Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

From Conservapedia - Reading time: 28 min

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) is a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization and one of the main groups of the Palestine Liberation Organization. It is designated as a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union.[1] On its website the organization openly celebrates Hezbollah and calls for Gaza Strip to be turned into an Israeli "graveyard." It also declares that it won't respect any PLO agreements with Israel.[2]

Notorious hijacker and admitted terrorist[3] who has been still promoting violence 2014-16[4] Laila Khaled: "At first, I admired Hitler because I thought he was the enemy of the Jews. Later I found out he classified Arabs as sub-humans, only slightly above the gypsies and the Jews."[5]

Arab MK, Aida Touma-Suleiman, who in 2021, was accused of racism and lying, spreading libels,[6] her embrace of paroled PFLP terrorist, in Sep/2021, sparked outrage[7][8]


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was established in 1967 by George Habash. It was originally backed by Egyptian dictator Gamal Abdel Nasser. The PFLP perpetrated hijackings of airplanes and other terrorist attacks on civilians from its beginnings.[9] Throughout its history some factions splitted from the organization such as the PFLP-General Command. Habash retired from his post and was succeeded by Abū ʿAlī Muṣṭafā, who was killed by Israeli forces in 2001.[10]

In February 2010 a joint meeting with members of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad was held in the offices of the PFLP in order to fight Israel as a unified force.[1]

Its founder, George Habash, already as student, was founding a series of radical student organizations that called for unifying the Arabs’ military might to annihilate Israel.[11]

In a July 1970 interview with LIFE magazine, [12] meeting at night in the suburbs of Amman, in a building attached to a refugee camp, Habash "explained"[13] his targeting:

Let me explain: the attacks of the Popular Front are based on quality, not quantity. We believe that to kill a Jew far from the battleground has more of an effect than killing 100 of them in battle; it attracts more attention. And when we set fire to a store in London, those few flames are worth the burning down of two kibbutzim...

Aftet it was published. There was an attempt to deny Habash's words by the propaganda wing from PFLP  the time. But journalist Oriana F. replied: ... interview with Dr. Habash was recorded on such a machine. The tape is at his disposal to refresh his memory if he has forgotten, or wants to forget. I would like to believe that Dr. Habash is not informed about this letter of his associates or he would have prevented them from writing so many useless idiocies...[14] In the aftermath of 1970 published admission of (racist) targeting Jews internationally, in 1975, an Arab author M. Hussain has still quoted Habash as the original quote . Yet, by 1991, another one, J.R. Nassar has conveniently replaced the word 'Jew' with 'zionist'. Nevertheless, an 'expert' on Arab-Palestinians, Abu-Lughod clearly acknowledged that Habash had been accurately transcribed by Fallaci.[15] After Habash's death in Jan. 2008, a pro-Hezbollah propagandist professor tried to rewrite his history[16]

On G. Habash's, PFLP's hard-wired anti-Semitism, B. Cohen writes:
...the rescue operation mounted by Israel to free around 100 hostages from an Air France plane that had been hijacked seven days earlier by Palestinian terrorists and diverted to Uganda, then under the boot of the brutal dictator Idi Amin. After a week of sheer hell, during which the German leftist hijackers separated the Jewish from the non-Jewish passenger... If the Entebbe episode failed to convince outside observers of the PFLP's hard-wired anti-Semitism, then its bombing of the Rue Copernic synagogue in Paris in October 1980 should have set aside any lingering doubts.[17]

Lion Cubs - Palestinian-Arabs[edit]

PFLP's G. Habash was in founding and boasting about as an "achievement" is the Ashbal, 'Palestinian Lion Cubs'[18], "Baby tigers"[19], child soldiers. Leading with Yasir Arafat and Ahmad Shukeiri. The young boys of Ashbal were taught to use ammunition and: During training the boys chant, ' Oh Zionists!, do you think you are safe ? Drinking blood is a habit of our men.' They undergo a Mau Mau - like hardening course in which each boy is required to tear apart a live chicken to develop a lust for killing.[20]

Terrorist attacks[edit]

  • His first known attack, is  hijacking of El Al Flight 426 from Rome to Lod airport in Israel on 23 July 1968.[11]

  • On July 22, 1968, the PFLP hijacked its first plane, an El Al flight from Rome to Tel Aviv[21].

  • In 1969, it planted a bomb in a Jerusalem supermarket that killed 2 youths and wounded 20 other people. Also that year, Habash took responsibility for blowing up Tapline, a pipeline owned by the Arab-American Oil Co. that carried oil from Saudi Arabia[22].

  • Hijacking of various airlines: September 6, 1970 by PFLP and other joined groups[23][24][25][26]

Some 2 weeks later, Reuters, NYTimes reported: Habash was reported to have been in North Korea on an unexplained mission before his men succeeded in hijacking four Western air liners two weeks ago. The Popular Front is still holding 54 or 55 airliner hostages somewhere in Jordan[27].

  • In 1976, the PFLP along with the German terrorist Revolutionary Cells hijacked an Air France flight to Entebbe, Uganda, where they singled out the Jewish passengers in a plot to murder them.[28][29][30]

  • 1979 Nahariya attack.

