
From RationalWiki - Reading time: 25 min

A group of Argentine travestisWikipedia carrying the coffin of their murdered friend Nancy de Martelli, 1987.
It's a social construct
Icon gender.svg
Spectra and binaries
Yes, all the psychiatrists and psychologists of the world banded together to invent a fake condition just to rob you of your precious titty supply. Good catch.

Transphobia, (also sometimes called transmisia), in common English, is the prejudice and hatred against and the irrational fear and dislike of transgender people.[2] The term has been used by some philanthropic non-governmental organizations, e.g. from Planned Parenthood, "Transphobia is the fear, hatred, disbelief, or mistrust of people who are transgender, thought to be transgender, or whose gender expression doesn’t conform to traditional gender roles. Transphobia can prevent transgender and gender nonconforming people from living full lives free from harm."[3]

Transphobia is often conflated with homophobia and is justified for the same reasons that homophobes use to justify their hatred of gays in particular and the LGBTQ+ community in general (religion, prescriptive gender norms, etc.). Indeed, many clueless homophobes conflate homosexual people with transgender people and cross-dressers. Transphobia also manifests itself in some schools of radical feminist thought, as some feminists resent the idea that people who aren't cisgender might make claims as women. Transphobia is also especially common against trans women;[note 1] the intersection of transphobia and misogyny has been called transmisogyny. Otherwise, discrimination against trans men has been called transmisandry, and discrimination against Non-Binary people (trans or otherwise) has been called enbyphobia or nbphobia.

On a societal scale, it can manifest itself in any number of ways, from systemic discrimination against transgender people in housing, healthcare, and employment,[4][5] to a relatively high murder rate,[6][7] to a series of demeaning depictions in the mass media.[8][9][10] Cases of murder have been exceptionally high in Brazil. "The situation in Brazil is especially worrying, with 40% of the cases since January 2008, and 42% of the cases in 2016 so far worldwide."[11]

Language and social interactions[edit]

Casual transphobia may occur in everyday interactions between people, as well as in writing.

Misgendering and deadnaming[edit]

At the heart of misgendering isn't a desire for truth, it's just a desire to hurt the other person by denying them the ability to self identify. If you're a feminine boy, they'll call you a girl because it's supposed to hurt you. Vice versa for (trans) women.

One common form of transphobia is misgendering. Misgendering is treating a trans person as the wrong gender. Most commonly, it involves language and it is not always (but certainly can be) intentional. It can involve using the wrong pronoun (he, she, they, etc.), honorific (sir, ma'am, miss, son), title (Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc), or descriptive noun (guy, gal, dude, gentleman, lady, etc.).[13] Some people may gender trans people correctly the first time, but "correct" themselves after hearing their voices or seeing an unchanged ID card. Misgendering can also mean expecting people to act or present in strict accordance with gender stereotypes, e.g., expecting a trans woman to always wear a dress, or for trans people to use the restroom of their birth-assigned gender.

In addition to misgendering, transphobes may disrespect the preferred (and often, legal) names of trans people. Deadnaming is the intentional use of a trans person's birth or non-preferred name. It is common in both speech and in writing.[14] A similar technique involves placing the trans person's new name in scare quotes (e.g., writing "Natalie" instead of Natalie), even if the trans person legally changed their name. People might also come up with childish portmanteaus like "Brucelyn" for former Olympic athlete Caitlyn Jenner.

There is not a universal taboo against deadnaming in the LGBT community,[15] particularly when the trans person was well known before transition. As an example, anthropologist Jaimie Pearl Bloom published a large body of work under her birth name, James F. Weiner, and had no objection to the use of her dead name.[16] That being said, a person should be addressed how they want to be addressed — that's a simple matter of civility, just like if someone made it clear they wanted to go by their middle name, it would be rude to keep using their first name. Some research finds that misgendering, deadnaming, or other forms of gender negation are associated with poorer mental health to some extent,[17][18][19][20][21] which isn't especially surprising. Likewise, possession of identity documents with one's preferred name and gender is associated with better mental health.[22]

Slurs and insults[edit]

Transphobic graffiti in Rome.[note 2]

Slurs are another form of transphobia. Many transphobic people may use derogatory terms instead of "transgender" or "trans woman/man". Slurs such as "tranny", "troon", "freak", "science experiment", "he-she", and "shim" are used as slurs for trans people in general. "She-male", "man in a dress", "cock-in-a-frock", and "guy with tits" are used to refer to a trans woman, notably by Milo Yiannopoulos and the Ted 2 movie. Trans men (AFAB) are sometimes referred to using slurs aimed at lesbians, such as "dyke." Post-op vaginas are sometimes pejoratively called "rotpockets," while post-op penises are called "skin sticks" or "piss tubes." The pronoun "it" is sometimes used to dehumanize trans people. Transphobic slurs can be likened to slurs thrown at other kinds of LGBT individuals.[23]

Language that implies deceit[edit]

People might view trans people as being deceptive, using words like "posing", "self-professed", "masquerading", "disguised", "fooling", "dressed up", or "pretending."[24] They may say that trans people are "actually" or "really" their birth-assigned sex, and that trans people are just play-acting. Traditionally, the term "passing" was used for trans people who do not appear to be transgender, and "stealth" was used for trans people who are not open about their trans status. However, those terms can imply deceit and inauthenticity, so "not visibly trans" and "not openly trans" are now preferred by certain groups.[25]

Friendships and relationships[edit]

Though coming out as trans is the first step to expressing one's gender identity, it will inevitably be met with ostracism by some people. People who once liked and respected the closeted trans person may now view them as a pervert or as a "waste of a good man/woman". People who once shared many great memories with the person might now actively avoid them, despite the trans person doing nothing wrong. When trans people come out on social media, they often notice they lose followers (including close family members). Other people might leave hate comments.

