Edward Dutton

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Dutton, looking like the sad ghost of an office worker, in a 2021 video discussing breast size.
If my teenage son tried to persuade me to drink oat milk I would beat him with a belt, a leather belt.
—Edward Dutton, anti-vegan activist advocating for domestic violence.[1]
Diversity Destroyed Britain. And Rome.
—Edward Dutton in 2020[2]
The colorful pseudoscience
Race & Racialism
Icon race.svg
Hating thy neighbour
Divide and conquer

Edward Croft Dutton (1980–) is a far-right[3] eccentric English Youtuber grifter,[note 1] QAnon conspiracy theorist,[note 2] anti-vegan, and transphobe who writes articles for the white nationalist site VDARE and The Unz Review plus is a regular speaker on Mark Collett's white supremacist podcast Patriotic Weekly Review.[4][5][6][7] Dutton has controversially given a platform to Holocaust deniers such as Lipton Matthews on his podcast.[8] He is a disgraced academic and pseudointellectual who was investigated by the University of Oulu and found guilty of scientific misconduct due to plagiarism.[9] Despite being pretentious and claiming on his curriculum vitae to be a "Professor of Evolutionary Psychology" at Asbiro University this is questionable at best (seeming as Asbiro does not teach or award degrees in psychology). Critics label him a fraud.[10]

Dutton's views include eugenics, climate change denial,[11] race and intelligence pseudoscience, sexism, anti-feminism, transphobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-veganism, and white supremacy.[12][13] He has been accused of sympathising with terrorism for comments he made on a neo-Nazi podcast.[14] He is ex-editor-in-chief of the journal Mankind Quarterly and calls himself the Jolly Heretic on social media.[15][16] Dutton has a degree in Theology from Durham University and a PhD in religious studies from the University of Aberdeen.[17]

Dutton claims to be a proponent of freedom of speech and thinks there should be no censorship in science, writing: "If someone forcefully insists that a certain area is out of bounds and you’re ‘immoral’ for even contemplating it, then that is where new discoveries are going to lie."[18] The problem is he's a huge hypocrite. For example, he deletes any comments left on his YouTube videos that merely criticise him or his colleague Michael A. Woodley.

Unlike his closet racist associates such as Michael Woodley, Emil Kirkegaard, Nathan Cofnas, and Noah Carl,[note 3] Dutton is more open about his racist beliefs. He has regular friendly podcasts and public discussions with alt-right, neo-Nazi, and/or white supremacist outlets. In late 2020, he was the main guest of a podcast run by neo-nazi and white supremacist Richard Spencer on the topic "Making Sense of Race".[19]

Dutton promotes the pseudoscientific spiteful mutant hypothesis and a ridiculous fad diet known as the carnivore diet. He attacks liberals, vegetarians, vegans, homosexuals, transexuals, and people who dye their hair as "mentally ill" mutants. He is also a supporter of the white nationalist group Patriotic Alternative that promotes "White Lives Matter" banners around the UK.[20]

In November 2022, Dutton began defending Graham Hancock's pseudoarchaeological theories, including belief in Atlantis as an advanced culture, saying he is "open-minded" and does not consider Hancock to be a pseudoarchaeologist.[21]

Dutton charges $147 to enroll on an online course in sociobiology at a fake (non-accredited) university named GegenUni.[22] Other bogus "lecturers" at the fake university include white nationalist Martin Sellner.[23]

Openly a eugenicist, Dutton's main reason for supporting abortion is his claim that women who have abortions are less intelligent (on average) than women who do not.[24]

A disturbed individual, Dutton will often dress up and impersonate an autistic, disabled, feminist, homosexual or transexual person in his BitChute and Odysee videos just to attack and mock them.[25][26]


Academic positions and credentialism[edit]

Dutton received a doctoral degree from the Divinity and Religious Studies Department at the University of Aberdeen in 2005. His thesis was titled "Liminality, Communitas and Student Evangelical Groups: A Critique of the Group Theories of Victor Turner and Mary Douglas".[27] The thesis was an anthropological analysis of a religious group to the university.[note 4]

He is a docent of the University of OuluWikipedia in Finland, and taught there from 2011 to around 2016-2017.[28][29][30] There is not much record of him doing anything at Oulu other than teaching a single course in a single year.[31]:22[32] This was likely due to the university having investigated him for plagiarism and finding that he had violated research ethics.[30] The Guardian has compared his title of docent to "adjunct professor",[33] but the title is not associated with a salary in Finland and only indicates the capacity to teach a course. The title is granted for life, and practically very difficult to revoke.[34] Docent is not actually the equivalent of adjunct professor which, in the US, is a non-tenure-track appointment.[35] In 2019, the University of Oulu felt compelled to respond to Dutton's abusive use of the term.[35]

Since 2020, Dutton has described himself as a “Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at Asbiro University” in Łódź, Poland. Despite its name, it has been pointed outed Asbiro University "is not a real university but a privately-run business school"[36] that is affiliated with Ludwig von Mises ideology.[37] A 2021 report by Hope not Hate described Dutton as a "pseudoscientific race scientist" with "extreme and offensive opinions".[36]

Dutton's false use of the titles 'docent' and 'professor' is a peculiar form of credentialism, when he could have, instead, honestly used the titles 'Dr.' or 'Ph.D.'

With regard to Dutton's claim of being an anthropologist, that is not disputable since his doctoral thesis was an anthropological analysis of religion,[27] and his appointment at the University of Oulu was on the topic of Anthropology of Religion and Finnish Culture.[28] Notably, though, there are four broad subfields of anthropology: sociocultural or cultural, biological, archaeological, and linguistic.[38] Within these subfields, sociocultural tends to be descriptive and qualitative, whereas the biological and archaeological fields are quantitative and scientific. Dutton's thesis was within a narrow subfield of sociocultural anthropology, the anthropology of religion using the participant-observer method of fieldwork.[27] Yet, none of Dutton's post-doctoral publications are within sociocultural anthropology, with multiple publications in crank racialist pseudojournals. It is as if Dutton is trying to use his thesis as a cudgel to try to convince people that he is capable of writing about any field of research about humans. It is, in fact, another form of credentialism; it is as if a linguist were to claim that they found undisturbed Australopithecus remains buried deep beneath a Scottish ruin and claiming expertise in paleontology because they are a linguist.

Dutton is associated with at least two fake universities (diploma mills) set up by white nationalists and neo-Nazis — ALEX University and GegenUni.