An assault on innocents Jews by the the PLFP including the Lebanese monster Samir Kuntar (also spelt Kantar, Quntar, Qantar).

The squad carried out a home invasion of the apartment of the Haran family. They took the father, Danny Haran, hostage with his 4-year-old daughter, Einat Haran. The mother, Smadar Haran, hid with her 2-year-old daughter. As the terrorists searched for them, she struggled to keep the toddler quiet and accidentally suffocated her.

Meanwhile, the monster Samir Kuntar shot Einat's father dead in front of her, and he then smashed the 4 year old's head on a rock until she was dead.[31][32]

  • On February 16, 2002 it perpetrated a suicide bombing attack in a village in the West Bank which killed three Israeli civilians and wounded 25 more. On December 25, 2003 three Israeli civilians were murdered because of a suicide attack at a bus station in Tel Aviv.[9]

1960's: With Nazis[edit]

Nazi link with “Palestinian” terrorists including the PLO in the 1960s.
François Genoud [Genaud] was one of the founders of the Nazi party in Switzerland during the Hitler era; ally of Ibrahim Hafid - commander of the Arab Legion who fought in the service of Hitler. Motivated by Jew-hatred he became a passionate supporter of Arab "liberation" causes.[33]

He travelled to Berlin frequently during the war "to see his friend the grand mufti," and visited him afterward many times in Beirut,[34] and an Arab of Tunisian descent, Ibrahim Hafid, who was the commander of the Arab Legion fighting in the service of the Germans.[33][35]

After the war, his close contact was Ibrahim Hafid's man, Abdul Yousufi. Genaud was very active in Die Spinne (German for "The Spider")[33] helping Nazi war criminals escape justice. The "Arab Commercial Bank" - mostly of a dubious and illegal nature - was established by: François Genoud in partnership with Hans Reichenberg - former S.S. Officers - and with various factors in the Arab world. Genoud began to finance in Switzerland the activities of the "Friends of the Palestinians Organization" founded in Lausanne by neo-Nazi circles who saw helping the Palestinians as a way of expressing their anti-Jewish feelings.[33] In the 1960s he began supplying arms for various "Palestinian" causes. His co founded Lausanne-based New European Order organisation, met in Barcelona in April 1969, there "Palestinian" groups received financial support and Genoud placed them in contact with former Nazis who would assist their military training, as well as pledged support designated for the PLO.

Genoud was a close associate of George Habash and Jacques Vergès. In September 1969 he contributed finances for the legal expenses of three Palestinians from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) following their attack on an El Al flight in Zurich, present at trial.[36][33] Including among the prisoners to be exchange for the Achille Lauro hostages was one of West Germany's top neo Nazis.[36]

George Habbash was also close with former Belgian Nazi collaborator Jean Thiriart. [37] He gave money to Thiriart's publication La Nation Européenne, which in return supported Habbash in this magazine. Pro-Arab and anti-Jewish themes were explicit in La Nation Européenne, which included ads for The International Jew, the infamous anti-Semitic screed by Henry Ford. La Nation Européenne also eulogized Roger Courdroy, a Belgian Waffen SS veteran who was killed fighting for the Palestinians in June 1968. Courdroy was a close collaborator with Thiriart.

German Wehrmacht officer in World War II, Otto Ernst Remer was in contact with Yasser Arafat, "I know Mr. Arafat quite well, natürlich," he asserted. "I saw him many times. He invited me to eat at his headquarters. I knew all his people. They wanted many things from us." For Remer, anyone who was an enemy of Israel was his friend, particularly when a profit could be turned. He claimed to have brokered several business deals between West German companies and the PLO.[38]

Socialism to Jihadism[edit]

Research paper:[39]

At the beginning of the 1980s, the idea of armed jihad against Israel was not only promoted by renegades from the Muslim Brothers in the Gaza strip, but also by former Maoists of Fatah in Lebanon.

After the pull-out of most PLO-fighters from Beirut in 1982, a group around its spokesman Munir Shafìq formed the Brigades of Islamic Jihad which were subsequently responsible for attacks in Israel.

In a posthumously published booklet, two activists explained their reasons for their turn from Maoism to Islamism. The following article exposes the activists' trajectory and the stages of their ideological and religious conversion. According to their own narration, the former Maoists at first came to the conviction that Islam was a factor for mass mobilization and then individually adopted Islam to become practising Muslims...

Members of other Marxist groups (PFLP and PFLP-GC) also joined or formed jihad groups.

