nazi, director of the Arab Commercial Bank in Geneva."

    Ties with the Mufti

    "It is not clear to me, the Swiss journalist added, what such a guy does here on Winterthur." It was not clear to me either at that moment. However, a few days later, following a number of investigations I conducted in Switzerland, the whole affair became clear. François Genoud - the little man in the gray suit - is one of the main thread pullers in all the major financial transactions of Arab countries and today one of the main funding channels of sabotage organizations in Europe. His presence in the courtroom in Winterthur was not at all the presence of an observer - he came to the place as a capitalist to the place of investment. A considerable part of the expenses of the Arab side in the Winterthur trial and almost all the expenses of the various "leagues" for the Palestinians in Switzerland - are covered by Francois.

    ’’’Francois Genoud's love for Arabs is a love that depends on the thing. The "thing" in this case - his hatred of Jews.’’’

    By 1936, at the age of 21, the young François had already joined the youth organization of the Swiss Nazi Party, the National Union Party, as a founding member. I met in Switzerland some people who remembered him walking around in the "brown shirt" (of the Nazis) that had the swastika tag on a black ribbon tied around the sleeves of his shirt. In 1940, François Genoud made his first contact with the Arabs. Together with a young Lebanese named Dauk (son of an influential Lebanese dignitary in Beirut) he opens a nightclub in Lausanne. This nightclub probably serves as a meeting place for the German spy service whose slave works Genoud. His enlistment in the German intelligence service was made by the head of the town council of Tingen - a Swiss named Guttman - who served as a liaison between German intelligence and his Swiss agents. During his many travels to Germany - during World War II - he met with Hitler and Bormann and then also had first contacts with some figures of the Arab world. He contacted the Mufti of Jerusalem, the infamous Haj Amin al-Husseini, and an Arab of Tunisian descent, Ibrahim Hafid, who was the commander of the Arab Legion fighting in the service of the Germans. One of Hafid's aides at the time - a young Algerian named Yousufi - later became a well-known lawyer and one of Genoud's regular contacts.

    The right to Hitler's writings

    After World War II, Genoud was very active in providing aid to the Nazis who had fled Germany and tightening his ties with the SS General. Hans Rudel, who fled to Argentina and established a Nazi organization there and helps absorb escaped SS men. It was then rumored that Genoud had helped smuggle to Tangier - the center of international intrigue at the time - the vast art treasures looted by the Nazis from all over Europe.. His most important activity, however, was probably the organization of the smuggling of Nazi treasure into Switzerland and its deposit there in numbered accounts, which no government or foreign entity could afford to get their hands on. For several years after World War II Genoud wandered from place to place with his actions carried out under the guise of almost complete anonymity. In 1952, Genaud's name first appeared in the headlines when he went to war against a German publisher in Düsseldorf, who published a collection of Hitler articles entitled "Visible Things about War and Peace." Genaud then appealed to the courts of Düsseldorf and Paris, claiming that he had all the rights to distribute the books of Hitler, Goebbels and Bormann! Indeed, Genoud won both sentences. It turns out that he has many documents in his hands and written material that was in the possession of Martin Borman, which raises the possibility that Genoud has been in contact with Bormann to this day (to accept the explanation, that Bormann is still alive). In the ten years following World War II, he concentrated on providing assistance to smuggling Nazis fleeing to Latin America and the Middle East. In an article published in a Basel newspaper in 1964, entitled: "Search for Disappeared Nazis," the author of the article tells of a Nazi organization called "The Spider" which is the successor to another well-known Nazi organization: the "SS Odessa Expatriate Organization." The "spider" weaves its webs all over Europe when its operational center is in Switzerland, where the many millions plundered by the Nazis were also deposited. According to the Basel newspaper, the man in charge of guarding this huge property was a Swiss resident of Lausanne. "His house is similar to the Hitler Museum," the author of the article wrote, "with swastikas everywhere and huge pictures of Hitler on every wall." Of course many easily identified with the figure of the banker from Lausanne. - François Genaud...

    Smuggling the treasure of the "FLN."

    Genoud took advantage of his ties with the Mufti of Jerusalem to establish an extensive system of ties in Cairo that he used to get in touch with the heads of the Tunisian liberation organizations of North African countries. In 1955, Genoud moved to Tangier, from where he began to develop ties with the whole of North Africa. In 1956 he maintained close contacts with Dr. Schacht, Hitler's Minister of Finance, and tried to interest him in large investments in Morocco. He also later organized after Algeria's independence, Dr. Schacht's visit to Algeria to advise the government Algerian in investment policy. He then set up in Geneva (again under the advice of Dr. Schacht) the "Arab Commercial Bank" whose job it was to conduct financial transactions (mostly of a dubious and illegal nature) with the Arab world. The "Arab Commercial Bank" was established by: François Genoud in partnership with Hans Reichenberg - former S.S. Officers - and with various factors in the Arab world. A senior Arab diplomat also attended the bank's founding meeting. Thanks to Geno's ties with Ben Bella, he was able to win the post of director of the Algerian People's Bank and became financial adviser to the Algerian government. His main ties, however, were with Mohamed Khider, Ben-Bella's partner, who later became his great enemy. On October 6, 1964, Genoud was arrested by the Ben-Bella government because of his ties to Khider, after being accused of smuggling the famous FLN treasure. Which was in the hands of Khider. In February 1965, Genoud was freed by the Algerians after apparently agreeing with the Algerian authorities to transfer part of the PLN treasury. Estimated at the time at $ 20 million. (This treasure was collected during the underground period of the FLN. From donations by Algerian workers in Europe, who regularly paid taxes to F.L.N.).

