Hack and slash

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Short description: Tabletop and video game genre

Hack and slash, also known as hack and slay (H&S or HnS) or slash 'em up,[1][2] refers to a type of gameplay that emphasizes combat with melee-based weapons (such as swords or blades). They may also feature projectile-based weapons as well (such as guns) as secondary weapons. It is a sub-genre of beat 'em up games, which focuses on melee combat, usually with swords. Third-person hack and slash games are also sometimes known as character action games and spectacle fighters.

The term "hack and slash" was originally used to describe a play style in tabletop role-playing games, carrying over from there to MUDs, massively multiplayer online role-playing games, and role-playing video games. In arcade and console style action video games, the term has an entirely different usage, specifically referring to action games with a focus on real-time combat with hand-to-hand weapons as opposed to guns or fists. The two types of hack-and-slash games are largely unrelated, though action role-playing games may combine elements of both.

Types of hack-and-slash games

Action video games

In the context of action video games, the terms "hack and slash" or "slash 'em up"[1][2] refer to melee weapon-based action games that are a sub-genre of beat 'em ups. Traditional 2D side-scrolling examples include Taito's The Legend of Kage (1985)[2] and Rastan (1987),[1][3] Sega's arcade video game series Shinobi (1987 debut)[1][4] and Golden Axe (1989 debut),[5][6] Data East's arcade game Captain Silver (1987),[1] Tecmo's early Ninja Gaiden (Shadow Warriors) 2D games (1988 debut),[1] Capcom's Strider (1989),[2][7] the Sega Master System game Danan: The Jungle Fighter (1990),[1] Taito's Saint Sword (1991),[1] Vivid Image's home computer game First Samurai (1991),[2] and Vanillaware's Dragon's Crown (2013).[4] The term "hack-and-slash" in reference to action-adventure games dates back to 1987, when Computer Entertainer reviewed The Legend of Zelda and said it had "more to offer than the typical hack-and-slash" epics.[8]

In the early 21st century, journalists covering the video game industry often use the term "hack and slash" to refer to a distinct genre of 3D, third-person, weapon-based, melee action games. Examples include Capcom's Devil May Cry, Onimusha, and Sengoku Basara[9] franchises, Koei Tecmo's Dynasty Warriors and 3D Ninja Gaiden games, Sony's Genji and God of War, as well as Bayonetta, Darksiders, Dante's Inferno,[10][11][12] and No More Heroes. The genre is sometimes known as "character action" games, and represent a modern evolution of traditional arcade action games. This subgenre of games was largely defined by Hideki Kamiya, creator of Devil May Cry and Bayonetta.[13] In turn, Devil May Cry (2001) was influenced by earlier hack-and-slash games, including Onimusha (2001)[14] and Strider.[15][16]

Role-playing games

The term "hack and slash" itself has roots in "pen and paper" role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), denoting campaigns of violence with no other plot elements or significant goal. The term itself dates at least as far back as 1980, as shown in a Dragon article by Jean Wells and Kim Mohan which includes the following statement: "There is great potential for more than hacking and slashing in D&D or AD&D; there is the possibility of intrigue, mystery and romance involving both sexes, to the benefit of all characters in a campaign."[17]

Hack and slash made the transition from the tabletop to role-playing video games, usually starting in D&D-like worlds.[18] This form of gameplay influenced a wide range of action role-playing games, including games such as Xanadu,[19] and Diablo.[20]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 "Complete Games Guide". Mean Machines (20 (28 April 1992)): 6, 14, 18, 20, 22, 26. May 1992. https://archive.org/details/Mean_Machines_Complete_Games_Guide_1992-05_EMAP_Images_GB_suppliment_issue_20/page/n4/mode/1up. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 "First Samurai". Computer and Video Games (121 (December 1991)): 28–30. 15 November 1991. https://archive.org/details/cvg-magazine-121/page/n27/mode/2up. 
  3. Reed, Kristan (4 January 2007). "Taito Legends Power-Up". https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/taito-legends-power-up-review. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 Gass, Zach (11 May 2020). "10 Awesome Hack and Slash Games That Aren't God of War". Screen Rant. https://screenrant.com/best-awesome-hack-slash-games-arent-god-war/. 
  5. Greg Kasavin (2006-11-30). "Golden Axe Review". GameSpot. http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/goldenaxegen/review.html. 
  6. Patrick Shaw (2008-05-16). "Golden Axe: Beast Rider". GamePro. http://www.gamepro.com/article/previews/185688/golden-axe-beast-rider/. 
  7. Weiss, Brett (9 July 2018). Classic Home Video Games, 1989-1990: A Complete Guide to Sega Genesis, Neo Geo and TurboGrafx-16 Games. McFarland & Company. p. 206. ISBN 978-0-7864-9231-2. https://books.google.com/books?id=lmRjDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA206. 
  8. "Nintendo Software". Computer Entertainer 6 (5): 12. August 1987. http://www.ataricompendium.com/archives/newsletters/video_game_update/computer_entertainer_aug87.pdf#page=12. 
  9. "The Story behind Development of "Sengoku BASARA"". Capcom. December 24, 2015. http://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/feature/2015_basara01/02.html. 
  10. "Dante's Inferno Review - UGO.com". November 5, 2013. http://www.ugo.com/games/dantes-inferno-review. 
  11. Heavenly Sword Review, VideoGamer.com, 04/09/2007
  12. Pementel, Michael (7 January 2019). "A Timeless Hack And Slash Historical Adventure: Remembering 'Onimusha: Warlords'". Bloody Disgusting. https://bloody-disgusting.com/editorials/3540280/timeless-hack-slash-historical-adventure-remembering-onimusha-warlords/. 
  13. Hovermale, Chris (2019-03-10). "How Devil May Cry's arcade inspirations shaped character action games". Destructoid. https://www.destructoid.com/stories/how-devil-may-cry-s-arcade-inspirations-shaped-character-action-games-545783.phtml. 
  14. Electronic Gaming Monthly, December 2001 issue, p. 56.
  15. Fahey, Rob (2007-01-01). "Strider 1/2". http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/strider-1-2-review. 
  16. Jones, Darran (24 Apr 2010). "The Making of... Strider". Retro Gamer (76). pp. 48-53.
  17. "Women want equality - and why not?". Dragon #39 (TSR Hobbies, Inc.) V (1): 16. July 1980. 
  18. David Myers. "The attack of the backstories (and why they won't win)". http://www.loyno.edu/~dmyers/F99%20classes/AttackOfTheBackstories.pdf. 
  19. "Hack and Slash: What Makes a Good Action RPG?". 1UP.com. May 18, 2010. http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=9030743. 
  20. Kruse, Cord (2008-09-05). "Diablo III: Timeline, Expanded RPG Elements, iTunes D3 Music". http://www.insidemacgames.com/news/story.php?ID=16949. 

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