The fascistic separating Jews from non-Jews[edit]

  • El Al Flight 426 hijacking - July 23, 1968.[40]
  • El Al Flight 253 attack - Dec 26, 1968, Athens.[41]
  • Air France Flight 139. Entebbee, June 1976.[46]


"Palestinian" terroristic NGOs[edit]

There is Overwhelming evidence of ties between Palestinian NGOs and the PFLP terrorists.[51]

See also[edit]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Kaufman, Joe (February 23, 2010). THE “PEACE PARTNERS” WHO NEVER WERE. FrontpageMag. Retrieved September 17, 2018.
  2. Americans Against Hate
  3. Leila Khaled at SFSU, ADL. September 3, 2020.
  4. Leila Khaled: In Her Own Words, ADL, October 2, 2020.
  5. Autobiography of Leila Khaled, edied by George Hajjar, 1973.
  6. Naftali Bennett to MK Toma Suleiman: "You are a liar, antisemitic and...", Channel 7, Mar 13, 2020.
    The defense minister attacked MK Thomas Suleiman, who claimed that the IDF was spraying Palestinians with unidentified material. "It is unbelievable that Boogie and Gantz are ready to form a government with you." Defense Minister Naftali Bennett today (Friday) sharply attacked MK Aida Toma Suleiman from the joint list, who defamed the IDF and claimed that he was spraying "unidentified material" on Palestinians in the Qalandiya crossing. You're a liar, antisemitic and... These are not IDF forces. It is the Palestinian Authority that has decided to disinfect the checkpoint and is carrying it out. "It is unbelievable that Boogie, Yvette, Ganz, Gabi and Lapid are ready to form a government with your finger," Bennett said.
  7. Yori Yalon, "Arab MK's embrace of paroled PFLP terrorist sparks outrage," ILH, Sep 27, 2021.
    Joint Arab List lawmaker Aida Touma-Suleiman shares a photograph in which she embraces Khalida Jarrar, a senior Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine member, who was sentenced to two years in prison for involvement in a 2018 terror attack.
  8. Adv. Nitzana Darshan-Leitner (@AttorneyNitsana) Tweeted (Sep 26, 2021):
    MK Aida Touma Suleiman from the joint list writes in admiration of the release of Khaleda Jarrar, head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, who was arrested in October 2019 as part of a wave of arrests of the organization's operatives following the assassination of Rene Shenrav. https://t.co/dM295gFh1n
  9. 9.0 9.1 Palestinian Terror Groups: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved September 17, 2018.
  10. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved September 17, 2018.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Kim Murphy, Arab nationalist planned hijackings, Los Angeles Times, Jan. 27, 2008.
    He studied medicine at the American University of Beirut, founding a series of radical student organizations that called for unifying the Arabs’ military might to annihilate Israel. After Israeli forces crushed an Arab assault and moved into the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and Syria’s Golan Heights in the 1967 Middle East War, Habash formed the PFLP to continue operations against Israelis. It became the second-largest faction within the PLO, after Arafat’s Fatah organization. In one of its first operations, an Israeli El Al airliner was hijacked to Algiers in July 1968, forcing the Israelis to free 16 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the release of the plane and its passengers.
  12. LIFE Jun 12, 1970, p.32
  13. LIFE Jun 12, 1970, p.33
  14. LIFE - Jul 17, 1970, p.19Life - Volume 69, Issues 1-5, p.98.

    Oriana Fallaci replies: 

    "The PFLP's so-called Department of Information (I say 'so-called' because it never showed up during my stay with the fedayeen) evidently ignores the existence of a machine known as a tape recorder. My interview with Dr. Habash was recorded on such a machine. The tape is at his disposal to refresh his memory if he has forgotten, or wants to forget. I would like to believe that Dr. Habash is not informed about this letter of his associates or he would have prevented them from writing so many useless idiocies and senseless insults. Dr. Habash knows .very well that what I wrote was said by him into a microphone. 

    The word "terrorism" might not have been used often by me. This was out of politeness which I now regret. But J did use the word, and I even commented that when we Europeans were fighting for our freedom we did not kill children or civilians. Dr. Habash did not react in anger; he explained his theory.

    "I obviously edit my interviews. But I did not need to edit much in this one because it was good as it was. It opens as it opened. It ends as it ended and it reports faithfully, all that Habash said in a 90 minute interview in English. 

    The words on the tape are clear, the sound excellent. Mistakes are impossible, except for the pronunciation of the year 1957, which I might have understood as 1967, due to his slight lips. The only thing that the tape did not record is Dr. Habash's tears and his mouth's trembling , a human reaction that helped me to like him a lot. In this I might have been wrong.

    "The PFLP's so-called Department of Information also insinuates that I am a fascist. To such vulgarity I will only answer that when Dr. Habash was doing nothing against fascism, and his people were getting along very well with the Nazis, I was a little girl with pigtails fighting fascism in the resistance in Italy. I recall that there were no Palestinian journalists to interview us or to sympathize with us at the risk of their lives."
  15. 'The Protocols of the Euphemisms of Zion. What anti-Semites really mean when they complain about “Zionists.” ' Sreven Lubet, July 15, 2019
    ...The discrepancy between the actual quote and Nassar’s version was jarring, especially given some other passages in the interview. Remarking on the PLFP skyjacking of a flight from Rome, for example, Habash said, "The Arabs have a right to use Italy as a base against the Jews.... which Abu-Lughod clearly acknowledged had been accurately transcribed by Fallaci."
  16. As'ad Abukhalil attempt to deny Habash's TRUE 1970 quote Aug 2, 2020.
  17. Overlooked Palestinian terror group returns with a vengeance, Ben Cohen, JNS.org Sun Sentinel, Nov. 24, 2014
  18. The New York Times Biographical Service, Vol.1, p. 1347. 1970 June 13, 1970. George Habash His hard-bitten, ill-paid commandos call him “Hakim” —a term of honor that means both “doctor,” ... One of the achievements Dr. Habash is proudest of is the beginning of the “ashbal,” or groups of young commandos, which he says will carry on the main fight in the future.
  19. Arab Commando Attacks, by Henry J Taylor, Lewiston Evening Journal, Apr 28, 1969,3
    ...The Palestine Arabs can be mobilized only around the issue of fighting. Baby Tigers. The State Department finds that such leaders as Arafat, Shukairy and Habeche talk of "fighting for 20 or so years." They even have training camps for 12-year-old youths, a expanding cadre called Baby Tigers
  20. Fedayeen; the Arab-Israeli Dilemma, John Laffin, Free Press, 1973, pp.96-97.
    Propaganda And Indictrination

