Alt-right glossary (non-Anglophone)

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Frogs, clowns, and swastikas
Icon altright.svg
Rebuilding the Reich, one meme at a time
Buzzwords and dogwhistles

This is a sister page to the main alt-right glossary page, designed to cover alt-right vernacular from languages other than English. Note that it is not a translation handbook and only includes items that have no direct equivalent in English.

See also the Anglophone Indian alt-right glossary and Russian alt-right glossary.

Brazilian Portuguese[edit]


"Mito," which translates directly to "myth," is a term that those in the Brazilian Far-Right tend to use to refer to Jair Bolsonaro, and is used in an admirative manner similar to the English phrase 'The Man, The Myth, The Legend.'


Websites of note to observe alt-right vernacular: Hommaforum, Magneettimedia, Ylilauta
See also: Luokka:Sanakirja at Homma Wiki (in Finnish)


Etymology/translation: the words "hana" ("tap"), "vesi" ("water") and "goblin"

A derogatory term for a leftist man, alluding to the urban legend of tap water being harmful to men for containing traces of estrogen. The "original" hanavesigoblin was a member of the Left Youth of Finland that piqued the curiosity of Ylilauta users for reasons unknown. Compare to "soy boy" in English.


Etymology/translation: the word "homma" ("the job", "the task")

Originally referring to the website Hommaforum, created by visitors of the guestbook of then-blogger Jussi Halla-aho, homma may now be used as a shorthand for anything or anyone critical of immigration.


The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid ThreatsWikipedia (Finnish: Euroopan hybridiuhkien torjunnan osaamiskeskus, “Hybridikeskus”) is a Finnish tax-exempted think tank founded in 2017 under the auspices of the European Union, meant to help defend Finland and other member states from hybrid warfare. In the alt-right characterization, it is a prime actor in trying to keep the common internet Nazi down, depress birth rates (feeding into fears of white genocide), increase public support for multiculturalism and/or immigration, what have you.

Kela Gold[edit]

Etymology/translation: the acronym for kansaneläkelaitos ("national pension service"); "Gold" refers to credit card tier lists

The concept that immigrants/asylum seekers receive more benefits (both monetary and non-monetary) from social services than Finns.

Kouluttaudu, kuntoile, valmistaudu[edit]

Etymology/translation: "educate [yourself], exercise, prepare"

A slogan of the Finnish Resistance Movement.


Etymology/translation: the word "kansallismyönteinen" ("nationalist-friendly" — altered to preserve vowel harmony)

Mostly used of people or movements in the context of preserving Finnish culture against creeping sharia or such.


Etymology/translation: the word "maahantunkeutuja" ("country-intruder")

Introduced by the fake news website MV-lehti (currently MV-media) in the wake of the immigration crisis in September 2015,[1] matu has largely supplanted the much older and less blatantly racist mamu (maahanmuuttaja, "immigrant") in racist circles.


"Patja" = "mattress"

A white woman who sleeps with non-white men. Compare with "Coal burner" in English.


Etymology/translation: "the Master"

Jussi Halla-aho, basically — compare with the title "God-Emperor" used for Trump.

Mä en pysty hengittää(n)[edit]

Etymology/translation: "I am unable to breathe"

A protestor in 2015 lying on the ground surrounded by several members of the police claimed not to be able to breathe. It is not uncommon to see people mentioning being appalled at e.g. racist behavior get comments of e.g. Pystytkö hengittään? ("Are you able to breathe?") online.


Etymology/translation: from the verb "mädättää" ("to make something decompose")

Roughly equal to the English degeneracy, although with added implications of active encouragement and intent.

Orjalaivojen terva[edit]

Etymology/translation: "the tar of the slave ships"

A strawman of a supposed argument suggesting that Finland was also responsible for African-American slavery by supplying tar to seal the hulls of the ships used to transport slaves. Whether or not anyone has ever made this argument seriously is unclear.

