Samson Abramsky, contributions to the areas of the lazy lambda calculus and concurrency theory and co-editing the 6 Volume Handbook of Logic in Computer Science
Vikram Adve, the 2012 ACM Software System Award for LLVM, a set of compiler and toolchain technologies
Gul Agha, elected as an ACM Fellow in 2018 for research in concurrent programming and formal methods, specifically the Actor Model
Alfred Aho, the A of AWK, 2020 Turing Award for fundamental algorithms and theory underlying programming language implementation and for synthesizing these results ...highly influential books ...
Frances Allen, the 2006 Turing Award for pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of optimizing compiler techniques ...
Andrew Appel, especially well-known because of his compiler books, the Modern Compiler Implementation in ML (ISBN:0-521-58274-1) series, as well as Compiling With Continuations (ISBN:0-521-41695-7)
Roland Backhouse, work on the mathematics of program construction and algorithm problem solving; books on Syntax of Programming Languages, Program Construction and Verification, and more
John Backus, the 1977 Turing Award for profound, influential, and lasting contributions to the design of practical high-level programming systems, notably through his work on FORTRAN, and for seminal publication of formal procedures for the specification of programming languages
George N. Baird, the 1974 Grace Murray Hopper Award for his \development and implementation of the Navy's COBOL Compiler Validation System
Lars Bak, the 2018 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize for pioneering work in pointer-safe object-orientation and leading the implementation of Beta, Self, Strongtalk, Java Hotspot, ..., the ACM SIGPLAN 2016 PL Software Award[2] for V8 Javascript
Henri Bal, programming languages for distributed systems, e.g. Orca[3]
Friedrich L. Bauer, proposed the stack method of expression evaluation, member of the ALGOL 60 Committee, see also[4]
Gilad Bracha, the 2017 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize for outstanding work on many topics relevant to OO, including mixins, Java generics, Strongtalk, and Newspeak
Larry Breed, the 1973 Grace Murray Hopper Award for the design and implementation of APL\360
John Cocke, the 1987 Turing Award for significant contributions in the design and theory of compilers, ..., and ...; co-developed the CYK parsing algorithm
Richard W. Conway, for the introductory languages CORC and CUPL and the student-oriented dialect PL/C; for extensive error correction so that every program compiled
William Cook, chief architect of AppleScript, the 2014 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize for contributions to the theory and practice of OO programming[5]
Keith Cooper, research on programming languages, compilers, optimization, and static analysis
Thierry Coquand, ACM SIGPLAN 2013 PL Software Award[2] and the 2015 ACM Software System Award for Coq
James Cordy, known for the TXL source transformation language, a parser-based framework and functional programming language designed to support software analysis and transformation tasks
Ole-Johan Dahl, the 2001 Turing Award for ideas fundamental to the emergence of OO programming, through [the] design of the programming languages Simula I and 67
John Darlington, work on program transformation and functional programming, including NPL and Hope+
L. Peter Deutsch, first implementation of TRAC (on the PDP-1), first REPL, PhD thesis on an interactive program verifier, the 1992 ACM Software System Award for the IDE called Interlisp
Robby Findler, thesis on linguistics of software contracts, the ACM SIGPLAN 2018 PL Software Award[2] for Racket, design/implementation of Redex, a workbench for semantics engineers
Keno Fischer, a core member implementing the Julia programming language,
Robert W. Floyd, the 1978 Turing Award for ..., and for helping to found the following important subfields of computer science: the theory of parsing, the semantics of programming languages, automatic program verification, automatic program synthesis, and analysis of algorithms
Robert France, the 2014 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize for his research on adding formal semantics to OO modeling notations
Yoshihiko Futamura, partial evaluation, especially Futamura projections
Richard P. Gabriel, for work on Lisp, and especially Common Lisp; the 2004 ACM-AAAI Allen Newell Award[7] for innovations in programming languages and software design ...