    .. leader told me in Lebanon 'This is a morale - building and educational movement to prepare the well - rounded citizen of Palestine - equipped and trained to defend his nation but also to be a good, productive citizen.'  During training the boys chant l, ' Oh Zionists!, do you think you are safe ? Drinking blood is a habit of our men.' They undergo a Mau Mau - like hardening course in which each boy is required to tear apart a live chicken to develop a lust for killing.

    After their daily lessons in refugee camp schools the Ashbal run to parade and for several minutes their instructors drill them. The movements are simple but like everything else about Ashbal, highly political.

    When ordered to stand at ease , they shout 'Asifa!' (Storm). When they stamp to attention they bellow' Fatah! The instructors are either former school - teachers or wounded guerrillas, men who are almost deified. Part of the training ritual is the frequent morale - building talk by a fedayeen supposedly just back from a mission. The boys are taught to dismantle, clean and reassemble rifles, pistols and machine guns and are allowed to fire live ammunition ...
  21. PFLP, DFLP, PFLP-GC, Palestinian leftists. Last updated October 31, 2005 What terrorist activities has the PFLP undertaken? In its early years, the PFLP conducted hundreds of terrorist attacks. It is best known for pioneering the technique of international airplane hijackings in the late 1960s and 1970s—with consequences that rattled the Middle East:
    • On July 22, 1968, the PFLP hijacked its first plane, an El Al flight from Rome to Tel Aviv.
    • In September 1970, the PFLP hijacked three passenger planes and took them to airfields in Jordan, where the PLO was then based; after the planes were emptied, the hijackers blew them up. In response, King Hussein of Jordan decided that Palestinian radicals had gone too far and drove the PLO out of his kingdom.
    • In 1972, PFLP and Japanese Red Army gunmen murdered two dozen passengers at Israel’s international airport in Lod.
    • In 1976, breaking a PLO agreement to end terrorism outside Israeli-held territory, PFLP members joined with West German radical leftists from the Baader-Meinhof Gang to hijack an Air France flight bound for Tel Aviv and landed the plane in Entebbe, Uganda. In a now-famous raid, Israeli commandos stormed the plane on the Entebbe tarmac and freed the hostages.
    • During the Platestinian intifada, PFLP gunmen shot dead Ze’evi, Israel’s rightist tourism minister, in a Jerusalem hotel—the first assassination of an Israeli minister. The group has also claimed responsibility for several recent car bombings and shootings in Israel and the West Bank.
    • In April 2002, Israeli officials foiled a PFLP attempt to blow up a Tel Aviv skyscraper with a car bomb—which could have caused massive casualties and would have marked a dramatic escalation in Palestinian terrorism.
    • The group was responsible for a suicide bombing Christmas Day 2003, in which four people were killed and more than twenty were wounded.
    • The PFLP and its current leader, Ahmed Jibril, were mentioned in the 2005 United Nations report into the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, for allegedly assisting senior Lebanese security officials who were implicated in the 2004 car bombing that killed Hariri.
  22. Edmund L. Andrews and John Kifner, George Habash, 82, founder of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, The New York Times, Jan. 27, 2008
  23. Terrorist Hijacking. CIA.gov
  24. 1970 Hijackings, Simultaneous Hijackings, September 6, 1970 - American Experience, PBS
  25. The People Involved and Affected, September 6, 1970 - American Experience, PBS
  26. Between Two Septembers: From the bargaining chip of Sept. 1970 to a strategic agent of Sept. 2001. 11/06/2006 | by Avihai, Hillel (Dr.) - ICT
  27. Jordanians Put a Price On the Head of Habash, The New York Times, Sept. 23, 1970
  28. Stephen E. Atkins, Encyclopedia of modern worldwide extremists and extremist groups (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004) ISBN 0313324859, p. 277
  29. Jonathan Spyer, "The hijackers of Entebbe - The full story," The Jerusalem Post, July 23, 2020

    The hijacking, famously included a separation of Israeli and Jewish hostages from non-Israeli and non-Jewish passengers.

    In this regard, it is worth noting recent claims that this selection included only Israeli Jews. Such claims are false. It is beyond dispute that at least 10 non-Israeli Jews were obliged by the hijackers to join the group of 84 Israelis. It is also indisputable that a number of Israeli dual nationals and non-Israeli Jews succeeded through subterfuge in joining the group that was released. These two facts suggest, unsurprisingly, that the hijackers were unable to ascertain with forensic certainty the ethno-religious identity of all their hostages.

