WikID is a semantic industrial design engineering reference wiki, originally started in 2008 by the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at the Delft University of Technology.[1] WikID is a design tool, offering information in a compact manner tailored to its user group, being the Industrial Designers.[2] In WikID the domain of Industrial Design Engineering may be browsed from three angles: Design Methods, Design Aspects, and Product Domains.
The category Design Methods includes design theories, design methods and design techniques. These techniques are for example creativity techniques or techniques to create the design goal or techniques to evaluate product features in a product design.
The category Design Aspects includes the aspects usually found in lists of requirements for product designs. These aspects are (not limited to) ergonomics, production techniques, aesthetics, product safety, sustainability, energy techniques, costs, materials, logistics, marketing, interaction, quality.
A Product Domain is the domain in which the to be designed product will be used. This may be an office environment, kitchen environment, a medical domain, and more.