Short description : None
Flora of Connecticut that are considered endangered species .
E - Endangered
T - Threatened
SC - Special Concern
SCE - Special Concern, believed extirpated
1 Adoxaceae (Moschatel family)
2 Alismataceae (Water-plaintain family)
3 Amaranthaceae (Amaranth family)
4 Anacardiaceae (Cashew or sumac family)
5 Apiaceae a.k.a. Umbelliferae (Celery, carrot or parsley family)
6 Apocynaceae (Dogbane family)
7 Araceae (Arum or aroid family)
8 Araliaceae (Aralia or ivy family)
9 Aristolochiaceae (Birthwort family)
10 Aquifoliaceae (Holly family)
11 Asparagaceae
12 Aspleniaceae
13 Asteraceae (Aster, daisy, composite, or sunflower family)
14 Betulaceae (Birch family)
15 Boraginaceae (Borage or forget-me-not family)
16 Brassicaceae (Mustards, crucifers, or cabbage family)
17 Cactaceae (Cactus family)
18 Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle family)
19 Caryophyllaceae (Pink or carnation family)
20 Celastraceae (Staff vine or bittersweet family)
21 Cistaceae (Rock rose or Rock-rose family)
22 Cleomaceae
23 Colchicaceae
24 Convolvulaceae (Bindweed or morning glory family)
25 Crassulaceae (Stonecrop or orpine family)
26 Cupressaceae (Cypress family)
27 Cyperaceae (Sedge family)
28 Droseraceae (Sundew family)
29 Dryopteridaceae (Wood fern family)
30 Equisetaceae (Horsetail family)
31 Ericaceae (Heath or heather family)
32 Eriocaulaceae (Pipewort family)
33 Euphorbiaceae (Spurge family)
34 Fabaceae (Legume, pea, or bean family)
35 Fagaceae
36 Gentianaceae
37 Geraniaceae
38 Grossulariaceae
39 Haemodoraceae (Bloodwort family)
40 Haloragaceae (Water-milfoil family)
41 Hymenophyllaceae (Filmy ferns and bristle ferns)
42 Hypericaceae
43 Juncaceae (Rush family)
44 Lamiaceae (Mint or deadnettle family)
45 Lentibulariaceae (Bladderwort family)
46 Liliaceae (Lily family)
47 Limnanthaceae
48 Linaceae
49 Lycopodiaceae
50 Lygodiaceae
51 Lythraceae
52 Melanthiaceae
53 Nymphaeaceae (Water-lily family)
54 Onagraceae (Primrose or willowherb family)
55 Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
56 Ophioglossaceae (Adder's-tongue family)
57 Orobanchaceae (Broomrape family)
58 Oxalidaceae (Wood sorrel family)
59 Papaveraceae (Poppy family)
60 Plantaginaceae (Plantain family)
61 Pinaceae (Pine family)
62 Poaceae (Grasses family)
63 Polygalaceae (Milkwort family)
64 Polygonaceae (Knotweed, smartweed, or buckwheat family)
65 Pontederiaceae
66 Potamogetonaceae (Pondweed family)
67 Primulaceae (Primrose family)
68 Pteridaceae
69 Ranunculaceae (Buttercup or crowfoot family)
70 Rosaceae (Rose family)
71 Rubiaceae, (Coffee, madder, or bedstraw family)
72 Salicaceae (Willow family)
73 Santalaceae (Sandalwood family)
74 Saururaceae (Lizard tail family)
75 Saxifragaceae
76 Scheuchzeriaceae
77 Scrophulariaceae (Figwort family)
78 Smilacaceae (Greenbrier family)
79 Typhaceae
80 Verbenaceae (Verbena or vervain family)
81 Violaceae (Violet family)
82 Xyridaceae
83 References
Adoxaceae (Moschatel family)
Alismataceae (Water-plaintain family)
Apiaceae a.k.a. Umbelliferae (Celery, carrot or parsley family)
Araceae (Arum or aroid family)
Araliaceae (Aralia or ivy family)
Asteraceae (Aster, daisy, composite, or sunflower family)
Ageratina aromatica (Small white snakeroot, E)
Antennaria howellii ssp. petaloidea (Field pussytoes, SCE)
Bidens beckii (Beck's water-marigold, SC)
Bidens eatonii (Eaton's beggarticks, E)
Cirsium horridulum (Yellow thistle, E)
Doellingeria infirma (Appalachian white-aster, SCE)
Eupatorium album (White thoroughwort, E)
Eurybia radula (Rough aster, E)
Eurybia spectabilis (Showy aster, T)
Gamochaeta purpurea (Purple cudweed, SCE)
Krigia biflora (Two-flowered cynthia, T)
Liatris novae-angliae (New England blazing-star, SC)
Oclemena nemoralis (Bog aster, E)
Oligoneuron album (Prairie goldenrod, a.k.a. Solidago ptarmicoides , E)
