Bibliography of Russian author Leo Tolstoy
This is a list of works by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910), including his novels, novellas, short stories, fables and parables, plays, and nonfiction.
Landowner's Morning (Утро помещика , 1856)
Two Hussars (Два гусара , 1856)
Family Happiness (Семейное счастье , 1859)
Polikúshka (Поликушка , 1860)
Death of Ivan Ilyich (Смерть Ивана Ильича , 1882–1886)
Walk in the Light While There is Light (Ходите в свете, пока есть свет , 1888)
Kreutzer Sonata (Крейцерова соната , 1887–1889)
Devil (Дьявол , 1889, pub. 1911)
Master and Man (Хозяин и работник , 1895)
Father Sergius (Отец Сергий , 1890–1898)
The Forged Coupon (Фальшивый купон , 1902–1904)
Folk Tales, Fables and Parables[ edit ]
"What Men Live By " ("Чем люди живы", 1881)
"Where Love Is, God Is " ("Где любовь, там и бог", 1885)
"Two Brothers and Gold " (Два брата и золото) (1885)
"Neglected Fire Can't be Extinguished" (aka "Quench the Spark ") ("Упустишь огонь, не потушишь", 1885)
"Two Old Men " ("Два старика", 1885)
"Candle" ("Свечка", 1885)
"Tale of a Fool" (aka "Ivan the Fool ") ("Сказка об дураке", 1885)
"Three Hermits " ("Три Старца", 1885)
Stories for Lubki picture books (1885)
"How the Imp Earned the Crust " ("Как чертёнок краюшку выкупал", 1886)
"Croesus and Fate " (adaptation of the Greek legend) (1886)
"Françoise " (adaptation of a story by Guy de Maupassant) ("Франсуаза", 1891)[ b]
"The Coffee-House of Surat " (adaptation of a story by Bernardin de Saint-Pierre ) ("Суратская кофейная", 1893)
"Too Dear! " (adaption of a story by Guy de Maupassant) ("Дорого стоит", 1897)
"Poor People " (adaptation of a story by Victor Hugo) ("Бедные люди") (1905)
"Thief's Son" (adaptation of "Abused Before Christmas" by Nikolai Leskov ) (1906)
"Power of Childhood" (adaptation of Hugo's poem, "La guerre civile ") ("Сила детства", 1908, pub. 1912)
Stories for Children [ edit ]
From ABC (1872) and New ABC (1875) Textbooks[ edit ]
Additional Stories for Children [ edit ]
"A Christmas Night" ("Святочная ночь") (1853, pub. 1928)
"How Russian Soldiers Die" [ru ] ("Как умирают русские солдаты") (1854, pub. 1928)
"Uncle Zhdanov and Mr. Chernov" ("Дяденька Жданов и кавалер Чернов") (1854, pub. 1932)
"Idyll" [de ; it ] ("Идиллия") (1861–1862, pub. 1911)
"Tikhon and Melanya" (1862)
Novel set during the reign of Peter the Great (1870–1879) (fragments published as Peter the First , Prince Fyodor Shchetinin , and Hundred Years in 1936)
"The Decemberists" (Декабристы) (Planned 1863, written 1878–1879, fragments published 1884)[ c]
"Who is Right?" ("Кто прав?") (1891–1893, pub. 1911)
"Khodynka: An Incident of the Coronation of Nicholas II " ("Ходынка", 1898, published 1912)
"Memoirs of a Madman " (1884–1903)
"Posthumous Notes of the Hermit Fëdor Kuzmich " ("Посмертные записки старца Федора Кузьмича") (1905, published 1912)
"Father Vasily" [de ] ("Отец Василий") (1906, pub. 1911)
"There Are No Guilty People " (1909)
Why Do Men Intoxicate Themselves? (1890)
Christianity and Patriotism (1894)
The Christian Teaching (1895)
Patriotism and Government (1900)
The Slavery of Our Times (1900)
Need it Be So? (1900)
The Only Means (1901)
What Is Religion and What is its Essence? (1902)
Appeal to the Working People (1902)
Appeal to the Clergy (1902)
Bethink Yourselves! (1904)
A Great Iniquity (1905)
The End of the Age (1905)
The Meaning of the Russian Revolution (1907)
The Law of Love and the Law of Violence [ru ] (1908)
The Inevitable Revolution (1909)
Articles written for Tolstoy's Yasnaya Polyana journal on education (1861–1862)
"On Methods of Teaching the Rudiments"
"A Project of a General Plan for the Establishment of Popular Schools"
"Education and Culture"
"Are the Peasant Children to Learn to Write from Us?"
