List of religions and spiritual traditions

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While the word religion is difficult to define, one standard model of religion used in religious studies courses defines it as

[a] system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in men by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic.[1]

Many religions have narratives, symbols, traditions and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the universe. They tend to derive morality, ethics, religious laws, or a preferred lifestyle from their ideas about the cosmos and human nature. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, or ultimate concerns.[2]

The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with the words "faith" or "belief system", but religion differs from private belief in that it has a public aspect. Most religions have organized behaviours, including clerical hierarchies, a definition of what constitutes adherence or membership, congregations of laity, regular meetings or services for the purposes of veneration of a deity or for prayer, holy places (either natural or architectural) or religious texts. Certain religions also have a sacred language often used in liturgical services. The practice of a religion may also include sermons, commemoration of the activities of a God or gods, sacrifices, festivals, feasts, trance, rituals, liturgies, ceremonies, worship, initiations, funerals, marriages, meditation, invocation, mediumship, music, art, dance, public service, or other aspects of human culture. Religious beliefs have also been used to explain parapsychological phenomena such as out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, and reincarnation, along with many other paranormal and supernatural experiences.[3][4]

Some academics studying the subject have divided religions into three broad categories: world religions, a term which refers to transcultural, international faiths; Indigenous religions, which refers to smaller, culture-specific or nation-specific religious groups; and new religious movements, which refers to recently developed faiths.[5] One modern academic theory of religion, social constructionism, says that religion is a modern concept that suggests all spiritual practice and worship follows a model similar to the Abrahamic religions as an orientation system that helps to interpret reality and define human beings,[6] and thus believes that religion, as a concept, has been applied inappropriately to non-Western cultures that are not based upon such systems, or in which these systems are a substantially simpler construct.

Eastern religions

Eastern religions are the religions which originated in East, South and Southeast Asia encompassing a diverse range of eastern and spiritual traditions.[7]

East Asian religions

World religions that originated in East Asia, also known as Taoic religions; namely Taoism and Confucianism and religions and traditions descended from them.

Chinese philosophy schools

Main page: Philosophy:Hundred Schools of Thought


Main page: Philosophy:Confucianism


Syncretic Taoism

  • Dragon Gate Taoism
    • Wuliupai ("School of Wu-Liu")
  • Kōshin
  • Xuanxue ("Neo-Taoism")
  • Yao Taoism ("Meishanism")

Indian religions

The four world religions that originated in the Indian subcontinent, also known as Dharmic religions; namely Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism and religions and traditions descended from them.


  • Pre-sectarian Buddhism (theorized)
    • Mahayana
      • Chinese Buddhism
        • Tiantai
          • Tendai
          • Cheontae
        • Huayan school
          • Daśabhūmikā
        • Chan Buddhism
          • Seon Buddhism
          • Thiền Buddhism
            • Trúc Lâm (syncretic)
          • Japanese Zen
          • Zen Buddhism
          • Caodong school
            • Sōtō
              • Keizan line
              • Jakuen line
              • Giin line
          • Linji school
            • Otokan line
              • Rinzai
            • Ōbaku
            • Fuke-shū
          • Sanbo Kyodan
      • Madhyamaka
        • Sanlun
        • Jonang
        • Prasaṅgika
        • Svatantrika
      • Nichiren Buddhism
        • Honmon Butsuryū-shū
        • Kempon Hokke
        • Nichiren Shōshū
        • Nichiren Shū
      • Pure Land Buddhism
        • Jōdo Shinshū
          • Honganji-ha
          • Ōtani-ha
          • Yuzu Nembutsu
          • Seizan
        • Jōdo-shū
      • Yogācāra
        • East Asian Yogācāra
    • Nikaya Buddhism (also called "Hinayana")
      • Theravada
        • Sangharaj Nikaya
        • Mahasthabir Nikaya
        • Dwara Nikaya
        • Shwegyin Nikaya
        • Thudhamma Nikaya
        • Amarapura–Rāmañña Nikāya
          • Galduwa Forest Tradition
        • Siam Nikaya
        • Sri Lankan Forest Tradition
        • Dhammayuttika Nikaya
          • Thai Forest Tradition
        • Maha Nikaya (Thailand)
          • Dhammakaya Movement
      • Vipassana movement (United States)
    • Vajrayana
      • Azhaliism
      • Bongthingism
      • Chinese Esoteric Buddhism
      • Newar Buddhism
      • Indonesian Esoteric Buddhism
      • Shingon Buddhism
      • Southern Esoteric Buddhism
      • Tibetan Buddhism
        • Bon (syncretic)
        • Gelug
        • Kagyu
          • Dagpo Kagyu
            • Karma Kagyu
            • Drukpa Kagyu
          • Shangpa Kagyu
        • Nyingma
        • Sakya
        • Jonang
        • Bodongpa
  • Navayana

