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SCY-SE stands for Science Created by You Scenario Editor.
SCY is an EC project that
- is learning by creating, sharing, reviewing, and building on emerging learning objects that happen within a learning activity space.
- realizes an adaptive instructional approach based on pedagogical agents.
SCY-SE is a tool to model learning activities, i.e. to plan the management of a learning activity space
The SCY-Scenario Editor (SCY-SE) is a FreeStyler-based tool to develop learning scenarios in the SCY way.
It provides a graphical language to describe and to orchestrate:
* LAS (Learning Activity Spaces)
* ELO (Emerging Learning Objects)
* Tools
* Activities
* Scaffolds
* Resources
Beside this basic functionality the SCY-SE enables the user to check constructed scenarios using the SCY ontology.
In addition SCY-SE provides the possibility to store created scenarios in a global (SQLSpaces-based, [1]) Repository.
A powerful similarity search allows to compare own scenarios with already stored scenarios of other users.
To see the SCY-SE in action, take a look at the Video.
The System is available at [2].
- Scy-net (project home page)
- Collide Portal (University Duisburg-Essen)
- Teachers are supported to select from, author scaffold a number of pedagogical scenarios.
- Lejeune, A., Ney, M., Weinberger, A., Pedaste, M., Bollen, L., Hovardas, T., Hoppe, U., & de Jong, T. (2009a). Learning Activity Spaces: Towards flexibility in learning design? Paper to be presented at the IEEE ICALT 2009 conference, Riga, Latvia, July 14-18, 2009. PDF Preprint
- Lejeune, A., Ney, M., Weinberger, A., Pedaste, M., Bollen, L., Hovardas, T., Hoppe, U., & de Jong, T. (2009b). A graphical modeling language for computer-based learning scenarios. Paper to be presented at the International Workshop on Visual Design Languages and Applications for Technology Enhanced Learning (VIDLATEL). Riga, Latvia, July 14-18, 2009. PDF Preprint