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Comparison of Business Process Modeling Notation tools

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Main page: Business Process Model and Notation

This article provides a comparison of Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) tools.


Name Creator Platform / OS BPMN Version Features Schema example First Release Latest Release Software license
Activiti Modeler Alfresco and the Activiti community Cross-platform BPMN 2.0 Modeler, Simulation, Execution. Data elements are not supported. Limited supported formats (read/saved internally in BPMN format without exporting capabilities). Activiti.PNG 2010-05-17[1] 2016-01-29[2] Apache License 2.0[3]
ActiveVOS Informatica Windows, Linux BPMN 2.0 Modeling, Testing and Execution with open standards. 2005 2014 Proprietary
ADONIS BOC Information Technologies Consulting AG Windows BPMN 2.0 Business Process Analysis (BPA) tool supporting business process management allowing process modeling, analysis, simulation, evaluation, publishing and automation. Freeware Community Edition available. 1995 2015 Proprietary / Freeware (requires registration)
ARIS Express Software AG Windows (and Linux, Mac unofficially) BPMN 2.0 Limited supported formats (read: proprietary, Microsoft Visio, write: proprietary, EMF, PDF). Aris Express.PNG 2009-07-28 2014-05-28 Freeware (registration needed)
BiZZdesign Architect BiZZdesign Windows BPMN 2.0 Modeler, Integrate with ArchiMate, User collaboration, Support for Collaboration diagrams, BPMN 2.0 XML Export & Import, Web reporting, Paper reporting, Touchscreen interface available 2012 2014 Proprietary
Bonita BPM Bonitasoft Windows, Linux, Mac BPMN 2.0 Bonita BPM combines three solutions in one: a Studio for process modeling, a BPM & Workflow engine, and a user interface, enabling to create standalone process-based applications. Supports several formats (read: BPMN, jBPM, Bonita, XPDL; write: Bonita, BPMN2, PNG, JPG, GIF, PDF, BMP, SVG). Does not support Data elements. Does a lot of validations at runtime. Boundary events are transparent. Bonita simple process.png 2001 2017-04-24[4] GNU GPL[5]
Borland Together Borland Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris 2009-07-04 Proprietary/Shareware
Edraw Max EdrawSoft Cross-platform BPMN 2.0 Modeler, Simulation, Execution. Supported vsdx, eps, pdf and svg formats. 2010 2015 Proprietary
Enterprise Architect Sparx Systems Windows, Linux, Mac BPMN 2.0 Includes BPMN, BPEL, UML, SysML, BPMN 2.0 XML Import/Export, XSD, WSDL and supports BPMN Simulation 2000 2015-01 Proprietary[6]
Flowable Modeler Flowable and the Flowable community Cross-platform BPMN 2.0 Modeler, Simulation, Execution. Data elements are not supported. .
Flowable BPMN model snippet
2017-10-13[7] 2018-05-22[8] Apache License 2.0[9]
IBM BlueWorks Live IBM Cloud (browser based) BPMN 2.0 Proprietary
IBM Rational System Architect IBM Enterprise Architecture tool BPMN 2.0+ Enterprise Architecture tool supporting BPMN 2.0 notation (and bidirectional BPMN 2.0 interchange) integrated within EA frameworks such as TOGAF, DoDAF, Archimate, and others. A thin-client sister product, SA/XT, allows creation of BPMN 2.0 models on the web. An SA Design Manager extension publishes the EA with BPMN to web in [RDF] format allowing [SPARQL] queries to produce open-social-gadget dashboards. 2014, September Proprietary
Imixs-BPMN Imixs Cross-platform BPMN 2.0 Modeling tool based on Eclipse BPMN project which takes the full advantage of all the capabilities of the BPMN standard and complements them with the features of a powerful workflow engine Imixs-bpmn-example01.png 2015 2017[10] GNU GPL
jBPM Redhat Cross-platform BPMN 2.0 Workflow Engine and Tools 2016-04-19 Apache License
LucidChart Lucid Software Inc Cross-platform (browser based) BPMN 2.0 Google App / Google Drive integration, supports Visio files, JIRA integration, Confluence integration 2011 updated twice a month Proprietary - 14-day free trial on team accounts / Free professional accounts for educators and students / Free version
MagicDraw No Magic Windows, Linux, Mac BPMN 2.0 2007-09-24 2014-06-02 Proprietary/Shareware
Microsoft Visio 2013 Microsoft Windows BPMN 2.0 BPMN2 Modeling and validation. Support for Data Input/Output (Excel, SharePoint...). No BPMN file format support (read: Visio, Visio Workflow Interchange; write: Visio, SVG, Autocad, HTML, EMF, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, WMF, XPS). Visio.png 2013 Proprietary
Modelio Modeliosoft Windows, Linux, Mac BPMN 2.0 Includes BPMN, UML, SysML, Java round trip code generation, documentation, TOGAF, XSD, WSDL. The boundary events interrupting/non-interrupting symbols are inverted. Modelio.PNG 2009 2018-10-02[11] GNU GPL[12]
OmniGraffle Omni Group Mac 2010 Proprietary
Software Ideas Modeler Dusan Rodina Windows, Linux BPMN 2.0 2009-Aug 2017-Jan Proprietary
SYDLE SEED Community SYDLE Systems Cloud (browser based) Supports modeling and execution of processes 2012-07 2012-07 Freeware
yEd yWorks Windows, Mac, Linux/Unix BPMN 2.0 Stores graphics in internal format. Cannot load/save BPMN 2.0 files. 2013-03 Freeware
Name Creator Platform / OS BPMN Version Features First Release Latest Release Software license


  1. Alfresco. "Alfresco launches Activiti BPMN 2.0 Business Process Engine". Retrieved 17 September 2013. 
  2. Activiti. "Activiti Download". Retrieved 2016-03-21. 
  3. Activiti. "Activiti 5.13 User Guide". Retrieved 17 September 2013. 
  4. "Bonita BPM 7.4.3 Release Notes | Bonitasoft | Open Source Workflow & BPM software". Retrieved 2017-04-24. 
  5. Bonitasoft. "Download BPM Software And Documentation". Retrieved 24 April 2017. 
  6. Sparx System's Enterprise Architect. "Enterprise Architect End User License Agreement (EULA)". Retrieved 18 September 2013. 
  7. Flowable. "Flowable 5.22.0 release". Retrieved 20 July 2018. 
  8. Flowable. "Flowable 6.3.1 release". Retrieved 20 July 2018. 
  9. Flowable. "Flowable Source Code". Retrieved 20 July 2018. 
  10. Imixs-BPMN. "Imixs-BPMN". Retrieved 2017-04-06. 
  11. "Modelio 341 - Modelio 3 - Modelio Community Forge". Retrieved 2016-01-11. 
  12. Modelio. "About Mmodelio / License". Retrieved 7 August 2015. 

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