Dharmic philosophy schools

Main page: Philosophy:Hindu philosophy


Main page: Religion:Hinduism

Syncretic Hinduism

  • Banjara Hinduism
  • Baul
  • Bhil Hinduism
  • Dyaoism
  • Indonesian Hinduism
    • Balinese Hinduism
    • Javanese Hinduism
      • Tenggerese Hinduism
    • Kaharingan
    • Naurus
      • Nuaulu religion


Main page: Philosophy:Jainism
  • Digambara
    • Kanji Panth[11]
    • Taran Panth
  • Śvētāmbara
  • Yapaniya (Historical)


Main page: Religion:Sikhism

Sects such as the Nirankari, Ramraiya and Namdhari are not accepted within the Sikh Rehat Maryada (Sikh Code of Conduct) as they believe in a current human Satguru which goes against Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Dohra in Ardaas.

  • Tat Khalsa
  • Udasi
  • Nanakpanthi
  • Nirankari
  • Nirmala
  • Sewapanthi
  • Nihang
  • Taksali
  • Mina
  • Ramraiya
  • Namdhari
  • Akhand Kirtani
  • 3HO
  • Sanatan Sikh


Main page: Philosophy:Yoga

Abrahamic religions

Main page: Religion:Abrahamic religions


Main page: Religion:Christianity

Eastern Christianity

Main page: Eastern Christianity

Western Christianity

Main page: Western Christianity
See also: List of Independent Catholic denominations and List of the largest Protestant denominations




Main page: Religion:Islam
  • Azraqi (Historical)
  • Haruriyyah (Historical)
  • Ibadi
  • Najdat (Historical)
  • Sufri (Historical)
  • Alevism
    • Alians
    • Bektashism
    • Kurdish Alevism
  • Alawites (Nusayris)
  • Isma'ilism
  • Twelver
  • Zaidiyyah
  • Bektashi Order
  • Chishti Order
  • Kubrawiya
    • Khufiyya
  • Mevlevi Order
  • Mouride
  • Naqshbandi
    • Jahriyya
  • Ni'matullāhī
  • Qadiriyya
  • Roshani
  • Shadhili
  • Suhrawardiyya
  • Sufi Order International
  • Tijaniyyah
  • Universal Sufism

Sunni Islam

Main page: Sunni Islam



  • Ahmadiyya
  • European Islam
  • Jadid
  • Liberal movements within Islam
  • Mahdavia
  • Mahdist movement
  • Quranism
  • Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi
    • Messiah Foundation International
  • Zikrism



Main pages: Kabbalah and Jewish mysticismNon-Rabbinic Judaism

Rabbinic Judaism

Main page: Rabbinic Judaism

Historical Judaism

  • Essenes
    • Bana'im
    • Hemerobaptists (possible ancestor of Mandaeism)
    • Maghāriya
    • Nasoraeans (possible ancestor of Mandaeism)
  • Hypsistarianism
  • Pharisees (ancestor of Rabbinic Judaism)
  • Sadducees (possible ancestor of Karaite Judaism)
  • Zealots (Judea)
    • Sicarii
  • Messianic sects
  • Sabbateans
    • Frankism
  • Second Temple Judaism
  • Frankism

Other Abrahamic

Iranian religions


Main page: Unsolved:Manichaeism


Main page: Religion:Yazdânism


Main page: Religion:Zoroastrianism

Indigenous (ethnic, folk) religions

Religions that consist of the traditional customs and beliefs of particular ethnic groups, refined and expanded upon for thousands of years, often lacking formal doctrine. Some adherents do not consider their ways to be "religion", preferring other cultural terms.


