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John Scott-Scott

From HandWiki - Reading time: 2 min

John Lanfear Scott-Scott (22 June 1934[1] – 12 December 2015[2]) was a British mechanical and aerospace engineer. After graduating from the University of Birmingham, he joined Armstrong Siddeley Motors in 1955, becoming a hydrodynamicist at their Rocket Department.[3] He worked there on Black Arrow, making important contributions to the fuel pump system.[4]

Later he helped to form, and worked at,[5] Reaction Engines Limited until he retired in 2011.[6]

Scott-Scott married Pauline W. A. Cullen in 1955; they had two daughters and a son.

He was the Chairman of the Coventry Branch, Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust from November 2000 until May 2014.[7]

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