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Lieutenant (Canada)

From Wikipedia - Reading time: 7 min

Shoulder insignia
Left: Canadian Army
Right: Royal Canadian Air Force
Service branchCanadian Army
Royal Canadian Air Force
NATO rank codeOF-1(b)
Next higher rankCaptain or Lieutenant(N))
Next lower rankSecond lieutenant (Canada)
Equivalent ranksSub-lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Navy

Lieutenant[1] (Lt; French: Lieutenant, lt) is a Canadian Forces rank used by commissioned officers of the Canadian Army or Royal Canadian Air Force. Sub-lieutenant is the equivalent rank in the Royal Canadian Navy. Lieutenants and sub-lieutenants are equivalent to ranks with a NATO code of OF-1.[2]



The rank insignia of a lieutenant in the Canadian Army is two pips. In the Royal Canadian Air Force, the insignia is one 12-inch (13 mm) stripe with a 14-inch (6.4 mm) stripe above it. The rank insignia of a sub-lieutenant is a 14-inch (6.4 mm) stripe with one 12-inch (13 mm) stripe with the executive curl above it. On CADPAT and flying uniforms, the insignia is white on army slip-ons and dark blue on air force slip-ons.

Canadian Army

Canadian Army(1902–1920) Lieutenant
Canadian Army(1921–1953) Lieutenant
Canadian Army(1953–1968) Lieutenant
Mobile Command & Land Force Command(1968–2013)
Canadian Army(2013–2017)
Canadian Army(Present)

Royal Canadian Air Force

Royal Canadian Air Force(1924-1968)
Air Command(1968–1984)
Air Command(1984–2014)
Royal Canadian Air Force(2014-present)
Rank titles(1924-1968) Flying Officer (French: Lieutenant d’aviation)



The British pronunciation of the French word "lieutenant" (as "lef-tenant") is the official pronunciation as used by the Canadian Armed Forces, but the American pronunciation of "loo-tenant" (which is closer to the original French pronunciation) is sometimes heard outside of the military.


  1. ^ Defence, National (2017-11-23). "Military ranks". aem. Retrieved 2021-03-23.
  2. ^ Refer Ranks and insignia of NATO armies officers and Ranks and insignia of officers of NATO Navies and Ranks and insignia of officers in NATO air forces

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