This piece will attempt to provide an overview of various issues related to academic writing.
According to Brörk and Hedlund (2004) and (2002), the stakeholders include:
At a simple level analysis one could model the academic writing and publication process as a simple flow. e.g. Björk et al. (2003) present a synthesis of earlier models by Garvey and Griffith (1965) and Hurd (1996, 2004) with the following diagram:
According to Björk et al. (2003), one can model the do research, publish and implement the results life-cycle with the following IDEF0 diagram:
A revised more streamlined model was presented by Björk (2007) and can be summarized by two diagrams. The context diagram depicting the overall model “show how science as a global knowledge creating and sharing system can help improve everyday life as well as create new scientific knowledge, which is fed back into the existing body of scientific knowledge. The main participants in the process are collectively shown as a mechanism arrow coming into the activity box from below, and the main drivers controlling the behaviour of the participants are shown coming in from above (scientific curiosity, economic incentives). Also, scientific problems to be addressed by the research and the whole accessible body of existing scientific knowledge are seen as controls. From an academic viewpoint the main output is new scientific knowledge. From the viewpoint of society that funds research the most important outcome is better quality of life.”(Börk, 2007).
The life-cycle view in this model “is seen as consisting of four separate stages. Fund R&D is included in the model as a separate activity. One reason for this is the importance research funders (understood in the widest sense including basic university funding) have in the shaping of the scientific communication chain, since they, through research contracts and university guidelines, have a strong indirect influence on where researchers choose to publish their work. This can for instance be seen in the recent mandates and recommendations of the NIH, Wellcome Trust, Research Councils UK or Finland's Department of Education. Perform the research is the most resource demanding part of the system. Communicate the results is the most extensive part of the model. The end result of this activity is called disseminated scientific knowledge, reflecting the viewpoint that scientific results which have been published, but which are not read by the intended readers are rather useless. The downstream activity apply the Knowledge is important in order to achieve the improved quality of life which research funders mainly are looking for.” (Börk, 2007).
“Although models have been a mainstay of academic writing pedagogy for centuries, a recurrent critique has been that they control or limit student writing and misrepresent the affairs they claim to model. These insufficiencies notwithstanding, models are ubiquitous in the ordinary, practical world, and their usefulness to novices can easily go unnoticed by experts.” (MacBeth, 2009:1).
“Model texts, skeletal or otherwise, do offer the promise that if one follows them an ideal outcome will result. Leki (1995) found in her case studies of university-level English language learners that looking for such models and examples was a common coping strategy used by the students to survive the writing demands of their disciplinary courses [...] The shortcoming of such models or sample texts may well be their strongest recommendation to novices. They offer formal, generic representations of social practices that are far from generic or formally structured. They convey these practices not only as formal and structured, but stable, reliable, and vividly so. Yet other tasks and occasions will defeat the model's assurances, as the students later discover. These “false provisions” have something to do with the familiar critique of models as a curricular design. The criticisms are longstanding and foreshorten our interest in and appreciation for the work models do. In light of the materials presented here, we can see how the model text achieved what a pedagogy for novices must achieve: it must be vivid, evident, stable, and show its “parts.” But it achieves this accessibility for novices through the false representation of the social practices and conventions it represents.” (MacBeth, 2009:13).
Though many wriitng tools exist to give feedback on grammar and spelling or to detect plagiarism digital tools for academic writing exist mainly in four categories:
Strobl et al.(2018) [1] presented a review of 88 digital tools for academic writing with a fine-grained review of 44 tools proviing a framework for analysing academic writing tools according to their general target specifications, instructional approaches (task, prescribed setting, targeted skills, interaction support), technical specifications, feedback modalities.