Political affiliation[edit]

Dutton was a former member of the Conservative Party in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In livestreams he has mentioned having been an activist for the Conservatives during the 2001 United Kingdom general election. He left the Conservatives around the time when David Cameron became leader. In his book Spiteful Mutants he mentions his "regret" for formerly supporting the Conservatives.

In 2019, Dutton attended and spoke at a conference organised by the white nationalist group Patriotic Alternative.[39]

Dutton says he voted for Brexit. In April 2023, he endorsed Reform UK candidate Nick Buckley.Wikipedia[40]

In terms of Finnish politics, Dutton appears to be a supporter of the Finns Party having praised speeches by Laura Huhtasaari.Wikipedia[41]

In November 2023, Dutton attended the first right-wing Alliance for Responsible CitizenshipWikipedia conference in London.[42]

Crazy and disturbing views[edit]

It was 93 per cent of foreign rapists in Finland are Muslim.
—Edward Dutton[43]

Misogyny, anti-feminism, and pro-patriarchy[edit]

Dutton has written that he believes women not under the control of men and patriarchy are "maladaptive" and dysphoric:

They [feminists] will also suffer from the dysphoria caused by not living in the patriarchy to which they are evolved. If they have internalized the current feminist ideology, then they will focus on their career to the detriment of their fertility.[44]

Left to their own devices, women are, accordingly, more likely to make maladaptive choices.[45]

Support for teenage pregnancies[edit]

Dutton opposes female empowerment and criticises females who have "dedicated their 20s and most of their 30s, at the expense of finding a husband."[46] He supports teenage pregnancies and describes females who go to university or get a job in their 20s and 30s as "anti-traditional, fitness-compromising." According to Dutton women beyond teenage years are "past their prime" to have children because in his view "men sexually select for youth."[47] These creepy views align with Dutton's ephebophilia-apologism (see below).

QAnon conspiracy theory[edit]

In 2020, Dutton published an article somewhat sympathetic to the QAnon conspiracy theory, concluding: "the idea that the world is run — or at least heavily influenced—by selfish, child-abusers Satanists becomes less than entirely ludicrous".[48]

On page 147 of his book Spiteful Mutants, Dutton says he believes there "there may be some kernels of truth within its [QAnon's] most outlandish claims."[49]

A chapter in Dutton's book titled "The Normalization of Pedophilia" argues since the 1990s, "the last vestiges of traditional sexual morality have collapsed" and "the next step, so it seems, is to "normalize pedophilia" (p. 330). Dutton argues it is left-wing political activists, namely SJWs and the "woke", as well as LGBT-rights groups who are trying to normalize pedophilia. No evidence is presented for this claim aside from mentioning the Paedophile Information Exchange. However, this group became defunct in 1984. As Dutton himself acknowledges, PIE was rejected by prominent left-wing politicians at the time including Labour MP, Peter HainWikipedia who described pedophilia as a "wholly undesirable abnormality." At the end of his chapter, Dutton writes "It seems, however, the West is not ready for the normalizing of pedophilia quite yet." (p. 349) In other words, despite arguing leftists want to normalize pedophilia, he ends up admitting his evidence is extremely flimsy and unconvincing.

Dutton has made YouTube videos using the main QAnon theme — titling one video for example, "Do Paedophiles Rule the World?".[50]Do You Believe That?

Dutton lists a number of pedophiles in his book Spiteful Mutants who happen to hold far-left political views but completely ignores the number of pedophiles in the far-right. The neo-Nazi group Patriotic Alternative, Dutton is associated with, in October 2020, invited a convicted child sex offender named James Shand to one of its events in Kent.[51][52] Dutton is silent on this matter.

On page 340 of his book, Dutton claims "sexualization of children has increasingly become acceptable" but then contradicts himself by pointing out no "prominent organisation is advocating as did PIE that the age of sexual consent be abolished and paedophilia, legalized." He therefore resorts to dubious homophobic arguments linking pedophilia to homosexuality, for example, writing "homosexuality is heavily over-represented among pedophiles." (p. 342) Multiple studies however have shown gay men are not significantly more likely than straight men to be attracted to pre-pubescent and pubescent children.[53]

Dutton appears to have a double-standard on child pornography and age of consent. While criticising activists of legalising child porn and reducing age of consent who hold "libertarian left" political views (p. 338) he is close friends with Emil Kirkegaard who is an infamous activist for legalising possession of child pornography and reducing age of consent to 13 year olds, or younger. Dutton has also co-authored multiple papers with Kirkegaard[54][55] but has never criticised his controversial and distasteful views on child porn and age of consent presumably because he shares most of his political views.


Despite pushing aspects of the QAnon conspiracy theory, Dutton has been criticized for defending ephebophilia in a book review.[56][note 5]

Some of the furious reaction to this book is doubtless attributable to projection and denial. Society sexualises young children, encourages and even pressures teenagers to have sex and is awash with sexual images of relatively young women which some people may feel guilty about being aroused by. Men tend to be attracted to younger females for evolutionary reasons, and this may stray into the “barely legal” range, as pointed out in the internet search analysis A Billion Wicked Thoughts by Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam, which also highlights the many other sexual perversions that interest ostensibly “normal” people. According to Evolutionary Psychiatry, by psychiatrists Anthony Stevens and John Price, studies indicate that many non-active paedophiles will go into professions such as school-teaching – in which they may excel precisely because they are enthusiastic about being with children and because they implicitly understand how they think, never having quite grown-up – satisfying themselves with platonic relationships and non-sexual touching.[57]

In his book Spiteful Mutants, Dutton similarly writes the following:

...just as heterosexual males tend to sexually select for younger females, including, in extreme cases, those who are only just pubescent. In much the same way, we should distinguish between heterosexual pedophiles who are exclusively attracted to children and heterosexual males with an extreme penchant for female youth. (p. 196)

Racist pseudoscience[edit]

Dutton holds many crazy beliefs, and most of them focus around eugenics and race and intelligence but also penis size. He bizarrely argues for a genetic origin of atheism, the so-called "Atheist Mutational Load Theory"[58] that says, "modern-day atheism is caused by mutant genes." Dutton has no scientific qualifications whatsoever (his PhD is in the anthropology of religion), yet he publishes books and papers on intelligence, psychology, and biology from a right-wing hereditarianism perspective, claiming, "I finally plucked up the courage to move into evolutionary psychology, human biological differences and intelligence in 2012 and have never looked back".[18] He has controversially co-authored books and papers with white supremacist Richard Lynn through the pseudo-scholarly Ulster Institute for Social Research, including Race and Sport: Evolution and Racial Differences in Sporting Ability (2015).

