The Jordanian Northern Command (Arabic:المنطقة العسكرية الشمالية) is the Jordanian Armed Forces regional command responsible for the defense of the northern front against possible attack by Syria or Israel.
The Northern Command was formed in 1977 as part of a major reorganization of the Royal Jordanian Army. The Units that make up the command were transferred from the 12th Mechanized Division that was disbanded. Northern Command units are deployed from Ramtha through Umm Qays to the Zarqa River in a defensive posture that cover both Israel and Syria.
In 2000, King Abdullah II initiated a further re-organization and restructuring of the Jordanian Armed Forces, with the divisions being transformed into lighter, more mobile forces, based largely on a brigade structure and considered better capable of rapid reaction in emergencies.[1][2][3]
The 12th Mechanised Division was normally deployed facing west (towards Israel) and north (towards Syria) from the Zarqa river, around Umm Qais, to Ramtha. The western part of Jordan's frontier with Syria is a deep gorge along the Yarmuk River, but there is flatter ground further to the east where an attack could take place; Jordanian forces traditionally maintained a defensive posture along this sector.[3][4][5]
Jordanian forces have not been deployed in the Jordan Valley itself, where they would be vulnerable to Israeli air power and artillery. They were deployed on the heights above the valley in positions that enable them to obstruct any enemy movement up the routes to the central plateau leading to the main cities. There are a number of surfaced roads leading up to the top of the escarpment, about
800 to 1,200 m above the floor of the valley, but a well-entrenched force could ensure that any enemy advance up those roads could only be attempted at great cost.[3][5]