Transphobes also attempt to debate trans people in an effort to "talk them out" of transitioning. This is a form of Sealioning. Many of the questions sound innocent when taken at face value, such as "Why not just be a tomboy/feminine guy?" or "What if you regret it?". They may also try to make it sound like science is on their side with out-of-context studies. They'll let you know that hormones cause cancer, or pull the classic pop-psychology "Your brain is still developing until 25" argument, with the implication that one's identity isn't valid until then. On the other end of the spectrum, they'll tell older transitioners that they're too old to transition successfully or that if they were truly trans, they would have said something earlier. Alternatively, they'll bring up religion and quote Leviticus.

In more extreme circumstances, trans people have been evicted or even killed by transphobic family members.


This happens most commonly in the medical field where transgender people are denied the right to transition. Arguments by medical gatekeepers center around the belief that transgender people are wrong about their identity (transphobic in itself) and they need to undergo months or even years of therapy before they can be allowed to transition. Worse, some gatekeepers say that any psychological problem should be exclusionary to being "allowed" to transition which puts transgender people in a suicidal catch 22 because their psychological problems are caused by dysphoria from living as the wrong gender. The only way to relieve the serious problems is to transition. "Exclusionary disorders" just makes transitioning impossible, and most gatekeepers are probably fully aware of this.

The notion of gatekeeping as a "protection" against "wrongly transitioning" is a bogus shield for transphobia because cis people don't transition. Feminine men, butch lesbians, and people who think that their lives might be easier (based on gender roles and stereotypes) if they were born as "the other" gender don't transition. When someone comes out as wanting to transition, it's because they need to do it.

Transphobic laws[edit]

Transphobic laws designed to change the definition of women to exclude women without the exact sexual characteristics. Note that this might exclude intersex women as well.
Nebraska Executive Order 23 16 page 2 of 2.png

In December 2020 a UK court decided that children under 16 likely lacked the capacity to consent to puberty blockers.[26] As puberty blockers are much less effective at that late age, it is effectively a ban on treatment for trans children. This case was brought by Keira Bell, a person who transitioned as a late teen, then detransitioned (and wrote about her experience after the conclusion of the case[27]), Mrs A; and an array of anti-trans groups. The ruling was later appealed, for several reasons, including the fact that the UK courts allowed multiple anti trans hate groups to submit evidence, and because the ‘expert’ witnesses allowed to give evidence were known anti trans individuals, often with zero expertise or experience in healthcare for children or trans people. Some witnesses had been banned from providing evidence in Australian and American cases. The decision was eventually overturned in September 2021.[28]

Media and police[edit]

Bringing up the bathroom issue is a cheap way to be transphobic, as shown by this unfunny alt-right webcomic piece unfairly mocking both the transgender community and progressivism in general.

Transgender people are regularly discriminated against by the media and police.[29][30][31][32] Both the media and police when involving a transgender person invariably use the descriptor "transsexual" or "transvestite" (with its associated archaic psychiatric baggage) in place of transgender. Transgender people face high rates of rape and deaths in custody while in prison.[33][34][35] The level of cyberbullying towards transgender people and suicide is also disproportionately high.[36][37] The media, in going for sensationalized stories, typically publish the transgender person's previous name without permission even if they have legally changed their name and that name change is protected by privacy laws.[note 3] An individual's gender identity is suggested in these stories to be fake or a fraud by connotation, with the intention to deceive.

When referring to trans women, the use of recycling exaggerated stereotypes such as "long and leggy", "tall physique", "fierce looking", "muscular", "ill-fitting dress", "over-the-top femininity", etc. combined with negative notions that transgender individuals are perverted or depraved is all-too common in the media.[note 4][38] Another popular stereotype of trans women is that of a slim Asian person who is usually a prostitute. Such stereotypical imagery is imposed on other media such as film and television, where trans women are mostly portrayed in acting roles as sick, twisted, prostitutes or "stranger danger" serial killers.[39] There was some concern that the film The Silence of the Lambs, featuring a villain who was making himself a "woman suit" out of women's skin, would be seen as perpetuating this stereotype of the twisted and violent trans woman, and hence a disclaimer was placed in the mouth of Jodie Foster's character to emphasize that there was no link between "transsexualism and violence", while the character was specifically identified as not actually being transgender.