Dutton was found to be guilty of plagiarism in 2017 after a paper he authored with Lynn was found to contain data originally gathered by a University of Oulu student for his pro gradu in 2013. The data concerned intelligence tests performed on conscripts of the Finnish Defense Forces and was identical to the third decimal in the papers, yet the duo did not properly refer to the student's work and claimed to be under the impression that the data had been processed by the Defense Forces themselves. Another paper published by Dutton in 2014 was also suspected of plagiarism but was not conclusively ruled such.[59]

He has been criticized for having links to the far-right, sitting on the advisory board of the Mankind Quarterly[60] and has himself made statements that are unambiguously sexist and islamophobic. For example, he wrote on his personal website, "The nature of Islamic societies – and the religion itself – retards IQ in Muslim countries" and "sexual selection extends to nationality, with women being sexually attracted to males from higher status nations."[61] His 2009 book The Finnuit: Finnish Culture and the Religion of Uniqueness[62] is notably criticized on a blog that mentions Dutton's xenophobia and odd theories.[63]

In 2018, Dutton with Michael A. Woodley of Menie published At Our Wits' End: Why We're Becoming Less Intelligent and What it Means for the Future which argues human intelligence has gone into rapid decline since the Industrial Revolution. This sort of pseudoscientific work on dysgenics is popular among the alt-right's HBD community; for example, the book is promoted on The Unz Review.[64] Dutton and Woodley partly blame the alleged lowering of IQ on third-world immigrants and women's rights, e.g. smarter females having no or fewer children to pursue careers when they should stay at home.

Dutton authored the pseudoscientific book, Race Differences in Ethnocentrism in April, 2019. It was published by the alt-right Arktos Media company.[65] In April 2019, Dutton appeared on neo-Nazi Mark Collett's "This Week on the Alt Right" podcast and gave offensive racist comments. He is also a fan of Richard Spencer and was interviewed on his podcast in May, 2019.[66][67]

Penis-size pseudoscience[edit]

Dutton attended the London Conference on Intelligence in 2015 and delivered a controversial talk on J. Philippe Rushton's Differential-K Theory and hereditarianismWikipedia hypothesis. Despite having been discredited,[68] Dutton defends Rushton's theories, including the pseudoscientific theory[69] that sub-Saharan Africans have significantly longer penis lengths than Caucasians and East Asians (using Rushton's outdated tripartite racial classification):

J. Philippe Rushton's Differential-K Theory (Rushton, 1995) applies this model to differences races, in other words human sub-species evolved to different environments. Rushton's theory predicts that levels of male hormones, i.e., androgen, differ across three large ethnic groups with Sub-Saharan Africans having the highest levels, East Asians the lowest, and Caucasians (Europeans, North Africans and South Asians) being intermediate. Rushton examined a number of hormone indicators in this regard, most notably average penis length. This provoked a great deal of controversy, with accusations that the sources of his penis data was unreliable and similar allegations were levelled when Lynn (2013) published further data on race differences in penis length. Clearly, Rushton's argument can be tested be examining race differences in more androgen measures. If these are in the expected direction and correlate then Rushton's argument is strengthened and, specifically, the reliability of the penis data is validated. In this study, therefore, we examined 6 national level indicators of androgen: (1) CAG repeats on the AR gene. (2) Androgenic hair (3) Prostate cancer incidence. (4) Sex frequency. (5) Number of sex partners and (6) Penile length. We drew upon data sets allowing us to compare national differences on these measures. We divided the nations up into the three main racial groups, based on the dominant ethnic group in any given nation. We found that the measures correlated in the expected direction, thus evidencing the reliability of the penis datasets presented by Rushton and later by Lynn. In addition, tests of the three ethnic groups showed that, compared to Caucasians, East Asians consistently showed signs of lower androgen level in each indicator. Comparisons involving Sub-Saharan Africans were mixed as this group displayed signs of having the highest androgen levels on some indicators (CAG repeats of the AR gene, penile length), but not on others (androgenic hair, prostate cancer incidence,). We argued that the findings in the unexpected direction can likely be explained by differences in diet and cold adaptation. A diet higher in fat is associated with prostate cancer while a hot environment may select against excessive hairiness. Overall, the present findings partially validate Differential-K Theory.[70]

Actual peer-reviewed studies on ethnicity and penis size have shown "there is no convincing scientific background to support the ascription of bigger penile dimensions to people of the black race".[71] For example, in a study of 115 Nigerian males, the average stretched penis length is 5.26 inches long, nearly identical to the worldwide average.[72] Rushton (followed by Richard Lynn, whom Dutton cites) used many dubious and erroneous sources on penis size, including (unverifiable) self-reported data and an anonymous 19th century surgeon:

Lynn's claims about differences in penis length between races build on earlier claims by Rushton and Bogaert (1987). The Rushton and Boagert paper is striking for its use of non-scholarly sources (Weizmann, Wiener, Wiesenthal, & Ziegler, 1991). These include a book of semi-pornographic "tall tales" by an anonymous nineteenth-century French surgeon that makes wildly inconsistent claims about genital sizes in people of different races. Lynn also refers to this book without mentioning any problems with this as a source of information. Another odd data source cited by Rushton and Bogaert is an article authored by a certain "P. Nobile" published in Forum: International Journal of Human Relations. This publication is better known to the public as "The Penthouse Forum", a popular men's magazine. The data sources that Lynn uses in his recent paper are hardly much better. One of them is a book by Donald Templer (another self-professed race realist) called Is Size Important? Templer is not a urologist but a psychologist so why he would claim to be an authority on this subject is unclear. Lynn's other source is the world penis size website. These are both self-published sources that have not been independently verified. A blogger named Ethnic Muse has carefully examined this site's references and found that a number of articles listed on the site either do not exist under the name given or do not discuss penis size at all. There are also numerous discrepancies between the values provided by the website and the actual values given by the references. Therefore, the information on this website cannot be trusted and no conclusions should be drawn from it.[73]

Dutton hero-worshipped Rushton and assumed he was an iconoclastic genius. In 2019, however, Dutton finally acknowledged that Rushton was (in his words) "a liar and a fraud" and that all his research findings must be therefore considered suspect. Dutton had found a significant amount of evidence that contradicted Rushton's Differential-K Theory including evidence that Rushton misrepresented and hid evidence against his theory and had also found out that Rushton had lied about various aspects of his own life story.[74]

In October 2023, Dutton made a video promoting his pseudoscientific idea black men have longer penis sizes on average. He relies on a dubious study by Emil Kirkegaard.[75]


Dutton wrote an article defending and rehashing the arguments of an infamous antisemitic book by the far-right intellectual Kevin MacDonald, which somehow got published in an academic journal, although the first journal he submitted it to rejected it because it was "unsubstantiated".[76] The journal subsequently published a rebuttal by Nathan Cofnas.[77]

When discussing his support for MacDonald's anti-Semitic theories that Jews undermine "white ethnic solidarity in the West", a journalist felt uncomfortable with Dutton asking whether he was Jewish:

When we spoke by Skype earlier this month, Dutton paused the conversation at one point to ask me where I came from. I told him that I didn’t quite understand the question. “Are you from Iran?” he asked. I explained that I was from Tennessee. “Your background — you look like you’re Iranian, or something like that.” When I asked him why the topic was relevant, he changed the subject.