Parempi väkivalta[edit]

Etymology/translation: "better violence", usually in the partitive (parempaa väkivaltaa)

The concept that violence is allowed when it is perpetrated by people from the left, but not when it is perpetrated by people from the right.[note 1][note 2][note 3]


Etymology: the words "parodia" ("parody") and "horisontti" ("horizon")

A figurative line that, once passed, makes it impossible to distinguish parody from a legitimate opinion or action. The origin of the term is in a statement given by the chief editor of humorous magazine PahkasikaWikipedia shortly before the magazine ceased publication in 2000.[note 4] Compare with Clown World in English – note that unlike the English counterpart, parodiahorisontti also sees some use outside alt-right circles.


Etymology: the words "parta" ("beard") and "lapsi" ("child")

Less commonly partavauva ("bearded baby"), the term refers to instances of asylum seekers lying about their age to receive preferential treatment or benefits that they otherwise would not be privy to — a universal phenomenon at border control points and asylum-seeker living spaces in the alt-right characterization.


A denigrating name for conscripts that were used for additional border control manpower during the 2015 refugee crisis, particularly in and around Tornio on the Swedish-Finnish border. Jokes about carrying the luggage of the "invaders" in future conflicts or refugee crises abound on the Finnish internet.


Etymology/translation: the words "poliittinen" ("political") and "poliisi" ("police")

Not being able to say nasty stuff about minorities and people on the opposite side of the political spectrum without the authorities taking note is a definite sign that the police is biased toward your ideology, of course. /s[note 5][note 6] In English, the term "political police" was used of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the neo-Nazi tome The Turner Diaries, of whom a free Finnish translation was previously available on the website[8] It is thus not unlikely that the origin of the term lies in said book.


Etymology/translation: from "suomi toisena kielenä" ("Finnish as a second language")

Immigrant or asylum seeker, or a person with a foreign background.[note 7] Note that the term S2-oppilas ("student with Finnish as a second language") is non-racist, and is regularly used in the media.


Etymology/translation: the words "suojaava" ("shielding", "protecting") and väri ("colo(u)r"), i.e. "camouflage"

A reference to the claim that non-white ethnicity gives a person treatment (e.g. in criminal investigations) that is different from the treatment of white people, e.g. making it less likely that identifying marks are released to the public. The neologism Coulter's Law is a somewhat similar niche expression in English.[9][note 8][note 9][note 10]


Etymology/translation: the words "suvaitsevainen" ("tolerant") and "vajakki" ("moron")

Anyone not opposed to immigration and minority rights etc. may be called a suvakki. A common compound word is suvakkihuora (huora meaning "whore") to refer to women opposed to alt-right ideas in particular.


Etymology/translation: the words "tunturi" ("fell") and "neekeri" ("negro", "nigger")

The Sámi (saamelaiset) often get accused by the Finnish alt-right of e.g. not operating under the same "rules" as the rest of the Finnish population. Some examples include Sámi activists warning against cultural appropriation of their traditional attire, as well as limiting the right to vote for representatives to the Sámi autonomous council. The emergence of a slur patterned after the "[X] nigger" template is thus hardly surprising.

Tätä ne (just) pakenee[edit]

Etymology/translation: "This is (exactly) what they are escaping from"

A phrase to convey the sarcastic suggestion that any and all crime by immigrants/asylum seekers should be left unpunished, because the perpetrators themselves might be subject to crimes similar to their own back in their country of origin.


Etymology/translation: either "vale" ("lie") or "valheellinen" ("false") and "oppositio" ("opposition")

A denigrating term for the Finns Party, used by those that do find the party racist enough for their purposes and claim that it is merely a "honeypot" to prevent genuine far-right movements from gaining traction.[note 11][note 12][note 13]


An onomatopoeia apparently conceived on Ylilauta, usually given as a response to a user asking for the source of a statement or (")news(") story, or more generally to anyone challenging common alt-right talking points, sometimes pre-emptively (similar to inb4).


Etymology/translation: the words "yksittäinen" ("isolated", "singular") and "tapaus" ("case", "instance")

Used of crimes committed by immigrants or asylum seekers, as well as occasionally the perpetrators themselves. Possibly among the oldest words of the Finnish alt-right lexicon, with possible examples dating as far back as 2005[16] and 2006[17].[18]


Verb form: öyhöttää; partaking individual: öyhö

Any discussion critical of minorities/immigration/globalization/etc. can be designated as öyhötys. The word appears to have been originally denigrating, but it was later adopted by those accused of doing it.



