It's not rocket science, it's... Astronomy |
The Final Frontier |
The abyss stares back |
“”From this work, by him and by others of his generation, it is widely believed that some glimpse of a "creation event of the universe" became available to science by an objective method, not, as in other times, by metaphysics or speculation.
—Allan Sandage |
Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American boxer, a member of the Kentucky bar association and an astronomer. He is best known for his discovery that the universe is expanding. This discovery, in giving the Big Bang theory a factual base, permanently eliminated God's theory on the origins of the universe, Genesis, from the competition.[1] Hubble made no public comment on God's concession speech. (It was rumored that he climbed atop Griffith Observatory, looked up into stars and yelled "Gotcha! Fucker!" then had a smoke and danced til the sun came up.) Hubble, simply put, set down the observational foundations upon which modern Cosmology rests.
Edwin Hubble 1889-1953, The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Vol.83, No.6 December 1989 Whole No. 621