At the end of the interview, Dutton raised the issue of ancestry again. “The reason I asked what your background was is because I infer from your surname that you’re probably Jewish,” he said, adding that he did not understand why I was covering this topic for Undark.[76]

Anti-veganism and anti-vegetarianism[edit]

Dutton is against veganism and vegetarianism and has criticized animal rights in general. One example is a video titled "My Philosophical Argument Against Veganism". The entire video consists of Dutton eating cooked beef and a Yorkshire pudding covered in beef-fat to troll individuals with a meat-free diet.[78]

In a 2021 podcast with Mark Collett, Dutton stated that vegetarians and vegans are "mentally ill" but provided no evidence for this claim.[79]

In a 2022 interview with David Duke, Dutton supported the carnivore diet.[80]

In 2023, Dutton interviewed a white supremacist known as "Raw Egg Nationalist" and made offensive anti-vegan comments. Dutton also said he would beat his teenage son with a belt if he tried to persuade him to drink oat milk.[1]

On multiculturalism[edit]

Advocates of multiculturalism imply that Europeans should feel guilty for being European and should accept mass immigration of non-Europeans into their countries. This clearly damages the ethnic interests of Europeans, because it causes them to become a smaller and smaller group controlling less and less land [...] Worst still multiculturalism acts to humiliate and depress white people, especially white males, even as children. Mixed-race relationships, where the female is white are now constantly presented in the media, conveying the message to white males that they are losers and foreigners have taken their children, whom they have failed to defend.[81]

On atheism[edit]

In 2017, Dutton cowrote a paper (that somehow managed to get published) in Evolutionary Psychological Science "The Mutant Says in His Heart, “There Is No God”: the Rejection of Collective Religiosity Centred Around the Worship of Moral Gods Is Associated with High Mutational Load" which is as crazy as the title:

'The Mutant Says in His Heart, “There Is No God”: the Rejection of Collective Religiosity Centred Around the Worship of Moral Gods Is Associated with High Mutational Load' (Dutton, Madison, & Dunkel, 2017) set out to show that religious views outside the mainstream – disbelief in a god as well as belief in paranormal phenomena – result from genetic mutations that have allegedly occurred due to relaxation of natural selection for belief in a moral god that has occurred in these degenerate times we live in. The authors claim that atheism and paranormal belief are “deviations” associated with indicators of mutation load, including poor health, autism, fluctuating asymmetry, and left-handedness. However, this theorising is poorly thought out and largely unsupported by evidence.[82]

The paper has been criticized for citing non-academic sources as evidence such as social media posts, evangelical websites and the Daily Fail Mail.[83]

Like Jordan Peterson, Dutton is a strong believer in religion as a force for good in society, but also like Peterson, he is — embarrassingly for him and for what he is trying to promote — an atheist himself. He tries to alternately obfuscate this fact by coming up with all sorts of waffle about how things like a belief in objective truth are "really" religiousness of a sort (which they are not — opposition to postmodernist post-truth discourse has nothing to do with being religious), and justify it by claiming that geniuses will tend to be atheist and a society with a small proportion of geniuses is "evolutionarily optimal" (the implication being that his rules conveniently don't apply to people like him).

It is noteworthy how many lines of enquiry Dutton pursues that seem to — conveniently for him — lead Dutton to "scientific" conclusions which bolster his far-right beliefs — even to the extent of "confirming" his beliefs that:

(a) too much intelligence in a society is bad for a society, a belief which seems absurd given the outpouring of inventions that improve people's standard of living which — as he acknowledges — high intelligence has led to since the Industrial Revolution

(b) too much intelligence at an individual level is somewhat bad because it leads, he thinks, to "criminal-like" personality profiles, with low agreeableness, and to increasing detachment from "instinct" and "normality". Instinct is something that Dutton tends to think is evolutionarily adaptive and therefore "good" (which ignores the fact that what may have been adaptive on the African savannah in humanity's evolutionary past is not necessarily adaptive in a modern, highly urbanised and technological society). Normality is something that far-right individuals like Dutton tend to be obsessive about.

In a slightly different way, the Nazis also believed that too much intelligence was a bad thing — although for them, it was more about finding a justification for hating IQ tests which showed that some Jewish people were highly intelligent, because they hated Jews.

Speaking of which...

On incels[edit]

Dutton attacks incels as being useless to society because he wants white males to have more children. He has made videos such as "Why Incełs Need to Start Going to Church if They Want to Get Some".[84] However, most of Dutton's fan-base are incels who use anonymous online screen names on Twitter and YouTube and use alt-right memes such as Pepe the Frog.

On interracial relationships[edit]

Edward Dutton (3rd right), next to Laura Towler at a Patriotic Alternative meeting

Dutton has a history of making pseudoscientific racist comments about interracial relationships.