Traditional African

  • ǃKung religion
  • Abwoi religion
  • Acholi religion
  • Afizere traditional religion
  • Akan religion
    • Asante religion
  • Azande traditional religion
  • Bafia religion
  • Baka traditional religion
  • Bantu religion
    • Abagusii religion
    • Akamba traditional religion
    • AmaMpondomise traditional religion
    • Badimo
    • Balondo religion
    • Baluba religion
    • Bamileke religion
    • Bamum traditional religion
    • Banyole traditional beliefs
    • Bubi spirituality
    • Bushongo religion
    • Bwiti
    • Chaga faith
    • Chokwe spiritual beliefs
    • Duala traditional religion
    • Fipa religion
    • Furiiru traditional religion
    • Giriama traditional religion
    • Herero traditional faith
    • Himba religion
    • Kikuyu traditional religion
    • Kongo religion
    • Kwe faith
    • Lozi religion
    • Luvale religion
    • Makua traditional religion
    • Mbole religion
    • Nyakyusa religion
    • Ovambo traditional religion
    • Pedi traditional religion
    • Songye religion
    • Suku religion
    • Swazi traditional religion
    • Tonga religion
    • Tsonga traditional religion
    • Tumbuka religion
    • Xhosa traditional religion
    • Zulu traditional religion
  • Baoule traditional religion
  • Bari traditional religion
  • Bassa traditional religion
  • Biri traditional religion
  • Bobo religion
  • Bori
  • Bwa religion
  • Chamba traditional religion
  • Dahomean religion
  • Damara religion
  • Dan religion
  • Dinka religion
  • Dogon religion
  • Ebira traditional religion
  • Edo traditional religion
  • Efik religion
  • Ekoi religion
  • Esan traditional religion
  • Fali traditional religion
  • Frafra beliefs
  • Gbagyi traditional religion
  • Hadza religion
  • Hyel
  • Idoma traditional religion
  • Ijaw traditional religion
  • Inam
  • Jola traditional religion
  • Asisian religion
  • Khoekhoen religion
  • Kissi traditional religion
  • Kono traditional religion
  • Koore religion
  • Krahn religion
  • Kuku traditional beliefs
  • Lobi animism
  • Lotuko ethnic religion
  • Lugbara religion
  • Maasai religion
  • Madi traditional religion
  • Manjak religion
  • Mbuti religion
  • Moba ethnic religion
  • Mursi animism
  • Nso religion
  • Nuer religion
  • Nyongo Society
    • Bakossi beliefs
  • Odinala / Odinani
  • Oropom religion
  • Safwa religion
  • Samburu religion
  • San religion
  • Serer religion
  • Sidama religion
  • Surma religion
  • Tammari traditional religion
  • Temne traditional religion
  • Traditional Berber religion
  • Turkana traditional religion
  • Urhobo traditional religion
  • Vodun
  • Waaqeffanna
  • Yoruba religion
    • Ifá
  • Indigenous religion in Zimbabwe
    • Shona traditional religion