It is not uncommon for media to portray transgenders in a radically different fashion than their cisgender counterparts, and sometimes transgenders are even made fun of. For example, the television show M*A*S*H featured a man pretending to be transgender in order to get a medical discharge from the US Army, and Capcom attempted to convince Nintendo of America to accept two female characters in the game Final Fight by casting them as transgenders (despite the characters' creator later saying he envisioned them as cisgender) because it was apparently more acceptable for male characters to beat up a transgender than a cisgender woman.

In most movies, trans women are portrayed by cis male actors (i.e. The Danish Girl, Dallas Buyers Club, etc.), often perpetuating the notion that a trans woman is just a man in a dress. Less commonly (as in Transamerica and Ace Ventura), a cis woman is cast, but often these depictions still portray trans people as objects of disgust (especially the case for Ace Ventura). Trans women are rarely portrayed by trans women themselves, which has the added effect of limiting the casting opportunities for trans actors and contributes to what is arguably a kind of discrimination.

The 1997 Franco-Belgian drama film Ma vie en roseWikipedia garnered controversy in the States when the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) gave it a dubiously harsh R rating due to its portrayal of transgender youth, in this case a transgender girl named Ludo who faced ostracisation due to her gender identity, despite the fact that the film is far more innocuous than other similarly-rated films. Many in the LGBTQ+ community speculate that the decision to rate it as such was made on transphobic grounds,[40] and this is considered in retrospect to the fact of how Hollywood, particularly the MPAA, now openly encourages film studios to be more diverse and inclusive towards people from all walks of life, much to the chagrin of right-wingers who tar the film industry for pandering to wokeness and political correctness.

When a trans woman is on the news or in a documentary, many news organizations use the same stock tropes when shooting the footage. Many show the trans woman looking in a mirror, as if all trans people are obsessed with their appearance. Others may show the trans woman shaving or putting on makeup. Pre-transition photographs will almost invariably be shown.[citation needed]

Trans men are reported about disproportionately less, although the amount of trans men and women is relatively equal.[41]

In 2013, the death of Jennifer LaudeWikipedia and subsequent investigation became a media circus in the Philippines where it was widely covered, no thanks to the fact that it involved a US Marine named Joseph Scott Pemberton who drowned Laude to death in an altercation, which led to serious diplomatic implications between the Philippines and the United States (which previously colonised the former during the early 20th century following centuries of Spanish colonial rule). The lack of sexual orientation and gender identity awareness at the time led to media outlets deadnaming Laude by referring to her as "Jeffrey 'Jennifer' Laude" or simply "Jeffrey Laude".[42][43] Adding further insult to injury was when Rodrigo Duterte somehow[note 5] pardoned Pemberton for his crimes, much to the outrage of the LGBT community and most especially to Laude's family.[44]

On 9 May 2014, the UK Press Complaints Commission ruled in Dr Kate Stone v Daily Mirror, that the publication of a person's transgender status is not relevant and that the disclosure of a person's previous name without consent was an unjustified intrusion into their privacy.[45] Newspapers named in the original complaint complied with the ruling and removed reference to Dr. Stone's birth name and transgender status on-line. The media covering the PCC case, not involved in the original complaint, ignored the ruling, such as The Guardian with a piece written by feminist journalist Yvonne Roberts, who referred to Dr. Stone as "Transgender Kate Stone" before amending their story caption to "Scientist Kate Stone" six hours after publication, following complaints by readers (the story url however remains unchanged and visible as "transgender-kate-stone-press-complaints-commission-ruling").[46]

In October 2014, when it was revealed an Australian Gold Coast murder victim known as Mayang Prasetyo was trans, the media switched from reporting it as a domestic violence incident to one engaging in sensationalism, embellishment, and victim blaming, after publishing stories with headlines "Monster chef and the she male" and "Ladyboy and the butcher".[47]

The final episode of season six of the television drama series Pretty Little Liars has been condemned by a number of activist groups after it was revealed the identity of the psychopathic killer known as "A" was transgender. Director of advocacy group SPARTA, Brynn Tannehill, stated:

Using transgender people and their transitions as a twist, and a way to explain psychotic behavior, is just plain lazy writing and has been for 50 plus years. It's the 'big-bad unmasking' equivalent to revealing that all of the 9th season of Dallas was all just a dream.[48]

Seeking asylum[edit]

Two trans women - Ashley Ihász and Stephanie McCarthy - fled Australia claiming humanitarian asylum status in Iceland, in June 2017. Both women allege they have feared for their lives following threats and harassment from the NSW Police.[49] This follows a highly publicized, unprovoked violent attack on McCarthy at a Newtown hotel in 2015, in which the assailants served no jail time.[50]

Conversely, a British trans woman was offered asylum by New Zealand after facing years of persecution.[51][52] And an American trans woman was offered asylum by Canada.[53]

Trans panic[edit]

Trans panic is used as a defense by some assailants of trans women. The defendant states that he was meeting a woman for sex, but upon discovering at the crucial moment that the woman is trans, such is his shock and outrage that he could not help but attack her. The object is to gain the sympathy of any jurors who may harbour similar prejudices, or to reduce a potential conviction of murder to the less heavily punished manslaughter. This is a desperate move, however; the use of the defense admits the defendant is the one who did the deed.

