Comparison of JavaScript engines

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The following tables compare standards support for some notable JavaScript/ECMAScript engines used in web browsers.

Explanation of tables

See List of ECMAScript engines for a full list.


These indicate the level of support for the given item in each engine. By default, the most recent version of the engine is implied. However, a specific version number can be listed; when this indicates full support, it's the initial version of the engine fully supporting the item.

Value Meaning
Yes Fully supported
No Has never been supported
Partial Only some values are supported
Incorrect Not implemented correctly in all cases
Experimental May be incomplete or buggy
Nightly build Currently in development; full support is expected
Depends Only supported for the specified conditions
Dropped No longer supported

ECMAScript version support

Overview of ECMAScript version support
Browser engine MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto Blink
Corresponding JavaScript engine JScript / Chakra SpiderMonkey JavaScriptCore Linear B / Futhark / Carakan V8
ECMAScript Edition 3 Yes 0.6 Yes 1.0 Yes
ECMAScript Edition 5 5.0 2.0 Partial Yes Yes
ECMAScript Edition 6 ? ? ? ? ?
JavaScript 1.5 extensions No 0.6 Yes 1.0 Yes
JavaScript 1.6 extensions
(excluding E4X)
No 1.8 Partial Partial Partial
JavaScript 1.7 extensions No 1.8.1 No Partial No
JavaScript 1.8 extensions No 1.9 Partial No Partial
JavaScript 1.8.1 extensions No 1.9.1 No No No
JScript .NET extensions No No No No No
ActionScript extensions No No No No No
E4X No Dropped[1] No No No

Standard library

Global object

Implementation of global objects
Global object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto Blink
Value properties
NaN 4.0 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
Infinity 4.0 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
undefined 5.5 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
Function properties
eval(x) 3.0 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
parseInt(string [, radix]) 3.0 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
parseFloat(string) 3.0 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
isNaN(number) 4.0 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
isFinite(number) 4.0 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
URI handling functions
decodeURI(encodedURI) 5.5 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
decodeURIComponent(encodedURIComponent) 5.5 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
encodeURI(uri) 5.5 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
encodeURIComponent(uriComponent) 5.5 0.6 Yes Yes Yes
Constructor properties
Object 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Array 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
String 3.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Boolean 3.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Number 3.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Date 3.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
RegExp 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Error 5.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
EvalError 5.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
RangeError 5.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
ReferenceError 5.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
SyntaxError 5.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
TypeError 5.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
URIError 5.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Other properties
Math 3.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Additional properties
escape(string) 3.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
unescape(string) 3.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Object object

Implementation of object objects
Object object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto Blink
Called as function
Object([value]) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Called as constructor
new Object([value]) 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
prototype 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Properties of prototype
constructor 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
toString() 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
toLocaleString() 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
valueOf() 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
hasOwnProperty(V) 5.5 Yes 3 Yes Yes
isPrototypeOf(V) 5.5 Yes 3 Yes Yes
propertyIsEnumerable(V) 5.5 Yes 3 Yes Yes

Function object

Implementation of function objects
Function object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto Blink
Called as function
Function(p1 [, p2 [, ...,] body]) ? Yes Yes ? Yes
Called as constructor
new Function(p1 [, p2 [, ...,] body]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
length ? 1.0 Yes Yes Yes
prototype 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
Properties of prototype
length ? 1.0 Yes ? Yes
constructor 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
toString() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
apply(thisArg, argArray) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
call(thisArg [, arg1 [, arg2 [, ...]]]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
Properties of instances
length 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
prototype 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes

Array object

Implementation of array objects
Array object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto Blink
Called as function
Array([item1 [, item2 [, ...]]]) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Called as constructor
new Array([item1, item2 [, ...]]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
new Array(len) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
prototype 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
Properties of prototype
constructor 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
toString() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
toLocaleString() 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
concat([item1 [, item2 [,...]]]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
join(separator) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
pop() 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
push([item1 [, item2 [,...]]]) 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
reverse() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
shift() 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
slice(start, end) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
sort(comparefn) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
splice(start, deleteCount [, item1 [, item2 [, ...]]]) 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
unshift([item1 [, item2 [, ...]]]) 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
indexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex]) 9.0[2] 1.8 522 2.1 Yes
lastIndexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex]) 1.8 522 2.1 Yes
filter(callback[, thisObject]) 1.8 522 2.1 Yes
forEach(callback[, thisObject]) 1.8 522 2.1 Yes
every(callback[, thisObject]) 1.8 522 2.1 Yes
map(callback[, thisObject]) 1.8 522 2.1 Yes
some(callback[, thisObject]) 1.8 522 2.1 Yes
reduce(callback[, initialValue]) 1.9 528 2.5.22 Yes
reduceRight(callback[, initialValue]) 1.9 528 2.5.22 Yes
Properties of instances
length 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes

String object

Implementation of string objects
String object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto Blink
Called as function
String([value]) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Called as constructor
new String([value]) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
prototype 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
fromCharCode([char0 [, char1 [, ...]]]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
Properties of prototype
constructor 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
toString() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
valueOf() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
charAt(pos) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
charCodeAt(pos) 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
concat([string1 [, string2 [, ...]]]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
indexOf(searchString, position) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
lastIndexOf(searchString, position) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
localeCompare(that) 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
match(regexp) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
replace(searchValue, replaceValue) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
search(regexp) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
slice(start, end) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
split(separator, limit) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
substring(start, end) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
toLowerCase() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
toLocaleLowerCase(comparefn) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
toUpperCase() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
toLocaleUpperCase() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
Additional properties of prototype
substr(start, length) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes
Properties of instances
length 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0 Yes

Boolean object

Implementation of Boolean objects
Boolean object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto Blink
Called as function
Boolean([value]) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Called as constructor
new Boolean([value]) 3.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
prototype 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Properties of prototype
constructor 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
toString() 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
valueOf() 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Number object

Implementation of number objects
Number object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto
Called as function
Number([value]) ? Yes Yes ?
Called as constructor
new Number([value]) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
prototype 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
MAX_VALUE 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
MIN_VALUE 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
NaN 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
Properties of prototype
constructor 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toString([radix]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toLocaleString() 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0
valueOf() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toFixed(fractionDigits) 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0
toExponential(fractionDigits) 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0
toPrecision(precision) 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0

Math object

Implementation of math objects
Math object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto
Value properties
E 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
LN10 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
LN2 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
LOG2E 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
LOG10E 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
PI Yes Yes Yes Yes
SQRT1_2 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
SQRT2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function properties
abs(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
acos(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
asin(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
atan(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
atan2(y, x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
ceil(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
cos(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
exp(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
floor(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
log(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
max([value1 [, value2 [, ...]]]) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
min([value1 [, value2 [, ...]]]) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
pow(x, y) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
random() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
round(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
sin(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
sqrt(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
tan(x) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0

Date object

Implementation of date objects
Date object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto
Called as function
Date ([year [, month [, date [, hours [, minutes [, seconds [, ms ]]]]]]]) ? ? ? ?
Called as constructor
new Date (year, month [, date [, hours [, minutes [, seconds [, ms ]]]]]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
new Date (value) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
new Date () 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
prototype 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
parse(string) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
UTC (year, month [, date [, hours [, minutes [, seconds [, ms ]]]]]) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
Properties of prototype
constructor 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toString() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toDateString() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toTimeString() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toLocaleString() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toLocaleDateString() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toLocaleTimeString() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
valueOf() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getTime() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getFullYear() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getMonth() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getUTCMonth() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getDate() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getUTCDate() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getDay() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getUTCDay() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getHours() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getUTCHours() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getMinutes() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getUTCMinutes() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getSeconds() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getUTCSeconds() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getMilliseconds() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getUTCMilliseconds() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
getTimezoneOffset() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setTime(time) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setMilliseconds(ms) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setUTCMilliseconds(ms) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setSeconds(sec [, ms]) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setUTCSeconds(sec [, ms]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setMinutes(min [, sec [, ms]]) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setUTCMinutes(min [, sec [, ms]]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setHours(hour [, min [, sec [, ms]]]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setUTCHours(hour [, min [, sec [, ms]]]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setDate(date) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setUTCDate(date) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setMonth(month [, date]) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setUTCMonth(month [, date]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setFullYear(year [, month [, date]]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setUTCFullYear(year [, month [, date]]) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toUTCString() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
Additional properties of prototype
getYear() 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
setYear(year) 3.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toGMTString() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0

RegExp object

Implementation of RegExp objects
RegExp object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto
Called as function
RegExp (pattern, flags) ? ? ? ?
Called as constructor
new RegExp (pattern, flags) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
prototype 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
Properties of prototype
constructor 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
exec(string) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
test(string) 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
toString() 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
Properties of instances
source 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
global 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
ignoreCase 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0
multiline 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0
lastIndex 4.0 1.0 Yes 1.0

Error object

Implementation of error objects
Error object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto
Called as function
Error (message) ? ? ? ?
Called as constructor
new Error (message) 5.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
prototype 5.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
Properties of prototype
constructor 5.0 1.0 Yes 1.0
name 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0
message 5.5 1.0 Yes 1.0
toString() 5.0 1.0 Yes 1.0

NativeError objects

Implementation of NativeError objects
NativeError object MSHTML Gecko WebKit Presto
Called as function
EvalError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
RangeError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
ReferenceError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
SyntaxError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
TypeError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
URIError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
Called as constructor
new EvalError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
new RangeError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
new ReferenceError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
new SyntaxError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
new TypeError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
new URIError (message) ? 1.0 Yes ?
prototype ? 1.0 ? ?
Properties of prototype
constructor ? 1.0 ? ?
name ? 1.0 Yes ?
message ? 1.0 Yes ?


Further reading

External links

  • Webdevout – mostly covers Windows browsers. Extensive bug testing.

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