    The "affair" with the Palestinians

    After Mohamed Khider was mysteriously murdered, the FLN's finance affair resurfaced. And the spotlight was once again on Genoud, who had many keys to the vanishing treasure affair. In the meantime, Genoud established new ties - through the Egyptians - with the Palestinian terrorist organizations, which began to emerge as the active factor of the Arab world. He began to finance in Switzerland the activities of the "Friends of the Palestinians Organization" founded in Lausanne by neo-Nazi circles who saw helping the Palestinians as a way of expressing their anti-Jewish feelings. The neo-Nazi aid to the Palestinian idea was so prominent that it began to upset pro-Palestinian left-wing circles in Switzerland. These circles - headquartered in Geneva - formed a rival organization and even began attacks against the neo-Nazi organization. In an editorial published last week, in the Swiss Socialist Party newspaper, entitled: "Strange Observer: In a Winterthur Trial", one of the Socialist Party leaders writes of François Genoud. And the author concludes: The question we ask ourselves is: "Is the ideology of the 'Popular Front' really fascist as its opponents claim or is the Nazis exploiting the Palestinian idea to purify their own name only?" François Genoud certainly has more than one answer to this question.

  21. Preston, David Lee (January 5, 1997). "Hitler's Swiss Connection". The Philadelphia Inquirer.
  22. GENOUD, FRANCOIS_0029.pdf – CIA
  23. 23.0 23.1 Lee, Martin A. and Coogan, Kevin (May 1987) "Killers on the Right: Inside Europe's Fascist Underground" Mother Jones. pp.45-52. [1]
  24. 24.0 24.1 Lee, Martin A.. The Beast Reawakens: Fascism's Resurgence from Hitler's Spymasters to Today's Neo-Nazi Groups and Right-Wing Extremists. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2013. 181-182.
  25. Criminal Linking Neo-nazis, PLO Believed to Be in East Germany, JTA, July 30, 1990.

    A violent criminal suspected of being the main link between West German neo-Nazis and the Palestine Liberation Organization’s El Fatah faction is believed to be hiding somewhere in East Germany, according to the federal prosecutor in Karlsruhe. Federal sources said Sunday that the East German authorities were cooperating in the search for Udo Albrecht, who is wanted for a series of violent crimes, including bank robbery. According to the prosecution, he fled West Germany in 1981 and found haven in East Germany, which was governed by a Communist regime until earlier this year. Albrecht, who has boasted of direct access to PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat, is believed to have used PLO facilities in Lebanon to train West German neo-Nazis. If the suspicions of the Karlsruhe prosector prove correct, it will be the first conclusive proof that the former East German secret police, the Stasi, not only helped Palestinian terrorists but knowingly protected neo-Nazis.

    The media has carried reports in recent years indicating that the old East German regime initiated neo-Nazi incidents in West Germany to prove the Federal Republic was a haven for unrepentant Nazis and anti-Semites.
  26. Wistrich, Robert S.. A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad. United Kingdom: Random House Publishing Group, 2010. [2].
  27. United States Policy Toward Lebanon-relief and Rehabilitation Assistance ... By United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. 1983. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. p.131 THE PLO THREAT Israel has found in Lebanon enough PLO weapons to equip a massive army and to supply untold numbers of terrorist cadres... Arafat boasts of PLO terrorists serving in El Salvador, Angola and ...  In two ways however, the PLO was different from conventional armies. First, the PLO consciously attacked only civilians and, secondly, the PLO used civilians as human shields to protect itself. Anyone who has been to the small country of Israel knows that there are many military targets to be easily found.  .. Yet, the PLO could only find those “military" targets disguised as kibbutz nurseries, school buses, marketplaces or passenger airplanes. And the second factor that differentiates the PLO terrorist army from conventional armies is its hiding in the midst of civilian centers.  Israeli troops uncovered PLO arsenals, emplacements and bases in schools, mosques, and apartment basements.  According to Newsweek, June 14, Israeli soldiers in one engagement, were attacked by PLO fighters disguised as hospital patients.
  28. Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 1997. Yoram Dinstein, Fania Domb. 1998. p.101
  29. Midstream, Volume 30, 1984, p.6 The PLO was, and to a certain extent still is, at the heart of the international terrorist network. Final proof of this was provided by the documents that the Israelis during their offensive in Lebanon in the summer of 1982 captured from the PLO. These documents revealed that the PLO had sometimes directly intervened in the internal affairs of countries far from the territory it is trying to "liberate." The documents clearly proved that the PLO in West Beirut constituted the world headquarters for the terrorist war against the free world. One document, for example, recorded that meetings had taken place between the PLO and the Japanese Red Army, a terrorist organization conspiring against parliamentary democracy in Japan. In a meeting with the PLO, the Japanese Red Army promised to provide the PLO leadership with "information on the crises and the international situation in Japan" and also informed the PLO that they would give the “ addresses of several Asian solidarity committees which will be utilized. Other documents captured from the PLO showed its involvement in Libyan - led subversive activities in Niger and Mali. Some 10,000 terrorists and subversives from all over the world , including small and peaceful Holland, have  received training in PLO camps in Lebanon, Syria, Algeria, Iraq, Libya, and South Yemen. And among those who have received training are Nicaraguan Sandinistas and Basque terrorists (ETA), who, because they speak the same language , have been cooperating. Most of these details became known after 1975.
  30. The Nazism behind Palestinian murder, ILH, Apr 16, 2015.