The "trans panic" defense was used in the murder cases of trans women Gwen Araujo,[54], Jennifer Laude and Angie Zapata. The defendants in the first case ended up convicted of only 2nd degree murder or with a plea deal of voluntary manslaughter; no hate crime charges were added, while in the case of Laude, murder suspect Joseph Scott Pemberton had his case downgraded from murder to homicide, and was later pardoned by Rodrigo Duterte in 2020.[55] In the third case, the defense failed, and Zapata has the dubious honor of likely being the first trans victim whose murder resulted in a hate crime conviction.[56]

There has been some pushback and progress on this matter. The American Bar Association (i.e., all the lawyers) has come out against the "Trans Panic" defense and supports banning this tactic.[57] So far, eight US states ban the use of Trans/Gay Panic as a valid defense in court, but that means that 42 states do not.

Among fundamentalist Christians[edit]

Fundamentalist Christians do not, as a rule,[58] think highly of transgender people. They generally base this opinion on a handful of biblical verses, such as Genesis 1:27-31: "And God created man in His image, in His likeness; male and female He created them... and it was very good." From this, through a generous bit of interpolation, conservative Christians conclude that transgender people (like gays) are either actively rebelling against God[59] or have been socialized into it by bad parenting, the liberal media, and other such machinations of Satan.[60] (If one could translate the Hebrew original of Genesis 1:27 into English as "male or female He created them", then transphobia might have a more secure Biblical basis, with less chance of allowing for anyone's "inner woman" or "inner man"...)

Professor Robert P. GeorgeWikipedia, a noted homophobe "anti-homosexualist" supporter of traditional marriage,[61] articulates another common objection to transgender people in his sweepingly titled book Conscience and Its Enemies: Confronting the Dogmas of Liberal Secularism.[note 6] This argument essentially claims that trans people are rejecting their perfect God-given bodies for no good reason and sacrilegiously questioning God's plan for them—after all, God doesn't make mistakes! Oh, and physical transition is an unholy abomination that "mutilates" a person's beautiful, flawless, blessed flesh. Proponents of such an argument are silent as to whether... oh, congenital heart defects, say, are also part of God's holy plan, and therefore should not be treated surgically—clearly God wants those innocent infants to die.

Some fundamentalists, such as Pastor Sean Harris of Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina, have advocated beating children at the first sign of "gender-inappropriate" behavior; for example, says the pastor, when a four-year-old boy lets his wrist go limp, his father needs to paste him one in the jaw, and if his daughter starts acting too butch, he needs to demand that she make herself attractive.[62]

As transgender or gender-nonconforming human beings become more prominent, transphobia also becomes a front in the culture war. For example, back in the bad old days of 2011, Fox News psychologist Keith Ablow lost his shit over a J.CrewWikipedia ad which featured a boy having his toenails painted pink.[63][64] Emily J. Miller of the Moonies' newspaper The Washington Times ranted over referring to Chelsea Manning as a woman.[65]

Radical feminism and transphobia[edit]

Several radical feminists indulge in and have been accused of transphobia, such as JK Rowling, Julie Bindel,[66] Cathy Brennan, Germaine Greer,[67] Sheila Jeffreys,[68] Mary Daly,[69][70] and Janice Raymond.[71] A quote from Raymond's book The Transsexual Empire, saying roughly the same thing of transgender women as radical feminists have always said of men, serves as a good example of radical feminist transphobia:

All transsexuals rape women's bodies by reducing the real female form to an artifact, appropriating this body for themselves.

Academic radical feminism is premised upon the idea that gender is entirely a social construct, and that it must be destroyed to end the oppression of women. Transgender people tend to maintain, on the other hand, that gender identity is to some extent intrinsic.[note 7]

As frequently happens, when ideology runs up against someone else's lived experiences, ideologues respond by trying to hammer the problem flat until it fits with what they already believe. There has been,[72] and continues to be,[73][74] a rich current of anti-transgender bigotry underlying much of radical feminist thought. The radical feminist critique of "transgenderism" maintains (generally contrary to what trans people themselves have said about their own identities) that trans women are nothing more than effeminate men who have been relegated by the patriarchal gender binary to the status of women (whereas trans men, when they bother to mention them at all, are just women trying to claim male privilege for themselves). Thus they slam transgender people in general for "reifying the gender binary." There is no out, however, for transgender people who do not embody the stereotypes of their adopted genders either; lesbian trans women, for example, are dismissed as men who only transitioned in order to infiltrate women-only spaces.

A great amount of the problem, especially regarding trans women in particular, has to do with privilege. Radfem transphobes insist on referring to trans women as men, and treating them as if they're privileged as such, ignoring the fact that social and other aspects of transition (or to a lesser extent merely contemplating those) are generally met with hostility and derided socially. Considering them to be men, such radfem transphobes might also deny that trans women are subjected to misogyny more than men. Much like transphobes generally, radfem transphobes typically reject the concepts of cisgender privilege and cissexism, even claiming that "cis" is not a neutral description of one's gender alignment but is a misogynistic slur.[note 8]

The term TERF (nominally stands for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist") has come into use to describe this faction to distinguish them from radical feminists who aren't transphobic. They tend to not like this term, as it violates their attempt to claim ownership of the word "feminist".