Diasporic African


Main page: Religion:Shamanism in Siberia


  • Ache traditional tribal religion
  • Achuar religious beliefs
  • Acoma traditional religion
  • Aguaruna traditional beliefs
  • Akawaio religion
  • Alaska Native religion
    • Inuit religion
    • Tanana shamanism
    • Yupik shamanism
      • Yuit shamanism
      • Sirenik shamanism
  • Ancestral Pueblo religion (Basketmaker III) (Pueblo II) (Pueblo III) (Pueblo IV)
  • Andoque religion
  • Anishinaabe traditional beliefs
    • Ojibwe spirituality
  • Apache traditional tribal religion
  • Arhuaco spirituality
  • Atacama religious culture
  • Blackfoot religion
  • Bororo totemism
  • Caddo religion
  • Californian traditional religions
    • Achomawi religion
    • Acjachemen religion
    • Cahuilla religion
    • Kuksu
      • Cahto religion
      • Esselen spirituality
      • Miwok religion
      • Ohlone spirituality
      • Pomo religion
    • Northern Paiute shamanism
    • Mohave religion
    • Wiyot spirituality
  • Calusa native religion
  • Chaná religion
  • Cherokee spiritual beliefs
  • Chilote religion
  • Choctaw religion
  • Creek religion
  • Croatan religious beliefs
  • Crow religion
  • Fuegian spirituality
    • Selk'nam religion
  • Garifuna spirituality
  • Guarani religion
  • Guarayos traditional religious beliefs
  • Guayupe traditional religion
  • Gwich'in traditional beliefs
  • Haida religion
  • Ho-Chunk religion
  • Hopi religion
  • Huaorani traditional animism
  • Hupda cosmgony
  • Incan religion
    • Chauvin religion
    • Nazca religious beliefs
    • Wari' beliefs
  • Illinois religion
  • Innu religion
  • Iroquois religion
    • Mohawk traditional religion
    • Seneca religion
    • Wyandot religion
  • Jivaroan religion
  • Karankawa indigenous religion
  • Kayabi traditional tribal religion
  • Kalapalo beliefs
  • Kalinago religion
  • Kichwa religion
  • Kogi traditional religion
  • Kuikoro religion
  • Kwakwakaʼwakw religion
  • Lakota religion
  • Lenape religion
  • Lokono animist spirituality
  • Maleku animism
  • Mandan religion
  • Mapuche religion
  • Marajoara religion
  • Matses animism
  • Mesoamerican religion
    • Aztec religion
    • Classical Veracruz religion
    • Cora religion
    • Huichol traditional religion
    • Maya religion
      • Chuj traditional beliefs
      • Huastec religion
      • Lacandon traditional beliefs
      • Mazatec traditional religion
      • Maximon
      • Mopan traditional religion
      • Pech traditional religion
      • Q'eqchi' religion
      • Tzeltal religion
      • Tzotzil native religion
      • Tzʼutujil traditional religion
    • Mixe religion
    • Nagualism
    • Olmec religion
    • Purépecha religion
    • Teotihuacan religion
    • Tepehuan religious beliefs
    • Tlapanec religion
    • Totonac traditional religion
    • Zapotec religion
  • Midewiwin
    • Abenaki religious beliefs
  • Mi'kmaq traditional religion
  • Old Miskito religion
  • Muisca religion
  • Muzo traditional religion
  • Navajo spirituality
  • Nuu-chah-nulth religion
  • Omaha religion
  • Osage traditional spirituality
  • Pawnee religion
  • Parakanã shamanism
  • Pech traditional religion
  • Pemon traditional tribal religion
  • Penobscot spirituality
  • Pericues religion
  • Piaroa traditional religion
  • Powhatan native religion
  • Puruhá traditional religion
  • Q'ero spirituality
  • Quechua traditional beliefs
  • Rikbaktsa traditional beliefs
  • Salish narratives
  • Seminole traditional native religion
  • Seri religion
  • Shuar shamanism
  • Southeastern Ceremonial Complex (religion of the Mississippian culture)
  • Taensa native tribal religion
  • Taino spirituality
  • Tairona religion
  • Talamancan religion
  • Tapirape shamanism
  • Tehuelche beliefs
  • Ticuna shamanism
  • Toba belief system
  • Tlingit religion
  • Tsimshian religion
  • Ute religion
  • Wai-Wai religion
  • Wapishana religion
  • Warao traditional beliefs
  • Wayuu religion
  • Yaruro traditional tribal religion
  • Zuni religion


  • Asur religion
  • Birhor traditional religion
  • Bru religion
  • Đạo Lương
  • Ka Niam Khasi
  • Mon religion
  • Muong ethnic religion
  • Nicobarese traditional religion
  • Ka Niamtre
  • Paoch animism
  • Santal religion
  • Sarnaism
  • Senoi ethnic religion
  • Sora traditional beliefs
  • Tampuan animism
  • Ta Oi animism


