2019 Euro Tour season

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The 2019 Euro Tour Season was a professional pool series of events on the Euro Tour held in 2019. The season featured six tournament for both men and five for women, with the first being the Leende Open and the last being the Antalya Open.


Event Dates Location Men's Women's Ref
Winner Runner-up Score Winner Runner-up Score
Leende Open 7–10 Feb Leende, Austria Joshua Filler Ruslan Chinachov 9–7 No event [1]
Treviso Open 8–11 May Treviso, Italy Konrad Juszczyszyn Ivar Saris 9–6 Kristina Tkach Marharyta Fefilava 7–5 [2][3]
Austria Open 13–16 June St Johann im Pongau, Austria Eklent Kaçi Joshua Filler 9–6 Jasmine Ouschan Marharyta Fefilava 7–1 [4][5]
Veldhoven Open 1–4 Aug Veldhoven, Netherlands Mario He Denis Grabe 9–2 Jasmine Ouschan Melanie Suessenguth 7–4 [6][7]
Klagenfurt Open 11–14 Oct Klagenfurt, Austria Alexander Kazakis Marc Bijsterbosch 9–8 Oliwia Czuprynska Marharyta Fefilava 7–5 [8][9]
Antalya Open 7–10 Nov Antalya, Turkey Denis Grabe Eklent Kaçi 9–2 Oliwia Zalewska Tina Vogelmann 7–6 [10][11]



Rankings for the events featured points awarded for players final positions in events with the following scores:[12]

Position Points
Winner 550
Runner-up 480
Semi-finalist 420
Quarter-finalist 370
9th 330
17th 300
33rd 275
49th 230
65th 200
97th 180
129th 160



Below is a list of the 50 players in terms of ranking points for the 2019 season. Rankings for the Euro Tour consist of the last seven tournaments, so the final event of 2018 – the 2018 Treviso Open is included.[13] Joshua Filler finished the season as the number one rated player, finishing as a quarter-finalist or better in five of the six events.[13]

Rank Name Nation Treviso (2018) Leende Treviso Austria Veldhoven Klagenfurt Antalya Min Total
Pos Points Pos Pts Pos Pts Pos Pts Pos Pts Pos Pts Pos Pts
1 Joshua Filler GER 5 370 1 550 17 300 2 480 3 420 5 370 5 370 300 2560
2 Denis Grabe EST 5 370 33 275 17 300 17 300 2 480 3 420 1 550 275 2420
3 Eklent Kaçi ALB 17 300 49 230 5 370 1 550 17 300 9 330 2 480 230 2330
4 Fedor Gorst RUS 1 550 9 330 97 180 0 0 5 370 5 370 3 420 0 2220
5 Ruslan Chinakhov RUS 65 200 2 480 5 370 9 330 9 330 9 330 17 300 200 2140
6 Alexander Kazakis GRE 9 330 33 275 9 330 49 230 17 300 1 550 9 330 230 2115
7 Konrad Juszczyszyn POL 33 275 49 230 1 550 5 370 9 330 65 200 9 330 200 2085
8 Mateusz Śniegocki POL 2 480 33 275 3 420 17 300 9 330 49 230 33 275 230 2080
9 Ralf Souquet GER 9 330 3 420 33 275 3 420 33 275 97 180 9 330 180 2050
10 Francisco Sanchez-Ruiz ESP 33 275 5 370 9 330 9 330 9 330 17 300 5 370 275 2030
11 Maximilian Lechner AUT 3 420 3 420 97 180 9 330 33 275 17 300 33 275 180 2020
12 Marc Bijsterbosch NED 0 0 17 300 33 275 9 330 3 420 2 480 65 200 0 2005
13 Damianos Giallourakis GRE 33 275 9 330 9 330 3 420 17 300 9 330 33 275 275 1985
14 Tomasz Kapłan POL 3 420 17 300 5 370 33 275 65 200 17 300 17 300 200 1965
15 Mark Gray GBR 17 300 5 370 9 330 97 180 33 275 9 330 9 330 180 1935
16 Oliver Szolnoki HUN 33 275 49 230 65 200 9 330 5 370 9 330 9 330 200 1865
17 Ivar Saris NED 17 300 49 230 2 480 17 300 17 300 49 230 49 230 230 1840
18 Jakub Koniar SVK 9 330 49 230 17 300 17 300 9 330 17 300 33 275 230 1835
19 Maksim Dudanets RUS 9 330 33 275 17 300 65 200 17 300 9 330 17 300 200 1835
20 David Alcaide ESP 33 275 65 200 9 330 17 300 65 200 17 300 3 420 200 1825
21 Albin Ouschan AUT 17 300 5 370 65 200 33 275 33 275 17 300 17 300 200 1820
22 Wiktor Zielinski POL 65 200 5 370 49 230 129 160 17 300 5 370 9 330 160 1800
23 Mario He AUT 65 0 0 0 17 300 5 370 1 550 17 300 33 275 0 1795
24 Roman Hybler CZE 9 330 49 230 9 330 17 300 33 275 33 275 33 275 230 1785
25 Sanjin Pehlivanovic BIH 33 275 17 300 49 230 65 200 33 275 9 330 5 370 200 1780
26 Miguel Silva POR 5 370 65 200 17 300 17 300 65 200 5 370 49 230 200 1770
27 Ivo Aarts NED 5 370 33 275 33 275 5 370 65 200 33 275 0 0 0 1765
28 Wojciech Szewczyk POL 17 300 9 330 97 180 9 330 49 230 9 330 49 230 180 1750
29 Dimitris Loukatos GRE 17 300 9 330 49 230 129 160 33 275 17 300 17 300 160 1735
30 Radosław Babica POL 33 275 33 275 33 275 9 330 17 300 33 275 65 200 200 1730
31 Mats Schjetne NOR 0 0 17 300 17 300 33 275 129 160 3 420 33 275 0 1730
32 Mieszko Fortunski POL 9 330 49 230 65 200 17 300 129 160 33 275 5 370 160 1705
33 Niels Feijen NED 17 300 9 330 65 200 17 300 65 200 49 230 9 330 200 1690
34 Daniel Maciol POL 97 180 9 330 33 275 33 275 65 200 17 300 17 300 180 1680
35 Petri Makkonen FIN 17 300 129 160 9 330 17 300 129 160 17 300 33 275 160 1665
36 Imran Majid GBR 65 200 9 330 17 300 17 300 49 230 97 180 17 300 180 1660
37 Sergey Lutsker RUS 49 230 33 275 33 275 33 275 17 300 97 180 17 300 180 1655
38 Tim De Ruyter NED 17 300 65 200 65 200 9 330 17 300 65 200 17 300 200 1630
39 Wojciech Sroczynski POL 49 230 33 275 49 230 33 275 97 180 17 300 17 300 180 1610
40 Nick Malai GRE 65 200 33 275 17 300 65 200 17 300 49 230 17 300 200 1605
41 Alex Montpellier FRA 97 180 17 300 33 275 65 200 5 370 33 275 97 180 180 1600
42 Karol Skowerski POL 17 300 97 180 33 275 49 230 17 300 33 275 65 200 180 1580
43 Vitaliy Patsura UKR 49 230 33 275 49 230 33 275 33 275 33 275 65 200 200 1560
44 Marco Dorenburg GER 0 0 33 275 65 200 17 300 33 275 33 275 49 230 0 1555
45 Konstantinos Koukiadakis GRE 65 200 17 300 65 200 17 300 97 180 33 275 33 275 180 1550
46 Marek Kudlik POL 49 230 9 330 33 275 33 275 97 180 65 200 49 230 180 1540
47 Jani Siekkinen FIN 65 200 33 275 49 230 49 230 129 160 17 300 17 300 160 1535
48 Pijus Labutis LIT 129 160 129 160 3 420 97 180 17 300 65 200 33 275 160 1535
49 Nikos Ekonomopoulos GRE 0 0 0 0 17 300 33 275 9 330 17 300 17 300 0 1505
50 Tobias Bongers GER 65 200 17 300 33 275 17 300 65 200 65 200 0 0 0 1475