Neopagan transphobia[edit]

Largely overlapping with the radical feminist transphobia, certain members of the neopagan community have also expressed sentiments and/or acted to exclude transgender people.[75] This is especially common in Dianic Wiccan circles, and transgender women have been excluded from events at nominally ecumenical neopagan gatherings.[76] Z Budapest, one of the progenitors of the Dianic Wicca community, stated (spelling and grammar errors in the original):

This struggle has been going since the Women’s Mysteries first appeared. These individuals selfishly never think about the following: if women allow men to be incorporated into Dianic Mysteries,What will women own on their own? Nothing! Again! Transies who attack us only care about themselves.

We women need our own culture, our own resourcing, our own traditions.

You can tell these are men, They don’t care if women loose the Only tradition reclaimed after much research and practice ,the Dianic Tradition. Men simply want in. its their will. How dare us women not let them in and give away the ONLY spiritual home we have!

Men want to worship the Goddess? Why not put in the WORK and create your own trads. The order of ATTIS for example,(dormant since the 4rth century) used to be for trans gendered people, also the castrata, men who castrated themselves to be more like the Goddess.

Why are we the ONLY tradition they want? Go Gardnerian!Go Druid! Go Ecclectic!

Filled with women, and men. They would fit fine.

But if you claim to be one of us, you have to have sometimes in your life a womb, and overies and MOON bleed and not die. Women are born not made by men on operating tables.[77]

Selective transphobia[edit]

A growing number of transphobes make exceptions for those deemed good enough. They make a distinction between true trans people and "transtrenders", who are supposedly only pretending to be trans as a fad. They may not have an issue with straight trans people, but take issue with gay trans men and trans lesbians. They question the identity of people who do not meet the stereotypical narrative of "wanting to play with dolls/trucks since the age of 2, and hating your genitals since the age of 5." Even talking the wrong way can get a trans person deemed a "transtrender".

This kind of transphobia even exists within parts of the trans community. YouTuber Blaire White criticized Riley Dennis (another trans YouTuber) for being a transtrender, even repeatedly calling her "he", because she supposedly has never been on hormones. White has stated that Riley was a heterosexual man, and not a trans lesbian, because she hasn't received surgery. When Dennis released a video revealing she has been on hormones, White apologized. Another example of this is with transgender yet transphobic Caitlyn Jenner: some trans people have resorted to deadnaming her again in response to her calling for banning trans women from women's sports.

In pseudoscience[edit]

For main article, see Autogynephilia

Sex researchers Ray Blanchard and Kurt Freund in the 1980s attempted to create a "taxonomy" of trans women which classified them into one of two categories. Essentially, all trans women are either gay men who think being a woman would be easier, or perverts who get aroused by the thought of being a woman. The evidence that trans women have neural traits more similar to their identified sex than their assigned sex? Yeah, that's irrelevant because all trans women are either one of the gays or perverts.

Oh, and you might have also noticed something else: not a single part of this idiotic theory includes a single recognition that there are trans men, that is, someone assigned female at birth who identifies as a man. Ever seen Boys Don't Cry? Well, Hilary Swank's character, Brandon Teena, is wasWikipedia one of the people this theory completely ignores.

Another "theory" on trans people is that their gender identities are caused by autism. While reputable medical studies do indicate that gender dysphoria occurs more frequently in autistic people than in neurotypical populations, they are simple incidence studies and do not speculate as to the mechanism(s) behind this phenomenon.[78] Conservative and trans-exclusionary doctors have not let that stop them from claiming that it is caused by autistic people's tendency to "fixate" on issues, and that gender dysphoria is no different from obsessing over numbers. Other "theorists" suggest that it has to do with wanting to "fit in" to society better. Still others suggest that both conditions are caused by high levels of testosterone in the womb, which would make sense for trans men, but not for trans women, who have had high levels of estrogen in the womb. On a similar note, people invalidate autistic trans women's identities since autistic people supposedly have extreme male brains, even though the extreme male brain theory isn't accurate.

In any case, correlation does not imply causation—a principle that people readily acknowledge when it comes to other medical conditions that co-occur frequently with autism. Funnily enough, no one is running around claiming that autistic people with ADHD are hyperactive because they're "fixated on exercise." Plenty of rational potential explanations for the autism/gender dysphoria correlation exist, ranging from trans people being more likely to see psychologists to gender dysphoria not appearing more frequently in autistic people as such, but instead just being acted upon more frequently by autistic people due to their reduced sensitivity to gendered socialization and lessened investment in social gender norms.

Another recent curve in the pseudoscientific community is the concept of 'Rapid Onset Gender DysphoriaWikipedia', a hypothesis proposed by Lisa Littman in 2018. The idea, much like the homophobic assumption that being gay or lesbian is somehow transmissible or something kids choose to be because it's 'cool', relies in part on the notion that as transgender and non-binary folks become more prevalent and accepted, more people will somehow miraculously become trans due to peer pressure and social changes.

