Bullets is an Indian action thriller web series directed by Devang Dholakia. The series features Sunny Leone, Karishma Tanna, Vivek Vaswani, Amaan F Khan. The series released on 8 January 2021.[1][2][3][4]
The official trailer of the web series was launched on 2 January 2021 by MX Player on YouTube.[6]
Sreeju Sudhakaran of Latesly rated the series 1/5 and stated "The most annoying aspect of Bullets is the ridiculous manner in which the show is edited. The scenes are deliberately arranged in a haphazard manner, so that the screenplay may look intelligent, but all the idea does is basically confuse the hell out of you."[7]
Pankaj Shukla from Amar Ujala also gave the 1 star out of 5.[8]