This page is deficient and requires revision. Please see Talk:Polytope for further comments.
This is a "wanted page". It was proposed that an entry with this title should be included.
For potential authors:
Here is a list of EoM pages containing the keyword "Polytope":
Absolute neighbourhood extensor | Abstract prime number theory | Cohen-Macaulay ring | Continuum | Convex analysis | Convex polyhedron | Deformation, isometric | Dehn invariant | Dihedral angle | Equal content and equal shape, figures of | Frobenius problem | Games, theory of | Geometric complex | Higher-dimensional geometry | Hilbert problems | Icosahedron | Kharitonov polynomial theory | Linear inequality | Matroid | Minkowski addition | Möbius inversion | Octahedron | Parallelopipedon | Parallelotope | Piecewise-linear topology | Platonic solids | Polyhedral complex | Polyhedron | Polyhedron, abstract | Polyhedron group | Prism | Prismoid | Pyramid | Regular polygons | Regular polyhedra | Semi-regular polyhedra | Simplex | Steiner point | Steinitz theorem | Stereohedron | Symmetry | Tetrahedral coordinates | Tetrahedral space | Vapnik-Chervonenkis class |