Rank Name Nation Treviso (2018) Treviso Austria Veldhoven Klagenfurt Antalya Min Total
Pos Points Pos Pts Pos Pts Pos Pts Pos Pts Pos Pts
1 Kristina Tkach RUS 1 550 1 550 0 0 5 370 3 420 3 420 0 2310
2 Jasmin Ouschan AUT 3 420 9 330 1 550 1 550 3 420 0 0 0 2270
3 Oliwia Zalewska POL 2 480 9 330 25 275 17 300 1 550 1 550 275 2210
4 Marharyta Fefilava BLR 5 370 2 480 2 480 9 330 2 480 5 370 330 2180
5 Melanie Suessenguth GER 0 0 9 330 9 330 2 480 5 370 5 370 0 1880
6 Tina Vogelmann GER 9 330 25 275 17 300 3 420 17 300 2 480 275 1830
7 Ana Gradišnik SLO 5 370 3 420 9 330 25 275 5 370 9 330 275 1820
8 Veronika Hubrtová CZE 17 300 17 300 3 420 3 420 17 300 9 330 300 1770
9 Ina Kaplan GER 17 300 0 0 5 370 5 370 9 330 9 330 0 1700
10 Pia Filler GER 17 300 5 370 9 330 17 300 9 330 5 370 300 1700
11 Veronika Ivanovskaia GER 9 330 5 370 9 330 49 0 9 330 9 330 0 1690
12 Kristina Zlateva BUL 5 370 9 330 17 300 49 230 5 370 17 300 230 1670
13 Christine Steinlage GER 9 330 17 300 25 275 9 330 25 275 3 420 275 1655
14 Tamara Peeters NED 17 300 17 300 5 370 17 300 9 330 9 330 300 1630
15 Monika Margeta SWE 25 275 9 330 5 370 17 300 9 330 25 275 275 1605
16 Louise Furberg SWE 9 330 33 235 9 330 9 330 5 370 0 0 0 1595
17 Vania Franco POR 17 300 9 330 9 330 9 330 17 300 17 300 300 1590
18 Ine Helvik NOR 9 330 25 275 33 235 9 330 17 300 9 330 235 1565
19 Ewa Bak POL 17 300 9 330 17 300 17 300 17 300 0 0 0 1530
20 Monika Zabek POL 9 330 33 235 9 330 25 275 9 330 0 0 0 1500
21 Yvonne Ullmann-Hybler GER 33 235 33 235 33 235 9 330 17 300 17 300 235 1400
22 Kateryna Polovinchuk UKR 0 0 3 420 17 300 9 330 0 0 9 330 0 1380
23 Aleksandra Guleikova RUS 25 275 33 235 9 330 33 235 0 0 17 300 0 1375
24 Lynn Pijpers NED 33 235 25 275 25 275 33 235 33 235 17 300 235 1320
25 Sara Rocha POR 25 275 5 370 3 420 33 235 0 0 0 0 0 1300
26 Nathalie Rohmer FRA 33 235 25 275 33 235 49 230 33 235 0 0 0 1210
27 Natalia Seroshtan RUS 3 420 5 370 0 0 5 370 0 0 0 0 0 1160
28 Iza Lacka POL 0 0 17 300 33 235 25 275 25 275 0 0 0 1085
29 Yana Shut BLR 0 0 25 275 17 300 33 235 25 275 0 0 0 1085
30 Elise Qiu NED 17 300 33 235 0 0 49 230 0 0 25 275 0 1040
31 Kamila Khodjaeva BEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 370 9 330 9 330 0 1030
32 Diana Stateczny GER 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 330 9 330 5 370 0 1030
33 Sabrina Cisternino SUI 25 275 33 235 25 275 33 235 0 0 0 0 0 1020
34 Daria Holieva UKR 25 275 25 275 33 235 0 0 33 235 0 0 0 1020
35 Diana Khodjaeva BEL 0 0 0 0 5 370 17 300 17 300 0 0 0 970
36 Eylul Kibaroglu TUR 0 0 17 300 0 0 25 275 0 0 25 275 0 850
37 Denise Steinmetz GER 0 0 25 275 17 300 25 275 0 0 0 0 0 850
38 Karin Michl GER 0 0 0 0 25 275 33 235 25 275 0 0 0 785
39 Kristina Jaeger GER 0 0 17 300 33 235 33 235 0 0 0 0 0 770
40 Kinga Rauk POL 0 0 17 300 33 235 49 230 0 0 0 0 0 765
41 Francesca Garlatti ITA 0 0 25 275 33 235 0 0 33 235 0 0 0 745
42 Ann-Sofie Lofgren SWE 0 0 0 0 33 235 33 235 0 0 25 275 0 745
43 Anna Riegler AUT 0 0 33 235 33 235 0 0 33 235 0 0 0 705
44 Miriam Spycher SUI 33 235 0 0 33 235 33 235 0 0 0 0 0 705
45 Julienne Wolf GER 0 0 33 235 49 230 49 230 0 0 0 0 0 695
46 Christine Feldmann SUI 5 370 0 0 17 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 670
47 Jessika Nilsson SWE 25 275 0 0 17 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 575
48 Melissa Kuys-Rademakers NED 0 0 9 330 0 0 33 235 0 0 0 0 0 565
49 Lena Primus AUT 0 0 0 0 25 275 0 0 25 275 0 0 0 550
50 Seychelyne Knapp AUT 0 0 0 0 33 235 0 0 25 275 0 0 0 510