El Risitas is the name of a meme depicting a laughing Spanish man. In most cultures all over the world, it is perfectly benign, but in french speaking countries such as France, Canada and Switzerland, Risitas is often used as a dogwhistle by alt-righters, white supremacists, edgelords and Conservatives similarly to Pepe The Frog. It has to be noted, however, that much like Pepe, but to a greater extent, people may post about this meme without the intention of communicating with alt-righters.[19]



Hakenkreuz (lit. "hooked cross") is the German word for swastika, in fact, some Hindu groups have tried to distinguish the Hakenkreuz from religious uses of the swastika.[20] As Germany is where Nazism originated, use of this term has spread in the far-right well outside of Germany.


See the main article on this topic: Media was wrong before

Lügenpresse is a German word meaning "lying press," effectively a synonym of "fake news". Lügenpresse is used by PEGIDA, Richard Spencer,[21] and the like to mean "media that isn't racist". The term was originally popularized by the original minister of Nazi propaganda, Josef Goebbels,[22] but the term preceded the rise of Nazism in Germany and was used in World War I to refer to enemy propaganda.[22][23]

PEGIDA's use of Lügenpresse


See the main article on this topic: Indian alt-right glossary


Aitheantas Éireann[edit]

aithint ("to recognise/know/identify") + tas ("tion/ism")
Éireann (gen. Éire - "of Ireland")

Can be seen on the Twitter descriptions of Irish twitter users following the Generation Identity movement. Due to white nationalists' tendency to be gobbers, they used the wrong word. Aitheantas means identification. If they had a clue, even cared one damn about their identity they'd get it right. As with most identitarians they are more concerned with the removal of foreigners deemed undesirable than the preservation of any identity.



わたし (hiragana)
watashi (romanization)

Neologist J-Anon alternative to the pronoun "私" (I, me). According to Wiktionary, "Used since the end of the 2010s by Japanese new-age and QAnon supporters who claim that 私 is a post-war GHQ (American) conspiracy to disable the Japanese people, and that 和多志 (literally “Yamato great will”) is the traditional orthography. (To date, no documents using 和多志 have been found.)"[24]


Much of the online alt-right activity in Norway can be seen on and similar sites. Because English is a common second language in Norway, many terms are simply copied from the American alt-right, but some appear unique to the country.

Det gode hatet[edit]

Det gode hatet ("the good hate") is mockingly used to accuse people of color of being racist themselves, or used mockingly to accuse anyone of being too politically correct.


Snikislamisering, English "stealth Islamicization," was an expression famously used by Siv Jensen,Wikipedia the leader of the "Progress Party", to refer to the Eurabia conspiracy theory. It has subsequently been taken up by xenophobic groups such as SIAN. The word, of unknown origin, was first identified by the Norwegian Language Council (Språkrådet) in 2009.[25]



European Union, a portmonteau of "Europa" and "kołchoz" (kolkhoz, a Soviet-style collective farm). In Polish alt-righters' mind, the EU is the direct continuation of the USSR, hence the name.[26]


A diminutive form of "global warming", used to show a mocking attitude towards the supposedly overblown issue.


A pejorative term for a middle-class person who uncritically follows mainstream, liberal media; basically, an equivalent of English "sheeple".


See the main article on this topic: Russian alt-right glossary


The Spanish publication El Español has a great article explaining vocabulary of the alt-right of Latin America, and Spain.[27]


Per the Spanish website Forocoches (cited in El Español), a charo is a woman "with short hair, dyed red or purple, who said she doesn't need a man in her life, and on reaching 35 or 40, alone and burned-out on life, falls into a depression that will stay with her for the rest of her life and results in an addictions to Prozac, alcohol, Marlboro, and her cats."[27]


Spanish translation of the term "Libtard"


A filthy hippy alarmist who follows environmentalist advocate Greta Thunberg as a religious prophet.[27]

Lo País[edit]

