There are no established exact causes for osteosarcoma. But physicians and medical researchers suggest that the the DNA mutations (either inherited or acquired after birth) inside the bone cellular system can be responsible for the occurrence of OS.
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↑Wu PK, Chen WM, Lee OK, Chen CF, Huang CK, Chen TH (November 2010). "The prognosis for patients with osteosarcoma who have received prior manipulative therapy". J Bone Joint Surg Br. 92 (11): 1580–5. doi:10.1302/0301-620X.92B11.24706. PMID21037356.
↑Ma C, Han J, Dong D, Wang N (June 2018). "MicroRNA-152 Suppresses Human Osteosarcoma Cell Proliferation and Invasion by Targeting E2F Transcription Factor 3". Oncol. Res. 26 (5): 765–773. doi:10.3727/096504017X15021536183535. PMID28810933.