  • Amis native religion
  • Aliran Kepercayaan/Mythology of Indonesia
    • Adat Pu'un
    • Aluk
    • Batak Parmalim
    • Dayak religion
    • Jingi Tiu
    • Kejawèn
    • Kapitayan
      • Kangeanese religion
    • Karo Pemena
    • Kendayan religion
    • Marapu
    • Rejang religion
    • Rotenese religion
    • Saminism Movement
    • Sangirese religion
    • Sumbawa religion
    • Sundanese Wiwitan
    • Wai Apu religion
  • Dayawism
    • Batak folk religion
    • Bicolano religion
    • Blaan folk religion
    • Capiznon folk religion
    • Cuyunon folk religion
    • Gaddang folk religion
    • Ifugao folk religion
    • Ilocano folk religion
    • Itneg folk religion
    • Kalinga folk religion
    • Kankanaey folk religion
    • Karay-a folk religion
    • Mangyan folk religion
    • Palawan folk religion
    • Pangasinan folk religion
    • Sama Bajau folk religion
    • Sambal folk religion
    • Subanon folk religion
    • Tagalog folk religion
    • Tagbanwa folk religion
    • Tboli folk religion
    • Teduray folk religion
    • Visayan folk religion
  • Fomba Gasy
  • Jarai religion
  • Kanakanavu native religion
  • Malaysian folk religion
    • Datuk Keramat
    • Jakun religion
    • Pengarap Iban
    • Melanau religion
    • Momolianism
    • Murut religion
    • Orang Kanaq religion
    • Orang Seletar religion
    • Semai religion
    • Semaq Beri religion
    • Temuan religion
  • Micronesian religion
    • Carolinian religion
    • Chamorro religion
    • Chuukese religion
    • Nauruan indigenous religion
  • Polynesian narrative
    • Cook Islands narrative
    • Hawaiian religion
    • Mangarevan narrative
    • Māori religion
    • Niuean narrative
    • Rapa Nui narrative
    • Samoan narrative
    • Tahitian narrative
    • Tongan narrative
    • Tuvaluan narrative
  • Paiwan shamanism
  • Sakizaya native religion
  • Taivoan animism
  • Tao native religion


  • Khabzeism
  • Vainakh religion


Main page: Religion:Dravidian folk religion
  • Khond traditional religion
  • Kota religion
  • Koyapunem
  • Sauria Paharia religion
  • Tamil religion
  • Toda religion


  • Kalashism
  • Nagpuria religion
  • Ossetian native religion
  • Punjabi folk religion
  • Tharu religion

Koreanic and Japonic

Melanesian and Aboriginal

  • Australian Aboriginal spirituality
    • Gamilaraay dreaming
    • Larrakia dreaming
    • Tasmanian Aboriginal spirituality
    • Yolnu religion
  • Fijian ancient religion
  • Kanak traditional beliefs
  • Papuan religion
    • Dumo spirituality
    • Fore traditional beliefs
    • Kaluli religion
    • Korowai religion
    • Trobriand traditional beliefs
    • Urapmin traditional beliefs


  • Aeta religion
  • Ati animism
  • Onge native religion
  • Semang animism
  • Vedda original religion


Main page: Religion:Shamanism in Siberia
  • Ainu religion
  • Koryak religion
  • Itelmen religion
  • Nivkh traditional religion
  • Yukaghir shamanism


  • Banrawat religion
  • Bathouism
  • Benzhuism
  • Biate animism
  • Bimoism
  • Bon
    • Dongba
    • Hangui
  • Burmese folk religion
    • Lisu religion
  • Chang Naga animism
  • Chutia religion
  • Chinese Folk Religion
  • Daba
  • Dingba
  • Donyi-Polo
  • Sangsarek
  • Gurung shamanism
  • Hani religion
  • Hnam Sakhua
  • Jingpo religion
  • Kan Khwan
  • Karbi animism
  • Karen animism
  • Kiratism
    • Yumaism
  • Maring beliefs
  • Miji animism
  • Mizo religion
  • Mro religion
  • Nuo folk religion
  • Nyezi-No
  • Qiang folk religion
  • Reang religion
  • Sanamahism
  • Tangsa Naga animism
  • Toto nature religion
  • Zahv

Tai and Miao


  • Komi shamanism
  • Mari Native Religion


New religious movements

Religions that cannot be classed as either world religions or traditional folk religions, and are usually recent in their inception.[13]