Oligoneuron rigidum (Stiff goldenrod, a.k.a. Solidago rigida , E)
Packera anonyma (Small's ragwort, E)
Packera paupercula (Balsam groundsel, E)
Petasites frigidus var. palmatus (Sweet coltsfoot, T)
Pityopsis falcata (Sickle-leaved golden aster, E)
Polymnia canadensis (Small-flowered leafcup, E)
Senecio suaveolens (Sweet-scented Indian-plantain, E)
Solidago aestivalis (Early wrinkle-leaved goldenrod, SCE, also called rugosa)
Solidago latissimifolia (Elliott's goldenrod, SCE)
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides (Crooked-stem aster, SCE)
Boraginaceae (Borage or forget-me-not family)
Brassicaceae (Mustards, crucifers, or cabbage family)
Celastraceae (Staff vine or bittersweet family)
Cistaceae (Rock rose or Rock-rose family)
Convolvulaceae (Bindweed or morning glory family)
Crassulaceae (Stonecrop or orpine family)
Bolboschoenus maritimus ssp. paludosus (Bayonet Grass, SC)
Bolboschoenus novae-angliae (Salt marsh bulrush, SC)
Carex aestivalis (Summer sedge, SC)
Carex alata (Broadwing sedge, E)
Carex alopecoidea (Foxtail sedge T)
Carex aquatilis ssp. altior (Water sedge, SC)
Carex backii (Back's sedge, E)
Carex barrattii (Barratt's sedge, E)
Carex bushii (Bush's sedge, SC)
Carex buxbaumii (Brown bog sedge, E)
Carex castanea (Chestnut-colored sedge, E)
Carex collinsii (Collins' sedge, SCE)
Carex crawei (Crawe's sedge, T)
Carex crawfordii (Crawford sedge, SCE)
Carex cumulata (Clustered Sedge, T)
Carex davisii (Davis' sedge, T)
Carex foenea (Bronze sedge, SC a.k.a. Carex siccata )
Carex formosa (Handsome sedge, T)
Carex hitchcockiana (Hitchcock's sedge, SC)
Carex limosa (Mud sedge, T)
Carex magellanica (Boreal bog sedge, E)
Carex molesta (Troublesome sedge, SC)
Carex nigromarginata (Black-edge sedge, SCE)
Carex novae-angliae (New England sedge, SC)
Carex oligocarpa (Eastern few-fruit sedge, SC)
Carex oligosperma (Few-seeded sedge, SCE)
Carex pauciflora (Few-flowered sedge, SCE)
Carex polymorpha (Variable sedge, E)
Carex prairea (Prairie sedge, SC)
Carex pseudocyperus (Cyperus-like sedge, E)
Carex reznicekii (Reznicek's sedge, E)
Carex schweinitzii (Schweinitz's sedge, E)
Carex siccata (Bronze sedge, SC)
Carex sterilis (Dioecious sedge, SC)
Carex trichocarpa (Hairy-fruited sedge, SC)
Carex tuckermanii (Tuckerman's sedge, SC)
Carex typhina (Cattail sedge, SC)
Carex viridula (Little green sedge, E)
Carex willdenowii (Willdenow's sedge, E)
Eleocharis equisetoides (Horsetail spikesedge, E)
Eleocharis microcarpa var. filiculmis (Small-fruited spikesedge, SCE)
Eleocharis quadrangulata var. crassior (Square-stemmed spikesedge, E)
Eriophorum vaginatum var. spissum (Hare's tail, T)
Lipocarpha micrantha (Dwarf bulrush, T)
Rhynchospora capillacea (Needle beaksedge, E)
Rhynchospora macrostachya (Tall beaksedge, T)
Rhynchospora scirpoides (Long-beaked beaksedge, E)
Schoenoplectus acutus (Hard-stemmed bullrush, T)
Schoenoplectus torreyi (Torrey bulrush, T)
Scirpus georgianus (Georgia bulrush, SCE)
Scirpus longii (Long's bulrush, SCE)
Scleria pauciflora var. caroliniana (Few-flowered nutrush, E)
Scleria reticularis (Reticulated nutrush, E)
Scleria triglomerata (Whip nutrush, E)
Scleria verticillata (Low nutrush, SCE)
Trichophorum alpinum (Alpine bulrush, SCE)
Ericaceae (Heath or heather family)
Andromeda polifolia var. glaucophylla (Bog rosemary, T)
Gaultheria hispidula (Creeping snowberry, SC)
Gaylussacia bigeloviana (Dwarf huckleberry, T)
Lyonia mariana (Stagger-bush, SCE)
Moneses uniflora (One-flower wintergreen, E)
Orthilia secunda (One-sided pyrola, SCE)
Rhododendron groenlandicum (Labrador tea, T)
Vaccinium myrtilloides (Velvetleaf blueberry, E,)
Vaccinium vitis-idaea ssp. minus (Mountain cranberry, SCE)
Acalypha virginica (Virginia copperleaf, SC)
Crotonopsis elliptica (Elliptical rushfoil, SCE)
Fabaceae (Legume, pea, or bean family)
Lachnanthes caroliniana (Carolina redroot native populations only, E)
