See also: Color, Flash colors tutorial, CSS tutorial and
In various web technologies (such as HTML, CSS or Flash one could distinguish tow kinds of colors, in particular
This article concerns (for now) solid colors.
Several solid color models exist, the most popular one is the RGB (read-green-blue) model, followed by the HSL/HSI (Hue-saturation-lightness, hue-saturation-intensity) and HSV/HSB (Hue-saturation-value, Hue-saturation-brightness) models.
Solid colors can be defined in various ways (and there is a whole science behind it). Let's just recall a few principles. For more information, please see the Wikipedia links in the color article.
Let's define a few terms first:
According to Wikipedia, “In color theory, a tint is the mixture of a color with white, and a shade is the mixture of a color with black. Mixing with white increases value or lightness, while mixing with black reduces chroma. Mixing with any neutral color, including black and white, reduces chroma or colorfulness. The intensity does not change.” See also the HSL/HSV models.
RGB colors are the most popular ones used in computing applications. A color is defined by the amount of Red - Green - Blue.
RGB is the way computer monitors work. E.g. to get a nice yellow you need 100% Red + 100% Green + 0% Blue. RGB is a so-called additive color mixing model. “Projection of primary color lights on a screen shows secondary colors where two overlap; the combination of all three of red, green, and blue in appropriate intensities makes white.” (Wikipedia). Now if you project each of these primary colors with different intensity, overlapping colors will change.
This model is not how colors work when you mix real paint. Then you'd rather work with a red-yellow-blue model. Color printers yet work with another model, i.e. magenta, cyan and yellow (or more).
RGB colors can be encoded in various ways. For Internet formats such as HTML, CSS or Flash, most often a hex triplet is used, i.e. a hexadecimal 6 digit number. With 2 hexadecimal digits you can represent numbers in the range of 0 to 255, i.e. the number hex FF corresponds to the normal 255 number. According to HTMLPedia, retrieved 17:38, 11 September 2009 (UTC), “Hexadecimal values specify the three colors of the transmitted spectrum using base 16. In base ten, there are only ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. In base sixteen, there are sixteen digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, A, B, C, D, E, and F. Hexadecimal and octal (base 8) are commonly used in computer programs because it is easy to convert them into binary numbers (base 2). In terms of color, it is common to represent a given color value as consisting of three parts : red, green, and blue, which are mixed together in the specified proportion to produce the final color. A typical color expressed in hexadecimal looks like this: #FFFFFF. [...] A common shorthand version reduces each color to 1 hexadecimal digit instead: #FFF. This allows for 4,096 unique colors.”. Each single digit represents its "double", e.g. #F04 gives #FF0044.
With ordinary numbers you would represent a full red like this:
The corresponding hex triplet is FF 00 00
In terms of percentage of colors you get:
Let's now have a look at a few colors in a diagram we copied from Wikipedia on sept 8 2007: It represents "Truecolor", i.e. RGB values in 24 bits per pixel (bpp). In Truecolor, colors can be defined using three integers between 0 and 255, each representing red, green and blue intensities. For example, the following image shows the three "fully saturated" faces of the RGB cube, unfolded into a plane:
yellow (255,255,0) |
green (0,255,0) |
cyan (0,255,255) | |
red (255,0,0) |
![]() |
blue (0,0,255) | |
red (255,0,0) |
magenta (255,0,255) |
For more information about colors see links in the color article. Have a look at Wikipedia's great list of colors if you need to find a number for your favorite color name. (If you speak french, get this one. You also may read the Wikipedia Web colors article. It also includes a list of colors and explains what a hex triplet is.
The HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) model also known as HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) defines a color in terms of three components. This model is for instance available in Flash CS3 in addition to the RGB model.
The Hue scale from 0 to 360 degrees is the following:
In many graphics tools (not in Flash) you get a HSV color wheel that looks like this:
On the outside you can select a color (H), then on the inside you can select Value and Saturation.
For more information about HSV, read Wikipedia'sHSL and HSV article.
The HSL (Hue-saturation-lightness) model, also known as HSI (hue-saturation-intensity) model is similar to the HSV model described above. It is available in CSS 3 for example.
According to the CSS specification, retrieved 17:38, 11 September 2009 (UTC)
CSS3 adds numerical hue-saturation-lightness (HSL) colors as a complement to numerical RGB colors. It has been observed that RGB colors have the following limitations:
In CSS 3 and SVG, the HSL value is defined by the position in the color wheel, e.g. red = 0, red = 360, blue=240. Saturation and lightness are represented by percentages from 0 to 100%. Important: "normal" lightness is 50%.
Below is table of the main colors (at 30i intervals). We present three situations:
Warning: You need a somewhat CSS 3 capable browser like Firefox 3+ or IE 9 ( IE 8 will not work)
Hue | Color name | Sat=100% / Light=50% | Sat=50% / Light=25% | Sat=75% / light=75% |
0 | red | 0 - red | 0 - red | 0 - red |
30 | orange | 30 - orange | 30 - orange | 30 - orange |
60 | yellow | 60 - yellow | 60 - yellow | 60 - yellow |
90 | yellow-green | 90 - yellow-green | 90 - yellow-green | 90 - yellow-green |
120 | green | 120 - green | 120 - green | 120 - green |
150 | green-cyan | 150 - green-cyan | 150 - green-cyan | 150 - green-cyan |
180 | cyan | 180 - cyan | 180 - cyan | 180 - cyan |
210 | cyan-blue | 210 - cyan-blue | 210 - cyan-blue | 210 - cyan-blue |
240 | blue | 240 - blue | 240 - blue | 240 - blue |
270 | blue-magenta | 270 - blue-magenta | 270 - blue-magenta | 270 - blue-magenta |
300 | magenta | 300 - magenta | 300 - magenta | 300 - magenta |
330 | magenta-red | 330 - magenta-red | 330 - magenta-red | 330 - magenta-red |
360 | red | 360 - red | 360 - red | 360 - red |
Now, where is white an black ?