Bernard Galler, involved in the development of computer languages, including MAD
Erich Gamma, co-wrote the JUnit software testing framework; one of the Gang of Four, the 2006 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize, for ... their book Design Patterns: ..., ACM SIGPLAN 2005 PL Achievement Award[6]
Susan Graham, the 2009 IEEE John von Neumann Medal for "contributions to PL design and implementation ...", member NAE,[9] ACM SIGPLAN 2000 PL Achievement Award[6]
Cordell Green, the 1985 Grace Murray Hopper Award for establishing the theoretical basis of the field of logic programming
Robert Harper, contributions to Standard ML and the LF logical framework, ACM SIGPLAN 2021 PL Achievement Award[6] for foundational contributions to type theory
Anders Hejlsberg, original author of Turbo Pascal, chief architect of C#
Laurie Hendren, continuous and significant contributions for 30+ years to the field of OO programming languages and compiling
Thomas Henzinger, received the 2015 Milner Award for "fundamental advances in the theory and practice of formal verification and synthesis of reactive, real-time, and hybrid computer systems"
Tony Hoare, first axiomatic basis for proving programs correct, CSP, the 1980 Turing Award for fundamental contributions to the definition and design of programming languages
Urs Hölzle, co-implemented Strongtalk, a Smalltalk environment with optional static typing support, later became Googles first Vice President of Engineering
Gérard Huet, ACM SIGPLAN 2013 PL Software Award[2] and the 2015 ACM Software System Award for the Coq proof assistant
John Hughes, PhD thesis The Design and Implementation of Programming Languages.,[13] co-developer of the QuickCheck software library, 2018 ACM Fellow for contributions to software testing and functional programming
Dan Ingalls, the 2022 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize and the 1987 ACM Software System Award for Smalltalk
Kenneth E. Iverson, the 1979 Turing Award for his pioneering effort in ... resulting in ... APL, for his contributions to ..., ..., and programming language theory and practice
Daniel Jackson, principal designer of the Alloy modelling language and its associated Alloy Analyzer analysis tool, author of the book Software Abstractions: Logic, Language, and Analysis
Jørn Jensen, developed ALGOL 60 compilers, invented Jensen's device, which exploits call by name
Ralph Johnson, one of the Gang of Four, the 2006 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize for ... their book Design Patterns: ..., ACM SIGPLAN 2005 PL Achievement Award[6]
Stefan Karpinski, the 2019 J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software for the co-development of the Julia programming language
Alan Kay, the 2003 Turing Award for pioneering many of the ideas at the root of contemporary OO programming languages, leading the team that developed Smalltalk, and ...
Robert Kowalski, the 2011 IJCAI Award for Research Excellence for ... pioneering work on ... logic programming; introduced SLD resolution, which is used in the implementation of the logic programming language Prolog
David Kuck, the IEEE Computer Society 2011 Computer Pioneer Award for revolutionary parallel compiler technology including Parafrase (in 1977)[18] and KAP Tools
Richard H. Lathwell, the 1973 Grace Murray Hopper Award for the design and implementation of APL\360
Chris Lattner, designer of Swift, ACM SIGPLAN 2010 PL Software Award[2] and the 2012 ACM Software System Award for LLVM, a set of compiler and toolchain technologies
Harold Lawson, the IEEE Computer Society 2000 Computer Pioneer Award for inventing the pointer variable and introducing this concept into PL/I
Doug Lea, the 2010 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize, for tireless advocacy of object-oriented techniques, contributions to concurrent programming in Java, and ...
Peter Lee, PhD thesis: The automatic generation of realistic compilers from high-level semantic descriptions; as of 2022, Microsoft Corporate Vice President, Research and Incubations
Xavier Leroy, the 2016 Milner Award for exceptional achievements in programming including OCaml, ACM SIGPLAN 2021 PL Software Award[2]
Charles H. Lindsey, co-editor of the Revised Report on Algol 68, designed an implemented ALGOL 68S, a subset of Algol 68, wrote the complete History of ALGOL 68 in[21]
Barbara Liskov, the 2008 Turing Award for contributions to practical and theoretical foundations of programming language and system design, ...
Yanhong Annie Liu, PhD thesis on incremental computation,[22] book on systematic program design[23]
Lambert Meertens, co-designer of ABC, the incidental predecessor of Python; co-designer of the Bird–Meertens formalism; co-editor of the Revised ALGOL 68 Report
Robin Milner, the 1991 Turing Award for three distinct and complete achievements: (1)...; (2) ML, the first language to include polymorphic type inference together with a type-safe exception-handling mechanism; (3) CCS, ...