"Lo País" is part of a Spanish rightist trend to replace gendered pronouns ("El" or "La") in the title of left/moderate publications with a genderless pronoun ("Lo"). So to mock both the newspaper El País as "Lo País",[27] and similarly for Lo Diario, Lo Sexta, Lo Vanguardia, Lo Periódico de Cataluña. It would seem to be both mocking the publication itself, as well as the proposal for gender neutralization of the Spanish language.[28]


"The little offended one", a combination of the word "ofendido" (one who is offended) and "-ito" (the dimunitive ending). Basically equivalent to the American term "snowflake".[27]


An allegation that non-rightists seek to (or do) rule Spain by a system of feelings rather than rationality.[27]

Usage examples[edit]

  1. Jos ette tienneet, niin nyt sitten tiedätte, sillä tässä olisi nyt sitä parempaa väkivaltaa, jonka tuomitseminen on natsirasismia ja muutenkin todella ahdasmielistä toimintaa![2] ("If you were not aware, then you are now, as here we have that 'better violence' whose condemnment is Nazi racism and otherwise very narrow-minded as well!")
  2. Varmaankin sitä parempaa väkivaltaa, kunhan kohde on oikea ja aate hieno niin väkivalta on täysin sallittua. Sanomattakin selvää että Saksan mediassa tuota on piilotelty kivasti, siellähän halutaan että äärioikeisto on se ainoa uhka.[3] ("Probably that better violence, as long as the target is right and ideology fancy then violence is totally allowed. Needless to say that in German media this has been covered up nicely, they do want the far right to be the only threat after all.")
  3. Suomessa Vasemmistoliiton puheenjohtaja on (ennen valintaansa puheenjohtajaksi) tulkintani mukaan julistanut vasemmistolaisen väkivallan olevan hyväksyttävämpää, kuin muun väkivallan. Vasemmistolainen väkivalta on heidän mielestään parempaa väkivaltaa ja jotenkin oikeutettua.[4] ("In Finland, the chairperson of the Left Alliance has (before being chosen chairperson) in my interpretation declared leftist violence to be more acceptable than other violence. Leftist violence is in their opinion better violence and somehow justified.")
  4. "Oma ikäpolveni muistaa "absurdia huumoria ja parodiaa julkaisseen pilalehden" Pahkasian. Päätoimittaja Markku Paretskoi totesi lehden lakkauttamisen yhteydessä, että "nykymaailmassa Pahkasian kaltainen lehti on tarpeeton". Tällä Paretskoi tarkoitti sitä, että todellisuus on ylittänyt edellä mainitun parodiahorisontin, ts. että todellisuus on muuttunut parodiaksi itsestään eikä sitä siksi voi parodioida."[5] ("My own generation remembers Pahkasika, 'the joke magazine that published absurd humour and parody'. Chief editor Markku Paretskoi stated the following in relation to discontinuing the magazine: 'In the current world a magazine such as Pahkasika is unnecessary.' What Paretskoi meant with this is that reality has crossed the aforementioned parody horizon, i.e. that reality has turned into a parody of itself that can not be parodied.")
  5. Heidän [perussuomalaisten] somejalkaväkensä hokee kuin rukousnauhaa hypistellen ”polpo, polpo” (”poliittinen poliisi”), aina, kun poliisi suostuu tutkimaan persujen rikoksia. ”Polpo” huutaa somejalkaväki, kun joku poliisi puuttuu somen vihanlietsontaan, jota suomenkielisellä puolella tuottavat pääosin persut ja heidän bulvaaninsa.[6] ("Their [True Finns'] social media infantry fiddle with their proverbial prayer beads and chant "polpo, polpo" ("political police") every time the police agrees to investigate criminal acts by the persus [True Finns]. "Polpo," shouts the social media infantry whenever a member of the police intervenes with the incitement of hatred on social media, which is mostly the work of persus and their frontmen.")