So basically, an HSL color goes
Below is screen capture from the CSS Color Module Level 3 (Working draft, retrieved 17:38, 11 September 2009 (UTC)) that shows on the X axis the saturation (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 0%) and on the Y axis the lightness.
Finally, here are some CSS code examples:
{ color: hsl(0, 100%, 50%) } /* red */
{ color: hsl(120, 100%, 50%) } /* green */
{ color: hsl(120, 100%, 25%) } /* dark green */
{ color: hsl(120, 100%, 75%) } /* light green */
{ color: hsl(120, 75%, 75%) } /* pastel green, and so on */
E.g. The following HSL CSS code
<p style="color: hsl(240,75%,75%);"> Kind of not so blue</p>
would show like this (your browser may not support this):
Kind of not so blue
For more information about HSL (and HSV), we point again to Wikipedia's HSL and HSV article.
In computer graphics, alpha compositing is the process of combining an image with a background to create the appearance of partial transparency (Wikipedia)
In more simple terms, you can set the alpha to some percentage:
Hint: With the alpha channel you can create other effects than see-through "windows". E.g. you can overlay textures with color or the other way round.
In CSS 3(if your browser supports it), you may use so-called RGBA values using the % notation, i.e. the following RGBA CSS code
<p style="color: rgba(0,0,255,0.3);"> Kind of blue</p>
would show like this (your browser may not support this):
Kind of blue
This also works with background color. The following code
<div style="background-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.1);">
<p> Kind of blue</p>
would show like this (your browser may not support this):
Kind of blue
In a CSS 3 browser you also may use the alpha channel for HSL values.
p { color: hsla(120, 100%, 50%, 0.1) } /* very transparent green */
The CSS 3 specification actually refers to the SVG 1.1. standard, i.e. the chapter on Clipping, Masking and Compositing.
In this section will firstly look at color names. Several technical formats define shorter list of predefined color names. Other than that, there exist hundreds of color names whose physical definition differ in various cultural contexts.
We also introduce some transformations, where a program or an author with the help of some graphics software creates "colors" with special effects.
According to the CSS3 color model, HTML4/CSS 2 includes the following color keywords: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.
Below is a table:
______ | Black = #000000 | ______ | Green = #008000 |
______ | Silver = #C0C0C0 | ______ | Lime = #00FF00 |
______ | Gray = #808080 | ______ | Olive = #808000 |
______ | White = #FFFFFF | ______ | Yellow = #FFFF00 |
______ | Maroon = #800000 | ______ | Navy = #000080 |
______ | Red = #FF0000 | ______ | Blue = #0000FF |
______ | Purple = #800080 | ______ | Teal = #008080 |
______ | Fuchsia = #FF00FF | ______ | Aqua = #00FFFF |
CSS 3 color keywords refer to the SVG standard that defines many more colors. The model is actually taken from X11 (the graphical user interface display protocol for Unix) At some point we should create a CSS3 color table using the CSS 3 spec and that relies on the SVG 1.1 specification. In the meantime, look at the table of X11 Color names in Wikipedia.
Color gradients are transitions from one color to another (according to a color space model, typically sRGB, a ). Authors will have to define at least to color bands. E.g. a gradient from white to blue would show all sorts of tinted blues. The most commonly use gradients are either linear or radial
Below is picture we made for the Flash colors tutorial
3D graphics languages and tools usually offer a much richer palette of composed color types as well as sophisticated textures that one can lay over the colors.
E.g. in VRML/X3D (a Web standard) you get color types like this:
This section will be written later as a separate article. In the meantime, here are a few links:
If you use color in web pages, there are ergonomic and aesthetic issues.
Obviously you have to make sure that people can a text, i.e. you should use a combination of foreground and background colors that work on all screens under different lighting conditions. In addition, you may have to create a different stylesheet for printing. E.g. Wikipedia's HTML color names article (retrieved 17:38, 11 September 2009 (UTC)) includes a demo of combinations, some of which clearly don't work.
The ground rules are the following:
In addition, you should design a website so that various kinds of color-blind people (1 out of 20 persons) are also able to use it. On the web you can find various tools for that.
As a general ground rule, most web designers believe that one should use a limited set of colors. Some authors refer to "nature", e.g. summer, automn, winter, spring colors or referring to specific kinds of landscapes. The unwanted opposite would be "clown colors".
There are several interesting websites that index good CSS examples. You may study how these use colors
My favorite tool for creating palettes is Color Scheme Designer, a free online tool that let's you create and visualize palettes very quickly.
Another solution is create palettes from pictures. is a free online tool that generates palettes from pictures. Below are two examples of palettes made from a mosaic-distorted and color-saturated land art images made with sand and stones:
Finally, some tools can do both. E.g. Adobe Kuler allows to create five-color palettes, either from an uploaded picture or with a color-creating tool that starts from a single color. Kuler proposes first a default solution, but you then can select other reference colors by moving around 5 circles. As a (quick example) we show a Kuler screenshot made from several (processed) land art pictures.
Note: Avoid using any kinds of HTML tags for styling, use CSS to specify colors, the CSS tutorial brievly explains how to do this.