    But the undisputed involuntary presence of a number of non-Israeli Jews among the hostages refutes the notion that the hijackers did not also target people of this description among the passengers. Such benign indifference would have been entirely out of character for members of the Revolutionary Cells, given their known targeting of non-Israeli Jews in Germany.
  30. Daniel S. Mariaschin, The enduring message of the rescue at Entebbe, JC, July 7, 2021.
    At Entebbe, 148 non-Jewish hostages were separated from the 94 Jewish passengers, most of them Israeli nationals, and the Air France crew. The non-Jewish hostages were released within two days; the terrorists made clear the Jewish passengers would be killed if their demands were not met. The Ugandan government, led by its infamous leader Idi Amin, announced its support for the hijackers, punctuated with an appearance by Amin himself in the airport terminal hall in which the hostages were being held.
  31. Reminder: The horrific attack carried out by Samir Kuntar in Nahariya 36 years ago, Maariv Online, Dec 20, 2015.

    Reminder: The horrific attack carried out by Samir Kuntar in Nahariya 36 years ago

    [Einat and Yael Haran, who were killed in the Nahariya attack in 1979 (Photo: courtesy of the website for the victims of the hostilities)]

    Four terrorists arrived by sea. Officer Eliyahu Shachar was killed at the beginning of the incident. They then entered the Haran family home. Father Danny and daughter Einat were taken and murdered at the beach. Daughter Yael suffocated to death while hiding with her mother Smadar in the attic.

    Terrorist Samir Kuntar was killed last night in Syria. He was imprisoned for 29 years following the murder of members of the Haran family in Nahariya in 1979, until he was released in 2008 in a body return deal for Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser.

    On April 22, 1979, a squad of four terrorists belonging to the Front for the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP] led by Abu Abbas, south of Lebanon, arrived in Israel to carry out an attack. The four arrived by sea in a rubber dinghy.

    After going down to the beach, the squad members tried to attack a private house, but were shot dead by the owner of the house, Amnon Sela. A police vehicle sensed the scene. In a shootout that took place, policeman Eliyahu Shachar was killed. The squad then entered an apartment building at 61 Jabotinsky Street, and broke into the apartment of the Harn (Hirschhorn) family before additional police reinforcements arrived. They took 31-year-old Danny Haran and his four-year-old daughter, Einat, hostage. The mother, Smadar, managed to hide in the attic above the bedroom, along with her two-year-old daughter and neighbor.

    The father and daughter were taken to the beach, where a shootout ensued between the terrorist cell and IDF policemen and soldiers.

    Two-year-old Yael was killed after she suffocated while her mother tried to silence her to prevent the terrorists from discovering them.

    Two of Kuntar's squad members were killed in an exchange of gunfire on the beach. Kuntar and the fourth squad member, Ahmed Evers, were captured. Kuntar was sentenced to five life sentences and 47 years in prison. He was released in a prisoner exchange deal on July 16, 2008, as part of a deal to return the bodies of two Israeli soldiers, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, who had been abducted two years earlier. Ahmed Evers was released by Israel in the Jibril deal in 1986.

    At the funerals of the victims of the attack, then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin noted the cruelty in the murder of innocent children in a quote from Haim Nachman Bialik's "On the Slaughter": "Revenge of the blood of a little boy, Satan has not yet created."
  32. Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Mark Humphrys.
    The child killer Samir Kuntar

    1979 Nahariya attack.

    An assault on Jewish innocents by the anti-semitic "Palestine Liberation Front", including the Lebanese monster Samir Kuntar (also spelt Kantar, Quntar, Qantar).

    The terrorists carried out a home invasion of the apartment of the Haran family. They took the father, Danny Haran, hostage with his 4-year-old daughter, Einat Haran. The mother, Smadar Haran, hid with her 2-year-old daughter. As the terrorists searched for them, she struggled to keep the toddler quiet and accidentally suffocated her. (Similar stories have come out of the Holocaust, where Jews tried to hide with crying babies from searching Nazis.)

    Meanwhile, the monster Samir Kuntar shot Einat's father dead in front of her, and he then smashed the 4 year old's head on a rock until she was dead.
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 Maariv - מעריב, 19 December 1969.

    'The Spider: Francois.' By Hezi Kamel.
    [Dr. Abdul Yousufi (next to the microphone), chairman of the Arab Lawyers' Association, submits a statement regarding the attackers of an El Al plane in Zurich. Yousufi, who is an ally of François Genoud, served during World War II as the deputy commander of the Arab Legion who fought in the service of Hitler.] What is the connection between a neo-Nazi national organization called the Spider and the intelligence services of Arab countries and the legendary treasures of the Nazis smuggled into Germany before the end of World War II and the lost treasure of the FLN. Algeria? And what is the connection between the members of the "Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine" who are on trial at Winterthur and the former SS General Hans Rudel, who fled to Argentina after World War II?

    The connection exists. His name: Francois Genoud. Age: 51. Citizenship: Swiss. Profession: Banker.