Cargo cults

New ethnic religions

Main page: Religion:Ethnic religion


Black Hebrew Israelites

Main page: Black Hebrew Israelites
  • African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem
  • Church of God and Saints of Christ
  • Commandment Keepers
  • Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ
  • Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge
  • Nation of Yahweh
  • One West Camp


Main page: Rastafari
  • Bobo Ashanti
  • Nyabinghi
  • Twelve Tribes of Israel


Native American

World Religion-derived new religions


Chinese salvationist religions

  • Baguadao ("Way of the Eight Trigrams")
  • Dejiao ("Teaching of Virtue")
  • Huangjidao ("Way of the Imperial Pole")
  • Huangtiandao ("Way of the Yellow Sky")
  • Huazhaidao ("Way of Flowers and Fasting")
  • Jiugongdao ("Way of the Nine Palaces")
  • Luandao ("Phoenix Way")
  • Luoism ("Way of Luo")
    • Chinese religions of fasting
      • Xiantiandao ("Way of Former Heaven")
        • Guiyidao ("Way of the Return to the One")
        • Shengdao ("Holy Way")
        • Yaochidao ("Way of the Mother of Pearl Lake")
        • Yiguandao ("Persistent Way")
        • Yixin Tiandao ("Heart-bound Heavenly Way")
    • Dacheng
    • Hongyangism
  • Maitreyanism
  • Sanyiism
  • Shanrendao ("Way of the Virtuous Man")
  • Taigu school
  • Tiandihui
  • Tiandiism
  • Tianguangdao ("Way of the Heavenly Light")
  • Tianxian Miaodao ("Way of the Temple of the Heavenly Immortals")
  • Weixinism
  • White Lotus
  • Xuanyuandao ("Way of Xuanyuan")
  • Yellow Sand Society
  • Zailiism ("Way of the Abiding Principle)
  • Zhongyongdao ("Way of the Golden Mean")

Hindu reform movements


Main page: Religion:Korean new religions


Main page: Philosophy:Buddhist modernism

Perennial and interfaith



Modern paganism

Ethnic neopaganism

  • Hetanism
  • Baltic neopaganism
    • Dievturība
    • Romuva
  • Caucasian neopaganism
    • Abkhaz neopaganism
    • Assianism
  • Celtic neopaganism
    • Celtic reconstructionist paganism
    • Druidry
  • Heathenry (a.k.a. Germanic neopaganism)
  • Hellenism
  • Heraka
  • Italo-Roman neopaganism
    • Nova Roma
    • Roman Traditional Movement
  • Kemetism
    • Kemetic Orthodoxy
  • Semitic neopaganism
  • Rodnovery (a.k.a. Slavic neopaganism)
    • Native Polish Church
    • Peterburgian Vedism
    • Rodzima Wiara
    • Rodnover Confederation
    • Sylenkoism
    • Union of Slavic Native Belief Communities
    • Ynglism
  • Uralic neopaganism
    • Estonian neopaganism
    • Suomenusko
    • Hungarian neopaganism
    • Mastorava
    • Udmurt Vos
  • Zalmoxianism
  • Zuism

