Edinburgh Festival Fringe, United Kingdom, Scotland, comedy festival
A comedy festival is a celebration of comedy with many shows, venues, comedy performers (such as stand up comics, sketch troupes, variety performers, etc.) and is held over a specific block of time. Normally, each festival has a diverse range of comedy themes and genres.[ 1]
A partial list of well-known comedy festivals includes:
The Portland Comedy Festival
Moontower Comedy Festival
Leicester Comedy Festival (In Leicester , England the UK'S longest running comedy festival and one of top 5 in world)
Algé'rire , In Algiers , Algeria , the largest comedy festival in the country
ComediHa! Fest-Québec (In Québec City , Canada, one of the largest international comedy Festival in the world)
JFL NorthWest
Big Pine Comedy Festival
Edinburgh Festival Fringe [ 2] [ 3]
Glasgow International Comedy Festival (Europe's largest comedy festival)
Melbourne International Comedy Festival [ 3]
YYComedy Festival
RuhrHochDeutsch (Dortmund , Germany) (Germany's largest and longest comedy festival, which lasts almost 100 days)[ 4]
Cologne Comedy Festival
Just for Laughs (Montreal , Canada) (Largest international comedy festival in the world)[ 3]
Iowa Comedy Festival
Birmingham Comedy Festival
Great Plains Comedy Festival
Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival
HK International Comedy Festival
Motor City Comedy Festival , Detroit , Michigan
Ha Ha Harvest Comedy Festival - Portland
Kilkenny Cat Laughs Comedy Festival [ 3]
Perth International Comedy Festival
Sydney Comedy Festival
World's Funniest Island
New Zealand International Comedy Festival
Busan International Comedy Festival
Lucille Ball Comedy Festival
Xanthi Comedy Festival - Greece
Bris Funny Fest
Stand Up Fest - Indonesia
Brisbane Comedy Festival
SF Sketchfest - San Francisco Comedy Festival
Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival
Machynlleth Comedy Festival , Machynlleth , Wales
McCarthy, Sean L. (27 February 2017). "The Definitive Guide to Comedy Festivals for 2017" . The Comic’s Comic . Retrieved 25 March 2020 .