Georges Menahem began his university training at Grenoble University (France) where he graduated in mathematics and physics. After having performed his first experiments in the field of astrophysics (in Jodrell Bank Observatory and Nançay Decimetric Radio Telescope) and solid-state physics (in Grenoble University), his observations in social sciences led him to write his first book (1976) on the relationships between science and the military.[1] In a subsequent shift in intellectual pursuits toward the social sciences, his research focused on the sociology of the labour knowledge and of the division of labour,[2] on the sociology of the family, with the creation of a new typology of family organisation[3] and an analysis of The Economic Rationales Within the Family, a topic which became the title of his PhD in Economics.[4]
In the 1990s, as a sociologist searching for root causes of family behaviours, he discovered significant correlation between risky behaviours, vulnerability to illness and grave childhood traumatic events, findings that he explored in greater depth, first with data from INSEE,[5] then with IRDES data.[6] As an economist, he tried also to explain these findings with concepts from health economics and risk economics.[7] Since 2003 he has focused on measuring social well-being by building economic security indices.[8][9]
Since 1999, Menahem has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of ATTAC.[10] Recently he published an analysis of the European process of militarization through its relationships with European foreign policy.[11] In August 2008 and in August 2011, Menahem directed workshops on the European militarization: first, in the Attac European Summer University of Saarbrücken.[12] and second in the Attac European Network Academy in Fribourg.[13]
Since 2008, Menahem has also participated in the "Forum for Alternative Indicators of Riches" (FAIR more known according its French acronym[14]) which was founded in order to monitor the activities of the "Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress" chaired by Joseph Stiglitz. Following this path, he has contributed to elaborate the critical analysis of the final report of this commission.[15] In 2011, he published on the web-site of the UNCSD "Rio + 20 Conférence" a paper[16] arguing to enlarge well-being indicators that the United Nations secretary-general will have to implement after the Rio+20 Conference. In June 2012, he participated in the Rio+20 Summit, holding a side-event and two self-organized activities in the World People Summit with two other members of FAIR, the Belgium professor Isabelle Cassiers and the French-Indian accountant Muttiah Yogananthan. Their critics were mainly devoted to criticize on environmental grounds the monetization of the sustainability approach by the World Bank and the United Nations Environment Programme (Unep). According to Georges Menahem, "the Inclusive Wealth Index (IWI), a measure introduced by the UNEP and the UN University, would make the world's environmental situation worse: if it is adopted and widely used, it could be very dangerous. It underestimates the depletion of natural resources and overestimates the monetized outcome of GDP, such as GDP and human capital".[17]
Since the climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009, following the Evo Morales speech proposing the creation of a Global Climate Tribunal, Georges Menahem has been working on the establishment of a court that would expand the environmental expertise of the International Criminal Court. To develop the legal means of defending the environment, he has joined in May 2013 the European team that has attempted since 2012 to promote a European Citizen Initiative to prosecute acts generating ecocide.[18] In 2016, Georges Menahem has made conferences in the area of environmental justice, including Ukraine about considerable pollution of the Dnieper, actually in two presentations he made at the National University of Zaporozhye.[19]
2016, « Prolonger l'histoire de la justice internationale avec un tribunal international de la justice climatique », in Des droits pour la Terre, Les Editions Utopia, 2016
2006, "Santé : la dégradation", Chapter 10 in Pauvreté et inégalités, directed by Jean Gadrey, Fayard – Mille et une Nuits, pages 147-162, Paris, France
2004, « Inégalités sociales de santé et problèmes vécus lors de l’enfance », in La Revue du Praticien, vol.54, n° 20, Paris, France
2004, (with Catherine SERMET), "Pourquoi et comment mesurer la santé ?", Chapter in Politiques de santé - Refonder la solidarité, directed by Elisabeth Labaye, Institut de recherche de la FSU, Éditions Syllepse, pages 117-124, Paris, France
2004, "L'industrie pharmaceutique soumise à la logique du capital", Chapter in La santé mondiale entre racket et bien public, Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer, pages 89–99, Paris, France
2003, (with Marc Collet and Valérie Paris), "Précarités, risque et santé", Questions d’économie de la santé, n°63, IRDES, Paris, France