    The extermination of the Jews and the establishment of the State of Israel are regularly used as fuel for the Palestinians

    [Swastika in a demonstration in support of the Palestinians]

    During a social reconnaissance Operation Peace for Galilee for a paratrooper force from the 202nd Battalion that entered the PLO headquarters in Beirut. In one of the drawers I found a 'Parabellum' gun. As the son of Holocaust survivors, my heart skipped a beat. The eagle and the swastika were stamped on the pistol. The Nazi killing tool created for me a crushing mental encounter between the nightmares of my father, who lost his family in the Holocaust, and the murderous Palestinian-Islamic ideology that the gun in my hand turned into a blow.

    This murderous ideology has been used regularly in the writings and speeches of senior Palestinian Authority officials since then, and is reflected in both the Hamas Charter and the platform of other Islamic organizations and is a platform for Iran and Hezbollah war preparations.

    This legacy includes the masterpiece of the extermination of the Jews in Khyber by Muhammad as a role model and as an injunction to exterminate the Jews. Beyond the need to eliminate the buds of Jewish settlement and curb Jewish immigration to Israel, it was the ideological-religious meeting point of the Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, a sustainable Palestinian icon, with Nazi German leader Hitler. The Hajj, which founded the "Nazi Scout Movement" as early as 1936, is to this day an exemplary figure of the Palestinian national movement in the national and religious context.

    In the years 1944-1941 the Mufti lived in Berlin and served as a close adviser (on salary) to Adolf Eichmann ... Historical reports indicate a conclusion reached, according to which when the Germans conquered Israel, an extermination camp would be built in the Dotan Valley for the Jews of the land and the Islamic lands, and the Mufti would serve as the leader of Palestine after it was conquered (by Rommel).

    Courtesy of Memri, every Israeli can see that the extermination of the Jews and Israel and the establishment of "Palestine" on its ruins are regularly used as fuel to incite the Palestinian public. The Jews, after all, as the propagandist Goebbels puts it: the end of a frequent lie that will eventually become a reality. , Demands that Israel "Hashem" settle the "peace-loving refugees" in its territory as part of the "right of return."

    Meanwhile, the Arabs and Palestinians are killing each other in the Middle East, as well as in the Gaza Strip and especially in the al-Yarmouk suburb. This high-rise district in Damascus, whose Palestinian residents have long since become Syrians, is not at all like the tents in which millions of real Arab refugees are currently languishing from cold and famine as part of the "Arab Spring."

    The Palestinians murdered and betrayed their hosts in Kuwait and Jordan, Syria and Beirut and cannot live with each other in peace even in Gaza and Judea and Samaria. And it is precisely now that the publicist Odeh Bisharath is proposing that, like Jordan, we should receive "as a gesture" Palestinian "refugees" from Syria. Someone here really loves us.

    There is a habit among "those who were" to gather at a "Parliament" table and discuss hourly issues. When the memory of the Holocaust is raised as a warning sign in a hostile environment for Jews, the faces of some of the "intellectuals" at the table, who cynically claim that it is the "contempt" of the Holocaust and manipulative, anachronistic, emotional to the point of collapse, become obsolete. While some try to forget the Holocaust of the Jews, the Palestinians deny the Holocaust and try to make fun of us in the "Nakba" narrative. As for myself, the feeling of "Parabellum" will remain in my hands forever.
  31. Ben Gad, Yitschak. Politics, Lies, and Videotape: 3,000 Questions and Answers on the Mideast Crisis. United States: Shapolsky Publishers, 1991. p. 165.
    UNRWA SCHOOL HOUSES ARAFAT'S SCHOOL OF VIOLENCE: A 1982 picture of Arafat and the Nazi swastika are among the wall decorations of a room in the UNRWA school in Siblin (South Lebanon) which was turned into a terrorist training center by the PLO that year. (Rahamim Israeli).
  32. 'Why Israel Is The Victim,' Feb 11, 2013, FPM, David Horowitz
  33. Puder, Joseph (September 17, 2018). TRUMP ADMINISTRATION SHUTTING DOWN PLO MISSION IN WASHINGTON. FrontpageMag. Retrieved September 17, 2018.
  34. O'Reilly, Andrew (September 10, 2018). Trump administration closing PLO mission in Washington. Fox News. Retrieved September 10, 2018.

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