In March 2019, Dutton criticized interracial relationships. He believes mixed-race adolescents are mentally unstable and have higher health and behaviour risks.[85]

In a July 2019 interview for the white supremacist American Renaissance magazine, Dutton commented that "a black woman is not often regarded as particularly feminine or attractive, and so the white man is not selecting her based on physical markers."[86]

On the sexual revolution[edit]

Dutton has advocated in his vlogs and on at least one podcast the mostly debunked theory that the "sexual revolution caused incels".[87]

On terrorism[edit]

In a disturbing podcast featuring Dutton, Richard Spencer suggested that people from the alt-right should adopt some of the tactics of Islamic terrorists. Dutton's reply was, "Yes, I agree".[88]

Defence of neo-Nazi criminal Sam Melia[edit]

In 2024, Dutton[89] was defending convicted neo-Nazi Sam Melia (husband of Laura Towler) who has been investigated for terrorist links to the National Action group and was found guilty of distributing material intended to stir up racial hatred and sentenced to two years imprisonment.[90] Police found a picture of Adolf Hitler and Third Reich posters in Melia's home.[91]

On transsexuals[edit]

Dutton openly attacks and insults transsexuals as "mentally ill" and "mutants". In 2021, he appeared with Mark Collett and No White Guilt on the Patriotic Weekly Review podcast where he commented that transsexuals have borderline personality disorder, are aggressive, unreasonable, and mentally ill. He also described transsexuals as "mutants" and perverse "garbage".[92]

On white supremacy[edit]

Dutton has no problem with supporting white supremacy:

"White Supremacist" means any person - often including non-Whites - who won't submit to hateful, sick spiteful mutants who would have died of scarlet fever as children until relatively recently.[93]

Bizarre online behavior[edit]

Edward Dutton in 2022 video mocking cross-dressing

Dutton runs his YouTube channel "The Jolly Heretic" to attack leftists, liberals, the LGBT community, cross-dressers, disabled people, transgender, vegans, and people who dye their hair as "mentally ill".[94] In these videos, Dutton will often dress up in face paint, makeup, wigs, hats, and other costumes to mock people. There is nothing positive on his channel.

Aiden Bridgeman from the University of Aberdeen has commented on this:

After losing his job, Dutton, instead of speaking to a therapist, decided to start creating content for the alt-right on YouTube and BitChute (a video streaming site for conspiracy theories and hate speech). In each video he is featured in fancy dress (usually wearing a cravat for some reason) where he speaks in a garbled, eccentric manner. For someone who speaks as fast as he can, he repeats himself and his racist nonsense incessantly. Almost all his videos focus on intelligence and race. When he’s not livestreaming himself getting drunk on camera with other far-right chums, he makes videos discussing “research” that he’s been reading – often from other pseudoscientists – and coming up with crazy conclusions from his own mental gymnastics. This can range from his theory that Meghan Markle wants to steal Christmas, and Greta Thunberg is a threat to Christianity, to the European Union is to be racially segregated and Black Lives Matter is a death cult ran by mentally ill people. Other very real beliefs that he actually holds include: all feminists subconsciously want to be raped because it boosts their self-esteem, women in academia mean society is going backwards, transsexuals are merely fetishists, Muslims naturally want to commit genocide, and that left-handed people are pedophiles.[95]

Dutton has also attacked males who play video-games as unhealthy incels and unproductive members of society who have lost interest in competing for females. However, Dutton spends the majority of his life on his computer and looks unwell with giant bags under his eyes.[96] Outside of criticizing people on his podcasts and videos, Dutton doesn't appear to have any real life interests.

Whitewashing his Wikipedia article[edit]

Dutton was suspected of editing his own Wikipedia page or getting someone he knew to remove sources that were either critical of his ideas or mentioned his associations with far-right political groups. In March 2021, multiple single-purpose users (who suspiciously only edited his page) showed up removing the words "far-right" and "white supremacist" from the introduction to his article.[97] In April 2021, Dutton (who seemed to watch his Wikipedia article like a hawk, more evidence he edited it himself) stated:

My wikipedia page seems to be under assault from leftists determined to write in POV and use Marxist sources. They've even deleted the 'History' to cover-up their changes and who has made them.[98]

However, there is no evidence that "leftists" edited his article, and the latter claim is impossible because Wikipedia users cannot delete their own history.[note 6]

Dutton's complaint that "Marxist" sources were used in his article is also dubious. The main source for describing Dutton as far-right and white supremacist was The Gaudie, a newspaper published by the University of Aberdeen.[12]

In April 2021, one of the suspicious accounts removing critical sources from Dutton's article was blocked from editing the article indefinitely.[99] In May 2022, Dutton's Wikipedia article was deleted.[100][note 7]

Whitewashing his involvement with Patriotic Alternative[edit]

Dutton in the past tried to whitewash his association and involvement with the white nationalist group Patriotic Alternative (PA) claiming he only spoke at one of their conferences[101] and suggesting he doesn't agree with their extremist views. However, Dutton's speech at the PA conference reveals he's committed to PA's ideology.[102] At the end of the speech, Dutton, in front of an audience of white nationalists and neo-Nazis including Mark Collett, said the following words:

You're here, we're here, it's happening and I am confident as someone once said that the mood is changing, it will change for genetic reasons, there's a genetic inevitability there will be a backlash also as society becomes less intelligent all these things we won't be able to do that we used to be able to do we become more instinctive, more strong and ethnocentrism will rise back again… people are now fighting back to take back what belongs to them OUR COUNTRY AND WE WILL TAKE IT BACK

Dutton's claim that this conference is his only connection to PA is misleading as he is a friend of Mark Collett. Dutton has regularly appeared on the This Week on the Alt Right podcast with Collett. In June 2021, Dutton tweeted that he has not seen any evidence that PA is associated with Nazis (even though its founder Mark Collett is a neo-Nazi) and the group supports Holocaust denial.[103][104] Dutton has also appeared on the neo-Nazi Podcast Radio Albion hosted by Collett and Max Musson and appeared on Collett's Patriotic Weekly Review podcast.[105][106]

As of August 2022, Dutton is a regular on Collett's podcast.[6][7]

Public Square Magazine controversy 2023[edit]

On March 6 2023, Public Square Magazine which describes itself as the "most read non-official Latter-day Saint periodical" published an article sympathetic to a paper co-authored by Emil Kirkegaard and Edward Dutton in 2022 which argued "Latter-day Saints in the USA show slightly positive selection for intelligence, whereas all other religious groups examined did not robustly differ from the average."[107] Three weeks later the article was retracted and deleted with the following added note by the editor:

Editor’s note: The article has been removed. The research shared in it was conducted by individuals with no known connection to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. While the study mentioned in this article is not white supremacist in nature, it was discovered that their research is deeply informed by white supremacist beliefs.[108]

Complaints were sent to the magazine editor about not only Kirkegaard's white supremacist beliefs but controversial writings on pedophilia and legalising child pornography.[109][110]

The Jolly Heretic podcast[edit]

Simon Webb being interviewed by Dutton on The Jolly Heretic podcast

Far-right influencers interviewed on Dutton's podcast include:

Dutton's podcast videos are uploaded to Bitchute, Odysee and Rumble.[127][128][129] Selective clips are uploaded to his YouTube channel.[130]

John Oliver Allen Rayner-Hilles a software engineer has been described as working behind the scenes of The Jolly Heretic.[131]