    The short man, always wearing gray suits and his thin hair pulled back carefully - looked like a gray clerk that no one would look at twice. But Francois Genoud, the neo-Nazi Swiss banker who was one of the founders of the Nazi party in Switzerland during the Hitler era, is one of the greatest international adventurers of our time. When I first met him about three weeks ago in the courtroom in Winterthur, I thought he was the legal correspondent for one of the Swiss newspapers. He sat and listened intently to hearings in the courtroom and made occasional remarks. Only then, when I saw him in the company of Algerian lawyer Yusufi, who serves as deputy chairman of the Arab Bar Association, did I decide to ask about him. "The little man in the gray suit over there in the corner? Yes, of course I know him," a Swiss journalist answered my question. "This is a well-known Nazi, director of the Arab Commercial Bank in Geneva."

    Ties with the Mufti

    "It is not clear to me, the Swiss journalist added, what such a guy does here on Winterthur." It was not clear to me either at that moment. However, a few days later, following a number of investigations I conducted in Switzerland, the whole affair became clear. François Genoud - the little man in the gray suit - is one of the main thread pullers in all the major financial transactions of Arab countries and today one of the main funding channels of sabotage organizations in Europe. His presence in the courtroom in Winterthur was not at all the presence of an observer - he came to the place as a capitalist to the place of investment. A considerable part of the expenses of the Arab side in the Winterthur trial and almost all the expenses of the various "leagues" for the Palestinians in Switzerland - are covered by Francois.

    ’’’Francois Genoud's love for Arabs is a love that depends on the thing. The "thing" in this case - his hatred of Jews.’’’

    By 1936, at the age of 21, the young François had already joined the youth organization of the Swiss Nazi Party, the National Union Party, as a founding member. I met in Switzerland some people who remembered him walking around in the "brown shirt" (of the Nazis) that had the swastika tag on a black ribbon tied around the sleeves of his shirt. In 1940, François Genoud made his first contact with the Arabs. Together with a young Lebanese named Dauk (son of an influential Lebanese dignitary in Beirut) he opens a nightclub in Lausanne. This nightclub probably serves as a meeting place for the German spy service whose slave works Genoud. His enlistment in the German intelligence service was made by the head of the town council of Tingen - a Swiss named Guttman - who served as a liaison between German intelligence and his Swiss agents. During his many travels to Germany - during World War II - he met with Hitler and Bormann and then also had first contacts with some figures of the Arab world. He contacted the Mufti of Jerusalem, the infamous Haj Amin al-Husseini, and an Arab of Tunisian descent, Ibrahim Hafid, who was the commander of the Arab Legion fighting in the service of the Germans. One of Hafid's aides at the time - a young Algerian named Yousufi - later became a well-known lawyer and one of Genoud's regular contacts.

    The right to Hitler's writings

    After World War II, Genoud was very active in providing aid to the Nazis who had fled Germany and tightening his ties with the SS General. Hans Rudel, who fled to Argentina and established a Nazi organization there and helps absorb escaped SS men. It was then rumored that Genoud had helped smuggle to Tangier - the center of international intrigue at the time - the vast art treasures looted by the Nazis from all over Europe.. His most important activity, however, was probably the organization of the smuggling of Nazi treasure into Switzerland and its deposit there in numbered accounts, which no government or foreign entity could afford to get their hands on. For several years after World War II Genoud wandered from place to place with his actions carried out under the guise of almost complete anonymity. In 1952, Genaud's name first appeared in the headlines when he went to war against a German publisher in Düsseldorf, who published a collection of Hitler articles entitled "Visible Things about War and Peace." Genaud then appealed to the courts of Düsseldorf and Paris, claiming that he had all the rights to distribute the books of Hitler, Goebbels and Bormann! Indeed, Genoud won both sentences. It turns out that he has many documents in his hands and written material that was in the possession of Martin Borman, which raises the possibility that Genoud has been in contact with Bormann to this day (to accept the explanation, that Bormann is still alive). In the ten years following World War II, he concentrated on providing assistance to smuggling Nazis fleeing to Latin America and the Middle East. In an article published in a Basel newspaper in 1964, entitled: "Search for Disappeared Nazis," the author of the article tells of a Nazi organization called "The Spider" which is the successor to another well-known Nazi organization: the "SS Odessa Expatriate Organization." The "spider" weaves its webs all over Europe when its operational center is in Switzerland, where the many millions plundered by the Nazis were also deposited. According to the Basel newspaper, the man in charge of guarding this huge property was a Swiss resident of Lausanne. "His house is similar to the Hitler Museum," the author of the article wrote, "with swastikas everywhere and huge pictures of Hitler on every wall." Of course many easily identified with the figure of the banker from Lausanne. - François Genaud...

    Smuggling the treasure of the "FLN."