Unsurprisingly, much like it's impossible to turn someone gay, it's impossible to turn people trans, or for that matter cis -- but that doesn't preclude it from being used as a tool in the arsenals of those supporting conversion torture. A much more plausible explanation for a sudden surge of folks coming out as trans is that society no longer stigmatizes it as deeply as it used to, and that they may have carefully hidden any sign of being trans, in part due to...

Transphobia against trans youth[edit]

Trans youths are especially more vulnerable to scorn and irrational hatred by conservatives, given how wingnuts try and champion their so-called traditional values and paint the perceived "trend" of transgender children as a scourge bent at corrupting impressionable little boys and girls.

In 2011 the unfair media treatment of transgender youths in the UK at the time prompted child activist Livvy James[note 9] to start a petition demanding news and media outlets to give fairer coverage towards her and countless other transgender children and youths, arguing that the mainstream media's use of sensationalist terms such as ‘sex-swap/change’, ‘tranny’ and ‘gender bender’ have left emotional distress on transgender people.[79] [80][81]

In 2014 the suicide of Leelah AlcornWikipedia garnered widespread attention and backlash from progressive groups over how Alcorn was pressured by her fundie Christian parents into undergoing conversion therapy, under the spurious belief that Leelah should have accepted the gender she was assigned at birth. Alcorn's parents were severely criticized for misgendering and deadnaming her in comments to the media, while LGBT rights activist Dan Savage held them responsible for their child's death, and social media users harassed them online. Alcorn's parents were staunchly defiant over the matter despite intense criticism, holding on to their Christian beliefs despite the fact that it took the life of their daughter.[82][83]

In 2022 the Irish-born British social media influencer Jonathan Joly received intense criticism for a video showing their transgender daughter Edie wear a girl's school uniform–pinafore, Lelli Kelly brand[note 10] Mary JanesWikipedia and all–for the first time, with users leaving scathing comments questioning the Jolys' suitability as parents over what conservatives perceive as child abuse.[84] Some also question the videos as being unnecessarily exploitative, alleging that the Jolys are cynically using their daughter's gender identity for social media clout.[85]

Parental transphobia[edit]

Many trans youth face prejudice from their own parents. While trans people comprise 0.6% of the USA's population, a disproportionate number of all homeless youth are trans.[86] One trans teen said:

“I might actually end up homeless for a bit, which is going to suck,” he said. “It’s better than my family.”[87]

Physically abusive, drug-addicted mother Anmarie Calgaro tried to sue her legally emancipated daughter for transitioning. When that failed, she turned her lawsuit towards the teachers and doctors who had supported her daughter. Her daughter, known only as E.J.K, had moved into her own apartment, put herself through high school and was handling her own finances after becoming legally emancipated aged 15.[88]

The effects of parental transphobia are extremely well pronounced on trans youth; transphobic parents are one of the most dangerous things a trans person might routinely experience. When not supported by their parents, trans youth are 14x (yes, fourteen times) more likely to attempt suicide than their peers with parental acceptance.[89]

Detransitioners pretending to face a variant of transphobia[edit]

Detransphobia is a buzzword used in detransitionWikipedia communities cults which don't like the fact that they are being transphobic to everyone. Usually these bigots try to defend themselves and incite FUD by saying that trans activists hate detransitioners. The truth is that almost everyone in the transgender community is supportive of detransitioning people, just not those who are anti-trans bigots.[90] Detransition should not be confused with "desistance" either, desistance is about children who at first identify as trans, but later 'grow out of it', this is sometimes a talking point for TERFs and can and will be used as 'evidence' of why people should for example, not get access to puberty blockers.[91] For example, one of the first hits on Google (as of late September 2022), is a page titled "The Myth of the 'Desistance Myth'", and it was written by none other than a site called Public Discourse, which according to them, is the mouthpiece for an anti-LGBT conservative think tank called the Witherspoon Institute,Wikipedia who also seated a Chinese dissident and human rights activistWikipedia.

The research on desistance has been challenged by multiple groups, though one of the first names that you will hear when diving in about it is usually Kenneth Zucker,Wikipedia who appears to have practices which mirror conversion therapy, just rehashed for trans people instead of gays.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. Because according to transphobes, trans men do not exist.
  2. It is translated from German to "TRANS OUT"
  3. In many countries, changes to birth certificates and/or issuing of gender recognition certificates are covered by privacy laws. In the UK for example, Section 22 of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 states: "It is an offence for a person who has acquired protected information in an official capacity to disclose the information to any other person." Article 8(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights provides that: "Everyone has the right to respect for their private life." In Australia, change of name privacy is protected in the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1995 (NSW), Gender Reassignment Act 2000 (WA) etc. but the media for a story still publishes previous names, ignoring the laws.
  4. For example, when reports emerged in the mid-1970s that Ramatam guitarist April Lawton was trans, she was described in one music review as a "muscular guitarist", "plays guitar like one of the guys", etc. Before these claims, she was described as "a hot chick with a guitar".
  5. Especially considering Duterte's stated anti-Americanism.
  6. As a Roman Catholic, George may not precisely be a "fundamentalist" Christian, but he sure as hell is a conservative one.
  7. That is, even though they were raised as one gender, they have always identified as another, and further, often want bodies to match.
  8. It is not entirely off the wall to say that the TERF position on gender is pretty much incoherent and incomprehensible. Although they might understand what they're saying. Maybe.
  9. "Livvy James" is a pseudonym; she and her family went under assumed names to protect their privacy.[79]
  10. The children's footwear brand Lelly Kelly did earn a reputation for being overly feminine, so go figure. They did however come up with a spinoff brand called Bull Boys with a decidedly masculine theme; there's obviously nothing wrong with kids wearing one or the other at their own volition, though.