In March 2024, Dutton's Jolly Heretic podcast was suspended from Player FMWikipedia and Podcast Addict, presumably for breaking their terms of service on discrimination and hate speech.[132][133]

Views on RationalWiki[edit]

Dutton is not a fan of his RationalWiki article, describing it on his blog as an "extreme-Woke, anti-science website which defames and simply concocts information about scholars it dislikes because these scholars’ research questions Woke dogmas."[134]

In his response to his RationalWiki page, Dutton dishonestly denies being transphobic despite the fact that he has described transgender people as "spiteful mutants", "garbage", and "mentally ill" on white nationalist podcasts.[135] In an article published for Richard Spencer's Radix Journal, Dutton also calls transgender people "maladaptive", "spiteful mutants" and other derogatory and offensive terms.[136]

Oddly, Dutton denies being racist and/or a white supremacist despite the fact that his extremely racist speeches can be listened to online. The below is part of a transcript of a racist speech Dutton gave at a Traditional Britain Group meeting in 2022 hosted by the far-right activist and convicted criminal Gregory Lauder-Frost:

2:11-2:48 - a statue I hadn't seen before at Waterloo Station a statue that had been built that had been set up entirely to irritate me entirely to make me feel like my people have been defeated and crushed entirely to just get on my tits and that statue was a statue of three West Indian immigrants right by the entrance near the KFC, appropriately called the windrush statue and that upset me and why did it upset, me because we at Waterloo Station are our second busiest Terminus at our main, turbulence in the UK have put up a monument to our own defeat as a people. 5:25-5:53 - why is it that our statues have to inspire have to inspire a sense of disgust and defeat why is it that our art has to do so why is it that our adverts have to do so what is it saying to what is it trying to say to British men when every time you see a TV commercial these days it is a black man and a white woman what is it trying to say it's trying to say defeat defeat you have been invaded you have been overtaken your women.[137]

Dutton's uses a variant of the fallacious friend argument to deny accusations of sexism, racism and transphobia. He claims for example he cannot be a racist because he has invited "to interview on his show academics and other writers who were Sub-Saharan African, Southeast Asian, and South Asian". The "Southeast Asian" is Michelle Malkin.[138] She was dropped by conservative organization Young America's Foundation in 2019 for openly associating with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and supporting anti-Semites.[139]

Stopped clock[edit]

For more information, see: Stopped clock

Dutton has some rare moments of sanity. For example, he has criticised and debunked Moon landing hoax conspiracy theories in a video.[140]

Support for Dutton[edit]

Even though Dutton's theories have found little to no support in the mainstream, he has his own internet fan club, as evidenced by his number of followers on YouTube. He is presented as an "expert" in nutty forums. Unsurprisingly, his spiteful mutant hypothesis has found support among the mentally ill.[141]

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. Edward Dutton is currently charging $147 to enroll on one of his online courses in sociobiology at a fake (non-accredited) university named GegenUni. He also associated with another diploma mill (ALEX University).
  2. In his book Spiteful Mutants, Dutton claims "there may be some kernels of truth within its most outlandish claims." (p. 147) Dutton also says he prefers QAnon over Black Lives Matter because "despite QAnon's ostensible wackiness, it is far more group-fitness promoting than BLM, not least due to its traditionally religious elements." A lengthy chapter of Dutton's book titled "The Normalization of Pedophilia" is dedicated to arguing with flimsy to no evidence that left-wing politics in general and LGBT-rights groups are trying to normalize pedophilia (pp.329-350).
  3. Dutton regularly retweets Michael A. Woodley, Emil Kirkegaard, Nathan Cofnas, and Noah Carl on his Twitter, and cites their "research" on his podcast.
  4. "This thesis critiques aspects of the work of Mary Douglas and Victor Turner. It develops previous criticisms and pursues them in greater depth, questioning the degree to which these respective models are universal. It is a mainly anthropological study of the relationship between a university and the largest evangelical group operative at that university."[27]:iii
  5. In December 2021, Dutton reviewed the controversial book A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and their Pursuit of Dignity whose author, Allyn Walker, resigned from an academic position at Old Dominion University in Virginia after receiving complaints about their paedophilia apologism; Walker wants to destigmatize paedophilia by calling paedophiles instead "minor-attracted people" (MAP) and has argued there needs to be more media role models for MAPs.
  6. At least, not without admin privileges, but that's considered an abuse of power and will be cracked down on.
  7. Although there isn't an English Wikipedia article about him anymore, there are still Wikipedia articles about Edward Dutton in Arabic,Wikipedia Egyptian Arabic,Wikipedia Estonian,Wikipedia Finnish,Wikipedia French,Wikipedia Latvian,Wikipedia and Spanish.Wikipedia The English Wikipedia also still has an article about Dutton's 2008 book Meeting Jesus at University.Wikipedia


