Data protection and privacy rules for research are derived from general law on these subjects. Some countries have a fairly clear and central act (e.g. Swiss Federal Action on Data Protection, others (like the UK) have a rather messy central act and others (like the US) did not manage.
Most acts also address research. E.g. in the Swiss act, Art 13 we find:
Some additional directives are often specified in ordinances or equivalent, e.g. the Swiss DPO waives registration of data files for research purposes.
National or international research bodies and funding agencies also can formulate rules, often derived from national or supra national legislation, but also from more general research ethics principles.
Universities also can adopt these rules and/or create their own rules.
See also:
The OECD recommendations include the following principles, reproduced with identical contents, but different formatting:
NEW (02:26, 19 April 2016 (CEST)): Data protection reform - Parliament approves new rules fit for the digital era Plenary Session Press release - Police cooperation / Citizens' rights / Justice and home affairs − 14-04-2016 - 12:11]
Therefore information below soon needs to be replaced.
The EU has several acts. In particular the Directive 2002/58/EC on privacy and electronic communications and its amending 2009/136/EC), the Directive 95/46/EC on the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and the 2000/520/EC decision on the safe harbour principle.
A new single law is under preparation (as of May 2014).
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In the UK, the administration of Data Protection is overseen by the Information Commissioner’s Office, which is responsible for the enforcement of the UK Data Protection Act 1998, which is the relevant legislation in force. The provisions of the European Privacy directive are enforced under the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.
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Directive 95/46/EC is incorporated into French Law Nr. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 relating to the Protection of Data Subjects as Regards the Processing of Personal Data. Data protection is overseen by the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL)
The Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection 1992 is based on similar principles to the Acts in force in other European countries and received adequacy approval from the EU in 2000.
The US doesn't seem to have any central data protection and privacy law. According to Wikipedia, the Personal Data Privacy and Security Act of 2009 failed because it was opposed a wide range of organizations (e.g. the US Chamber of Commerce, Advertising, Financial services, Internet Commerce, ...). However there are dozens of federal and local laws, plus "case law".
Research ethics include principles of data protection and privacy laws. In addition it involves other fundamental principles like academic standards or specific principles applied to medical research.
With respect to privacy and data protection, the EC formulated the following recommendations for FP7 research projects.
Researchers must be aware that volunteers have the right to remain anonymous. Researchers must comply with Data Protection legislation in the Member State where the research will be carried out regarding ICT research data that relates to volunteers.
Informed consent is required whenever ICT research involves volunteers in interviews, behavioural observation, invasive and non-invasive experimentation, and accessing personal data records. The purpose of informed consent is to empower the individual to make a voluntary informed decision about whether or not to participate in the research based on knowledge of the purpose, procedures and outcomes of the research.
Before consent is sought, information must be given specifying the alternatives, risks, and benefits for those involved in a way they understand. When such information has been given, free and informed consent must be obtained. Depending on the nature of the research, different consent procedures may be used. Special consideration must be given when volunteers have reduced autonomy or are vulnerable(Annex 5: Ethical Guidelines for undertaking ICT research in FP7)
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Most European universities and sometimes its schools/departments seem to issue internal guidelines and consent forms.
(rough translation from french)
Instructions For Writing The Information and Consent Form
Information given to participants should include at least the following elements:
In its wording, the text should address the participants and must be understandable by non-specialists. In particular, the procedure and the potential risks should be described in an accessible language.
In all cases, the coordinates(s) (at least email) of the head(s) of research.
The "consent" part is signed by the party and has to be adapted to the specificities of the research. For example, if the data is anonymous - ie. it is not possible to go back to the participant, the reference to data destruction of the data can be removed.
Example paper form
Research: {Name of the project or the research domain} Head(s) of the research project: {name(s) function(s) and contact}
Information for participants
I consent to participate in this research
Based on the above information, I confirm my consent to participate in research {Name of project or research}. I authorise:
I have voluntarily chosen to participate in this research. I was informed that I may withdraw at any time without giving reasons and I can, if necessary, seek the destruction of my data.
This consent does not discharge the organisers of the research of their responsibilities. I keep all my rights guaranteed by law.