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Satellite image of Europe.
Not to be confused with the European Union, the economic and political bloc within Europe.
What has made the European family of nations an improving, instead of a stationary portion of mankind? Not any superior excellence in them, which, when it exists, exists as the effect, not as the cause; but their remarkable diversity of character and culture. Individuals, classes, nations, have been extremely unlike one another: they have struck out a great variety of paths, each leading to something valuable; and although at every period those who travelled in different paths have been intolerant of one another, and each would have thought it an excellent thing if all the rest could have been compelled to travel his road, their attempts to thwart each other's development have rarely had any permanent success, and each has in time endured to receive the good which the others have offered. Europe is, in my judgment, wholly indebted to this plurality of paths for its progressive and many-sided development.
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (1859), Chapter III. Of individuality, as one of the elements of well-Being, p.136

Europe is a Swedish glam metal band continent (in a political/cultural sense) at the western end of the Eurasian landmass, usually defined as being west of the Ural mountain range and north of the Caucasus. Many European countries, but not all, are members of the European Union and NATO.

It's an understanding between Europeans that you need to go blow each other up every few decades. Then you remember why that was a bad idea and repeat it again in a few decades. If you're American, you need only sit it out until everyone else is exhausted. Then you sweep the leg and become a world superpower. Pretty much no some most All countries in Europe are Commu-Nazi-leebral godless hellholes! Let us learn nothing from them.


Countries of Europe include:

Countries of Europe
Western Europe Southern Europe Central Europe Northern Europe Eastern Europe
Benelux: Balkans: Germanic countries: Baltic countries: Ex-Soviet countries:
British Isles:
Iberia: Italic countries Visegrád Group: Nordic countries: Caucasus:

Religion in Europe[edit]

Eurobarometer Poll 2005[edit]

Participants were asked if they believed that "there is a God", if they believed that "there is some sort of spirit of life force", or if they "didn't believe there is any sort of spirit, God or life force".[1]

Country "I believe there
is a God"
"I believe there is some
sort of spirit or life force"
"I don’t believe there is any
sort of spirit, God or life force"
Malta Malta 95% 3% 1%
Cyprus Cyprus 90% 7% 2%
Greece Greece 81% 16% 3%
Portugal Portugal 81% 12% 6%
Poland Poland 80% 15% 1%
Italy Italy 74% 16% 6%
Ireland Ireland 73% 22% 4%
Slovakia Slovakia 61% 26% 11%
Spain Spain 59% 21% 18%
Austria Austria 54% 34% 8%
Lithuania Lithuania 49% 36% 12%
Germany Germany 47% 25% 25%
Luxembourg Luxembourg 44% 28% 22%
Hungary Hungary 44% 31% 19%
Belgium Belgium 43% 29% 27%
Finland Finland 41% 41% 16%
United Kingdom United Kingdom 38% 40% 20%
Latvia Latvia 37% 49% 10%
Slovenia Slovenia 37% 46% 16%
France France 34% 27% 33%
Netherlands Netherlands 34% 37% 27%
Denmark Denmark 31% 49% 19%
Sweden Sweden 23% 53% 23%
Czechia Czechia 19% 50% 30%
Estonia Estonia 16% 54% 26%
European Union EU25 52% 27% 18%
Romania Romania 90% 8% 1%
Bulgaria Bulgaria 40% 40% 13%
Croatia Croatia 67% 25% 7%
Switzerland Switzerland 48% 39% 9%
Iceland Iceland 38% 48% 11%
Norway Norway 32% 47% 17%
Turkey Turkey 95% 2% 1%
Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia were not members of the EU at the time; Romania and Bulgaria joined in 2007 and Croatia in 2013. The United Kingdom left in 2020.

Special Eurobarometer 2019[edit]

Participants were asked if they considered themselves "Catholic", "Orthodox Christian", "Protestant", "other Christian", "Jewish", "Shia Muslim", "Sunni Muslim", "other Muslim", "Sikh", "Buddhist", "Hindu", "Atheist", "Non believer or agnostic" and "other". For conciseness, only "Atheist" and "Non believer or agnostic" will be represented in the table, "Remainder" being the subtraction of 100% from the aforementioned.[2]

Country "Atheist" "Non believer
or agnostic"
Romania Romania 1% 0% 99%
Cyprus Cyprus 1% 1% 98%
Greece Greece 2% 1% 97%
Malta Malta 1% 3% 96%
Bulgaria Bulgaria 3% 2% 95%
Poland Poland 3% 3% 94%
Ireland Ireland 3% 6% 91%
Lithuania Lithuania 3% 6% 91%
Slovakia Slovakia 6% 5% 89%
Croatia Croatia 6% 5% 89%
Portugal Portugal 4% 8% 88%
Italy Italy 5% 9% 86%
Austria Austria 4% 12% 84%
Slovenia Slovenia 14% 4% 82%
Latvia Latvia 6% 13% 81%
Hungary Hungary 3% 17% 80%
Denmark Denmark 9% 13% 78%
Finland Finland 10% 14% 76%
Luxembourg Luxembourg 10% 16% 74%
European Union EU28 10% 17% 73%
Germany Germany 9% 21% 70%
Belgium Belgium 10% 21% 69%
Spain Spain 12% 20% 68%
United Kingdom United Kingdom 9% 28% 63%
Estonia Estonia 15% 23% 62%
France France 21% 19% 60%
Sweden Sweden 16% 34% 50%
Netherlands Netherlands 11% 41% 48%
Czechia Czechia 22% 34% 44%

See also[edit]


  1. Perhaps perceived as part of the Middle East and not Europe, it is culturally and historically similar to Greece and is a member of the European Union.
  2. Most of its modern territory is in the Middle East, but eastern Thrace with its capital Istanbul (historically known as Constantinople) is considered geographically and historically European.
  3. A small portion of which is technically in Europe, depending on who you ask.


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