  2. Diversity Destroyed Britain. And Rome… by Edward Dutton (2:52 AM - 17 Oct 2020) Twitter (archived from 5 Apr 2021 12:58:34 UTC).
  3. https://hopenothate.org.uk/case-files-edward-dutton/
  4. https://vdare.com/writers/edward-dutton
  5. https://www.unz.com/author/edward-dutton/
  6. 6.0 6.1 Patriotic Weekly Review - with Dr Edward Dutton
  7. 7.0 7.1 Dr Edward Dutton interviews Dr David Duke
  8. https://www.jollyheretic.com/p/lipton-matthews-and-wilfred-reilly
  9. http://web.archive.org/web/20210805024936/https://www.oulu.fi/yliopisto/node/46820
  10. https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2021/04/23/professor-edward-dutton-is-a-fraud/
  11. https://twitter.com/jollyheretic/status/1238945026509615104
  12. 12.0 12.1 From Aberdeen PhD to White Supremacist. www.gaudie.co.uk.
  13. He appears regularly on Mark Collett's alt-right podcast as a guest and was interviewed by the white supremacist American Renaissance magazine.
  14. Two Nazis Support Islamic Terrorism (Apr 25, 2020) YouTube.
  15. The Jolly Heretic Videos
  16. https://twitter.com/jollyheretic
  17. "Culture Shock and Multiculturalism". Retrieved 11 January 2019. 
  18. 18.0 18.1 Edward Dutton: About WordPress (archived from 6 Jan 2021 10:12:58 UTC).
  19. Richard Spencer & Ed Dutton: Making Sense of Race (Dec 21, 2020) YouTube.
  20. Murdoch, Simon. (2020). Patriotic Alternative: Uniting the Fascist Right?. Hope not Hate.
  21. https://vdare.com/articles/leftists-lose-it-over-graham-hancock-s-ancient-apocalypse-why
  22. https://gegenuni.de/edward-dutton-sociobiology/
  23. https://gegenuni.de/kurse/wie-zur-wende/
  24. https://radixjournal.substack.com/p/her-choice-our-future
  25. Dr Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic. bitchute.com.
  26. JollyHeretic. odysee.com.
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Liminality, Communitas and Student Evangelical Groups: A Critique of the Group Theories of Victor Turner and Mary Douglas by Edward Croft Dutton (2005) University of Aberdeen via ProQuest.
  28. 28.0 28.1 The Conferment of the Title of Docent (February 7, 2011) University of Oulu (archived from May 5, 2021).
  29. Dosenttinimitykset2011 University of Oulu (archived from May 21, 2021).
  30. 30.0 30.1 Rehtorin päätös tutkimuseettisessä asiassa (16.6.2017) University of Oulu.
  31. Scandinavian Studies Programme: Fall Semester 2015 University of Oulu. Dutton was listed as teaching the course "Humans and Environment" in 2014. Archived from May 21, 2021).
  32. Search on 'dutton' research University of Oulu (archived from May 21, 2021).
  33. Ed Dutton The Guardian.
  34. See the Wikipedia article on Docent § Finland.
  35. 35.0 35.1 Edward Dutton is not employed by University of Oulu, and his actions do not represent our values emphasizing equality and responsibility. With current legislation it is not possible to withdraw the title of Docent, but discussions on that are ongoing with Finnish Universities. University of Oulu (1:08 AM - 28 Jun 2019) Twitter (archived from 28 Jun 2019 23:02:44 UTC).
  36. 36.0 36.1 State of Hate 2021: Backlash, Conspiracy & Confrontation edited by Nick Lowles, Hope Not Hate.
  37. Asbiro University
  38. See the Wikipedia article on Anthropology § Fields.
  39. https://archive.is/alt7H
  40. https://twitter.com/jollyheretic/status/1646792394887536640
  41. https://twitter.com/jollyheretic/status/1222646204506484736
  42. https://www.politico.eu/article/this-global-right-wing-movement-wants-to-save-the-world-it-just-needs-a-plan/
  43. It was 93 per cent of foreign rapists in finland are Muslim. by Edward Dutton (11:47 AM - 22 Mar 2019) Twitter (archived from 14 Apr 2019 18:38:40 UTC).
  44. Spiteful Mutants: Evolution, Sexuality, Religion, and Politics in the 21st Century. Radix & Washington Summit Publishers. p. 326.
  45. Spiteful Mutants: Evolution, Sexuality, Religion, and Politics in the 21st Century. Radix & Washington Summit Publishers. p. 323.
  46. Spiteful Mutants: Evolution, Sexuality, Religion, and Politics in the 21st Century. Radix & Washington Summit Publishers. p. 321.
  47. Spiteful Mutants: Evolution, Sexuality, Religion, and Politics in the 21st Century. Radix & Washington Summit Publishers. pp. 321-322.
  48. Trusting The Plan by Edward Dutton (December 16, 2020 8:08 pm) Radix Journal (archived from 16 Dec 2020 23:45:13 UTC).
  49. Dutton, Edward. (2022) Spiteful Mutants: Evolution, Sexuality, Religion, and Politics in the 21st Century. Radix & Washington Summit Publishers.
  50. Do Paeodophiles Rule the World? "The Jolly Heretic", Season 1, Episode 16 (3 April 2019) IMDb.
  51. https://www.vice.com/en/article/4adn9p/he-stood-for-election-for-a-mainstream-political-party-now-hes-a-far-right-organiser
  52. https://novaramedia.com/2023/01/10/the-anti-fascist-research-group-exposing-britains-neo-nazi-threat/
  53. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/fetishes-i-dont-get/201102/do-gay-men-have-more-sexual-interest-in-children
  54. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361043730_Will_Intelligent_Latter-day_Saints_and_Smart_Conservatives_Inherit_the_Earth_Differential_Selection_for_Intelligence_in_the_USA_Based_on_Religiosity_and_Conservatism
  55. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34309741/
  56. Edward Dutton is an ephebophilia apologist. Reddit.
  57. http://www.quarterly-review.org/a-dark-night-rises/
  58. Defending Atheist Mutational Load Theory: The Authors' Reply: Are atheists mutants? The author's reply to my previous critique. by Scott A. McGreal (June 21, 2018) Psychology Today.
  59. Oulun yliopiston dosentti syyllistyi plagiointiin — kiistää tekonsa tarkoituksellisuuden, Aamulehti 16 June 2017 (in Finnish)
  60. Editorial Panel Mankind Quarterly.
  61. Edward Dutton: About WordPress (archived from 30 Aug 2018 17:47:25 UTC).
  62. The Finnuit: Finnish Culture and the Religion of Uniqueness by Edward Dutton (2009) Akadémiai Kiadó. ISBN 9630587319.
  63. Edward Dutton author of the pseudoscientific book "The Finnuit" by mundane man (October 20, 2009 at 5:09 pm) WordPress.
  64. Why Is Intelligence Declining? Our Rulers Don’t Want You to Know by Lance Welton (August 21, 2018) Unz Review (archived from January 2, 2020).
  65. Race Differences in Ethnocentrism by Edward Dutton (2019) Arktos. ISBN 1912975254.
  66. The McSpencer Group Episode 11: Edward Dutton YouTube.
  67. The McSpencer Group Episode 11: Edward Dutton Very happy to welcome Ed Dutton to the panel! by Richard Spender (8:38 AM - 26 May 2019) Twitter (archived from 26 May 2019 15:38:47 UTC).
  68. Graves, J. L. (2002). "What a tangled web he weaves Race, reproductive strategies and Rushton's life history theory". Anthropological Theory. 2(2):131–154.