James G. Mitchell, work on the WATFOR compiler, languages Mesa and Euclid, PhD thesis on The design and construction of flexible and efficient interactive programming systems
Alan Mycroft, research in programming languages, co-created the Norcroft C compiler
Brad A. Myers, for the Natural Programming project, focusing on programming languages programming languages and making programming easier and more correct by making it more natural.[25]
Peter Naur, the 2005 Turing Award for fundamental contributions to programming language design and the definition of ALGOL 60, to compiler design, and to ...
Greg Nelson, PhD thesis Techniques for Program Verification, co-designer of Modula-3, the 2013 Herbrand Award for pioneering contributions to theorem proving and program verification ...
Oscar Nierstrasz, the 2013 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize for ... contributions ... aimed at making systems more flexible with respect to changing requirements, based on programming languages and mechanisms supporting software evolution
Maurice Nivat, research in formal languages and programming language semantics; received the 2002 EATCS award
James Noble, the 2016 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize for a world-leading reputation for work on object-orientation; did pioneering work in novel type systems for programming languages
Kristen Nygaard, the 2001 Turing Award for ideas fundamental to the emergence of OO programming, through [the] design of Simula I and 67
Krishna Palem, the 2008 McDowell Award, for pioneering contributions to the algorithmic, compilation, and architectural foundations of embedded computing
David Park, worked on the first implementation of Lisp, an authority on the topics of fairness, program schemas and bisimulation in concurrent computing
Amir Pnueli, the 1996 Turing Award for seminal work introducing temporal logic into computing science and for outstanding contributions to program and systems verification
John Reif, the Proteus language and system for the development of parallel applications[28]
Thomas W. Reps, co-developed the early (1978) IDE the Cornell Program Synthesizer,[29] co-founded GrammaTech, which developed CodeSonar, ACM SIGPLAN 2017 PL Achievement Award[6]
Fred B. Schneider, defined liveness (as opposed to safety), contributions to assertional methods for developing concurrent and distributed programs[32]
Bert Sutherland, developed a two-dimensional programming language for manipulating graphical data,[34] participated in the development of Smalltalk and Java
Jeffrey Ullman, the 2020 Turing Award for fundamental algorithms and theory underlying programming language implementation and for synthesizing these results, highly influential books.
David Ungar, the 2009 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize, his work on Self has had a profound effect on the field by introducing the advanced adaptive compiling technology that made the widespread industrial use of Java possible
Martin Vechev, developed Silq, the first high-level PL for quantum computing with a strong static type system, the 2019 ACM SIGPLAN Robin Milner Young Researcher Award[17]
John Vlissides, one of the Gang of Four, the 2006 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize, for ... their book Design Patterns: ..., ACM SIGPLAN 2005 PL Achievement Award[6]
Eiiti Wada, member of a team that designed ALGOL N as a proposed successor to ALGOL 60, but it was not chosen for what became ALGOL 68; he later became a member of IFIP Working Group 2.1
Nobuo Yoneda, member of a team that designed ALGOL N as a proposed successor to ALGOL 60, but it was not chosen for what became ALGOL 68; a member of IFIP Working Group 2.1
Akinori Yonezawa, the 2008 AITO Dahl–Nygaard Prize for "his overall contribution to both theory and practice of concurrent OO languages...", designer ABCL/R, a reflective subset of the first concurrent OO programming language ABCL/1
Marvin Zelkowitz, PL features to aid in program development and debugging, tests for runtime correctness of executable code[40][41]
Heinz Zemanek, managed the IBM Laboratory Vienna, was crucial in its developing a formal definition of PL/I
↑ 4.04.1Samelson, Klaus; Bauer, Friedrich Ludwig (February 1960). "Sequential Formula Translation". Communications of the ACM3 (2): 76–83. doi:10.1145/366959.366968.
↑Gries, David (1971) (in English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Russian). Compiler Construction for Digital Computers. New York: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN0-471-32776-X. "The first text on compiler writing."
↑ 29.029.1Teitelbaum, T.; T. Reps (September 1981). "The Cornell Program Synthesizer: A syntax-directed programming environment". Communications of the ACM24 (9): 563–573. doi:10.1145/358746.358755.