  1. ^ ""Killer"-Filler wins the Dynamic Billiard Leende Open 2019 - News - AZBilliards.com". azbilliards.com. Archived from the original on 11 February 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  2. ^ "Juszczyszyn Breaks The Dutch Hearts". azbilliards.com. Archived from the original on 13 May 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  3. ^ "Tkach Dominates The Predator Women's Treviso Open". azbilliards.com. Archived from the original on 13 May 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  4. ^ "Kaci over Filler in St. Johann at the Euro-Tour". azbilliards.com. Archived from the original on 18 June 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  5. ^ "Ouschan Conquers St. Johann Im Pongau Once More". azbilliards.com. Archived from the original on 17 June 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  6. ^ "Mario He Celebrates Birthday with Eurotour Win". azbilliards.com. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  7. ^ "Ouschan Completes Austrian Double Victory For The Weekend". azbilliards.com. Archived from the original on 6 August 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  8. ^ "Kazakis wins Klagenfurt Open and Makes Mosconi Cup Team 2019". azbilliards.com. Archived from the original on 13 October 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  9. ^ "Czuprynska Victorious at Predator Klagenfurt Open 2019". azbilliards.com. Archived from the original on 21 December 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  10. ^ "Grabe Takes Antalya Open 2019". azbilliards.com. Archived from the original on 9 November 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  11. ^ "Zalewska Takes Second EPBF Event In A Row". azbilliards.com. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  12. ^ "Ranking – Dynamic Billard Eurotour". eurotouronline.com. Archived from the original on 3 June 2019. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  13. ^ a b "Eurotour Ranking – Dynamic Billard Eurotour". eurotouronline.com. Archived from the original on 13 August 2018. Retrieved 2 October 2019.

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