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Short description: Pharmaceutical company in Russia
Native name
ФГУП «НПО «Микроген»
TypeUnitary enterprise (FGUP)
Industrypharmaceutical industry
Founded2003 (2003)
Key people
Peter Kanygin (director-general)[1]
Productsimmunobiological products
RevenueIncrease RUB 7.6 bln. (2013)[2]
RUB 5.1 bln. (2012)[1]
Increase RUB 1 bln. (2013)[2]
Number of employees

Microgen (Russian: Микроген) is Russia 's largest producer of immunobiological products,[4][5][6] one of the three largest pharmaceutical companies in Russia.[7][8]

According to the Russian Minister of Health, Veronika Skvortsova, Microgen is of strategic importance for Russia's national security.[9]


The Scientific and Production Association Microgen was established in May 2003[6] as a result of the merger of state-owned enterprises producing medical immunobiological products and other medical drugs.[3][7] Following a decision of the Russian Government, the association was created "to provide for the country's needs for preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic immunobiological preparations".[8]

In 2006, Microgen started shipping its combined vaccines against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B, as well as against tetanus, diphtheria and hepatitis B (DTP-Hep B, Hepatitis-Td).[9]

In 2010, Microgen began production of an improved formula for dry live influenza vaccine "Ultravak".[10]

In 2011, the company received the first samples of bacteriophage preparation against the pathogen Acinetobacter, which is the causative agent of a large number of hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infections and is resistant to antibiotics.[3] Microgen started testing a new anti-tick vaccine for children.[9][11][12] In 2011, Microgen supplied more than 60 million doses of vaccines to the various regions of Russia, including BCG (tuberculosis), Grippol, DTP (diphtheria, tetanus), measles and rubella,[13] as well as more than 12 million doses of influenza vaccine.[14][15][16]

In 2012, Microgen began preparations for the transition to the International Standards of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (GMP).[17] In the same year, the company delivered more than two million packages of bacteriophages[5] and 19 million doses of influenza vaccine.[18]

In 2013, in addition to the existing vaccine against avian influenza (strain H5N1), Microgen initiated the development of pre-pandemic "Chinese flu" vaccine (strain H7N9).[4][19] Peter Kanygin, formerly Head of a Rostec structure, was appointed as the director-general of the company.[20] The association's net income has reached 1 bln. rubel.[21]

In March 2014 the company announced the development of a new generation of vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis based on continuous cell lines.[22] In April 2014, Microgen announced the launch of clinical trials of the new combined penta-vaccine aDTB-HepB-Hib (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B, and infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae).[23][24]

Structure and management

Microgen is a Russian state company.[1][2] Because of the special status of the company, its work is controlled personally by the Prime Minister of Russia.[4]

General Director – Peter Kanygin.[1][25][26][27][28][29][30]

In 2014, Microgen united nine operating companies located in 9 cities across Russia.[3] Its major production sites are located in Stavropol, Irkutsk, Nizhny Novgorod ("ImBio"), Moscow, Tomsk ("Virion"), Perm ("Biomed") and Ufa ("Immunopreparat").[3][4][14][15][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41]

The company has a staff of more than 6,000 people.[3]

Since March 1, 2019, the sole executive body of NPO Microgen JSC has been Nacimbio JSC. In 2021, the Rostec State Corporation transferred 100% of the shares of NPO Microgen to the Nacimbio holding[42]


The company produces more than 70% of the total Russian immunobiological products, including two of the four vaccines against A/H1N1.[9] Microgen also has a monopoly on the production of a number of other vaccines.[43] In 2013, the company controlled 23% of the Russian market of medicines from donated blood plasma.[44] The company supplies 70% of vaccines and toxoids included in the National Immunisation Calendar of Russia.[45]

Microgen produces a range of over 120 immunobiological products: vaccines, sera, specific and polyvalent immunoglobulins, nutrient medium, allergens, probiotics etc.[3][5][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53] Of these, 60 products are included in the Russian list of vital and essential medicines.[3][54][55]

Microgen is the only enterprise in Russia producing bacteriophages on an industrial scale.[21][56][57]

Its medical drugs and products are exported to Kazakhstan, Ukraine ,[58][59] Belarus,[60] Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Mexico, Mongolia, Vietnam and India .[4][9][10][61][62]


The company is developing more than 15 products, including a new version of influenza vaccine, tissue culture vaccines against varicella, rabies, tick-borne encephalitis, combined vaccines DTP-HepB-Hib, HepB-aDTP-Hib and MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) and complex preparations of bacteriophages, etc.[4][9][10][12][63][64]

Microgen is involved in several international research projects, including the WHO program to combat smallpox, measles, rubella, tuberculosis, avian influenza, etc.[10]

Since 2013, Microgen has been involved in the development of a new drug for the treatment of leukaemia[65] and other antitumor drugs.[66]

In 2014, the company announced the launch of clinical trials of the drug "Relatoks" (botulinum toxin type A – haemagglutinin complex) in paediatric neurology[67]

The research projects of the company involve over 130 PhD Candidates and more than 30 Doctors of Science.[3][4]

Microgen is among the ten most innovative companies in Russia, according to RBC Group ratings.[68][69]


The company's 2013 revenue amounted to RUB 7.6 bln., net profit - RUB 1 bln.[2][10] In 2012, the company was the fifth largest in terms of revenue among all Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers.[1]

On the basis of 2012 results, the DSM Group analysts estimated the company's overall turnover at RUB 5.1 bln.[1] One of the company's branches ("Virion", Tomsk) in 2013 supplied RUB 950 mln. worth of products.[70]

In 2012 the company completed 43 State contracts, totalling more than RUB 1.8 bln.[5]

In 2011, revenues from exports reached RUB 500 mln.[9]

The same year, Microgen has spent close to RUB 2 bln. of its own funds on the construction of 2 pharmaceutical plants and a laboratory.[4][9][71] By 2018 the company plans to spend RUB 17 bln. on the modernisation of its production processes.[2]

In 2014, Russia's VTB Bank extended a credit line for the FSUE SPA Microgen to the amount of RUB 2 bln., for a period of 3 years.[72][73]

The company is state-owned,[74] but does not receive subsidies from the State budget.[4]


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