Lamiaceae (Mint or deadnettle family)
Agastache nepetoides (Yellow giant hyssop, E)
Agastache scrophulariifolia (Purple giant hyssop, E)
Blephilia ciliata (Downy wood-mint, SCE)
Blephilia hirsuta (Hairy wood-mint, SCE)
Lycopus amplectens (Clasping-leaved water-horehound, SC)
Pycnanthemum torreyi (Torrey mountain-mint, E)
Stachys hispida (Hispid hedge-nettle, T)
Stachys hyssopifolia (Hyssop-leaf hedge-nettle, E)
Scutellaria integrifolia (Hyssop skullcap, E)
Scutellaria parvula var. missouriensis (Small skullcap, E)
Trichostema brachiatum (False pennyroyal, E)
Floerkea proserpinacoides (False mermaid-weed, E)
Chamaelirium luteum (Devil's bit, E)
Veratrum latifolium (Hybrid bunchflower, SCE)
Onagraceae (Primrose or willowherb family)
Aplectrum hyemale (Puttyroot, SCE)
Arethusa bulbosa (Dragon's-mouth, SCE)
Coeloglossum viride (Long-bracted green orchid, E)
Corallorhiza trifida (Early coral root, SC)
Cypripedium arietinum (Ram's-head lady's-slipper, SCE)
Cypripedium parviflorum (Yellow lady's-slipper, SC)
Cypripedium reginae (Showy lady's-slipper, SC)
Goodyera repens var. ophioides (Dwarf rattlesnake plantain, SCE)
Isotria medeoloides (Small whorled pogonia, E, federally threatened)
Liparis liliifolia (Lily-leaved twayblade, E)
Malaxis bayardii (Bayard's white adder's mouth, SCE)
Malaxis brachypoda (White adder's-mouth, E)
Malaxis unifolia (Green adder's-mouth, E)
Platanthera blephariglottis (White-fringed orchid, E)
Platanthera ciliaris (Yellow-fringed orchid, E)
Platanthera dilatata (Tall white bog orchid, SCE)
Platanthera flava var. herbiola (Pale green orchid, SC)
Platanthera hookeri (Hooker's orchid, SCE)
Platanthera orbiculata (Large round-leaved orchid, SCE)
Triphora trianthophora (Nodding pogonia, E)
Spiranthes tuberosa var. grayi (Little ladies’-tresses, SC)
Poaceae (Grasses family)
Alopecurus aequalis (Short-awned meadow-foxtail, T)
Aristida longespica var. geniculata (Needlegrass, SC)
Aristida purpurascens (Arrowfeather, E)
Aristida tuberculosa (Beach needle grass, E)
Bouteloua curtipendula (Sideoats grama-grass, E)
Calamagrostis stricta ssp. inexpansa (Bend reedgrass, T)
Coleataenia longifolia ssp. elongata (SCE)
Deschampsia cespitosa (Tufted hairgrass, SC)
Dichanthelium ovale ssp. pseudopubescens (Stiff-leaved rosette-panicgrass, SCE)
Dichanthelium scabriusculum (Tall swamp rosette-panicgrass, E)
Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon var. isophyllum (Round-fruited rosette panicgrass, SCE)
Dichanthelium xanthophysum (Pale-leaved rosette-panicgrass, SCE)
Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis (Saltpond grass, E)
Milium effusum (Tall millet-grass, E)
Muhlenbergia capillaris (Long-awn hairgrass, E)
Panicum amarum var. amarum (Bitter panicgrass, T)
Panicum verrucosum (Warty panicgrass, SCE)
Paspalum laeve (Field paspalum, T)
Paspalum setaceum var. psammophilum (Thin paspalum, SCE)
Piptatherum pungens (Slender mountain ricegrass, E)
Phragmites americanus (American reed, SC)
Puccinellia pumila (Goose grass, SCE)
Schizachne purpurascens (Purple oat, SC)
Sporobolus clandestinus (Rough dropseed, E)
Sporobolus cryptandrus (Sand dropseed, T)
Sporobolus heterolepis (Northern dropseed, E)
Sporobolus neglectus (Small dropseed, E)
Trisetum spicatum (Narrow false oats, E)
Polygonaceae (Knotweed, smartweed, or buckwheat family)
Rubiaceae , (Coffee, madder, or bedstraw family)
Scheuchzeria palustris ssp. Americana (Pod grass, E)
Smilax hispida (Bristly greenbriar, SCE)
Verbenaceae (Verbena or vervain family)
"Connecticut's Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern Species 2015" . State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Bureau of Natural Resources. Retrieved 1 February 2018. (Note: This list is newer than the one used by and is more up-to-date.)
Original source: of endangered flora of Connecticut. Read more