  6. Uutta on, että äärioikeisto ei luota poliisiin. Poliisista on äärioikeiston piirissä osin ryhdytty käyttämään nimistystä polpo, poliittinen poliisi. – Kyse on yrityksestä nakertaa poliisin arvovaltaa ja tehdä poliittista poliittisen konfliktin osapuoli, Kostiainen arvelee.[7] ("It is new that the far right does not trust the police. The term polpo, for political police, has started to see some use among the far right. Kostiainen believes this to be an attempt to delegitimize police authority and make it a party in a political conflict.")
  7. Ilmeesi kun tyttäresi poikaystävä on S2? ("Your face when your daughter's boyfriend is an S2?") Ylilauta (subscription required)
  8. Taas matut vauhdissa, suojaväri vissiin estää nimen julkaisun. Oijoi ku ku ois kantasuomalainen niin olis nimi ja naama lehdessä heti kun on valkoinen pahoilainen (sic) sovinisti raiskaaja[10] ("Matus at it again, protective coloration apparently prevents name from being published. Oh boy, if it were a Finnish-born then the name and mugshot would be in papers due to the culprit being a whitey devil chauvinist rapist")
  9. Kommenttiosiot suljetaan monesti myös pelkästään siitä syystä, että asiaan liittyy alaikäisiä henkilöitä. Yllämainitussa tapauksessa en tosin ihmettelisi yhtään, jos tekijöillä onkin "suojaväri". Selittäisi helpommin myös sen, miksi kukaan kanssamatkustajista ei puuttunut tilanteeseen.[11] ("The comment sections are often disabled simply due to underage persons being involved in the matter. In the case illustrated above I would not be surprised, though, if the perpetrators had "protective coloration". That would more easily also explain why no other passenger intervened.")
  10. Pidetty aika pitkään uutispimennossa, varmaan suojavärin takia. Eikö 17 vuotias (sic) saanut kassalta parranajo vehkeitä (sic).[12] ("Held from the media for quite a long time, probably due to protective coloration. Couldn't the seventeen-year-old get shaving equipment from the cashier?")
  11. Ruotsidemokraatit ovat samanlainen valeoppositio kuin Persut meillä. Osa sionistimafiaa.[13] ("The Sweden Democrats are a false opposition similar to the Finns Party. Part of the Zionist mafia.")
  12. Määritellään valeoppositio: Valeoppositio on keskeisistä asioista samaa mieltä muiden vallassa olevien puolueiden kanssa mutta ottaa hämäystarkoituksessa toisenlaisen näkökannan. Päämäärä on hidastaa oikeiden oppositiopuolueiden syntyä, kasvua ja kehitystä tai viedä jo olemassa olevilta puolueilta ääniä. Eli perinteinen "hallitse molempia puolia keskustelusta ja voitat varmasti"- strategia.[14] ("Let us define false opposition: A false opposition shares the views of other ruling parties on common issues, but deploys an alternative viewpoint as a means of obfuscation. The goal is to arrest the birth, growth and development of genuine opposition parties or to siphon votes from already existing ones. I.e. the traditional 'control both sides of the argument and you will win assuredly' strategy.")
  13. [--] luodaan tai kaapataan valeoppositio, jonka turviin ”pettynyt ja turhautunut kansa” voi sitten paeta ja purkaa siellä kiukkuaan. Oppositio, joka todellisuudessa ei ole mikään oppositio, vaan klikin kontrolloima tai mädätetty nukke, joka paljastaa todellisen karvansa viimeistään, kun tiukka paikka tulee. Tarvinneeko nyt erikseen edes mainita, että Perussuomalaiset katolilaisen Timo Soinin johtamana ja Homma Jussi Halla-ahon entisen opiskelukaverin vetämänä kuulostaa pahasti juurikin tältä? ("[--] create or hijack a false opposition that the 'disappointed and fed up people' can flock to and vent off their anger. An opposition that is in fact no opposition at all, but a puppet controlled or decayed by the clique, which shows its true colours at least when it gets in a tough spot. Is it even necessary to mention that the True Finns, led by the Catholic Timo Soini, and Homma, led by a student-era friend of Jussi Halla-aho, sounds pretty soundly exactly like this?")[15]