    Genoud took advantage of his ties with the Mufti of Jerusalem to establish an extensive system of ties in Cairo that he used to get in touch with the heads of the Tunisian liberation organizations of North African countries. In 1955, Genoud moved to Tangier, from where he began to develop ties with the whole of North Africa. In 1956 he maintained close contacts with Dr. Schacht, Hitler's Minister of Finance, and tried to interest him in large investments in Morocco. He also later organized after Algeria's independence, Dr. Schacht's visit to Algeria to advise the government Algerian in investment policy. He then set up in Geneva (again under the advice of Dr. Schacht) the "Arab Commercial Bank" whose job it was to conduct financial transactions (mostly of a dubious and illegal nature) with the Arab world. The "Arab Commercial Bank" was established by: François Genoud in partnership with Hans Reichenberg - former S.S. Officers - and with various factors in the Arab world. A senior Arab diplomat also attended the bank's founding meeting. Thanks to Geno's ties with Ben Bella, he was able to win the post of director of the Algerian People's Bank and became financial adviser to the Algerian government. His main ties, however, were with Mohamed Khider, Ben-Bella's partner, who later became his great enemy. On October 6, 1964, Genoud was arrested by the Ben-Bella government because of his ties to Khider, after being accused of smuggling the famous FLN treasure. Which was in the hands of Khider. In February 1965, Genoud was freed by the Algerians after apparently agreeing with the Algerian authorities to transfer part of the PLN treasury. Estimated at the time at $ 20 million. (This treasure was collected during the underground period of the FLN. From donations by Algerian workers in Europe, who regularly paid taxes to F.L.N.).

    The "affair" with the Palestinians

    After Mohamed Khider was mysteriously murdered, the FLN's finance affair resurfaced. And the spotlight was once again on Genoud, who had many keys to the vanishing treasure affair. In the meantime, Genoud established new ties - through the Egyptians - with the Palestinian terrorist organizations, which began to emerge as the active factor of the Arab world. He began to finance in Switzerland the activities of the "Friends of the Palestinians Organization" founded in Lausanne by neo-Nazi circles who saw helping the Palestinians as a way of expressing their anti-Jewish feelings. The neo-Nazi aid to the Palestinian idea was so prominent that it began to upset pro-Palestinian left-wing circles in Switzerland. These circles - headquartered in Geneva - formed a rival organization and even began attacks against the neo-Nazi organization. In an editorial published last week, in the Swiss Socialist Party newspaper, entitled: "Strange Observer: In a Winterthur Trial", one of the Socialist Party leaders writes of François Genoud. And the author concludes: The question we ask ourselves is: "Is the ideology of the 'Popular Front' really fascist as its opponents claim or is the Nazis exploiting the Palestinian idea to purify their own name only?" François Genoud certainly has more than one answer to this question.

  34. Preston, David Lee (January 5, 1997). "Hitler's Swiss Connection". The Philadelphia Inquirer.
  35. GENOUD, FRANCOIS_0029.pdf – CIA
  36. 36.0 36.1 Lee, Martin A. and Coogan, Kevin (May 1987) "Killers on the Right: Inside Europe's Fascist Underground" Mother Jones. pp.45-52. [1]
  37. Roots of violent radicalisation: nineteenth report of session 2010-12, Vol. 1: Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence, Vol. 1. Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Home Affairs Committee. The Stationery Office, Feb 6, 2012. p.100
  38. Lee, Martin A.. The Beast Reawakens: Fascism's Resurgence from Hitler's Spymasters to Today's Neo-Nazi Groups and Right-Wing Extremists. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2013. 181-182.
  39. Sing, M. (2011). Brothers in Arms: How Palestinian Maoists Turned Jihadists. Die Welt Des Islams, 51(1), 1–44. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41105368
  40. Naor, Mordechai. The war after the war. Israel: Ministry of Defense Publishing, 1970. p. 98.
    After the Boeing 707 plane took off from the Italian capital, it was taken over by two terrorists from the "Popular Front" and directed it to Damascus. When the plane landed in the capital of Syria, the passengers and crew hurried to leave through the escape hatches, because the hijackers threatened to blow it up immediately after landing. And indeed, a short time later, the plane crashed in its front part. The non-Jewish passengers were immediately released, followed by the 4 Israeli women who were among the passengers, two remained Prof. Shlomo Samolov and Mr. Saleh Moalem were held in a Syrian prison for 99 days...
  41. Posner, Steve. Israel Undercover: Secret Warfare and Hidden Diplomacy in the Middle East. United States: Syracuse University Press, 1987. p. 53.
    On 26 December 1968, PFLP commandos stormed an El Al aircraft on the ground at Athens airport. Armed with hand grenades and machine guns, the terrorists attacked the plane carrying forty-one passengers and ten crew-members, screaming, "we want to kill Jews!" One passengers died in the attack and two stewardess were wounded.
  42. O'Connel, John F.l, ‎Williams, George. Air Transport in the 21st Century: Key Strategic Developments United Kingdom: Routledge, 2016. [2].
    Prior to the Dawson's Field hijackings, the PFLP had already achieved notoriety for several similar incidents, including the hijacking of an ... However, the PFLP segregated the flight crews and Jewish passengers, and kept 56 hostages..
  43. Berman, Esther Jane. Love Found Love Lost: The Adventures of a Love Struck Girl. United States: iUniverse, 2013. [3].
    While the majority of the 310 hostages had been transferred to Amman and freed on September 11, the PFLP segregated the flight crews and Jewish passengers, keeping the 56 Jewish hostages in custody, while releasing the non-Jews.
  44. Posner, Steve. Israel Undercover: Secret Warfare and Hidden Diplomacy in the Middle East. United States: Syracuse University Press, 1987. p. 54.