Syncretic neopaganism

Entheogenic religions

Main page: Chemistry:Entheogen

New Age Movement

Main page: Philosophy:New Age

New Thought

Parody religions and fiction-based religions

Post-theistic and naturalistic religions

Main pages: Philosophy:Post-theism and Philosophy:Religious naturalism

UFO religions

Western esotericism

Historical religions

Prehistoric Religion

Main page: Religion:Prehistoric religion

Bronze Age

Classical antiquity

  • Adena religion
  • Aksumite religion
  • Albanian folk beliefs
  • Proto-Celtic paganism
    • Ancient Celtic religion
      • Breton paganism
      • Cantabrian paganism
      • Celtic Animism
      • Cornish paganism
      • Irish paganism
      • Manx paganism
      • Scottish paganism
        • Hebridean paganism
      • Welsh paganism
  • Ancient Greek religion
  • Ancient Iranian religion
  • Armenian paganism
  • Basque paganism
  • Cantabrian religion
  • Castro religion
  • Dacian religion
  • Eblaite religion
  • Elamite religion
  • Etruscan religion
  • Gallaecian religion
  • Georgian paganism
  • Germanic paganism
    • Alpine paganism
    • Anglo-Saxon paganism
    • Cimbri religion
    • Continental Germanic paganism
    • Frankish paganism
    • Gothic paganism
    • Old Norse religion
  • Iberian religion
  • Illyrian religion
    • Iapydes religion
  • Ligurian religion
  • Lusitanian religion
  • Lydian religion
  • Nuragic religion
  • Paeonian religion
  • Phrygian religion
  • Punic religion
  • Religion in ancient Rome
    • Gallo-Roman religion
    • Imperial cult
    • Greco-Roman mysteries
      • Mithraism
  • Religion in pre-Islamic Arabia
  • Samnite religion
  • Scythian religion
  • Sramana
  • Thracian religion
  • Umbrian religion
    • Marsi religion
  • Urartu religion
  • Vedicism

Post-classical Period

  • Arioi
  • Balinese religion
  • Baltic paganism
    • Prussian paganism
    • Latvian paganism
    • Lithuanian paganism
  • Batak religion
  • Bulgar religion
  • Caucasian Albanian paganism
  • Chimor religion
  • Estonian shamanism
  • Finnish shamanism
  • Guanche religion
  • Hungarian shamanism
  • Hunnic religion
  • Khitan religion
  • Jamaican Maroon religion
  • Lima religion
  • Moche religion
  • Sámi shamanism
  • Slavic paganism
  • Tiwanaku religion
  • Tocharian religion
  • Vainakh religion
  • Wari religion

Other categorisations

By demographics

By area

  • Religion in Africa
  • Religion in Asia
  • Religion in Oceania
  • Religion in Europe
  • Religion in North America
  • Religion in South America
  • Religions by country
    • List of state-established religions
    • Buddhism by country
      • Buddhism in the United States
    • Christianity by country
    • Hinduism by country
    • Islam by country
      • Ahmadiyya by country
    • Judaism by country, Jewish population by country
    • Sikhism by country

See also


  1. (Clifford Geertz, Religion as a Cultural System, 1973)
  2. "World Religions Religion Statistics Geography Church Statistics". 
  3. "About - the Parapsychological Association". 
  4. "Key Facts about Near-Death Experiences". 
  5. Harvey, Graham (2000). Indigenous Religions: A Companion. (Ed: Graham Harvey). London and New York: Cassell. Page 06.
  6. Vergote, Antoine, Religion, belief and unbelief: a psychological study, Leuven University Press, 1997, p. 89
  7. Coogan, Michael David; Narayanan, Vasudha (2005). Eastern Religions: Origins, Beliefs, Practices, Holy Texts, Sacred Places. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195221907. 
  8. Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli. Vol. 1-2. Indian Philosophy (1923) Vol. 1, 738 p. (1927) Vol. 2, 807 p. Oxford University Press.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Tattwananda, Swami (1984). Vaisnava Sects, Saiva Sects, Mother Worship (1st rev. ed.). Calcutta: Firma KLM Private Ltd.. 
  10. Dandekar, R. N. (1987). "Vaiṣṇavism: An Overview". in Eliade, Mircea. The Encyclopedia of Religion. 14. New York: MacMillan. 
  11. "Welcome to Jainworld – Jain Sects – tirthankaras, jina, sadhus, sadhvis, 24 tirthankaras, digambara sect, svetambar sect, Shraman Dharma, Nirgranth Dharma". 
  12. Melton 2003, p. 611.
  13. Clarke 2006.
  14. Melton 2003, p. 1001.
  15. Melton 2003, p. 1004.
  16. Melton 2003, p. 997.
  17. Melton 2003, p. 1112.
  18. Clarke 2006, pp. 507–509, Radhasoami movements.
  19. Engle, John (2014). "Cults of Lovecraft: The Impact of H.P. Lovecraft's Fiction on Contemporary Occult Practices". Mythlore 1 (125): 85–98. 
  20. Laycock, Joseph P. Reitman (2012). "We Are Spirits of Another Sort". Nova Religio 15 (3): 65–90. doi:10.1525/nr.2012.15.3.65. 


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