  69. Androgens, Dodgy Penis Size Data, and Differential-K Theory: Can crude statistics validate suspect racial data on penis sizes? No. by Scott A. McGreal (February 13, 2016) Psychology Today.
  70. "Population differences in androgen levels: A test of the Differential K theory". London Conference on Intelligence, 2015.
  71. "Oversized Penile Length In The Black People; Myth Or Reality". (2007). JC, Orakwe., GU, Ebuh. Tropical Journal of Medical Research. 11(1): 16-18.
  72. Orakwe, J. C; Ogbuagu, B. O; Ebuh, G. U (2006). "Can physique and gluteal size predict penile length in adult Nigerian men?". West African Journal of Medicine. 25(3): 223–5.
  73. The Pseudoscience of Race Differences in Penis Size: A paper's claim about racial differences in penis size are unfounded. by Scott A. McGreal (October 16, 2012) Psychology Today.
  74. J. Philippe Rushton: 'He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!' by Edward Dutton (Feb 15, 2019) YouTube.
  75. https://www.jollyheretic.com/p/why-is-it-so-hard-to-measure-a-phallus
  76. 76.0 76.1 Kevin MacDonald and the Elevation of Anti-Semitic Pseudoscience: Why are respectable journals publishing discussions of what has long been dismissed as bigoted psychological research? by Michael Schulson (06.27.2018) Undark Magazine.
  77. Is Kevin MacDonald’s Theory of Judaism “Plausible”? A Response to Dutton (2018), Nathan Cofnas (2019)
  78. My Philosophical Argument Against Veganism by Edward Dutton (Aug 25, 2019) YouTube.
  79. Patriotic Weekly Review: Edward Dutton – PWR 021021
  80. Dr Edward Dutton interviews Dr David Duke
  81. Spiteful Mutants, pp. 62-63.
  82. "The Fool Says in His Heart That Atheists Are Mutants": Poor science underlies claims about atheism resulting from adverse mutations by Scott A. McGreal (March 17, 2018) Psychology Today.
  83. Religious mutants by Gordon Bonnet (December 27, 2017) Skeptophilia.
  84. Why Incełs Need to Start Going to Church if They Want to Get Some
  85. Episode 12: Mixed Race Individuals and Personality Traits YouTube.
  86. A Conversation with Edward Dutton by Grégoire Canlorbe (July 10, 2019) American Renaissance (archived from 30 Jul 2019 12:05:11 UTC).
  87. Edward Dutton (September 10th 2020) Robert Stark interviews Ed Dutton: The Jolly Heretic. 33:30. The Stark Truth With Robert Stark. Retreived September, 25th 2020
  88. American Nazi Richard Spencer and British Nazi Edward Dutton of Mark Collett's 'Patriotic Alternative' support Islamic terrorism.
  89. https://www.jollyheretic.com/p/the-deep-state-wont-let-him-see-his
  90. https://www.counterterrorism.police.uk/prison-sentence-for-leeds-man-intent-on-stirring-up-racial-hatred/
  91. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/16/uk-man-with-hitler-picture-used-sticker-campaign-to-stir-racial-hatred-court-told
  92. Patriotic Weekly Review: Edward Dutton – PWR 021021
  93. https://twitter.com/jollyheretic/status/1464520577721552897
  94. Prof. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic
  95. From Aberdeen PhD to White Supremacist
  96. Why the Online Game Fortnite Should Be Banned to Save the Male
  97. Edward Dutton (author): Revision history Wikipedia.
  98. Computer types: My wikipedia page seems to be under assault from leftists determined to write in POV and use Marxist sources. They've even deleted the 'History' to cover-up their changes and who has made them. by Edward Dutton (05:22 - 5. Apr. 2021) Twitter (archived from April 5, 2021).
  99. User talk:Saxon celt#May 2021 (00:19, 22 May 2021) Wikipedia
  100. Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Edward Dutton (author)
  101. I spoke at one of their conferences. That is all. by Edward Dutton (10.08 - April 14 2021) Twitter (archived from April 14, 2021).
  102. Dutton's speech Radio Albion (archived from May 11, 2020).
  103. Edward Dutton on Twitter.
  105. Truth Will Out Radio: Professor Edward Dutton on Winston Churchill’s Headmaster – TWOR 020521
  106. Patriotic Weekly Review: Edward Dutton – PWR 021021
  107. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40806-022-00327-y
  108. https://publicsquaremag.org/bulletin/wiill-latter-day-saints-inherit-earth/
  109. https://twitter.com/mormonByAssoc/status/1638764748648116226
  110. https://twitter.com/Spector37214958/status/1639063551766609922
  111. Expelling Illegals | Peter Brimelow. jollyheretic.com.
  112. The Genetics of Woke | Joseph Bronski. jollyheretic.com.
  113. Kevin Dolan | The Lock-In. jollyheretic.com.
  114. The origins of the Great Replacement | Renaud Camus. jollyheretic.com.
  115. How can we get smarter? | Richard Hanania. jollyheretic.com.
  116. Life is about getting used to pain | Katie Hopkins. jollyheretic.com.
  117. Greg Johnson | TJH Ep 1. jollyheretic.com.
  118. Emil Kirkegaard | TJH Ep 6. jollyheretic.com.
  119. Lipton Matthews & Wilfred Reilly | The Lock-In. jollyheretic.com.
  120. Lipton Matthews Returns to the Jolly Heretic to Discuss "Privilege". bitchute.com.
  121. Confessions of a heretic | Count Dankula. jollyheretic.com
  122. Olympian Prof Helmuth Nyborg Joins Us to Discuss Dysgenics, Intelligence and Much More. podchaser.com.
  123. AI: Can it reverse the decline? | Jonatan Pallesen. jollyheretic.com.
  124. The War on Noticing | Steve Sailer. jollyheretic.com.
  125. A life of dissent? | Jared Taylor. jollyheretic.com.
  126. The things we forget | Simon Webb. jollyheretic.com.
  127. Dr Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic. bitchute.com.
  128. Prof. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic. odysee.com.
  129. Prof. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic
  130. The Jolly Heretic
  131. J. O. A. Rayner-Hilles. alibris.co.uk.
  132. Edward Dutton the Jolly Heretic. player.fm.
  133. Edward Dutton the Jolly Heretic. podcastaddict.com.
  134. https://edwarddutton.com/index.php/oh-my-god-your-ratwiki-page/
  135. https://www.radioalbion.com/2021/02/patriotic-weekly-review-edward-dutton.html
  136. https://radixjournal.com/2021/02/born-again/
  137. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiB2CVD57Io
  138. https://odysee.com/@JollyHeretic:d/Michelle-Malkin-Joins-Us-to-Explore-What's-Happening-in-America:9
  139. https://www.jpost.com/American-Politics/Michelle-Malkin-shunned-by-conservatives-over-support-for-antisemites-608349
  140. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPk_BNvZLJQ
  141. A thread on the "spiteful mutants" in the mental health forum Schizoids.net
  142. https://www.bitchute.com/video/KRVzRJWG09NF/

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