  1. Sadly, No!, archived.
  2. Transphobia, Oxford Dictionary.
  3. What's Transphobia?, Planned Parenthood.
  4. Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, via the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation. (2011)
  5. Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, via the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation. (2019)
  6. Trans Murder Monitoring Project, Trans Respect versus Transphobia Worldwide
  7. "The victims of prejudice", BBC News, 26 December 2003
  8. Hughto, Jaclyn M.W.; Pletta, David; Gordon, Lily; Cahill, Sean; Mimiaga, Matthew J.; Reisner, Sari L. (2021). "Negative Transgender-Related Media Messages Are Associated with Adverse Mental Health Outcomes in a Multistate Study of Transgender Adults". LGBT Health 8 (1): 32–41. doiWikipedia:10.1089/lgbt.2020.0279. ISSN 2325-8292. PMID 33170060. 
  9. Suyin Haynes (October 25, 2019). "A Study Analyzed 10 Million Online Posts Over 3.5 Years. It Found a Torrent of Transphobic Abuse". Time.
  10. Aja Romano (March 31, 2023). "Trans people deserve better journalism". Vox.
  11. Murder Monitoring Update], by Transgender Europe
  15. Conversion Therapy v. Re-education Camp: An Open Letter to Grace Lavery by Christopher Castiglia and Christopher Reed (12/11/2018) Blog, Los Angeles Review of Books.
  16. Vale Jaimie Pearl Bloom by Alex Golub (7 January 2021) Alex Golub. Also published in the American Anthropologist (22 December 2020).
  17. Russell, Stephen T.; Pollitt, Amanda M.; Li, Gu; Grossman, Arnold H. (2018). "Chosen Name Use Is Linked to Reduced Depressive Symptoms, Suicidal Ideation, and Suicidal Behavior Among Transgender Youth". The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 63 (4): 503–505. doiWikipedia:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.02.003. ISSN 1879-1972. PMID 29609917. 
  18. Olson, Kristina R.; Durwood, Lily; DeMeules, Madeleine; McLaughlin, Katie A. (2016). "Mental Health of Transgender Children Who Are Supported in Their Identities". Pediatrics 137 (3): e20153223. doiWikipedia:10.1542/peds.2015-3223. ISSN 1098-4275. PMID 26921285. 
  19. (July 29, 2020). "Pronouns Usage Among LGBTQ Youth". The Trevor Project.
  20. Travers, Robb; Bauer, Greta; Pyne, Jake (October 2012). Children’s Aid Society of Toronto and Delisle Youth Services. "Impacts of Strong Parental Support for Trans Youth". TransPulse. 
  21. Glynn, Tiffany R.; Gamarel, Kristi E.; Kahler, Christopher W.; Iwamoto, Mariko; Operario, Don; Nemoto, Tooru (2016). "The role of gender affirmation in psychological well-being among transgender women". Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity 3 (3): 336–344. doiWikipedia:10.1037/sgd0000171. ISSN 2329-0382. PMID 27747257. 
  22. Scheim, Ayden I.; Perez-Brumer, Amaya G.; Bauer, Greta R. (2020). "Gender-concordant identity documents and mental health among transgender adults in the USA: a cross-sectional study". The Lancet. Public Health 5 (4): e196–e203. doiWikipedia:10.1016/S2468-2667(20)30032-3. ISSN 2468-2667. PMID 32192577. 
  26. [1], Mermaids.
  28. [2], PinkNews
  29. Matt Drange (November 22, 2022). "Insider investigated five killings of transgender people by police. None of the officers who pulled the trigger were charged.". Business Insider.
  30. Kermode, Jennie (2010) How Transgender People Experience the Media. Trans Media Watch: London, United Kingdom.
  31. Signorile, Michelangelo (12 June 2011) "Escalating Police Violence and Transgender People", Huffington Post.
  32. "You're Rooting a Bloke", SameSame, 6 February 2008
  33. The punishment doesn't fit the crime: More on transgender women, prison, and Maria Benita Santamaria, The Bilerico Project, 6 January 2010
  34. "To keep me safe from harm? Transgender prisoners", Deakin Law Review, Volume 9, Number 2
  35. The death of trans woman Veronica Baxter, Community Action Against Homophobia
  36. STUDY: LGBT Youth Face High Levels of Cyberbullying, Think Progress, 11 July 2013
  37. Transgender teen who spoke on YouTube of bullying takes her own life, Los Angeles Times, 9 April 2015
  38. "Comment: The media need to stop writing the same story about trans people", SBS News, 30 March 2015
  39. "Ed Gein and the figure of the transgender serial killer", Jump Cut, no. 43, July 2000, pp. 38-47
  40. Why is Ma Vie en Rose Rated R