    On 6 September 1970, Khaled and several other PFLP members hijacked four planes... Two days later, on 9 September, the PFLP took over a British airlines VC-10 flying to London from Bombay via Dubai and Bahrain; that plane joined the others at Jordan's Dawson Field...

    All the hostages were released, except for 56 Jewish passengers...
  45. Sloan, Stephen., Anderson, Sean K.. Historical Dictionary of Terrorism. United States: Scarecrow Press, 2009. p. 539.
    Originally the hijackers held around 310 passengers and crew hostage to force the release of imprisoned terrorists elsewhere but released all but 56 who consisted of the flight crews and Jewish passengers...
  46. Jonathan Spyer, The hijackers of Entebbe - The full story, JPost, July 23, 2020.

    In this regard, it is worth noting recent claims that this selection included only Israeli Jews. Such claims are false. It is beyond dispute that at least 10 non-Israeli Jews were obliged by the hijackers to join the group of 84 Israelis. It is also indisputable that a number of Israeli dual nationals and non-Israeli Jews succeeded through subterfuge in joining the group that was released. These two facts suggest, unsurprisingly, that the hijackers were unable to ascertain with forensic certainty the ethno-religious identity of all their hostages.

    But the undisputed involuntary presence of a number of non-Israeli Jews among the hostages refutes the notion that the hijackers did not also target people of this description among the passengers. Such benign indifference would have been entirely out of character for members of the Revolutionary Cells, given their known targeting of non-Israeli Jews in Germany.

    In the event, almost all the hostages, Israeli and non-Israeli, were rescued. The long journey of Bose, Kuhlmann and their colleagues ended in their encounter with the IDF’s General Staff Reconnaissance Unit at the Entebbe Airport Terminal on July 4, 1976.
  47. Air Force Association. Air Force Magazine, Vol. 93, Iss. 7-12. United States: Air Force Association, 2010. p. 64.
    The terrorists collected passports and other documents and separated the Jewish passengers from the non-Jews...
  48. Ben-Natan, Asher. The audacity to live: chapters of life. Israel: Ministry of Defense Publishing, 2002, p. 290.
    The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine conveyed to the French Foreign Israel - its demand to release forty terrorists, who were locked up in prisons in Israel... Next to that came news that the terrorists had separated the abductees: all the non-Jewish passengers, including the Air France flight crew members...
  49. Ben Porat, Yesha'yahu. Haber, Eitan. Schiff, Zeev. Flight 139: the complete and reliable description of the "Air France" hijacking: the human story of the hostages, the political struggles, the military preparations, and the rescue operation in Entebbe. Israel: Zmora Bitan Modan, 1976. p. 54.
    A few hours later, the non-Jewish passengers were released and went outside the borders of Algeria. The Israelis were transferred to a military camp. In return, the kidnappers, members of the "Popular Front" organization headed by Dr. George Habash, demanded some terrorists, who were imprisoned in Israeli prisons at the time.
  50. Merav Halperin, G-Suit: Pages in Air pilots' writings. [Dapim beSefer haTisot shel Heil haAvir], Israel: Ministry of Defense Publishing, 2000. p. 255.
    The plane later took off, on the order of the hijackers, to Entebbe in Uganda. The hijackers, members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, released the non-Jewish passengers and left as hostages only the 105 passengers of Jewish origin..
  51. Overwhelming evidence of ties between Palestinian NGOs and the PFLP’, JNS, Feb 1, 2023.
    Based on open-source materials, NGO Monitor's research identified at least 60 Palestinian NGO officials with links to the terror group... According to NGO Monitor’s 85-page report, titled “Clear and Convincing: The Links between the PFLP and the European Government-funded NGO Network,” the E.U. position is “untenable.” Based on open-source materials, NGO Monitor identified at least 60 Palestinian NGO officials with links to the PFLP, including some convicted for planning or executing terrorist attacks, such as the August 2019 murder of 17-year-old Rina Shnerb. “Five of the NGOs have highly visible organizational links to the PFLP,” NGO Monitor said. On Oct. 22, 2021, Israel listed six Palestinian NGOs as terror groups: Addameer, al-Haq, Defense for Children Palestine, the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, the Bisan Center for Research and Development, and the Union of Palestinian Women Committees. A seventh NGO, Health Work Committees (HWC), was designated in January 2020. “Those organizations were active under the cover of civil society organizations, but in practice belong and constitute an arm of the [PFLP] leadership, the main activity of which is the ‘liberation’ of Palestine and destruction of Israel,” announced then-Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz.
"The Mufti.. concocted a new kind of antisemitism that combined traditional Muslim antisemitism, like the anti-Jewish verses you find in the Koran, with the Nazi antisemitism that demonised Jews... His whole ideology was antisemitic and from the very beginning he targeted Jews, not Zionists."
The difference between lies and reality is sometimes just a color on a map
The only tweet (July 2014) on the Twitter account of the late American Elan Ganeles - murdered by Arab-Islamist "Palestinian" on Feb 27, 2023 hy"d: "I think you're always going to have tension in the Middle East, when there's [are] people who want to kill Jews, and the Jews don't want to be killed, and neither side is willing to compromise."

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