2001, (with Thierry Adam, Pierre Alaignes and Christophe Ventura),Enquête au cœur des multinationales, 1001 nuits - Fayard, 160 p., Pari, France
2001, Chapter "Douleur", in Baromètre Santé 2000, Éditions du CFES, Vanves, vol. 2, pages 279-308, Paris, France
2000, "A target level of risk model of respiratory pathologies and smoking behaviour", Applied Economics, Vol. 31, Issue 6, pp. 709–722, London
1998, "Situations à risque de l’enfance, vulnérabilité sociale et troubles de santé à l’âge adulte", in Santé et Précarité, Flammarion, pages 97–98, Paris, France
1998, "Demande de soins, demande de santé, demande de sécurité : trois modèles pour la santé en économie", Les Cahiers du Gratice, N°129-130 (3-4), Paris, France
1997, "Recours aux soins des adultes et mode de gestion du risque", Économie et Prévision, N°129-130 (3-4), Paris, France
1996, "La santé est-elle un bien économique public ou privé ?", Prévenir, n° 30, Tours, France
1994, Problèmes de l'enfance, statut social et santé des adultes, IRDES, biblio n° 1010, 222 p., Paris, France
1994, (with Patrick Bantman, psychiatrist) "Représentations de l'enfance, troubles psychiques et maladies à caractère psychosomatique", Dialogue, n°126, 4ème trimestre, Paris, France
1994, (with Sophie Martin, anthropologist) "Quand l'enfance fait mal - Liaisons entre événements de l'enfance et sensibilité des adultes aux maladies", Dialogue - Recherches cliniques et sociologiques sur le couple et la famille, n°124, 2ème trimestre, Paris, France
1994, (with Patrick Bantman and Sophie Martin), « Événements de la jeunesse, trajectoires de vie et troubles de l'existence à l'âge adulte », in Trajectoires sociales et inégalités, Éditions Érès, Toulouse, France
1994, "La santé des adultes dépend fortement du climat familial de leur enfance", in INSEE-Résultats n°345-346, Consommation - Modes de vie, n°67-68, Paris, France
1992, "Troubles de santé à l'âge adulte et difficultés familiales durant l'enfance", Population, 4, INED, Paris, France
1990, "Incidents de paiement et trajectoires personnelles des débiteurs", Revue d'économie financière, n° 4, Paris, France
1989, "Les rapports domestiques entre femmes et hommes s'enracinent dans le passé familial des conjoints", Population, n°3, INED, Paris, France
1988, "Je veux mais nous pouvons : création conjugale et renaissance du moi", Dialogue, n° 102, Paris, France
1988, "Activité féminine ou inactivité : la marque de la famille du conjoint", Économie et Statistique, n° 211, INSEE, Paris, France
1988, "L'activité professionnelle des mères a augmenté les chances de réussite de leurs enfants", Économie et Statistique, n° 211, INSEE, Paris, France
1988, "Trois modes d'organisation domestique selon deux normes familiales font six types de famille", Population, n° 6, INED, Paris, France
1988, "La famille et le chômage", in L'enfance et la famille : questions en suspens, ACTIF-IDEF, n° 142-3, Vaucresson, France
1987, "Trois logiques familiales à l'œuvre dans les trajectoires sociales", Annales de Vaucresson, n° 26, Vaucresson, France
1985, « Le pire est-il inéluctable? », in 1984 et les présents de l'univers informationnel, C.C.I., Paris, France
1985, "Autonomie et transformations des familles dans la crise", in L'autonomie sociale aujourd'hui, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
1984, "Activité professionnelle et stratégie familiale des femmes mariées", Travail et emploi, n° 22, Paris, France
1983, "Une famille, deux logiques, trois types d'organisation", Dialogue, n° 80, Paris, France
1982, "Mutation de la famille et travail des femmes", Spécial Issue of Revue Française des Affaires Sociales on "le travail des femmes", Paris, France
1980, "Les incidences des mutations de la famille sur les déterminants de l'activité économique : une hypothèse", Économie appliquée, n° 3 et 4, Paris, France
1980, (with Yves Lescot and Patrick Pharo), Les savoirs ouvriers, ACT, 164 p., Boulogne-Bilancoourt, France
1979, "Les mutations de la famille et les modes de reproduction de la force de travail", L'homme et la société, n° 51, Paris
1976, La science et le militaire, Seuil, 317 p., Paris
^"Incidents de paiement et trajectoires personnelles des débiteurs", Revue d'économie financière, n° 4, 1990, Paris and "Troubles de santé à l'âge adulte et difficultés familiales durant l'enfance", Population, 4, 1992, INED, Paris
^Problèmes de l'enfance, statut social et santé des adultes, IRDES, 1994, Paris
^"Recours aux soins des adultes et mode de gestion du risque", Économie et Prévision, N°129-130 (3-4), 1997, Paris
^cf. "A militarized European Union" in Europe in the world, book edited by Trevor Evans
^See European Summer UniversityArchived 2009-04-29 at the Wayback Machine"The workshop proposes some materials in order to analyse the present European defence policy. The analysis of the implications of the Treaty of Lisbon for the militarization of the European Union is done with reference to the story of Europe's militarization and to an analysis of the European Union's aim: to play a larger role on the international stage".