In his time Trier fell to the Huns and there was general unrest in the year 451AD. In Gaul after the assassination of Emperor Valentinian III in 455 also fall in this time.[5]
As BishopHe built a new oratory and an inscription testifying to his rule has been found. The construction of the church was between 446/47 and 475/76. He was buried in the church but the exact location of the grave is not known.
^Hans Hubert Anton : The Trier Church and northern Gaul in late Roman and Frankish times. In: Hartmut Atsma (eds.): La Neustrie. Les pays au nord de la Loire de 650 à 850, colloque historique international (= Beihefte of Francia. 16.2). Vol 2, Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1989, pp 53-73.
^Peter Becker: The Benedictine Abbey of St. Eucharius-St. Matthias in Trier (= Germania Sacra. NF 34). (Berlin, New York, 1996), especially pp 394.
^Friedrich Prinz : European Basics of German history (4th - 8th century). In:. Handbook of German History, 10th edition, Stuttgart 2004, 399.