  1. MV-Lehti lanseeraa uuden käsitteen - "Matu", MV-lehti, 25 September 2015
  2. Fundamentti: Tässä olisi sitä "parempaa ilki- ja väkivaltaa"! 27 September 2016.
  3. Äärivasemmisto, TechBBS 7 October 2021.
  4. Pelolle saa antaa valtaa by Jari-Pekka Teurajärvi], 28 July 2016.
  5. "Nomina sunt odiosa" by Jussi Halla-aho, 16 June 2010
  6. Persuterrori kohdentuu nyt yhteen poliisiin by Mikko Niskasaari (Pe, 31/01/2020 - 11:38).
  7. Tutkija: Rasismi on myös suomalainen ilmiö – poliisit ja vartijat pysäyttävät sekä profiloivat Suomessakin vähemmistöjä by Heikki Valkama (8 June 2020) yle.
  8. Archive link
  9. Coulter’s Law
  10. suojaväri Wikisanakirja.
  11. Mamujen tekemät rikokset 2015, 3 May 2015
  12. 17-vuotias nuorukainen riehui puukon kanssa kaupassa Eurassa – Asiakkaat taltuttivat, Nykysuomi, 14 February 2018. Comment by 'Suomi 100' (14 February 2018 at 11:34).
  13. Ruotsissa ei vieläkään saatu aikaiseksi hallitusta – Koetinkivenä Ruotsidemokraatit, 14 November 2018, Nykysuomi. Comment by 'Ajatusrikollinenko?' (14 November 2018 at 11:34).
  14. Onko Perussuomalaiset valeoppositio? (24 June 2015) Hommaforum.
  15. Varokaa vääriä profeettoja! by Markus Jansson (13 October 2015) Magneettimedia.
  16. Somalitaustaiset yksittäistapaukset ovat ennen eilistä kulminaatiopistettä olleet viime aikoina sen verran yleisiä, että Hesarin toimittaja Teppo Moisio haistaa perusteettomien yleistysten vaaran ilmassa. ("Somali background isolated cases have been common to such degree before yesterday's culmination that HesariWikipedia journalist Teppo Moisio feels the danger of unfounded generalizations in the air."), 2 October 2005
  17. Homma-huumorin huipentuma saavutettiin v. 2006 kun edesmenneellä nimimerkki AryanGoku88 toisteli "Tämä on yksittäistapaus jota ei pidä yleistää" 20 kertaa peräjälkeen nauraen joka kerran yhä kovemmin ("The pinnacle of homma humour was reached in 2006 at the late discussion forum with username AryanGoku88 repeating 'This is an isolated case from which one can not generalise' 20 times in a row and laughing harder each time"), 6 February 2009
  18. Yksittäistapaus ulottuu nyt Oulusta Helsinkiin: Poliitikotkin vaativat toimenpiteitä ("The isolated case [i.e. the Oulu child sexual exploitation scandalWikipedia] stretches now from Oulu to Helsinki: Politicians demand action as well") Extrauutiset, 13 January 2019
  20. Hakenkreuz is not Swastika, Coalition of Hindus North America]
  21. His Kampf: Richard Spencer is a troll and an icon for white supremacists. He was also my high-school classmate. by Graeme Wood (June 2017) The Atlantic.
  22. 22.0 22.1 The ugly history of 'Lügenpresse,' a Nazi slur shouted at a Trump rally by Rick Noack (Oct. 24, 2016 at 6:11 a.m. PDT) The Washington Post.
  23. Von der Journaille zur Lügenpresse by Rainer Blasius (13.01.2015-15:31) Frankfurter Allgemeine.
  24. 和多志 - Wiktionary
  25. «Årets ord: svineinfluensa» ("Word of the year: Swine influenza") (18 Dec. 2009) Språkrådet (archived from August 4, 2018).
  26. "Pancerna brzoza. Słownik prawicowej polszczyzny" (Galopujący Major, "Armoured birch. The dictionary of right-wing Polish", Publisher: Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, ISBN 978-83-66232-42-6).
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 Charo, mangina, chad, pedrette: así habla la nueva derecha alternativa española: La derecha alternativa española ha respondido a los insultos de la izquierda –'pollaviejas', 'señoros', 'boomers'– con su propia batería de términos caricaturescos. by Cristian Campos (16 febrero, 2020 02:37) El Español.
  28. See the Wikipedia article on Latinx.

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