Based on the extensive body of available literature on management, different modes of leadership abound. David Wilkinson, for instance, described four modes of leadership in his 2006 book, The Ambiguity Advantage. Others also proposed different modes such as Jonas Altman who offered the Teacher, Learner, Mobiliser, and Giver leadership modes for the 21st century.[1] All these illustrate varying outlooks and preferences for direction, participation, task, relations, and change orientation, which often depend on two variables: 1) the leader's personal characteristics; and, 2) the situational contingencies, which include the characteristics of the follower, the organization, task, goals, and constraints, among others.[2]
In situational leadership theory, styles of leadership refer to behaviors that a leader should engage with[clarification needed] in different situations. By comparison, modes are different systems or levels of thinking, logic, and development from which people, and particularly leaders, view the world. Individuals either stay in one mode all of their life or move from one mode to another, in order, as they mature and develop. There is evidence[clarification needed] that different people start naturally in different modes depending on their degree of maturity. Altman identified this kind of leadership as leadership mindset that evolves along with the changing world. For example, he cited the modes of leadership identified with the industrial mindset as outdated and must be replaced with modes compatible with today's emergent era, which comes with new developments such as knowledge work.[3]
The four modes of leadership reflect differing views of the world and therefore different ways of seeing and solving problems, based on the work of Ronald A. Heifetz:
Each of the four modes identified by Wilkinson describes a levels of ability to deal with increasing degrees of ambiguity and complexity.
Philosopher Eric Thomas Weber suggests a new mode of leadership, which he calls "democratic leadership." This mode of leadership abandons the assumption that "leadership is a special or unique class of persons." Rather, leadership is viewed as a process "and one in which all citizens can engage." [4] Weber combines the radical democracy of John Dewey and the Virtue ethics of Plato to explicate this new way to conceptualize leadership.