"The School at Yasnaya Polyana"
"Progress and the Definition of Education"
"On Popular Education" (1874)
"On the Moscow Census" (1882)
"Church and State " (1882)
"What is the Truth in Art?" (Introduction to a collection of stories, 1886)
"What a Christian May Do" (1887)
"The Holiday of Enlightenment of the 12th of January" (1889)
"Afterward to Kreutzer Sonata " (1890)
"On the Relation between the Sexes" (1890)
Articles on the Famine
"The Terrible Question" (1891)
"On the Methods of Aiding the People Who Have Suffered from the Failure of Crops" (1891)
"Among the Suffering (Report up to April 12, 1892)" (1892)
"Account of the Money Contributed from April 12 to July 27, 1892" (1892)
"Conclusion to Last Report on the Aid to the Starving" (1893)
"Non-Activity " (1893)
"The Persecution of Christians in Russia" (1895)
"God or Mammon?" (1895)
"Shame!" (1895)
Meaningless aspirations [Бессмысленные мечтания ] (1895)
"How to Read the Gospel and What is its Essence?" (1896)
"The Beginning of the End" (1897)
"Nobel's Bequest" (1897)
"Famine or No Famine?" (1898)
"Carthago Delenda Est " (1898)
"Two Wars" (1898)
"Where is the Way Out?: On the Condition of the Laboring Classes" (1900)
"Thou Shalt Not Kill " (1900)
"On Suicide" (1900)
"On the Street Riots" (1901)
"Reply to the Holy Synod's Decree of Excommunication" (1901)
"The Soldiers' Memento" (1901)
"The Officers' Memento" (1901)
"To the Tsar and His Associates" (1901)
"On Religious Toleration" (1902)
"The Crisis in Russia" (1905)
"Do Not Kill" (1906)
"Love Each Other" (1906)
I cannot be silent (1908)
"The Only Command" (1909)
"Three Days in the Village " ("Три дня в деревне", 1910)[ d]
"Singing In The Village " ("Песни на деревне", 1910)
"A Talk With A Wayfarer" ("Разговор с прохожим", 1910)
Letters and Correspondence [ edit ]
Among Tolstoy's countless letters and pieces of correspondence, the works below consist mostly of those that were published in Tolstoy's lifetime or shortly after his death.
Letter to a Revolutionist (1886)
Letter to N. N. Engelhard (1887)
Letter to a Kind Youth (1887)
"Manual Labor and Intellectual Activity": A Letter to a Frenchman, Romain Rolland (1888)
Letter to A.V. Vlasov (1889)
"On Non-Resistance to Evil" (1890)
Letter to Sofia Tolstaya on the Famine (1892)
Letters on Henry George (1893)
"Religion and Morality": A reply to questions from the German Ethical Society (1894)
"Replies to Critics"
Letter to the Editor of the Daily Chronicle (1895)
Letter to a Polish journalist, Marian Edmundovich (1895)
"Reason and Religion" (1895)
Correspondence with P. V. Verigin of the Dukhobors (1895–1896)
"Patriotism or Peace": A letter to Manson (1896)
"Non-Resistance": A letter to Ernest H. Crosby (1896)
Letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs and to the Minister of Justice (1896)
Letter to the Chief of the Irkutsk Disciplinary Battalion (1896)
"On the Deception of the Church" (1896)
"A Letter to the Liberals ": to Alexandra Kalmykov (1896)
Letter to Eugen Heinrich Schmitt (1896)
Letter to the Dukhobors in the Caucasus (1897)
"Three Phases of Life" (before 1899?)
"Concerning the Congress of Peace": A letter to certain Swedes (1899)
Letter to a Corporal (1899)
"The Commune and the World": A letter to D. A. Khilkov (1899)
Correspondence with the Dukhobors in Canada (1899–1900)
Letter to Tsar Nicholas II (1900)
Letters to Free Thought , a Bulgarian periodical (1901)
Letter to the Tolstoy Society of Manchester, England (1901)
Letter to an Orthodox Priest (1901)
Letter to a French Pastor (1901)
"On the Franco-Russian Alliance": A letter to Pietro Mazzini (1901)
Letter to the Orthodox Clergy (1903)
Letter to a Jew (1903)
A Letter to a Hindu , the editor of the magazine Free Hindustan (1908)
Correspondence with Gandhi (1909–1910)
Supplements to Works of Others [ edit ]
ABC (Азбука) (1872)[ edit ]
Source:[ 4]
Part 1. Alphabet and Phonics
Part 2. Reading (see Stories for Children )
Part 3. Texts in Old East Slavic
Part 4. Arithmetic
Part 1. Reading (see Stories for Children )
Part 2. Texts in Old East Slavic
Excerpts from Nestor's Primary Chronicle
Excerpts from Rostovsky's Chetya Minea
Excerpts from the Old and New Testaments
Part 3. Arithmetic
Part 1. Reading (see Stories for Children )
Part 2. Texts in Old East Slavic
Excerpts from Nestor's Primary Chronicle
Excerpts from the Old and New Testaments
Part 3. Arithmetic
Multiplication and Division
Part 1. Reading (see Stories for Children )
Part 2. Texts in Old East Slavic
Excerpts from Nestor's Primary Chronicle
Excerpts from Rostovsky's Chetya Minea
Excerpts from the Old and New Testaments
Part 3. Arithmetic
New ABC & Russian Books for Reading (1875)[ edit ]
Source:[ 5]
New ABC (Новая Азбука)[ edit ]
Combination of phonetic and grammatical instruction with many simple untitled stories and fables
Titled Stories (see Stories for Children )
Prayers in Old East Slavic
Russian Book for Reading (Русская Книга Для Чтения) (Volumes 1-4)[ edit ]
A collection of stories, most of which appeared in the four original ABC volumes.
^ A letter written with his wife to his wife's younger sister that is treated by critics as a short story.
^ An alteration of Guy de Maupassant's "Port".
^ Planned but abandoned sequel to War and Peace .
^ A non-fictional sketch.
Novels Novellas Short stories Plays Non-fiction Unfinished Family Life and legacy Honors Related