  41. Serano, Julia (2007). Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity. Seal Press. pp. 46-47.
  42. "Pemberton admits he choked Laude". Philippine Daily Inquirer. 
  43. Trisha Macas (October 16, 2014). "Transgender Jeffrey Laude: Badly bruised, wounded, drowned". GMA News. 
  44. Tomacruz, Sofia (7 September 2020). "Duterte grants 'absolute pardon' to US soldier Pemberton". 
  45. Resolved - Dr Kate Stone v Daily Mirror, Clause 3 (Privacy) and Clause 12 (Discrimination) of the Editors' Code of Practice. 9 May 2014
  46. Yvonne Roberts, "Scientist Kate Stone hails landmark press ruling over transgender reporting," The Guardian, 11 May 2014. Footnote published on newspaper article: "This article was amended on Sunday 11 May 2014 to change the terminology in the standfirst".
  47. "Mayang Prasetyo killing: 'disrespectful' Courier-Mail coverage sparks inquiry", The Guardian, 8 October 2014
  48. "Pretty Little Liars Transphobic Writing Is Hackneyed, Harmful", Huffpost, 12 August 2015
  49. Australian couple fearing transphobic attacks file for asylum in Iceland, Out in Perth, 22 June 2017
  50. Assault victim Stephanie McCarthy devastated at assailant's sentencing, Star Observer, 2 December 2015
  51. British trans woman granted asylum
  52. AL (United Kingdom) (2017) NZIPT 502911 (15 March 2017)
  53. X (Re), 2022 CanLII 138570 (CA IRB)
  54. "Shelley, Christopher A. (2008-08-02). Transpeople: repudiation, trauma, healing. University of Toronto Press. p. 47. ISBN 978-0-8020-9539-8. Retrieved 9 October 2010. 
  55. Stern, Mark Joseph (2015-08-25). "Marine Who Allegedly Killed Trans Woman Claims He Was Defending His Honor". Slate Magazine. 
  56. Transgender murder, hate crime conviction a first, CNN
  57. Resolution 113A, American Bar Association
  58. Although there are some very surprising exceptions
  61. "The Conservative-Christian Big Thinker", The New York Times, 16 December 2009
  64. J. Crew Plants the Seeds for Gender Identity
  65. Emily J. Miller, AP calls Bradley Manning a ‘she’ and liberal media fall in line with PC agenda, The Washington Times, 29 August 2013
  66. CL Minou - Julie Bindel's dangerous transphobia,
  67. Prominent feminist espouses her bizarre "theory of transsexualism" in the book The Whole Woman (1999, 2000)
  68. Transmeditations Blog - A Transphobic Hate-Monger Comes to Boston: Sheila Jeffreys Given U.S. Platform at Wheelock College to Spread her Bigotry
  69. Feministe - Acts of Contrition: Feminism, Privilege, and the Legacy of Mary Daly
  70. Frankenstein, Necrophilia, and The Final Solution: How Transphobic Was Mary Daly, Really?
  71. Transgriot - Why The Trans Community Hates Dr. Janice G. Raymond
  72. Janice Raymond, The Transsexual Empire: the Making of the She-Male (Boston: Beacon Press, 1979).
  73. Cara, "Germaine Greer Paints a Portrait of Transphobic Feminism," Feministe, 2009 August 22.
  74. Julie Bindel, "Gender benders beware," The Guardian, 2004 January 30.
  75. Thompson, Sarah; Pond, Gina; Tanner, Philip; Omphalos, Calyxa; and Polanshek, Jacobo (2012) Gender and Transgender in Modern Paganism. Circle of Cerridwen Press: Cupertino, California, USA.
  76. PantheaCon and Gender Matters…, Aedicula Antinoi, 26 February 2011
  77. In the comments section here
  79. 79.0 79.1 "Supporters rally around Livvy, the girl born a boy" (in en). Worchester News. 2012-02-09. 
  80. "I don’t want any more people to die of this" (in en). 2012-02-06. 
  81. "Girl Trapped In Boy's Body 'Suicidal' From School Taunts" (in en). 2012-02-07. 
  82. Molloy, Antonia (January 1, 2015). "Leelah Alcorn: Transgender teenager's parents should be prosecuted, says gay rights activist". The Independent. 
  83. Fantz, Ashley (January 4, 2015). "An Ohio transgender teen's suicide, a mother's anguish". 
  84. my sons (now daughter) first time wearing a girls uniform to school
  86. Housing and Homelessness
  87. Sarah Holder, Why There’s a Homelessness Crisis Among Transgender Teens. Archived from the original at Bloomberg, 20 August 2019.
  88. Mom who sued her daughter for transitioning
  89. Impacts of Strong Parental Support for Trans Youth. Children’s Aid Society of Toronto and Delisle Youth Services, Trans Pulse Project, 2 October 2012.

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